East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 23, 1903, Image 2

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    I Hats
I Fall
All the Late
Shapes and
Main St
7 'i j
One Price Clothiers Furnishers J
mrl Hatters T
.limn Lohez. Hie leader il tin lnl'
attempt to lead 1 1"' people of South
eastern Culm Into ri'voll. lins been
'apt""""- . . !
0. T. Sherwood. delnultliiK caaliler
: cashier
nr tlm Kontlmort. Conn., .National'''
ures on money oidcrs. . ' J
Theie are 2.17U cotton Kins in the! Harry Sam. a Puyall.ip Indian, was
United Stales Seventeen thousand, found .lead near the Northern Pad-
live hundred and elghty-seven bales lie track at Puyulliip. l ues, ay He
w is he viehl this year. with last seen dninl;. coming lrom the
was th. Jleld l i h j th(i (venn M()n(la. .,
Voil;CUy"!noM!onro!:VC;. -l-Posed to have been struch by
iunoral expenses of Lord Salisbury i -i train.
;ire 9:1 III to have Deen
Two llioimniid-nille interehiiiigeih:"
mlleane books will -m 'do eSfect No-'
veniber t. Rood on nearly all the
Northwestern and Middle Stales rall-j
mads. I
Kolsom penitentiary. California.,
now the only unwalled and unfenced j
state's prison In the United Status,
'will be walled as soon as the litis-,
oners there can cut the stone.
Thomas K White, a Chelsea, Mass.. ,
mulatto. 'Jl years of tint;, Is pronounc- 1
t..i i.v ilw. dlrertor of nhvslcal culture
at Harvard to be the most perfectly
developed man physically In the
One bundled and ninety-six miles
of electric rallioad are ptojecteil from
Fresno, Cal by Henry K. Huntington
to lie built In two years. The com
pany to eairy It out Is capitalized at
A receiver has been appointed for
.Smith & Dossier, bookbinders of
New Yoik. The Issue Is a involu
tion of partnership because the em
ployes rotild not pet along with one
of tile firm.
.loneph llelser. ail lion worker, fell
SO feet off a building III New Yoik.
Monday. Two lingers were badly
hurt, and to convince his companion
that ho was otherwise uninjured, he
danced a Jig within in minutes after
tlie accident.
Students of Whitman College hung
a deserter in ufllgy on the college
campus. Tuesday evening.
The will or the l.tle 1). K. Warren,
of Astoria, was filed for probate
Tuesday, tlm amount of property
named being $250.nuo.
The Washington grain commission
ers estimate tlie ciop of that state
at IS.111111.OO11 bushels, or S.tMO.nOn
less (ban (list estimated.
Tlnen susimcted thieves are now in
Jail at Colfax, charged with coititu..
tlng wholesale burglary in Colfax
Mores during the past week,
Ownen Kame, an inmate 01 the
county hospital at llutte. commitled
suicide Tuesday, by Jumping lrom a
second-story window of the hospital.
Osborne (.oultcr of Nachotta
School Books
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 iimii m
School Tablets
'; School Supplies ,
No matter what the hov
'z u( 1:111 xccoa lot o?iU lit X
- .... xt 1.. i ...... u
( ?i.uuiii 11 wiiii ik: iuiiiiu .it iiur it
Jn' store Largust tablets "Jwith S
prettiest covers, at lowest
ifi prices.
and Caps fori
and Winter
If i
JOl(.SItIS01 J
k daley!
( lidlcton
Vah. put a large black boar to
HUM Tuesday by Melting It repeat
ed h in the sides, as It tried to attach
The largest nugget over found In
Alnal.n IV.MH II HSUr tlll'll Oil AllVH
,' ii, vnnip district, last veoV
ani, ,s W()rtl
,0 ,.,,. ,.,wi tu worth
Hotel Pendleton.
I. w. Morrow, Portland.
(. A. Cordon, .Minneapolis.
W. I!. Mncklln, Portland.
.1. L. W. nol.ong. Louisville.
.Ihr (!erlni(le Hammonds
Miss Ilugenla Ilnmniond, Walla
A. Dickinson and wife, Kansas
II. Lay, Seattle.
C. Haluy, city.
.1. Watt, I'ortland.
M. Means, Seattle.
T. Williams. San Francisco.
W. 11. Duff, Portland.
.1. .1. Kelly, Portland.
(!. O. Sellanil, Walla Walla.
W. Cameron, Spokane.
V Knox. Weston.
Theo. (.outsell, city.
John T. Whistler, city,
.lames Cain, Portland.
0. S. Yotingman, Pol Hand.
II, Coman, Portland
.1. A. ltolilnson, Spokane,
A. (1. Howard, Spokane.
William Henry, Portland.
Samuel Smith, Haines,
('eorge Vanderwell, Haines.
