East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 22, 1903, Image 8

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That have the wearing
quality anil give perfect
and comfortable llts are
the kind we handle.
Our special shoes for
boys wiar like Iron.
Dmdingef, Wil
son & Co.
SnLL HETIKfc mum rrtmviinu.
$ L Smith Will Continue In the Har
vester and General Implement
MB. I Smith, dealer In Holt combln-
harvesters, on uouri sireei, huh
cliled to retire from the farming
slness and Is now disposing of his
rm machinery and iivusiuck. uhu
11 soon offer for sale 30 head oi
e tacks.
Mr. Smith will retain his land and
lease It. Ho will also purchase
. .. - ma a . a r-B 1 I )
i ... i omMi wur wcii con- iiiT nnu iiiii i
may uu ...u -- nil n I I INK 101 1 I I
AT 2:30 O'CLOCK A.
Croom Was From Spokane and Bride
From Weston Parental Objection
Was the Reason for the Clandestine
Ceremony Forgiveness Is Predicted.
i4'dlt!onal land. Ho will continue to
'indlo harvesters and extras for farm
Solu Mortgaged Property.
John Fordler was arrested yestcr-
y afternoon for selling seven
Ives upon which Charles Cunning
m, of this city, had a mortgage.
lo cattle were tho property of For
ir, but ho had mortgaged them to
nnlngliani. and beforo satisfying
a mortgage ho sold tho stock and
cot to kIvo the amount of the
urtgage to the man that held the
per. His arrest followed, and no
11 bo given his hearing as soon as
'e district attorney has time to tako
e case.
First ..nnual Shoot.
rriio Daker C'uy Hod and Gun Cluu
m Its first annual shoot at that
Ly yesterday. A largo crowd of
Cistern Oregon sportsmen was In at-
ndance. Roy McDanlel made the
st score, getting 50 bluerocks out
a posslblo 6J
& The Merchants' Cafe.
QwlKeeps constantly on hand import'
lleberv trst. Frankforters, Ham'
rg cols, crawfish, crabs, oysters,
kinds of clieoso. Hot merchants
tfjch dally from 11:30 a. m, to 2 p, m.
rTTTT'f'I'T'l I T
Who Is It that does not ap
pelate a sweet, delicate odor,
especially of the dainty, last
ing kind? Wo have tho largest
line of Imported and domestic
perfumes In Eastern Oregon.
A few of our leading Imported
odors are:
Azurea, La Trefle,
Peau d' Etpagne,
Violette de Parme,
Indian Hay.
And many more of the same
quality In bulk as well as In
fancy packages.
Late last night (leorge Conger, of
Weston, accompanied by Ileuuen
Hlcronymous, of Spokane, and Miss
Edna M. Itandnll, a 1'J-ycar-old girl
of Weston, camo Into the city and
after putting the team In the livery
stable, commenced search for the
county clerk. Shortly after 1 o'clock
that official was found sweetly sleep
ing at his room, and after a little
IHjrsuaslon, went with tho trio to the
clerk's office, where ho made out tho
necessary papers permitting tho two
young people to bo married.
After the license had been Issued
Air. Chamberlain very obligingly took
tho party to tho residence of Justlco
of tho Peace Thomas Fltz Gerald.
Hero they had some difficulty in get
ting tho judge to awaken, and during
tho time that ho was dressing, tho
visitors were nervous; but once In
side the house they became calm and
asked that they be united In the holy
bonds without delay.
Mr. Fltz Gerald complied with the
request, mid by 2:45 a, m Miss Ran
dall had plighted her troth with tho
man from Spokane, and tho couple
were pronounced man and wife.
It Is understood that there is a rty
manco back of the unusual methods
adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Hlerony
mniis to become one. There are ru
mors of an irato father who would
not give his consent to tho marriage
of his daughter, and of n disinclina
tion on the part of the young people
to abide by the commands of the pa
rent. He that as It may, tho bride
and groom left this morning to make
their peace with tho old folks and
claim their blessing. It Is also said
that when they como back In fear
and trembling to Weston they will
ho welcomed kindly and iorgiven,
for .Mr. and Mrs. Randall were not so
opposed to tho union as the ytun
people thought. Hut whether tho
trouble was real or assumed, tho
wedding was romantic, and the rest
of the clerk and justice was broken
by the nervous anxiety of the prin
--I..-. i ..,11 rtvpoiiieil.
ceivuu mm - , ,, ,
The choruses were spirited and
-i i,. ,minif1. "Dear Old ColIef,o
Days" and "Cupid Does Not Marry."
being encored by the W b'1Ip;, . ! STATES HIS
and most of the song specialties be- EX-MAYOR states mo
Ins recalled. , ,, POSITION ON ISSUES
The costumes were elegant, the;
-v,..i-ni nrmtiirnment unique mm
UlULllH-lll -,
highly appropriate, aim "
through. It Is the best musical com
cdy over appearing In this city.
wi,n anmn of the features of the
"Fiddle Hoe Dee," girls which wo-n,
hero last winter, were more sprightly)
and ludicrous, the general ..a, u-.
