East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 23, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
ol mulneii oj
Tonight tnorotialiiir cloudiness
J 5c A WJiEA.
Thursday showera; cooler.
NO. 4852.
i Shaw Will Renew
n I- AUisili
htr DOIIUo yvimwi
nds Amounting to Four
d Eighty Million Dol
Held at the Treasury
It Due Five Per Cents
ired by Substitution.
Sopt 23 Secretary
tea the statement that
scarcity of 2 per cent
lor circulation and as
bvornmunt deposits, lie
muling bonds now duo
$20,000,000, in accord-
previous circular.
Ussuo of $517,000,000 In
treasurer already lie-ids
and deposit $180,000,-
ks he will icmIcoiii the
lis maturity; Feh.'i'nry
I interest thoroon o
rial Instructions will
sub-treasuries todav.
had on lllo with
0 days or more 5
Icurity for imldl? d
crmlttcd as n substl-
state or municipal
rent of par value.
Missouri Robbers
to Kansas.
Sept. 23. Daylight
lerial clues to tho
ho perpctratoj laid
lalning cloetrk light
pnd In tlip weeds.
fcd away thinking It
The safe was to
cleaned out. The
Still maintitln noth-stolen.
Is offered a reward
sources claim tho
nrly $10,000.
a .wagon conven-
po haul away tho
(across the river in
ded bottom.
able Fire,
PPt. 23. Ilvmor's
lablo burned this
horses and many
rero mimed, t.oss
arwell Died.
irwell died early
homo at Lake
Mss of two years.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company B. E. Kennedy, Lo
cal Manager.
Chicago, Sept. 23. Fair weather In
Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebras
ka nnd Kansas has had a good effect
on the corn crop. Light frosts arc
predicted for Thursday night. Mar
ket 1h still feverish, depending en
tirely on tho crop outlook,
Dec May
80 &
Chic?go Wheat.
Chicago, Sept. 23. Wheat opened
nt 78'.., closed at 78.
... 47M
... 47&
Sept. 23.
... 77
... 79
Valuable Discovery Thought to Have
Been Made Near Lostine.
Joseph, Or., Sept. 23. H. N. AV11
Hams, one of Wallowa county's com
missioners mid who owns a flno farm
near Lostine, has for somo tlmo had
scientific mon at work Investigating
n peculiar rock which ho first dis
covered on his place about three
years ugu. u is now Claimed mat tho rnnvenHnn tlU m,,ml ,v
these KclontlRtH h:ivn estnlillKlmfl thn . b - "
juiiiy rupuri oi mo creuenuais com-
Convention at Kansas City
Still Fighting Over the Con
vict Delegate.
Pros and Cons of the Listing
of 0. R. & N. Property Be
ing Heard.
Typographical Union's Grievance
Case From Washington Will Not
Be Considered The Assembled
Unionists Have it In for the Kan
sas City paper Which Calls Them
Kansas City, Sept, 23. The Parks
case wns thrown into the hands of
fact that it Is the oie whirl, rmilninKi
a new snbBtaneo called uranium, muiee, wno saui it had been unable
Uranium Is n substance that has been to decide
causing no little excitement among I Tho credentials committee report
unlnntlata na tt nnnfainci ni-nniM-l Inn I
which enables It to throw off rays of,6" 11 the suspension of mo
light more powerful than tho X-rav. ' lse"' Yol'l Union Bridge and Iron
It has been found In only two other , Workers unconstitutional because
places In the world, and If ho sub-1 the testimony on which tho net wax
stance tounu on Mr. Williams place nased is lnsumcient.
lie Indeed uranium, he has made a When the convention opened In ox
valuable discovery. , ecutlve session all the contested del-
egatos, policemen nnd reporters were
Turkish Troops Will Bo Concentrat
ed on Bulgarian Frontier.
