tH 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 Hats and Fall and X t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 All the late Shapes and Colors BAE R & DALEY -:u Ma. St. i :. I '-: One Price Clothiers Furnishers and Hatters GENERAL NEWS. Uewllyn Smitt. bookkeeper f-r Eri k Bros, of BuBalo N Y.. has ab-. sronded with about ,2iuin b-'longinsr t othe firm. 1 Bonner T Washington shows, signs of nervous prostration from j overwork and wl.i soon go to Eur-j ope for a vacation. ! William Ogg. general superintend- j ent of the Standard Oil Company, j died at Bakersfield. Cal.. Sunday last; of cerebro spinal meningitis. Too Italians. I'icolo and Jacchino. j for throwing a tomato at Premier Combed, at Marseilles, have been sentenced tn six months in Jail. Oliver Oriswold. a clerk sleeping in a Trinidad. Col., store, was awak ened by burglars. He killed one and fatally wounded another with a shot run Fire underwriter have cut the rate on bonded whiskey SO per cent. The risk Is very slight on account of the strict supervision by government watchmen. Chief Justice Loree. of Delaware. In a charge to the grand jury which will investigate the burning of White the negro, by a mob. vigorously de nounces and Inveighs against mob law. NORTHWEST NEWS. A reward of 36 and one lmlf of all tbe money recovered, has bean offer ed for the capture oi the masked men who held up the Arlington saloon. Wednesday. Within the pest two weeks four prisoners have escaped from me jnun nomab county jail, in different ways One crawled out of the Jan and three slipped away irnro the guard on tbe; rock pile. j The members of the Catholic i church at llaker City have become divided Into two factions, each sup-, INirtint; their side of the bitter con-( trovery between the priest. Dmar- is. and Bishop O'.iellly. j The American Bridge Company, of i New York, has been awarded the con-, tract of building a bridge over Snake j river at Ontario, to cost J32.795. the ; county of Malheur having appropri-: ated M.500 tnwurd the construction. C. M. Donkel. of Djschutos. Crook county. Is under arrest on suspicion ; of having murdered his father, who r . . I i 1 . 1. was xounu nurnfu uuuui iub amn m i a- l.-I .11- . k a campnre, nur i-rnieviiie, un iur 17th of Suptomwr. Two suit azalnst the bondsmen ; of H. H. Hmmos. former cierK oi .Multnomnh county, were filed Mon day. The amounts named In the two' hiilto nBRTSKato !.70S. alleged to b j a Shortnue in his accounts, while clerk. Th. I Mwfs anil l.mrk fair boai. ) has purchaied the I'litlre ;xhlllt in Horticultural Hall, at the Salem state fair for tbe St. l.ouis exposition and will prepare the stun" for shipment Tbe price of thf exhibit was some ihing Vm thau Sl.500. 1 School Books j School Tablets ; ' f School Supplies lo matter what the hoy a i V I- I c ill S' or u fii.1 I11.I.H3 iui iu (i i - .1 1 :. l. I I - - sciiooi !i can ire louiiu ai our store Largest tatiletsTwith '-. nrAl.Iarl n.. . In r . 'T - IJiuiiibdi, wicia. at turvcat ( prices. ( F1- rm w -ry -w-v r '1 AV - 1 a-' J V O t BOOK STORE " &vvviriiviiw:ii& 3aps for Winter I! ?! t 4 1 t $ . I ft. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel pendlotsn. W S 1'iiiVn Ruth White Harriett Shelton X S Kubn. Omaha nttershaan Portland Helen Drester New Y'lrk. Oeorge Rich am! wife. New Yotk. Oscar I Mgman New York James Wright, North Yakima. B 1, Unshelmer Portland T. C. Brown. Cripple Creek. U C Freiderlck. Cape Green. Frank Drake. Chicago. A. D. StUlman. city. W. A. Boyd. Spokane. B W. Saunders. Spokane Henry Rehinke. Dixon. P. Rehinke. Dixon. j C. Lindsey. Portland. Charles Miller and wife, Portland. William Maher. Portland C. M. Smith. Portland Mrs. B. Haines. Heppner A. S. Haines. Heppner. K A. Seeds. Spokane. F. M. Bell, Spokane. j S A Franc, spoKane, t Gilbert Joyce, apoaant. Oeorge H. Sutherland, Walla waua John W. Malarky. Walla WalU R. K. Stanfteld. Echo. T. 0. Hailey and family, city. D. M. Taylor, city. W. P. Culien. city. N C Lawrence and wife, city. Golden Rule Hotel G S. Barry. Walla Walla. L. Cunningham. Portland. M. McFarland. Chicago. S. Wilson. Chicago. K. Bowden Chicago 1.. Bracket:. -icago. O. Gibson. Chicago. Anna Murdoch. Chicago. H. B Jones. Chicago M. Franklin. Chicago C. Muller. Chicago. Iton Waudt. Chicaso Blanche uiMandry. Chicago. J. Ijtrmore Chicago S. Dempsy Chicago. F J. Berg. Walla Walla M. O. Van Berger Walla Walla. A W. Hntchins. Chicago. Ed Myers Chicago Lew Beck. Chicago A. B. Collier. Chicago. A L. Layton. Riple) Layton. Minie. H iJiyum. Hlplcy. . Ji. Picard anil family Adams, s L. Whitaker, Adams. W. I.nndall and family. Hepn- j A nur J A Kelson and wife, city K. J. Wainscott. Lone Creek E. K Ifower. Portland. Mrs. Cornelius. Pilot nock Mrs. G. B. Doane, Suokane. Fred Hewitt and wue, Ukiah. C. K. I'owerB. San Francisco. John Walters, am. wife. Sa nPnsa- cisco Mrs Delia Burden. Athena. J A. Beldin. Baker City V J Lindsay La Grande. H Com.?!!. l' F. F Lin-, elty. Frank stetson city Ell Mlsner city. C R Kun- Milwaukue 1 I . aylor Walui(. tlisliill Ilniio F. G P S niitfnril anil n-1f. Prurideuce H Ilensley and wife TeilMride t IHI 1. n 1 1 1 . 1 w ..' ' . .....a..ju. M Cnaimins and wife. Tanshut. Uarns and wtf. nunliut J Mrs. .1. 11. Boyd. Baker City Mrs H. Spalding. Slinuitor. Mrs J. Toney. Baker City Miss K Toney. Baker City. F J Gurdoer Portland . Ho's T'V w "9r (Mw lluntln-d 1 rot lam Utmrant i.H- any oi caiarrn tnai can nc w ...,rH l.r l'.jtlh l'n nul IW y' j T'UFNt ' w.- the unci',ii itarrh I'urw 4 (' TonNla. O n- iui uuiiwiiaw-ril- unit- auuwH r a Uir fnr th? lftAt I.', jraara. and Dvll-uro hun riti:tly tuinnntbl- la all ImuIuimi tmoMeilou anil BnaocUII) able to curry "in any ob!li.-all-ti maiV by ttwlr flrin WKST & TIH AX. Wbolcaab- DruiaUia f tuiniii I WAMHM,. KIXNAN A MAKV1X. Whole- 1 Halls I'aturrh I'M hi isk surfans of th v'ttm i i iri.ihiMi ii.nruu. lakDu lutvnuiu. loorl anil ntucoti.1 .,11 r TllmAnl.l. !t nt ftw Prlve 75c ixr bottle Sold by t Ml! ilnu-;Uu Hull x la ally 1'IIU 4rv tbe timi New ready-matif at Teuts''ch's. skirts art iving 0AV east i I SNOW IS FALLING IN THE MOUNTAINS. 'varm Growing Weather is Needed Sheep Are Coming Out oi mc Mountains-Cattle Are Not Look Ing Very well Wood Cutting Has Begun. There was qui the mountain out soma of here when we bad our rain. But it has turned off nice and warm aim ?rass ' growing. There Is no doubt but the rain din much damage to the famine coon- try What we need now is warm grow-. H1TY DGE AND 11 -j' Snveinber or uecemw. i 2, Mr" and Mrs. Tbos. Edwards and , I'm; and Mr.. John Kearny ; f . ,nm an mitltx tn the momi-: rnlnK. '.rjt? : patted down People of ibis part arc ousy iand hauling wood at present. . c. W and L A. I.lnsner purrhae.i (from C. B. Wade of Pendleton two ; Due youne Hereford bulls. Som- are bemnin to gather in i tbelr catUe from ott the range.. They are not looking extra well Just , oow- ! from a selae of typhoid ann pnemu- , Ms brother tor recreation. NEW FORAGE CROP, Prolific Ylelder, Hardy and Adapted j t Thi climate. J. D. Price, a farmer