DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1903. I lilH :ilH LeeTeutsch wants Your Wife Tn Imv school shoes for tho boys and girls at the BIG STOKE on tho corner of Main and Alta. None better made tor the boys and girls than tho PAT COGAN make and none bettor for the women than THE JULIAN KOKENGE brand. Have you scon tnonu Lllow the crowd to Le Teutscli's Store Corner Main and Alta PERSONAL MENTION. City Brevities Bio' U 0 Kauor-f sh fruit daily at Martin's. jokers' supplies at Noumea's. Sharp's artistic wall paper. iih flsli, game and poultry, cas- Kent- A piano. Apply at tbs I" Iterated moats. Schwartz i'h Co up 'Phone Main 1SS1 when you Jiuirc ice. i iiooKs nrrlvlng dally at Ira lUKlU stoic IlCll patlL'lll (HUBS lllllh on lim it Mrs Campbell's, the Palni, 221 Court street, Its, candles anil fruits ... a. .It wt Iwtiium-c , at Selbert & Schulz's. S of Imported and domestic a.?l clam chowder at Gratz's. Ihavt' fruit Jars and fruit jar rubbers, covers, otc. It. Itohr- over your houso furniture, i reflnlsh it like new. Wilson pine, 'phone muln black 10 1::. nates given on short notice on and paper hanging:. Charles the pioneer painter, SO" VIn-eet crystal Ice don't cost any jlian Inferior Ice, and is so i leaner anil more healthful. Main 1881 hundred acres .10-bushel pud, 8 miles out. Level, dean spring riming water. Price E. T Wade & Son. U C Under, M. A. See Sharp for paper hanging. Swell slippers at Toutsch's, Host shoe repairing at TeutscU's For the best bread, get Itohrman's. If you want a cab, call up Main 101. Got your clothes cleaned' at .Tocr- gcr's. Buy a fountain pen this week at half price at Frazior s. l or sale Alfalfa liny. See Dave Ingram, this office. New carpets and linoleums at na iler's furniture store. wanted Cook; inquire of Frank H, Clapton at house or office. Children's school shoes that wc anil loot; well, at To itsch'r. Hecelved daily, iresh tamales, craus ana crawusu at Gratz's. For prompt service, call up the Mc- iwiy uan uo., -puone Main 3 CI. MI Preferidn, the bosst cigar made, it Uees' cigar store. Court streot. New pipes, some rare beauties, prottlest Ilni ever shown here. Han Ion's. ICye shndos. 0c, new music rolls, IS'c to Jl.fifi, now toys and dolls. Nolf's. See Charles Lane about your paint ing and paper hanging; 807 Vincent streot. For Hent Two small houses, three iiiocks east of Main street. Apply nt K. O. ofllee. See Wilson & Carnlne about paint ing your buggies. Cottonwood street, next door to Neagle Bros. W, T. HIslop, of Pendleton, is in uaiior uity toaay. Baker City Her aid. Mrs. 1j. Whltteaker, of Adams, was In the city yesterday on a business visit. B. J. Wainscott, of Long Creek, u in me cuy lor a short time ves tcrday. Mrs. J. D. Hoyd. of Bake; City, was the guest of friends' In tho city yes terday. Mrs. Delia Burden, of Athena, spent Monday In Pendleton the guest of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frod Hewitt, of Uki a.i. were the guesis of friends In tho city yesterday. Ransom Loouallen and wire, of Weston, arc in the city today on a brief business visit. R. N. Stanfleld, of Echo, returned to his home this morning after a visit here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Booker, of Athena, were in the city yesterday, the guests of friends. John McLaln and E. Cornwell, of Wnlla Walla, passed through today en route home from Ogden. Wesley Bowman, of Waltsbnrir. nas tauen a position as salesman in inompson's hardware store. Mrs. J. Toney and daughter, Miss L. Toney, of Baker City, visited mends In Pendleton yesterday. T. G. Hailey has returned from Or. den, whore ho lias been as one of tho ueiegatos to the irrigation congress Robert Ewlng returned to his homo in walla Walla yesloruay after an over Sunday visit with friends in this cuy. A. W. Undall and inmily. of Hem nor. are n the city for a short visit with mends and to transact some business. Miss Mary Clarke, nf Portland sister of W. J. Clarke, had arrived and will spend the winter with her brother and his family. A, u. fatlllman lias returned from a visit to Ix-adville, Col., where ho lias been as one of ine head managers oi me woodmen of the World. u. F. Carson, the general freight agent oi urn Northern Pacific, is In the city