Bucharest. Sept. 23. Dispatches
received hero this morning stale that
reports abput the anti-.lewlsh riots
at Gomel, Russia, were exaggerated,
excluded. Parks and his delegates
profess to he perfectly satisfied to
leave their case with the judgment
of the convention.
It Is not likely the convention will
consider Roosevelt's refusal to dis
miss Miller.
The most intense ill-feeling exists
among the visitors against Kansas-
one uoing Kineu. ine r.ois were, c , ,t Localise one local
however, serious, many Jews being .;.,. n, ,nnrnin nl.ii
beaten und tortured until crippled , nQ ,i.... u.o ,v,
for llfo. Tho Russian government ,' ..i mui, n,,, ..,.. ...
shows a cold Indifference. - ,... .,;.. ,.',.,,., ihm? ii,m
A Constantinople dispatch says the,-,,,.,, , ,:, ,,,, ,,,. .,,..'
Turkish mlnlstor of war has directed ' '
that the Monastlr troops be trans
ported to Adrlnnoplo for concentra
tion on the Bulgarian frontier, with
orders to assume the offensive If nec
Drawn From Dlf.
Pf County.
Ithe circuit court
w or tno coming
E! itsmar uvnlre
Mm woro drawn
roiy cierk. Tho
hu wui serve on
i arc;
ner. Valh.v. it
' H. Ilrown'
inrv '
Ban eh fn-
... uaic, far.
afa. farmo
leather. 8tock:
"', larmcr
' Kuttcr. .,.'
Is, farmer, East
r""J. miner.
?rfnn. farmr
SchO; Genr
iwood: a f,
H. MUm;
O. C. Tnr,n
Tweedy, fRrm:
Mlowav fr
F; 'armor, Tn.
'teiixj t.
Civil Courts Backed by State Troops
in Colorado.
Cripple Creek, Sept. 23. The hab
eas corpus hearing was resumed this
morning, with 2"u militiamen post
ed around the court witii a gatling
gun, guarding the door and tho court
room filled with soldiers with hayo
nettcd rllles. The attorney-general
nrotosted airalnst the presence and
lsh authorities have distributed arms ! belmr offered no relief, packed his
to tho Mohammedans, declaring tho i books and left. Tho counsel for the
sultan has been given authority hy 1 military men resumed their argil
tho powers to exterminate all the nient to 'quash the writ for habeas
Bulgarians If they so choose. i corpus.
Fifty villages hove already been ) yu, arguments closed tills after
destroyed. At Uvkarion tho Moham-1 ,, Iin( tho court will render a de
motions pillaged tho Greek church, ! t.Hon tomorrow afternoon. Tho im
Renewal of Barbarities Against the
Russian Jews.
Vienna. Sept. 23. Die Zoitz Klr-
kllllssa correspondent says tho Turk-'
Mr. Watt Puts Up a Very Skillful
Plea In Favor of a Lower Valua
tion Speaks From the Standpoint
of a Farmer and Private Citizen
Hearing Continued Till Tomorrow.
and drunken soldiers paraded the
streets, clad in priestly vestments.
Scores of women nnd girls wero car
ried to tho Turkish camps, whe.-o
thoso who still survlvo aro held In a
horrible state of bestial captivity.
presslon is It will order the velense
of tho mon from the bull pen. Judge
Seeds this morning said tho governor
undoubtedly did wrong in rushing
troops into the district.
Resorted to the Razoi When
Keeley Cure Failed.
Chicago, Sept, 23. William Davis,
contracting ngont for tho United
States PIpo & Steel Company, suicid
ed with a razor this. morning became
ho failed to be cured of tho liquor
habit. Ho recontly rotumed from
Dwlght. whoro ho took the Keeley
Engineer Was Blown Two Hundred
Feet Other Men Were Sericitly
Injured Accident Occurred In a
Quarry Near San Francisco.