His Policy Is to Carry Out the Wis-ins
of a Majority of the council, wn.cn
Course He Pursued When Me for
merly Held the Office,
ft...... lmvo linen rumors afloat all
S LmTanrthr"mM,lHto;1cnl (Iay To th'e effect that W P. Mntlocjc
interest of "The Burgomaster" places ,,,, stalrd that ho would be a can 1 -it
above Its only rival in the musical lat0 for tllc mayoralty ?t he co ,
noirl J anaeor inixuii h-
serves great credit for booking this
i.nrnr-tpr of attractions, am! his ef
forts aro being appreciated,
Golnti to Roseburg.
H. W. Stewart, who has been In tho
city for some time, will leave tonight
for Hosoburg, whero he goes to look
into some business matters, Mr.
Stewart will be gone for several
days. He has been asked to accept
the position of cashier in a bank at
that place, but Is undecided as to
whether he had best go or not. Ho
Is an old resident of that county and
is a stockholder In the bank mentioned.
.Rheumatism Positively Cured
;'jjy Oil and Sweet Spirits of Iiden.
!.i.onev.back Goods. A. C. KOIH'l'IJN &
.''ROb., Sole Agents for IVudleton.
Former President of Willamette Uni
versity on His Way to Salem.
Willis Chatwln Hawloy, who was
formerly tho president of the Wll-
Iametto University, passed through
Hie city this morning on his way
homo from Leadvlllo and Denver, to
Salem, whero he lias been as one of
the head managers oi tho Woodmen.
For somo years .Mr. Hawley was
the president of Willamette Univer
sity, but when the university author
ities decided to make a campaign
against the debt tuat hung over the
pioneer Institution a man from the
East. Dr. Coleman, was called to tho
head, and the chair of history was
given to the former president
New Hotel at Elgin.
A. C. Haley has returned from
Elgin, where ho has Just finished
building a new hotel tor Dan Son
mors, of that place. The house will
be run as a first-class place, and will
be under good management. .Mr.
Sommers Is the brother of A, Sum
mers, who at the time of his deatli
was the proprietor of the Sommer
House at La Grande.
Range Being Surveyed.
Montle U. Gwlnn, brother to J. II.
Gwlnn, of this city, has just leased
one or the largest tracts of range
land In one body, in Eastern Oregon.
This range lies on the head waters of
Hurnt river In Uaker and Malheur
counties and is 17 by 25 miles in ex
tent. Tho tract Is now being survey
ed. It will support 30.000 head of
White Labor Scarce.
Since white labor Is so scarce In
Grand Hondo valley that It would lie
impossible to harvest tho beet crop
without some Imported labor, the
sugar factory people have contracted
for about 150 Japanese for work in
the beet fields. They aro now arriv
ing at La tiranne from different
points. In small parties.
Sold 300 Bucks.
.1. E. Smith, of the Smith Livestock
Company, returned yesterday even
ing from a business trip to Weiser,
and Baker City, In the Interests of
his business. Ho sold 300 Merino and
Delalno bucks while gone, and says
these breeds are in greater demand
this year than the Hambouillet among
the sheepmen visited by him.
Strain's As
N. Be Heard
Question of Assessor
sessment of O, R, &
J. W. Morrow, the tax agent of tho
O. It. & N Is in the city, having
come up from l'ortlaiiil to appear be
fore tho county court tomorrow when
that body meets. This Is the time
that the tax caso of the company
comes up for hearing by the county
court. Tho company is confident
that It will bo able to convince the
court of tho justlco of Its claims.
and tho other sldo of the question is
aiso sure that it will liavo the win
nlng sldo.
Prize Fight at Athena.