from his headquarters at Portland for a short business visit. Charles F. Overbaugh. the travellnc treigni and passenger agent of the O, R. & N., Is in the city for a short visit in the Interest of Ills business. W. .1. Bowman, of Waltsburg. has accepted a position in the Thompson unruwaro store. He arrived in the city from Ills former home last night. Mr. and Mrs. George Pearce and tamily, 01 Salem, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lot Livermore. Mr. Pearce was a member of the last leg islature. .1. G. Cuttler. the treasurer of the W. (c C. R., came from his Walla Walla ofllee this morning for a short visit with the local olllce of the com pany here. IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Cloak and Suit Department New Suits and Coats for Autumn A Woman Chooses here with the Certainty of Choos ing Correctly The head of our Cloak and Suit Department visited all tho leading cloak houses in the East, so we are able to show what is being worn in tho fashion center. We can show you some of tho garments displayed in tho CONGRESS of FASHIONS recently' held in Now York. Tailor suits will bo in great de mand this fall. Tho radical change in the suit jacket from short to long is reason enough. The straight round walking skirt suit has gained in popularity and will sell largely. Many fancy materials aro in evidence, especially Home spuns, Mixtures and the Mannish Materials. New Capes New Jackets ' New Dress Skirts Muslin Underwear New Walking Skirts Children's Wool Dresses The new silk waists are more beautiful than ever and prices within reach of all. No trouble to show goods. pi Be Dealt Carefully R iMNZl bBticlan EYES With a'e the most didinntr. of sense and if they are. ' ""11 VOIlr VISIfin io nn) come and have vom- lested. Don' pdtirstand the eves and lPled with the most instruments for test- Ini. 'eweler Don't overlook t.ioso fine lots in the Colo addition. Every block lias a 12- foot alley. K, T. Wado & Son. Two pianos, slightly used. Great bargains. Come quick. Inland Em pire Piano House, near bridge. We have a long list of desirable city and country property at low prices. Wo can suit you. E, & Son. Wanted .Man and one or two teams to haul wood at Meucham. In quire of .1. J, McConuoll, CUt John son street. Ross has been In the ice business In Pendleton three years and has al ways sold the best In the Ico line. His motto lias been "No favorites, treat all customers alike." Old tho boys miss you when dls trlbutlnir our MONSTER CIRCU LA It? You can got ono at the store ed above. it they did, or If you haven t time to come, telephone to us or send us word and we will have one sent to you post haste, M. PIcard and family were In the city yesterday from their home at .(inms, having come to appear before tho justice court, in which Mr. Pi- card was the plaintiff In a suit Gus Lafountaine has returnod from a sight-seeing trip to tho coast and Sound titles, wnere he gained much valuable Information and the patrons I Wade of tno French restaurant will receive ine tieiieui. Drunk and Disorderly. J. U. Adams was urrested this morning charged with being drunk and disorderly, and was fined $5 and costs, which he paid and was allow ed to go. Adams had been working for Purl Bowman, on his ranch, and coming into the city started out to quench tho thirst engendered by a long period of labor In the dust of the harvest Held with the result not Governor Torrazns, of Chihuahua, Mexico, hus boon active In his ef forts to suppress gambling, public and private. A few days ago a mob stormed his official residence, broke all the windows with stones and did much other damage. A policeman was killed. Returned to Heppner, A. S, Haney, accompanied by his daughter-in-law, Mrs. C. S, Haney. re turned to their old homo at Heppner this morning. Mr. Haney and his boii canto to Pendleton soon after the Hood at Heppner, having lost some of tnelr relatives In. that disaster. They now vetuni to that city to make their home, called by the uuslness In terests that they havo left there. !ather dusters New Shipment of Turkey and Ostrich Dusters iwlle'sn6'- V50 fea,llers special 35c. l4 inch Tur s. special , , 5c. 12 inch carriage duster 120 tail Sieii .1. '5C 8 inch narlor duster fOstrirh snecial uuster f. - .. . . " rr. amoving enrt irom turniture special 50c. Jur 'ce Cre.im ...:u ... D"rs wont r piease you, it you ever nau anv cost you n cunt. V will let you be the judge. "5 Htm,!, r..." S DRUG STORE Kt"l'MVmMalstl.