San Francisco, Sept. 23. John
Rannler, an ongtnecr, was killed, and
six were Injured by a boilor explo
sion at the UIJou quarry at Ocean
Vlow al It this morning. Tho cnusi
f tho accident was lack of water -n
the boilor. Tho engineer, who war.
standing alongsldo, was ihrown 200
feet. BIJou, son of tho ownor, was
seriously hurt. Other men,' though
lulto a distance away, wero seriously
Miners of Utah, Wyoming, New Mex
ico and Colorado Called Out.
Pueblo, Col,, Sept. 23. Tho annual
convention of the United Miners, con
vened this morning, n month earlier
than scheduled. The purpose Is to
call a strike of all tho miners In the
district, which comprises Utah, Wy
omlng. Now Mexico and Colorado,
because the operators ignore tho dc.
mand for an eight-hour day and an
increased and equitable weight sys
Twenty-fivo thousand miners are In
the district, all of whom are expected
to strike October 10.
But This Yardman Is Also an Ignor.
ant Brute.
Colton, Cal., Sopt. 23. Kditor Mc
Klo, of tho Chronicle, was badly
boaten by a yardman of tho Southern
Pacific. Tho editor In his paper said
all men aro animals. Tho yardman
wanted a retraction. Tho editor
tried to explain, but wus kicked and
beaten and seriously hurt.
Tills afternoon wus the tlmo set
by thn county court for the hearing
of the cas(. of Hie O. It. & N against
tlie assessment of Air. Strain. When
the time lor the ease came the room
of the clerk was crowded with men
c-oino to hear the arguments of those
who have me matter In hand. A. S.
Watt nnd J. W. Morrow represented
the company, and C. I'. Strain defend
ed his slue of the question.
All the People Concerned.
Mr. Watt, at tno request of Mr.
Morrow, opened the discussion for
the company. He said in part:
"This is no small matter, but one
of Interest, not only to the company,
but to the county und the people as
well. It is not my purpose, there
lore, to debate, but to talk ovor tho
mutter with you. calmly ami dispas
sionately, attempting to decide what
is the best tiling to be done.
For many years I have been an
employe of this road, but 1 am no
longer one. Yet, moved by the In
terest J have lor the company and
for the good of the country, 1 am here
to talk this matter over. 1 nave the
Interest of the company at heart, and
through that the interest of the
country. I have been a farmer for
many years nnd am therefore ono
who looks to the gooil of the state,
for I have Interests In It.
"In every enterprise there must be
some man or men who will take the
energy and secure and direct it. The
difference between the savage and
the man of civilization. Is thut one
wastes the energy he possesses,
while the other stores it. The rail
road Is tho saver and the conserve!
of the energy of other men. It Is the
energy of men directed in a way tnat
conduces to the good of the people.
Directors of Energy.
".Some people seem to think that
one who directs the energy of other
men Is a detriment to the communi
ty, but that Is a mistake. The man
who directs the energy of other mcu
Is a good to those men. No man can
do much by his unaided efforts. He
must have help to accomplish great
"In 1847 it took me four weeks to
travel from hero to Portland. Now
I enn leave Portland at 8: IB p. ni
and reach here before r, tho next
morning. That Is tho result of tho
coming of the railroad; tho direction
of tho energy of men by men.
"In 1882. when I came hero to ar
range for tho right of way for this
road, tho staco fare from hero to
Walla Walla was 14 cents a mile, and
the wheat of the country was cbarg.
ed tC a hundred from Wallula to
Portland, which had to bo added to
the cost of hauling from tho fields to
tho boat. And most of tho time tne
grain would lay on tho banks of the
river till spring, before It could be
hauled. Now It Is different. Since
the coming of tho road tho freights
have been decreased from year to
year. Threo years ago the freight
rate was 93.50 from hero to Portland,
and It was cut 10 por cent, making
a reduction of freight rates In the
county alone of $35,000. The farm'
ers get the benefit of this. This
year they aro ahead, for with tho high
prices of tho wheat they make as
much as with a full crop, and tho
road loses, for tho reason that It has
not so much to haul.