Golden Rule Hotel
Thompson. Portland.
A. (1
It. W. Case, Dale.
W. L. Smith. Ileppner.
Howard, Ileppner.
N. H. Itemlllard and wife. Walla
! Walla.
Theo. Itntlischllii Portland.
W. .1. Moore, Spokano.
A. J. Fletcher, Snohomish.
I!. II. Stoker, Spokane.
M lllx. city.
It. I., navls, Seattle.
W. II. Harris, Malheur.
It. II. Itudd, Seattle.
S. ('armor, Chinook,
(lay Clark and family. Athena.
B. Noble. La (irande.
M Noble.' La (Iriinili?.
(ieorge Peterson. La (Irande.
Hugh Crossan. llutte.
How's This?
We ofTer Dili' Iflllhll'ti ll.ill.ll Kenill'd
fur iiiiv 1 nun it (.titiifili Mint im i,At
, j i-uifii ny tuiii'H 1 nriirrn 1 mp.
I I'. .1.' IMlHNIiV CO.. T11I11I0, 1).
I V. t tie liiiik-rsliiiil. have known 1'. .1.
(t 1 ciumh'.v fur llii' hist in wars, ami lelliv
11 , 1 1 1 111 pprfcctly houiirtilii in all ImiIim-ms
inuimrlli'iiu ami IIii.uk hilly ahlo tii r.ii'i'v
tfiuut tiny ublliriilMi inadu liy lliclr lino,
WIMT A TltfAX, iWlmlfHih' Iirocjjlils,
' Tolt'chi I)
, W.M.IilXC. KINNA.N .1 MAItVI.V Wliolc
ah' iiiiIiIk. 'I'l.ldlii, t.
1 1 ill ft. I'alanh Cine Ih takw luteruullr.
(..I.llll.r ,lki.H.tl.. ,,,,,1, tt... 1.1 1 u.. 1
Mil-races of tho ijtlitt'm. ,Tstlmnnlals
sent free I'riiHj 75ir pi-r bottle. Sold In
all di-imiilstH
Hull's 1'aiiill.v I'HIk arc the best
Livestock at Walla Walla.
Secretary Caswell, of the Walla
Walla County Fair Association, has
been busy boidiliiK the fancy lhustoek
which will he shown in Walla Walla
during the wook of tho annual fall
fair. October 10-21, Some of the
busl stock In the Pacific Northwest
Is to be shown In Walla Walla and
It will Interest brooders In all parts
of the Inland Umpire to know where
5) 1 In addition, races
inej vmi gu 10 see uioi.0 une exniuils.
1 1 .in 1 I,. . .
take place
every afternoon. A trottliiR and pac
JiJjliiK harness event every atternoon.
0 with from two to three runnlnt;
t) ov.inlu In n.l.ll. (ni. 1), ........... ..... ....
() .....ll."... HOUIU'H ItllCS IJU
1111 runways tor tue week of the Walla
Wnlla county fair.
Program Arranged by frorcs.
Conklln Last Spring, Will Be car
ried Out This Week Pupils and
Patrons of Schools Will Exhibit
Flowers Prizes Will Be Given and
Program Rendered in Evening.
The teachers of the public schools
met vester.lay evening, after selio-il
dismissed, to arrange for the first
flower fete, to be held In the scnoois
of this city, on next Saturday after
noon and evening at Assembly Hall.
This unique and artistic Idea was
Introduced by Professor V.. H. Conk
lln when he distributed (lower seeds
mong h, pupils with the Intention
of making a .H.plny !' 'J1' ,m
the opening of school this J;
The women's club also distributed
llower seed, ami offered prizes f n
"he best display f eollectlons a I
individual (lowers, and t ho ento tal 11
ment next Saturday will be one or
,Te most attractive and artistic ever
given by .he public sehool
Asters were to Imvo bee e
reigning llower, but owing 0 tlie ad
vanced season, and the tact that
........ nr the most magnificent speci
mens of this llower are gone .there
will be an Indiscriminate
of every species of flower giowlim
In the city.
Prizes will be given for all Mile
lles, and (he teaehoM hope to have
tin. assistance of all the patrons 1
the sehool In making the event a suc
cess. Committee!) from the lilgn
school will assist the teachers, and
the llterao and musical ptograni will
be highly entertaining.
The atternoon will be devoted to
the entertainment of the lower
grades and the oonlng meeting will
he in the nature of a public reception
to which everyone Is invited. Hie
high school orchestra will lurnlsh
the music, and a selected literary
program will be rendered
The following committees lrom ti
high school and public school teach
ets have been named to have charge
of tlie event:
(ieneral decoration Miss Mar
miner. Miss Itozone Kpple. Miss
Patsy .Murphy. -Miss l.orelta Starr.
Itoy Conklln and a committee or
high school pupils.
