DAILYEAST OREGON IAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. TUE8DAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1903, - TRANSPORTATION LINES. HOTELS. Business Cards and Societies PROFESSIONS AND TRA2E8, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel In Pendletoa and as good as any. PHYSICIANS. . tTZ 0 COLE. OFFICE IN JUDD Ml5lnP' Office hour,. 10 to 12 a. m.(i , ','"'f. n m. Telephone red 371. Tl M1M.KH, M. D.. DK8PAIN BLOCK, coS m ed fo? refr.ct.re er ,0. Telephone main 1131. niis ""'SMITH 4 ItlNQO, OFF1CR OVER 01 gi renu-lo on SavnRS Hank. Telephone .0 rtililence telephone main 301. H,fi.?eln and BiiVBeon Office In Judd ..RSni Te"rooe.g office, black 78 i rea- Ideicc, lilacs fill t) J. McFAULL. KUUM H 01 ion block. Telephone main 031; real- irnct. black 101. ?nd wrBon.Offlc' in snylnn Ilank build Koom l office r.hoi.8 Main 1411. rca. Main 1M T . ... . ...... r.riiirvm I Ml! LYNN K Ill.ArKouiis, nn.-w....- and tiervnu. diseases and dlecaaei of I -nmen "odd building, corner Main and CoSrt ft Office 'phone main 721; re.-, lil'nce, red 273. j OP. LENA ALLEN IIOONE. OSTEOPATH j "(IE " 813 Thompson street. Ilouae nhone Ited 303, and office 'phoue lllack , 1021 I ., . KIIIHY. PHYHIfUAN AND SK- ! UL;U mice In Judd Iiulldlng Room 15, Office .S lied Till. Residence Phono Main 1121. PQtul I 'ton Oregon. DENTISTS. ...... ,,,,, ,., e A VAtiGHAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN jmld building. 'Phone, red 71. .' , : - i a MANN. DENTIST, OFFICE IN AS- ..V.tmlon block, over Schmidt's new drug .tore 'Phone, red 27L I VETERINARY SURGEONS. 1,1' "lIHU:- GRADUATE Of THE ioia Voternary College, K'lcnburgli, Sjiil. , J1Vl.11 government veternary ini'uotor J ,1 dtt B C All ilomi-atlc animal; trailed on sifcntltle principals. OBlep nu roomr viable. Main stredt, opposite Hotel , I'ondlelou Hwldmi :e phono Main 1311 . j 1 'UllSAin SlIKiKON-Dr.l). (!. McNiibb.l graduate nf I'nlver.lty ol IV1111, Veterinary of si.oan' for lu yean Olllco .it THllmun's I orui sore l'endletjii, ore , Phono .Main 1171. BANKS AND BROKERS. ) riltKV NATIONAL HANK Or ATHENA, Orc.'on Capital, f .lO.OOO ; surplus und 1 toflu, 10,000. Interest on time deposits. jWA hi foreign nnd domestic exchange. 1 'ollctlous promptly nttended to. Henry Adams, president ; T. J. Kirk, vlce-pres- 1 IJfot, P S. Lelirow, caBhlcr ; 1. M. Kemp, I Kit. cMliler. I I'tIB FARMERS' HANK OF WESTON, j Weston, Oregon. Does a general hank ie? business. Exchange bought and sold. ulltcuons promptly uuenueu to. u, jum tion, president; (leorgc W. Procbstel, Ice-prenldcnt ; J R. Kllgore, cashier; rectors, O A. Ilartman. M. M. Johns. T. ; I'rlce (i I). Ornw, J. V. Kllgore, Rob rt Jameion, G. W. Proebrttel. TUP PENDLETON SAVINGS DANK, Pendleton,, Oregon Organized Mnrch 1, 1S.VJ. Capital, f KiO.diM): surplus, JlllO, OoO - Interest allowed on all time deposits. Eicbsnge bought 11 ml sold on nil principal points. Specuil attention given to col lections W J Furnish, president ; J. N. Ne.il, vice-president : T. J. Morris, cashier; J Vi Maiouey, assistant cashier. I'lltST NATIONAL HANK OF PENDLE ton Capltnl, $70,000; aurplus. fO.I.OOO: fransacts a general banking business. Ex. tlisnge and telegraphic transfers Bold on Chicago. San Francisco. New York and principal points lu the Northwest. Drafts lran on China. Jnpun nnd Europe. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi An ay president ; W F, Matlock, vlce-prea-IJnt , 1 II, Wnde, cashier ; II. I". Johnson, Mlstnnt cashier ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. r I' HOWARD, ARCHITECT AND SU pTlntendent ; makes comidctc nnd reli able plans tor buildings lu the city or coun try lioom 17 Judd building. HUEEK Jc COLE, CONTRACTORS AND DDllden Estimates furnished on short otlce Job work a specialty. Prompt m Shop ou llliiff Btreet near Main. U. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND IIUILD r Estimates furnished 011 nil kinds masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Lve orders nt East Oregonlan office. B. TROITMAN. ARCHITECT Surlntendi-ut Room 7, over I "tore. I'cndlutoii Oregon. AND I M KEM.EIi, PLASTERING AND l.'E- aieutlDg cement wulks 11 specialty. E , lnit furnished free. Work guaranteed. h. e 0.r.'1?r" at "adley & Zchner's cigar 'ore Main street. P. 0. box 104. FRATERNAL ollDER8i I DAiIS? ''ou':. NO. 4. MEETS EVERY ' 1 iiS '"l, "nlng In Secret Society hall, Vut?h.. "'!?.. ut ''endleton. Ore. It. W. Htchr (v u. s , W J. Koyes. C C SECOND-HAND DEALERS ' h?Lli11L,B' I'EALER IN SECo.,D t! 7nK00d3' U unythlng you L,,.1' i"" "ud secondhand ffirnlture. huW aaa crockery, call and, i Wi pnecs. No. 212 Court Street. TTH '.' - ' n.iii Nt'i'iivn iiivn ,. n,,,, adTaniJrt JnU ,1 '! 5 ,l,nwn brokcra ; money "Wi n " kln,,a ut nrtlclei. Water. . 1.,, .otiouwooa -wttot, JONSORIAL PARLORS! uinX. ,br5t Court "treats beat work: H tooli e . "nodcru hnprovementa ; aeetlon. ""'"'ed; bath rootna lu con- BOARD AND I nnniun SifflsRsMj Santal-Pepsin Capsules patroni " ""' 10 eo ner irleuua and ALTA AND lue UAj ur i.j ,, ! Kates J.-J.7& aim ilnnJf.'. Pond ntnn V.,,H in Ratec J.1.7A and -Zl"' J. Cumpton, Prop. " A1??2WWII HOTKL IN TIIK P'opiUtor. "M I'orday. II. I' Mlllen, W'ti.iX?nU,Kt,W,1NKS8 TAKES YOU TO ""He. D. 11, Richards, proprietor ATTORNEYS. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD building. HAILF.V & LOWELL, ATTORNEYS AT law. OOlce In Dcspaln block. UALLEItAY & McCOUllT, LAWYERS. AS. poclatlon building. CARTER & RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Olllce In Saving Rank building. HENRY J. HE AN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Atboclntlon block, Pendleton, Oregon. R. J. SLATGli, ATTORNEY. Judd building. ROOMS 423 E. D. DOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Court street. Ill L. II. REEDER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pendleton, Oregon, X. IIEUKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olllce In Savings Hank building. II. E. COLLIER, LAWYER. OFFICE Rooms 7 and 8, Association building. STILLMAN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS AT .vv Mr. stlllmnii has been admitted to practice in United States patent ofllces mid makes n specialty of Patent Law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 und 13, Association Illock. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., .Ion Ell, Loral Agent, otllnc In Savings Bank building wuu iuoorcuoupc uninmon. nARTMAN ABSTRACT COMPANY MAKES ! rel nblo ubstracts ol title to u lauds Hi Ulna. tlllaoimty Loans on city mid farm prop. crty. Buys and lolUall kinds ol real estate, Does a general brokerage business. 1'uystax. es and makes Investments (or nonresidents, Reference, any Imnk in Pendleton. o. A. HARTMAN, Pres. L. W. HELD, Sec, O. A. HARTMAN jr., Vice. Pres. J.M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST and most reliable fire and accident insuranco companies. Olllce with ilartman Abstrnct t o. JOHN HAILEY. JR.. U. S. LAND COM mlsslouer Specialty made of laud filings nnu prooi : insurance and collections, flee in Judd bidding, room 10. CABS AND CARRIAGES. CITY CAR LINE. ERWIN RAKER, PROP, Telephone main 7!1. Office and waiting room, Alta street, next to Havings Hank building LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE CITY LIVERY ROARD AND SALE Stnblc. M. J. Carney, proprietor, for Hue turnouts Stock boarded at reasons ble rates, Str.blo 118 Alta Street. O. K. FEED YARD, lit!) Aura street. R. II. I'attou .V Sou, Props Large, comfortable stalls, plenty of feed and proper attention given horse.. Telephone Red l'icjl. 1.1 very In con uoctlon. MISCELLANEOUS. , MEN'S RESOuT.