Community of Interests.
"Between the road and county
Baker City, Sept. 23. Intent on
lynching citizens aro searching for
a saloon-keepor named Charles Ri
ser, accused of rape yesterday on
.Mabel McCauley. the 12-year-old
daughter of a Durkeo hotel-keeper.
Tho girl Is In a critical condition and
ma ynot live.
there Is a community of Interests,
Villard got tho road built owing to
tho help of tho people of the county.
Tho favors of a community enable
tho road to expand, nnd tho animus
in the nilnils of a place check the
growth. If the people re kindly to
the road tlie purso or tno capitalist
is open for expansion nnd improve
ment; If the people look with disfa
vor on an cntorpnso tho purse
strings aro drawn tight. Taxation Is
tho evidence of tho feeling of the
country for tho corporation.
"Strain Is a man of no moro powjr
than another man. Ho Is entrusted
with tho assessment, and to his Judg
ment is entrusted tho valuation oi
tho property of his neighbors. It ho
errs It is an error in Judgment, nnd
his statement Is not final. Ills judg
ment governs tho case until it is
tnken before tho court for adjust
ment, and then tho matter rests with
the judgment of the court.
"The affairs of tho county nro en
trusted to the Judgment of tho court,
and it Is expected that they will be
disposed of in a mnnner that will
benefit the peoplo of tho county, and
for tho best Interests of nil. In this
case that judgment may bo narrow,
or It may bo broad, looking to the
ultimate good of the county.
Mutual Dependence.
"The road looks to other men for
tho money for its expansion, and the
rotirt governs that growth. The O.
H. & N. is tho road of tho county,
and it has made tho county great.
If it were not for t he road wheat
would bo unmarketable, and Pendle
ton would have no excuse for growth
or expansion. The road depends on
the county, nnd the county on tho
"Tho better tho condition of tho
road the lower tho rates, nnd tho
more saving for tho public. Tho car
dinal principles of tho road Is, 'It I
better to get small profits out of n
large business than to get largo
profits out of a small business.' This
I sa good maxim. The road wants
to expand and grow, but the pcoplu
must not chill that growth by an un
favorable and unjust taxation."
Mr. Morrow Will Follow.
Mr. Watt's remarks wore tho ex
pressions of an experienced nnd able
man, having a wide acquaintance
with men and affairs. He mado no
effort at oratory, but stated his side
of the case, sitting In a chair, talk
ing In a familiar tone of voice, and
interspersing his argument with
stories which brought smiles to tlie
studious faces of tho couit and oven
Assessor Strain.
Mr. Morrow will supplement tho
remarks of Mr. Watt with arguments
for tho company, and while Mr.
Strain lias his argument prepared, It
is evident that he will answer direct
ly many of tho points mado by Mr.
Watts, as all the main arguments of
Mr. Watts have been carefully noted
for reference.
At 4 o'clock Mr. Watt Is still talk
lug to tho court, and It is not likely
that ho wll finish tonight.
One of the most noticeable features
of Mr. Watt's talk is that ho gives
Mr. Strain great credit for being a
student of his business, and for ex
ercising his Judgment in discharging
the trust imposed In turn by tho pco
Mr. Watt does not say what he
valuation shall be. Ho says ho does
not know what tho value Is. The
property of the company Is bound up
In stocks and bonds which fluctuate
In value, and in various kinds of
property which it would bo impossl
ble to name a true value for.
One thing for which ho contends
Is uniformity of valuo, throughout
the state, In order that Justice bo
done to the company at every point.
Tho valuation fixed In other counties
Is $0,!00 per mile, and whllo ho has
not asked for a reduction to this
basis in Umatilla county, he suggests
by inference that uniformity would
mean practically this reduction,
Located in the Eastern Ex
tremity of tho City, Near
the Waterworks.