Program Miss Jessie Shepherd.
Itoy Conklln. and committee from the
high school.
General care of flowers Miss
Wills, Miss Wood, Miss Froome. Miss
Itlla liowland. -Miss uarrie r.pine.
Miss Marple. Mr. Helming. .Miss Kflle
Smith, assisted by committee from
tlie high school.
(ieneral committee l.e .iasieis.
Miss Agnes Shepherd, Mrs Uinear
mu 1 in-iiMifidter. .Miss l.ucre-
tla Conklln and committee from the
high school.
On sale of flowers Miss Scott.
Miss Gertrude Sherldun. Miss 13va
Turner. Miss liertlm Alexander. -Miss
.Mabel Iteynohls. Miss Helen Cran
ston. On reception -Miss Lane, .Miss Jes
sie Shepherd. -Miss Wood. -Miss CouU
lit). .Miss Ilaum. .Miss Rwan and com
mittee from the high school.
The patrons and friends of the
schools are kindly requested to bring
their flowers and assist in making
this a regular event in the public
schools, heroalter. The teachers,
women's clubs and friends have made
an excellent start, In the direction of
cultivating domestic pride and home
beautltylng. among the pupils, and
It Is the desllo to continue the work
lrom year to year until the flower
leto will be an annual event in the
schools. It Is the Intention of the
teachers to otter a handsome prize
next year to the best-kept lawn and
flowers, kept by a pupil of tin- public
No admission will be charged for
the entertainment, and all are cordl
nllv Invited to attend and lend en
I'oiirageinent to the pupils and teach
ers 111 tneir laixn 01 an ami civu
Work Has Begun at the Corner of
Webb and Cottonwood.
ltndolnh Miirtin Iihk set men lo
work to clear away the wreckage on
nis lot on the corner ot woim nnu
tollonwood streets, and will in th.
Immediate futuie start on the erec
ti.in nf n hrict.' ltl..l.' tl.pl-. i
The ImlldlnK will bo GdxWi feet and
will have two stories. It will be
modern In every way, and one of the
I...KI hl..cl.-e 1 Ti tin. r.llv Tlu. mil
tract for tho wotk has not yet hee:i
lot, but it is hoped by the owner that
the place will bo ready lor oceupan
cy Inside of two months.
County Seat Hearing,
Salem, Sept. -'3. The county Beat
removal ease trom Union county la
ueniK artiueu in 1110 supremo court
Inilnv 'C II r.t'iifi,.,1 ,,...1 A r
. ii. .111.1 jt
Cochran appear for the city of Union
ami u, 11. f inn, w. w. cotton and
Sam White for La Grande.
.Most fishermen on the l'lench
coast avoid Knlii; to sen on the first
two days of November, owing to tho
superstitious fear of the "death
wind" and belief that drowned fish
ermen at that time rise and capsize
Fearful Odds Against Him.
Hed-rl.ldon, alono and tef:
Such In brief was the contll lo or
an old soldier by name ot J. J.
I s Versailles, O. For years lie
was troubled with kidney disease and
ther doctors nor me. llclnos gave
him relief. At length bo trie. Elec
trie nitters. It put Mm on li s cot
! short order and now he, testllies.
"I'm on tho road to comple to recov
n v ' Hest on earth for Iver an.
kidney troubles and all forms o
stomach and bowel complaints . On
y 50c. Guaranteed by Tnllinnn &
Co.. druggists.
Notice to Patrons.
Having rented tho retail depart
ment of my butcher business to Mr.
A n. Augustavo, an experloncei.
. . .. . i.rll '..llf, r mvsolf will
uutener ui .ui " .,.
conduct the wholesalo part of said
i.nslness and a persons i.m..r.
Umwlvo. ln.loblo.l to me will please
call at the market ami sett e their ae,
counts. Mr. Augustavo also ilMlres
to announce that the business w 1 be
conducted as It has been and al pat
rons of the market will receive the
same courteous treatment at hereto-
,nre- lirntiv nnnsElt.
,0 i
Kodol Gives Strength.
.... 1.11.. !i. iiiBestlve ocean
dlxest, nssimllute and trauslorm ALL
of the wholesome fooo imu w.u
eaten Into tho kind of blood thai ,
nourishes the nerves, teeds the tis-,
sues, hardens the muscles and lecitp-.
erntos the organs of the entire body
Kodol Dvspepsla Cun cures indiges
tion, dvspupsiu. catarrh of the stom-1
ach and all stomach disorders, son
by Tollman & Co. I
Don't undo the Rood our vacation (
has done vou by drinkins poor water,
or putting Inferior ice into the boil-1
ed water. Ten cents north of ice pei
dav will supply an ordinary iamn
with plenty of drinking wuU'r. He
sure, though, that you get good ice
Call up 'phone Main 1SS1 and get
pure distilled water ice from the
ltnss Ice Plant.
