East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 22, 1903, Image 5

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i A A A - - - - a
One of Our Fault
less Fal Styles!
Faultless for its neat and ex-
treme style, will not go out of
style foon. Made of the English
ki otted Chevoit, strong in con- 4-
st ruction, workmanship, equal to
the custom garment, our guaran-
tee goes with it. SELLS FROM
$12 50 UP. With each cash pur-
chase in our clothing department
amounting to one dollar we pres-
ont you with a ticket entitling 4
the holder to a chance on a $375
Hamilton Piano. Mr. Therkel-
sen's guarantee for ten years goes 1
...:ti. :. j i i . "
nun ji .ilia ki' ii in uuiu oiiu vear
free of charge.
r -3, -!"$$sj
French Government Would Reclaim
Large District of rrld Land and
Seeks Information on the Subject
Lands are Fertile Now Sterile.
For n few days, until this advertisement is changed, wo will make tne following special
discounts and prices on all bedroom furnishings.
If you snjoy a good article, then smoke
The are home mink and of the best tobacco. A. RHODE, Maker
The Leaders
The Unsurpassed
The Always Satisfactory
The Wilson coal and wood Heaters. Handled
Wert' only by us. Coal stoves ranging in price from
$7 to $20. Wood stoves ranging in price from
$2.50 to $20. Our stoves are now ready for your
621 Main St. Headquarters for fishing supplies
Wi-4--l-M-.M-M--M-. 1 of great length, leading from the
One of the most interesting and
studious visitors at the Ogdcn ir
rigation Congress vas Monsieur
Coppuy Do Forrest, special represen
tative of the French government at
the meeting. He is a high official
or the department ot agriculture In
his native country, anil as there is
a largo section of arid country In
tho southwest of Franco, which In
Its present condition will not oven
afford good pa3turage on account of
tho drying up of all the mountain
streams In tho district.
monsieur Forrest says this region
was formerly settled by a pastoral , - - -
people, who raited but little grain, to the proceedings 01 the Irrigation
fruit or vcgetnhle crops, hut who 1 Congress.
drove their herds of goats and flocks ) .Monsieur Forrest Is a genial, edit
of sheep from place to place, as the , rated gentleman, understanding
springs afforded water during the thoroughly, but spcaUing slowly, tho
summer season. Fngllsh language. He attended ever
Gradually tho sources of the I session of the congress and freely
streams supplying this dlctrlct, were associated with tho delegates, mix
dostroyed by tho removal of tho tlm-ilously Inquiring as to customs and
her, and the trampling process of the I piactlces In the arid region of tho
herds. Tho agricultural lands be- United States. He will take home
I.ace Curtnit'i or alt klniK 10 per cent dUeonnl.
lied Spreads, white, nil sizes, all grade., It) per
cent illonmnt.
Cotton lilntikct!-, nil colots ami qualities, 1(1 per
cent di-count.
Woiil lllaiikcts. all praties except Pendleton
Woolen Mills blai kets, special discount of 10
per cent
Large Size Comforts, cheap ones ami tine ones,
too, 10 percent discount.
Large Sheets, best quality, Ojc sheets,
fSe each.
Pillow Cav.'!". bet ipiallly, i'.G Inches long, scvinl
He each.
15ed Ticking, straw or wool Making, good quality
He yard. ,
(tood Feather Ticking, two grade, 17c and 1"i
per yard.
The Place for Bargain .
low suffered greatly by this abuse,
and year by year tho settlers living
on the diminishing streams were
forced to leave and flock to the cities
or swell tho already congested set
tlement In the rich agricultural dis
tricts. Now tho ancient huts of the for
mer Inhabitants or the region are the
only landmarks of civilization.
The French government Is now
studying modern methods of recla
mation, with a view to building a
system of storage reservoir, for the
restoration of tho Idle land to use
fulness. Tho soil Is a sandy loam,
from the description given to tho
representative of the ICast Orego
nlan. resembling that of tho Echo
district, before its reclamation. j
The climate Is magnificent and
the tropic products very
under proper conditions.
a complete icport of t no congress,
which will form part of his report
of his official visit to the United
States, on behalf of- France. He
constantly expressed Ills surprise at
the democratic Institutions of Amer
ica and took notes of all important
points and places.