According to the present plans
there will be a prize tight or boxing
contest at the Athena opera house
between Black Demon, of this city.
and Jack- Overdorf, of Spokane, one
week from next Friday night. Tho
contest will be for 10 rounds and the
decision will tako the gate receipts
Manager Nixon Delivers the Goods
to His Patrons of the Frazer Last
A crowded house greeted IU .-en
union of "Tho Burgomaster" at tho
Frazer last night. The company was
mado up of artists, and tho attractive
scheme ruimiug through the plot ir
the collection of humorous situations
It is perfection in the butter making art.
It is always sweet and good,
It is recognized as the best product that comes from
any creamery.
It is a butter once tried, always used.
. i u.iiHHcu m renoieton exclusively by
Health Improved at Springs.
Doc Rudd has returned from a visit
to Ixhnian Springs, where he went
In hopes of benefiting his rheuma
tism, from which he had been suffer
ing for some time. He has returned
much benefited by the stny at the
La Grande Liveryman Here.
(1. D. Simmons, tho O. U. & N. fire
man, who was crippled at Kamela in
a collision in 1900, Is in tho city to
day. Mr. Simmons Is now In the
livery business In a Grande, and Is
hero for the purpose of purclmsiiir u
cab for his business.
Baker City.
Will Reside Here
E. 1'. Cranston, of
reached this place this mornlnir ami
will make his home hero In the fu
Uiio with his son-in-law. F W.
Schmidt, the druggist. .Mrs. Cran
ston will follow In a day or so.
Lot Sold in Utopia Garden.
U D. Lynde and Effle M. Lyndo
have sold to H. u Swaggart, or this
city, for $1,500. the east half of lot
F. in tho Utopia Gardon, being a tract
of land in tho edge of tho city
Spokane Bank Unfair.
One of tho live banks of Spokan -has
been declared unfair by tho labor
unions or that city. The other four
carry advcrtis-omenls In the labor pa
per and aro therefore Indorsed
Steers at Three Cents,
Paul (Hupp, of Long Creek, sold
50 houd of 3 and 4-year-old steers at
ueppuor htiniiuy, tor It cents
.,ttinn When nsueu concorimiB
the truth of the statement, Mr. Mat
lock confirmed them.
"Before I went to Alaska, " said
Mr Matlock." I was asked by some
of my friends to make the run for the
llee and 1 told them that they
could use my name If they wanted
to That was before anyone else hnd
been mentioned for the place. Since.
1 have returned from Ogden and
have heard that Mr Vincent was In
the race, I hnvo seen tho men who
were anxious for mo to run and told
them that I would not make the at
tempt, lor Dr. Vincent was a good
man and bad done well in the place
before; but my friends have asked
( ctnv with the contest, and 1
have decided to do It If 1 were lo
back out now It would look as though
I was nrraid to run, and that Is not
the case. 1 may be defeated, hut 1
have met defeat before, and It is not
a dishonor to be beaten by sue. a
man as the one that I will have for
an opponent."
"What are you going to do with an
of these questions that vox the ad
ministrations of the cities of tho
land? Aro you going to drive the Cot
tonwood district off the map. and shut
up all the games that are running in
the city, or what will you do with
tltf" question?"
"Well." answered the prosH-tie
mayor thoughtfully, "I do not think
that the mayor has the power th.it
some people think he has. He pro
sides over the council, and 1 uimk
that he should do as they think best,
ri liMM been niv nollcy in tho pa3l to
abide by the decision of the majority
of the council and I have twice oeen
the mavor of the city. In .Uw dayy
there was not hair the tumble about
these questions that there Is now. I
would let the council decide what
thev wished to do with the matters
under discussion, and then would see
that their wishes were carried out If
possible. Other than that 1 have not
thought of any policy, i am inn maj
or yet. you know." and .Mr .Matlock
smiled in a thouglltlul way.
Four Members of the Pruett Family
Follow tacll unei i
of Oregon,
Fatality still pursues the Prultt
family, of Prairie. Two weeks ago
ho Herald chronicled tho death o
..,,,,., Pniltt at Whitney, after n
.'I., .,f tvnhold. Ills death
Used For Past
Two Years
It is with pleasure 1 recommend
your Lifebuoy Soap for nil household
ties where n Rood disinfectant and
iniou It
S lieuui . v.... i. ...1.1 Tn int. ,!..