More Evidence of Trlb's Good Work.
liaker City. Or.. Sepl !. tao.i '
was a cunstnnt User ol both MimUing
and chewing tobacco for H. year.- I
tool; a ireatment of Tltlll uliont threi
months ago and can Indorse li as- a
cure. Sincerely yours.
N. If. STAKlllUD
TUII! i" tlie world s greatest run
for the Liquor and Tobauo Halm
Sold bv all druggists. W (' ('ii'b i
& Co., distributors, liaker City Or
floods that me right at prices that
tie right at ltader's furniture store
When You Order
you are w of two tiling-
1st. Muicait't trei as i'oiki ior
1.. till. II. IV
J liinl Vou can't get better at
t any price.
Low price is an argument no
t real salesman eaie to ne.
It is the best evidence that his
jood.- ate we.tl. 011 iimllty anil
I quality is remembered Ions nfler
I price f- fortrotten
j The (iiallty of our brand give
t us thebiprest bi-cuit business on
I theenast.
1 1 will do as much for you.
S'andard Grocery Co.
Not In any Trust 216 Court strwt
Come to us for
Your Stoves
Large Stoves
Small Stoves
Round Stoves
Heating Stoves
Cook Stoves
Air Tight Stoves
Wood Stoves
and Coal Stoves
l.arjrv assortment air tinht Stove
$3.00 to $13.00
We will make it worth vuur while
if ou will call anil iusivci our stock
and get our price.
V. S 1 1 o b I e
Complete House Furnisher
Court Street
the moat dreaded anil deadly of all
Hlaattuna na limit n - .v.. 1 -
all Iimg Troubles aro rolloved at
nnrn nn,1 ....aJ I... .... i , .
Itemedy "the Wag of all Cough Cures.'-
1U..511S uiiii cuius in a uay,
cents. Your money back if Ulssatis
led. Write for free sample. W, H.
looker & Cn. niifTnln NT V
. .... win, Hon Ribbons.
vl ,, re.llcted tho Salem hop went
wa b imMvallowedWhen he saw
1 'ti!o,s ars.
cxhUor!'! K
rH"o"n nd fo r V.1B get under
1uontiis' old; boar any nge sweep.
stakes; and also for the heal boar nun
MoUl Tea positively cures Sick
nffiUf" Turin""
Hon. A .lellBl.tf..l lior b Atl Ho
moves all nruptlo.iB of tho skin, , pro
duclns a perfect complexion or noncy
refunded. 25c and DOc. W tUo to
Over lOii.ntin cases of trachoma an
eve disease, have been "'i'""" "
N,uv York City. moBtly "'"B ,f
children, and the board of heal h II
...,tabllsh a separate hospital fot its
T a m a r a c k
INnsesses nil tlie soothing
ami hvnlliiB virtues of our
native while pine com
bined In n palatable form.
It is unexcelled for
?5 and 50 CL-nts
i er linttle
F. W. Schmidt's
The lloliiiblu DrtiBgisiS
IMtlDftice Illutk
rhune Main S51
Carryalls for picnic parties. Good
teams with competent drivers, for
1 commercial men. Speedy horses and
' liftiiili...... rhre I'.ir nvn.ilntr mid nn
day drives. Gentle horses for family
use. Stock boarded ut reasonable
rates. Dust of care nlven to transient
stock. Opposite Hotel J'emlleton.
'Phone Main 101,
Oregon. Portland.
Saint Helen's Hall
Home and Day School for
Hirls of all ages Academic
and College Preparatory courses
us well as thorough Primary
instruction. Ideal situation on
Hie outskirts of city of Port,
laud HtiMtet ,ai. tunnls,
horseback filling Year hook
sent on application
11 mum
Made of felt, thor
oughly saturated with
P&B compound. Not
impaired by varying
temperatures. Does
not evaporate, crack,
expand or contract.
A low priced roofing that can
not be cqU4led. iU lor booklet-
The Paraffinc Paint Co.
5 San Francisco. Seattle.
Portland, Lot Angclci'
aim uenver, uoioraao.
1 ttQmppppi
Is back at his
and in charge of h;."
f inn-ipn I...-!- 1
truaranten .1..'. '
Prompt delivery.'
A ii
skilled workmcail
to the appearand!
tenor or cMcrit
liome, business
other buildings, i
only skilled pad
only the best mad
Our paper hatsl
ports and our :
paper the new!
bright ideas olil
shown in oursttl
We are f
ttact M
hver coall
part of it'l
I Main Street
I" Kir
1 M
neit meniwiJ
In mi 1
.Us lUi I,
Tic Caiy
4 Upera H.B
. TelepliocB
llvvll vi II I
Jchmldt & Co.
1 r.Trir.1 rT"rTTrarniii . .