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will k'ail tj serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Ruin Hotel
Fair la lS'JS, four bicycles, two gold rh,i,.r' TrtiuMn.
watches, two Krag-Jorgeusen rllles. Tl1, (Il,sro of ,,K, lllk r unginn.j
We never had any occasion to i egret )m,.,N , ,ik,.( lT f,)rKOI lmN Kome.
having given these articles, and so (,(, , mistakes. On one
suSi 'but rtar 1 --r- rrrx r,'r,,,m,
Peonies Warehouse has grown and 11 h "Void his duns, re-
so must make presents proportlnimto-
Answered at the
September 25th.
"Where Is Cobb?" tho offering at
the Frazer, September 25, was tlrst
produced three years ago In the East,
hut this is the first time k has been
played here. There aro three acts,
enlivened with specialties, and among
tbesM Is the violin playing of .Miss
profuse Marlon George. She takes tho part
Olives. o Dolly Dexter In tho farce, Tho
grapes, dates, figs, lemons of a fair singer of tho company Is Agnes
grade, melons, citrons, all kinds or ueorge, who is oniy it years oi age,
vegetables and grasses grow in
abundance where tho moisture Is
Tho land belongs to the govern
ment of France, having been a part
of Immense ' estates In former cen
turies, but which reverted to the gov
ernment during tho commune. The
Iri-lirittlnn tiw.trwttc nrnncm1 nr lyrpnt
systems of reservoirs, fed by canals 1
Marble and Cranito
We uo our own work und cmrantcc the 'kame at
lowcm price. KstJinnlci jiiven on all kinds of Cut
Stone, Wo ne a lartto sioct and would bo pleat
ed to have you examine It. :::::::::
Main Street Pendleton, Oregon
Near O. K IN, Depot
ray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything;
But we do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic and Finish,
In all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, In
eluding Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
nd Tar Paper and Apple
Bo Is complete, and any
en In need of Lumbtr will
J1 be wrong In placing
,hlr order with the : :
toy's Harbor Com. Co.
P- W; & C. It. Depot
1 Mr?t.,tbV?m" 25
In cor?S?c;iuocn.Ph?P Ilou,e
hour. i oni.011, . .Meal" Bt
Of all Description
Sash, Doors & Windows
Made to order. Building
paper, lime, cement, brick
and sand, wood gutters for
barns and dwellings a specialty,
Oregon Lumber
Alta St, Opp. Court House
higher slopes of the Pyrenees to
the valleys below. In search of In
formation on the best methods of
reclamation and scientific Irrigation.
tho French government sent Us mosti
trusted agricultural expert to listen
Teaches a thorough course J
in voice culture, piano and T
violin. For information en
quire at
Empire Piano House.
A Wonderful Spectacle
is presented to thosi; who after'
months or perhaps years of semi J
blindness, first put on lasses
which are exactly suited and cor
rect delects of vision I
Such glasses arc made and sold
here. Out stock of
contains a large assortment of ISye
glasses and Spectacles in gold,
gold filled, nickel and steel Irames
Eye Tests Free
and glasses made to order at reas
onable prices,
Glenn Winslow
Jeweler- Optician
815 Mam
ly better, and unit's the reason why
on Saturday. October :ilst, we are
going to piesent to our patrons a
$ 10.r.00 rubber-tiled top lmggy, 11
round trip ticket to fc. Units World's
Fair, value $75.(10, and ladles' $511.00
suit, or fur coat In the house, her
own selection, any man's $15.00 over
coat In tho house, his own selection,
any man's $25.00 dress or business
suit in the house, his own selection,
and his choice of any John II. Stet
son hat in the house. Now Just you
watch tho other ones fall In Hue and
vou'II know then that The Peoples
Warehouse are the I.UADKHS and
that's a cluch.
Stalwarts of Pennsylvania are Met at
Wllkesbiirre, Pa., Sept. '22.- Young
republicans from every county In tho
state are taking part today in the
annual convent ion of the Pennsyl
vania Statu League of Republican
( nibs. The morning session, which
was presided over by President Fred
erick V. Fleilz, ot Scranton, was d(
tired to an obscure hiding place In
IliicUne.v, where bis anxious looks nnd
secluded manner of life Induce)! snmo
of his neighbors to liellcve him a forger
of notes then In existence.
The directors, on being Informed, dis
patched some dexlcruiis detectives to
the residence, but .Morland's suspicions
were aroused by their movements In
front of the house ami, thinking them
bailiffs, escaped from the back to Lou
don. .Mrs. Morlaud luformcti the visitors
of her husband's name ami showed
them some unllulshcrf pictures. The
lads were reported to the directors,
Mho presented Morlaml with two twen
ty pound notes by way of compensation
for the alarm.
t7lilfiii- Tnlilvrlotli.