-YOU are invited. Free I reading room Why not loin und get the ad vantage ni iri'u mini, use 01 iuiuuiug ung aim other L-iUipinent8, including library and rend lug room. Terms, tl.00 tojoln and cOc a month dues. l)RtSMAKINa I urn prepared to do dress making Mid Bewlng of all kinds Good uork Satisfaction guatantccd. Mrs. P. 1). Maun, 601 Jauo street. FOR SALE-BOILER AND 4-HOltSE POrt'fcU vertical high fnecd engine Also a JO-llght Generator Incluuiug all switch board Instru mcnts For particulars, call on or address FitED Kink, Box :I70, Pcudletou, Ore VM, F. YOIINKA WILL PAY PROMPT AT tcutlou to all sales and posting bills, Cor respondcuccsollcltcd. Commission reasonable P. o. Box Pendleton DIVORCV. LAW8-PKTKR WE9T; ADVICE free; Ices, terms to suit ; 25 years' exiurlcuce. Office COS Garden St., Pendleton, Oregon. Proposals for Fire Department Sup plies, Sealed proposals for the furnishing ol Eleven Hundred Feet of Standard Size Fire lloso, Five Mr Uongs and Twelve Fire Torches for the use of the Flto 1 eparlineut of the city of Pendleton will bo received at tbo Cltv Recorder's office tn the city of Pendlctou until 5 o'clock p. m October i, i'Jv,, the proposals to state kind, mia'.'tyund plce of articles propoiod to be furnished, Maid bids to tie opened at tde regular meeting of the council of the city ol l'oudlutualo be held on Oetober6, l'JOS, at 7:'M o'clock p. nt. The coi.ncll rosirvo the right to accept the bids lenoered cither for the whole of said articles or fur u part thereof and also tho right lo reject auy and all bids. Datel this lath day ol Sepiember A II 1903. THOMAS FITZGERALD, tlty Recorder. LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY . By tht Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Out companies stand first in the world. AHtietti 1 Hartford Vire Junurouce Co.f H!,25,076 Alliance AsHiirnnee Co Ufl.OS-O.OOS London & Lanc!inhlre Klre , Iimuranco Co 2,514,683 North British Mt-rcautlle I (jo 19,605,1174 Royal Insurance Co 22,807,153 FRANK B. CLOPTOH AGENT S00 MAIN STREET A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation or Catarrh of the Bladder aad DUeaaeil Kldnaya. Mo euro no pay. Coraa qnlekly and Perma nently iha worst oatea of Jouorrhoa odUlett nomattrof howloogatanJ. lag. Absolutely nannies. Bold by drugclsta. Prloa il.DO, or by mall, postpaid, l.ml,3boiea;lf.2.73. THE SANTAI-PIPIIH CO., BELLEFOHTAIHE, OHIO. W. Schmidt & Co, iff V Sold by F J fet w liM "Shc knows where her husband Is "He must ho In tho penitentiary " ONE OF MOST IMPORTANT HEBRAIC OBSERVANCES. Supposed to Be the Five Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-Fourth Anniver sary of the Creation History of the Occasion Is a Movable Feast, Influenced by the Moon's Phases. New York, Sept. 22. According to tiie Jewish calendar the 5,0u'4th year sitiee the creation of the world begins at sundown tonight. Thin being the Jewish New Year it Is onp ol' the most important festivities known to Hebrews, and eluborato preparations have been made for its observance all over tho world. At sunset tonight the ceremonies begin, and they will continue for three weeks. The open ing event is the feast of trumpets. Three days lienco falls the fast of Guedallah, when the orthodox Jew JEWSH NEW abstains from food, and even from ' i -wMx on I.e with t he s as. ns water Other .mportant days during L"'ltal 1:1 'onll!B- l 'la . r,',' tho festival season are the feast .fli" J W. " b,'u" tabernacles on the lRth day, and the HARPER WHISKY Famous at home for Generations past ; Punou8 now all over the World. For Kle by JOHN SCHMIDT They are the Best The Standard and'!? WHITE SEWING MACHINES Sold bv JESSE FAILING msm Slanaard rcmody for Glett, Gonorrhaia and llunnmct IN 48 HOURS. Curat Kid- nei aad Bladder Troubles. every minute of tho day. rejoicing of tho law on the 21st. All these ceremonies are required to properly begin tne Jewish New Year. The first day of the year