; ... ,.i i..n.h. ' Cleaner la ircra. . j "y
had followed tne kiiiiiib ui l.-a nn entml. find Imve used it for fh
;,,., ,., : piist two years. hllzftbetli 'lomlinson,
er "Mug" at Mitchell on July
was followed u iu T,ni ' a21 7 Mt. Vernoii di., l uimueipuiu.
deatli Of a Bister, ami u -
w is all but killed In a Dixie Meadows I
mine accident in August. And -jm SUPERIOR DISINFECTANT
tho news comes that the father has
died at Prairio City. ' i ilnil Lifebuoy Soap etpml to all you
This, Indeed, is n pnenomena cni, fur it, nnd clieenuity recommend
Will Live in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frazer left
this morning lor their future home
at Edgewood, Cal.. amid tho usual
showers of rice and good-bye greet
ings. On Sunday night, at the home
of Mrs. Hattle Stanlleld, Mr. Walter
Frazer and .Miss Daisy Orllla Stan
lleld were married by Rev W E.
Potwine, of the Church of tho Redeemer.
Baking Powder
The remarkable increase in consumption
troves its purity and wholetomenest,
With a Coupon
Just Received
By express it new bunch of
neckwear, earlet midget four-ln.-liands,
the latest craze for
both men and women, and a
thousand other styles.
We can please you in under
wear, we have It from the
cheapest to the silk and wool or
silk and linen.
Our liatH are here and they are
beautirs, all the latest novelties,
cowboy shape with leather
binds, also the pananm shapes
which are worn fo much in the
When you want anything new
lu furnishings come and se us,
we have Cooper's Underwear,
Pfister's Sweaters, Dents' Gloves
and the best ot everything.
In Business at Heppner.
Hriico Haynes, formerly of this city
lias purchased the furniture business
of Wells & Co., at Heppner. and Is
now thcio In charge.
Ust year 2.9C!) employes of tho
P.-l II lo ...' 11.- , ,,. ... .
"" n "in uimeii amies were.
Killed while nt work, and 5rt.B2t
I Men's Furnishings.
" ' . V ............ nl.
will attract universal nueimun. -
er City Herald.
Camas Prairie Cattle Sold.
George C. Sloan, of Rittcr, hns sold
Mils week to Frank Sloan, of nutter
creek, 125 head or stock cattle at $18
i.on.i Tlmro was about 100 head
ot 3 and t-year-old steers In the lot,
which wore reserved by the owner,
he having refused an offer or $3 per
bond for them. Ho Is pasturing them
on Camas prairie at present. i
It us a superior uisinrectiuit ror nil
household purposes, ft 1 especially
good In cases of sickliest from con
tnglotn diseases. H. 1. Ohllds, Drug
glt, Cor. Ferry and Belmont 8ts.,
Maiden, Mass.
Do you want your husbands to bu well and becomingly
dressed. If so send them to the ST. JOE STORE for one
of our celebrated B. Kuppunlieimer suits. Tin's clothing is
made ripht, trimmed right, wears well, good fitters, and
always give satisfaction.
Do you want your children to have a suitable school suit at
right prices. If so send them or bring them to the St. Joe
Store. A nice cap free with each boys suit. Remember
this sale will last all this week ending Sat. night, St-pt. 19.
iVory Truly Yoursi
The Big Boston Store
The New
Goods are
Now on
Oil and Sweet Sniriis of Ffipn
In-' ""-.Kuaraiueert to cure any case-of Rheti
matiMu -Money back if they fail.
I l' Koeppen & Bros., AUts. for Pendleton
We haven't hurried the Fall Exhibits We have wailed in
buying until we were certain as to what were the new and
proper materials, new styles in waists and skirts. We have
them now on our counters. We wish to show you what we
have accomplished, and we thing you will say we have done
ourselves honor as to assortments and infinite credit as to low
Ladies New Black Tailor Made Skirts. Ladies'
Shirt Waists in Mercerized Wool. Ladies' Fine
Silk Lace Waists. Ladies' Elegant Silk Petti
coats. Ladies' Fine Lace and Lisle Hosiery.
Ladies' Silk Coats for Fall.
The Finest Peau De Soics Silk
Waists in the City For $5.00
For a few days ! will offer special low prices on all
wheels on hand.rj
Many People
Are about as progressive as a sky rocket turned
upside down. Its a hard thing to say but we
2vL. , ! P'f5510" f"s the housekeeper who
n -d wnqth- ld'lru?ty liware or cheap enam
eled ware instead of saving money by buying
Four coated, seamless, all steel
kitchen ware.
W T r"T A rTrrr o .
iw.r.iiyE, 2II Court street 5
i . .