When a Miutheast wind Is blowing,
the visitor to Cape Town Is treated to
a peculiar and In tit est ni: natural phe
nomenon, fr under such conditions
Table mountain, In the language of
the natives, "puts on u tablecloth."
In other words, the thin line of
llceey cloud forming above It descends
until It rests tlat upon the mountain
erlek W. Kleitz, ot Hcrnntoii, was tie-1 , . . : ' , ............
voted to routine business anil Inter- with Its edges drooping gracefully
..... (..!.. I.. .1... .1. CkVCr IIM KH!lM
t'Hl ci'iiii'iis nulling 111 inn uiK uuiiumi
Miration to be held In tho Ninth Keg
linent Armory tonight, which will
mark the formal opening of the stsite
1 campaign. The speakers aie to In-
j elude Cioveruor Peiiuypaeker and the
1 candidates on tho state ticket, be-
I sides seveial well-known orators of
the party.
Katnerlne George, With "Where
Cobb?" Company.
A Chance
of a Life Time
All facial blemishes removed
leaving the face btiioothe and per
fect. No drugs, no knife. Ucd
blistery birth marks removed
without leuvinga scar or blemish.
Call on
J. B. Despain or
J. J. Worcester
hut possesses a line soprano voice.
She sings a taking ballad, "There's
Nobody Just Like You." Katherino
George, the contortionist, Is a pretty,
dark-haired girl and can twist her
self Into various knots,
There U a well-connected plot to
the Inrce, the story of which la ceir
tered around a misunderstanding
The story deuls with tho tribulations
of Phillip Cobb, a millionaire who has
married an actress. There are merry
and strange experiences until the
mystory of the Cobb family Is solved.
Protective and Benevolent
tion in Session.
Wuincy, III.. Sept. 22.- -The state
convention of the Saloonkeepers' Pro
tective, and llenevolent Association,
Is in session heio with members in
attendance from various parts of the
state, Itoiiline buslnesK occupied the
I opening session, which was mllcd to
oruer at 111 11 chick mis morning ny
Piesldent Dun Is (i.ilvin, of (Milcago,
A big parade wiih held this after
noon. Legislative and other matters
affecting the liquor Interests are to
be discussed during the several days
the convention will be In session
Kodol Gives Strength.
Ily enabling the digestive organs to
digest, assimilate ami transform ALL
of the wholesome food that muy be
eaten into the kind of blood that
nourishes the nerves, feeds the tis
sues, hardens the muscles and recup
orates the organs of tho entire body.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures Indiges
tion, dyspepsia, catarrh of the stom
ach nnd all stomach disorders. Solo
by Tallman & Co.
over Its sides.
It Is really not unlike the article of
household use which gives It its name.
Ttnii Him mill Illinium.
Teiiiiyhiin was extremely eager at one
time to visit America, anil touching this
point a story Is related to the effect
that Illinium offered him an enormous
Hum to make the trip, though probably
not as ohe of Hie attra'cllons of tho
"greatest show on earth." " All you
have to do." said Itanium, "is to stand
on 11 platform and have jour hands
well shaken." The poet, however, de
clined the tempting offer.
t'linrtuhlii Too HmienNlt r.
Tess Von don't mean to saj they
have broken off their engagement?
Jess- Yes.
Tens -Why, I thought they were tr
feetly devotul to each other.
.less So they are. You see, they
hu;e broken off the engagement, w
that he may save enough money to i-u-able
them to get married, - Philadel
phia Press.
TmLIiik II Coolly.
The ship of an admiral who was tkio
Duke of Wellington's near counectlnu
was wrecked, lie was placed in com
mand of 11 second ship, which was alio
lost, and lie himself was drowned, lorJ
Charles communicated the disaster to
his father, who merely exclaimed, with
Rpartan coldness and brevity "Tliat'
the second ship he lias lost '
Money BackrS
fail to cure Rheumatism. For Sale by
A. C. Koeppeu & Bros. Agts, for PemU'11.
Who Are the Leaders?
You know how every store claims
to he thp HIGGUST, without the least
regard to tho truth or falsity of the
claim. Well, If you over wore In any
doubt as to which store leads In this
man's town, lust get onto tho trouble
wo havo ripped up. Ily way of expla
nation, let's reminisce a little, The
Peoples Warehouse gave to some omi
of Its many patrons a parlor set,
worth $50 In 1890. It has given away
since two round trip tickets to Chi
cago and return for the World's
Bobby-Bay, pop, what Is a suf !ikt?
Pop The one jou weic k'olnj: to make, but didn't,