Is legaru oil by the Jews as tho day of Judg ment. because they say that on that day God sits in judgment on the deeds of individuals and assigns to every one his fate for the coming year death or life, or tho kind of death due those who die, such as death by lire or water. The prayer offered on the first day Is that the names of all the peoples may be writ ten In the book of lll'o. Now Year's day lias for Its distinguishing fenture the blowing- of the "shofar" a straight horn nf nntelono or wild coat hub trnmni't p'lll 1 ileqh'iied I Boats leave Portland dally, except flunda go.tr. nils tiiimpLi rail is i simh u ,seo r pcmilttlnc) for WUUmetto an. to serve as a summons to all Israel 1 Yamhill River pointi. to enter upon the work- of sanctlfirn-1 Leave"" - 1 Toavo tlon and prepare for the day of I Klparla Snake Rtvcr Ixswlitoi atonement nlym K,"U 10 u'w"Um ft? Tho Jewish New Year Is a movable ' HicptMoni iKxcptMot feast, like tho Christian festival of,"" ' Fi P wamblKY. Agent. Pendleton, Kasier. and is fixed by the changes of the moon. The longest year wns , txt x n ITTMfl rnT n corresponils with 111 solar years. The leap years, arranged to make tin the work of the creation. On the lower Kast Side there Is I ! scarcely a hall to be found which will I not be occupied for religious pur-1 1 poses during tho holidays. The thea I lei-s are all converted Into syna I gogues, actors turn cantors, and some 1 lodges are even forced to hold servl , ces In tho rear of saloons. During .1,.. I...., ...... .in.. fi,.,.i ..,t r,-,,iit Inn mm iti uujo vtiiiui nnu vj, .,,.. . streets have becotno more and more Impassable as the holidays approach, i I Clothiers In particular have reaped a harvest Fearful Odds Against Him. J lled-rldden, alone and destitute. I Such in brief was tho condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Hav I ens. Versailles. O. For years lie I was troubled with kidney dlseaso nnd I neither doctors nor medlcInoB gave him relief. At length ho tried Klec 1 trie Bitters. It put him on his feot 1 In short order and now bo testifies: ' "I'm on tho road to coinplotu recov j ery " Best on earth for liver and kidney troubles ami all forms of ) stomach and bowel complaints. On I ly GOc. Guaranteed by Tallnian & 1 Co., druggists. CRANE LIFTS 60 TONS. Mechanical Wonder Now In Opera. tlon at St, Louis, The most massive machine ever seen at work In any exposition may now lie yiowed at the World's Fair 1 grounds in St. I.ouIh. In tho Machln-l , ery I'alace is a Nlles crano, used lor ' Installing the heavy machinery. Tins , aim can lift a wclent of (X) tons mid . move It to any part of the great 1, 200- foot structure with as much ease and precision as u man can pluco 1111 article weighing 10 pounds. The crunu runs tho entire length of the building on two steel rails 70 feet apart, and spans the central nave of the great structure. Kloctrlclty is tho motive power A matt perched In a cage at a dizzy I height sits In a chair and controls every move of the ponderous crane, I Workmen attach tho objects to tho great hook suspended to mighty steel who cables, A signal Is given, a lev er is turned with a sound as of a mighty insect confined, tho crunu lifts I Its burdou and moves to the proper place and deiioslts Its load without noise or confusion. I'enilletou people ,aro loyal '.o Pen (lloton'8 business enterprises. That Is the reason tho Hoss Ice & Cold 1 C......n l.n.,A l.n.l ... ..... A., ' two wagons and then can scarcely bundle the trade. Glvo us your or ders and wo will taUo care of It If wo have to put on four times two wagons, 'Phoue Alalu 1881. I OREGON SH OUTLINE amb Union Pacific 1 Two Trains to tho East Daily ' Thmugh Pullman standard and Tourist sleep 1 lug cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourl.il , ilecptng car aally to Kamas City; throngs Pullman tourist