( 'out towuril tile Court Ilouso Four Cars of Cattle. J. C. Lonergan will ship four cars of cattle to the Seattle market this ovenlng over the W. & C. It. The cattle aro shipped to the Frye-Druhno Company, of Seattle. The cattle aro all from the Camas Prairie country, and are young and in good condition. Will Visit at Spokane. Mrs. E, A. Gordon, of Baker City, who has been the guest of Pendleton friends for a fow days, loft this morn ing for Spokane, where she will visit for a time before returning to her home In Baker City. Bleakneys Arrive. Mrs. W. II. Bleakney and children reached the city this morning trom their home nt Elgin, and aro tno guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J, Dlvon until thoy get seu.ed in ihelr now homo hero, Now ri'itdy-mndo dully at Toutsch's. skirts nrrlvlng THE PEOPLES' WAREHOUSE ; PENDLETON'S ONLY CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE. One of the Finest. Mark Pat ton s modern sanitary barber shop Is being extensively im proved. Tho latest improved revolv ing chairs have Just been put In and new French plate glass mirrors will soon arrive and will add to the up-to-date appearance of the place. Tho Patton shop Is pronounced one of tho finest In the stute. S. li. Callaway receives a salury of $100,000 per year an president of the American l-ocomotlvo Company. He resigned the presidency of the New York Central railway at $40,000 per year to accept the employment first mentioned. Fall Trade Good It Is good aud that's a fact says Mr. Flnneraii to our repor ter. How do you account for i', wheu others are complaining about the fall trade I utked I1I111. Why, I do not know any other good reason than that the people have found out that we are ac tually telling better shoes for the money or tho same quality for less niouey than others do. It U really remurkulile how manv people there are who remark about Ihe "weariug quality" of ourshoes. Now that is what We pay for and you jjet when you buy Douglas or Gloria or Ited Bcnoolhouee Shoes. These shoes are sold at u price and no one attempts to undersell them they simply can't and live. We have found the least margin of resistance to trade and that ac counts for our increase tills fall. Now watch us sell shoes. We carry shoes on live widths in all foot form lasts lu all leathers, heights, styles, sizes, weights, etc "Say, dou't that boy talk some?" I thought ns I went on my way with a line air of the Douglas shoes on from the Boston Store S A SALE I T(D)SBett 11 11 in ii 1 11 ltd I t- MBHHMMM W!WMmmw&w lit m 1 11 11 1 ih m : c 11 mmi i" T- Turkish liuth, Royal Oatmeal, Pine Tar, Klc. Iland milled soajH, per bur Io or -llic per do.. Other Hue values to 16c a bar. FKNE STATJtOKEKY We are agents for two of the best grades. Crane's Kiiperllue In iti'uiii laid, ilurd's Jt'iyal U'lilli. in nil IllH new sIihiiih. Kuvelopes and I'aper to match. FANCY MSHHS We handle the leading makes such u (Jeo. Itassett's, Havlluud itoyal. Austrlun, Kto THE NOLF STORE 1 i;.'-- THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this In mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for the International Poultry and Stock Food, Use Kow Kure for your cow troubles. J I t t to- C. F. Goleswortliy 127-129 Kast Alta St. Agent for Lee's Lice Killer I HE ELITE PISH AND POULTRY MARKET or Sl.ii(All.ist, !. ii. Kltlotl, 'i,p i. Our specialties are finest fresh and salt water fish of all desirable varities, crabs, lobsters, clams and water dclacacies. Olyui pia and eastern oysters. We will serve you with the finest oyster cocktail. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Prompt service and best satisfaction. A Trial Order is Solicited i r . ...I,.,,, , , . . . . . ......1. " TTTTTtTTT I I I I I I I TTtTtTTtT -9 Rigby-Clove Mfg.! bUnrAMT Manufacturers of the EA1RVESTER r 1 f f r Farm Machinery Foundry Work a Specialty Gash paid for old castings ! Pendleton, Oregon The Oregon Dally Journal cau 1je found 011 sale at Frazler's book story, t i il in