Collision Within a Mile of Where
Islander Was Wrecked a Year Ago
Must Be Repaired to Continue
Juneau, Alaska, Sept, 23, The ca-
bio ship llurnsldo, laden with 600
miles of Alaskan cable, arrived hero
last night after a narrow escape from
being a total wreck by an Iceberg off
Admiralty Island. She struck tho
Iceberg head on during a fog. Her
plates were badly bent.
She came here under her own
steam. She will havo to bo repaired
here before laying tho cable. Tho ac
cident occurred within a mile of
where tho Islander was totally wreck
ed by an Iceberg a year ago.
Water Commission and City Will "Go
Halvers" on the Expense Meas.
ures Taken to Portect the Intake
Pipes From Pollution The Elec
tric Company's Official Name Is
The city council met last night ..
tho usual time for the transaction of
business, There wore tin oe things
that needed attention, anil as soon
as these were; out of tho way, tho
council adjourned. Thu first thing
brought before tho notice of tho body
was the licensing of tho Shields' Park
show. This matter had been turned
over to tho committee nt tho lust
meeting, and they ndvlsed that a li
cense ho given tlie management of
tho show to extend to October 17
For this thu money had already been
paid. The council Instructed tho re
corder to Issue the license.
Protect the Intake.
For some tlmo It has been thought
by thoso In charge of tho water sup
ply of thu city and by others who
havo given tho matte.r thought, thnt
there should bo some protection to
the city at tlie head of thu Intuko
pipes. As It is now, the placo whoro
they end Is open ground, and It Is tho
desire of the city to take measures
to protect them from possible con
tamination. With this end In view,
tho city last night directed (1. A.
Hartman to examine Into thn title
of lots 1, 2. nnd 3 and 12, 13 nnd 11
in block int. and all of block 165, to
gether with a lot which is the prop
erty of V. Strohlo In tho same vicin
ity. For a City Park.
Tho larger tract of land Is tho
property of .Mrs. Jesse Vert, and Is
vnlued nt $1,500. It Is thu Intention
of tho water commission to pay for
half of tho hind, and tho city to seo
that the other half Is provided for.
Tho land so obtained will ho mado
into a park lor the use of tho public,
Tho lun ills clohe to the levee .lejoiul
tho pump house, and Is mostly
gravel, hut with somo care can bo
fixed up and made Into a very pleas
ant place for parties wishing for
shade and a place to go during tho
hot days ot the summer for part of
tho tract Is covered with grass and
all will be easily planted, ns there is
an abundance id' water closo to tho
surface of the giound.
Tho council passed tlie ordinance
Introduced by Dr. Vincent nt thn last
meeting, providing for the change in
tho namo or the Pendleton Klcvtrlc
Ught K-. Power Company, to that of
tho Northwest Gas k Hleclrli: 'om
pany. The council then adjourned.
SUE FOR $115.43.
Plaintiffs Allege a Debt for Merch.
andlse on Account.
Donah! McDonald and Hurry Conn,
under the firm name or .McDonald &
Cohn, havo filed suit In the circuit
curl HL'nlnst C. II. Wulters for tho
recovery of money duo on an account.
The plaintiffs allege that tho defend
ant bought merchandise of them dur
ing thu month of January, 1903, and
that ho has since failed and refused
to pay for tho same. They ask for
nr. ii ulih Interest from January
27, 1803, at fi per cent, together with
the costs and disbursements of tho-
Partly Due to Registration Making
the Poll Tax Fall Due.
So far there have been 10C men of
tho city cah at the office of the re
corder for tho purpose of registering
for the coming election. As there
aro 1,600 estimated voters in tho
city, it will be scon that tho progress
of the registration Is slow. This Is
partly due to tho fact that all ot
thoso who register havo to pay their
poll tax, and this Is not what some of
themenjrjj. jwiahliic Ja-jIo n