sleeping cars personally con ducted) weekly to UhUago, Kama, city, re- DitrinT TI1110 Schedule! AHnivr roi From 1'oiulloton raoM Fortland Portland Special No. I The Kail 8:10 a m HrflO a m, Chicago ChlcKO Hpeclal No. '1 l'ortland SMni SMOpm Portland Mall and Eiprrii No.S The Km l:.)m 1U5 an The Eat Mall and K-'pren N0.6 1'orllnrO IffOin 1 :45 a m (l'endleton l'aieiiger fpokant No, 7 S:pa Hrokane 8pokn 1'asienger Ml5 s in No. 8 rondlcton Dranch , m K .. j Mlied Train No. 41 1 c Walls Walla llranch Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All tailing datei sub 1 Ject to change. For Ban Francfico I Hall every a dayi. g rut) p. m. 41O p. m. "Dairy" eacept I Sunday 8:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 p 111., Columbia River ip,, 10 Astoria ana v ay 1 runna) i.anuiiigi. I Wllliuncttii Klvor. :!r,OI,IIMRIA RIVRB , ! R fiTT.Rf. AT) I RillLuUliU Take this route for Chicago, St Paul, St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and All Points East and South Portland and polnti on the Sound TIM1C CAItl) Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1.45 p. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, 1 1.45 a, m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Leave Walla Willi dally.east bound. 11 :uo p ill Arrive Walla Walla dally, cit bound, 10;U a. 111 For Information reKardliiK rates and accom modation, call on oraddreni W, A DAMN, Auenl Pendleton, Oregon S. II CAI.Iil'.RIIKAl), II. 1. A., Walla Walla, WaihliiKtou. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. rur. PAUL MINNEAPOIjIr DULUTH FARGO TOJ t GRAND l'ORIO WJNNKPKU HKIjTCNA and InUTTE, THROUGH TICKETS TO OHIOAGO WASHINGTON? PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK! IIOHTON and all poiuU East ami Mouth rbronKh ticket! to Japan and China, vli Tacoina and Nortbern Pacific Hteamiblp C and American line. TIMK SCHBDULK. Tralni leare Pendleton dally except SauUt at 7M p. m. Kor farther Information, time cardi, map . and tioaeu.cailou or write n. auni, rea 1 dletou.nreKOD, or A V. (IIIAKLTON, Third and Morrltou Stf Portland. Or. MEN AND WOMEN. Dh Hl it tar uoaataral diacharKMtlliuamuiaUoDa, Irritatloua or uttrtloit4 u,l u lUletua, OL m V e o u uttm u,.u , , 1 ....... i'ainifiBS. ana col aura lTHtEiCHtMici'Co. l-oinou. or eeut la plsla vnn. M.O0, or Lottlm. l:.I5. Circular "cut eu jwjvwet. 1 mmtm I Irrr The Hotel l'endleton lias just been refitted and refurnished throughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rooms. Headquarters for Trnvollng Hen Commodious Samplo Rooms, Rates $2 & $2,50 Special rates by week or month Excellent Utilslue. Prompt Dlnlngroouv service. Bar and billiard rooai in connootioa Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Comer Court ami .lohnxon Hlreeti, IViulloton, Oregon. IYI. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. HEATED liY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTIIICITY Aiiuirli'iui IM1111, niii'H yft to'J.OO tier ilitr. Kiii-iiptmii IM1111, fiOo, ITm, 11.00. Mpeclnl riito-i l,y week ur month. Free 'bus meets all trains Commercial trade solicited Pine sample room Special Attention Given Country Trad HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. GEO. DAHVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated liuropeau Mian. Illock and a halt from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 75o, $1.00 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON Ameilcan I'lan, fj )icr day and upwaid Ifcadquaitcra for lourUta ami couitnerdal nat tier. Hpecial rate made to rainlllca audalniU gentlemen. The luananetueut will be bleaacd at all timet to .how roouit and give uricea. A modern TurLi.h balheitabliihiueiitin the botal. If, C. UOWKKB, Manaaci, t Conrad Platzoeder f All kinds of Fresh Meats always on liand. Fine Bacon, Hams and Sausage. I Prices as low as the lowest