who lives in the vicinity of Pendleton, brought 1 into the cltv this morning a sample C a fodder new to this part ot the , ! state The name of the new f-eti is jcataloEiied as Pericilana. and It if , native to Africa, where it U n.m l uged as B feed for cattle and other j stock. In appearance it resembles . aU ,,,.,,. Tv to - : re- that lated to the - cat-tail' family j grow here along the swampy grounds. This elephant grass, as It is called in Africa, grows, however, i fe, on tlry land and needs but littb- ir-i ; ligation. If any. It growB to a zreat height, and Is liked better thau corn by the cattle. , ? From one seed from 45 to stalks , ' will spring, and as the grass, is very ; , hardy. It is thought that It will be , , the coming foaiter crop of this part of Itte country It produces heavier than corn and grows faster, and with . little care. Mr. Price Is enthusiastic ! J In prafae of the product, and will 1 J raise quite a field of it 'b lominz year. ' UNIQUE FRONT. Detachable and Removable Glass Frontage to a Business House. Th Standard Grocery Company kn. fuut t.lnnujt a Hntt tlMUr fflniiK front in their place of business on Court in their place of business on Court street. The front is unique in the construction, in thai it can be taken . -- out in summer simply by tb.- remov- al of a few screws and slot - I awa ior us in winter. ine um m. done by Messrs. O'Gara and Barnhart j and the detachable Idea is tueir own j raugernvnt of the front, the grocer -' men have displayed ability as work men, us the change makes a jrreat im-1 provement - the apiiearance of tnn oiisiness house RAILROAD EXTENSION. Texas Enterprise Part of an Irriga tion Scheme. flMniin Tut.c ot.T "- The meeting bo ing held here today i oy ine siocRiioiuers oi me s lajiiis. Brownsville & Mexico railroad is fur the purpose of authorizing an in crease of the capital stook of the eumpnny to J3.S6u.0Ow and to pro vide for the extension of the line to tflnlVMttfin -iml fnr th ...mat rHt in a tt I ..... - HHH . .... w...... ... - " p. . ; several branches i ne roau is a pan ot a great irn I nation scheme, in which a ayndlcat" I hoadi'd by 11. F. Yoakum s in'nt- ml. Oo You Enjoy What You Eat? If you don't, your food dovs not do you much good. Kudo) Dyspepsia Cure is the remedy that every one should take when there is any wrong with the stomach. There is no way to maintain the health and strength of mind and body except by nntlrtlriMw.nt TIii.m Id nn ...a.. r. .v.... ,...,; .... nut iu i-t. . ... . .. iiuurisu except tnrougn tne stomach ml, . .. . . . tne siumacn must ne Kept neaitny pine and sweet or the strength will let down and disease will set up Xo apiKit.te loss of strength, nervous- new. headache, constipation, bad breath sour rislnss. rlftlnir. Indiee. Kodol nvaiionaln i-nr.. k. Kodol Dvsixinsln by Cure. Sold Tallmon & Co. y sept"'" a j F. Nowl.n and Ignore P Now . hi. wife have wild to Am.a - Hmmel of this cty. lor .1. ,ts 7. S and S. in Work of tbe P.aley addition. , t i cwnpifnrt and Ida 51. Sua? s.rt haw sold to I.. r- Me Sl.Son. lots 15 and 1C, in block or the reservation addition, am It 4. In block 22. of Arnold & Haley addition. Laura E Davis and Dell Daub lief husband. Mary J. Smith and E. Smith, her husband, and Bertha Har ris. have sold to H. H Harrl for it.WO. the northwest quarter -t th northwest quarter of sertion 31 in township 5, north of range on talnlne Sit acre more r less in 'he vicinity of Milton. n(rhBri, vanhonie died en mr more ia -- Nf.wK- N. j.. M E. confers. - : Vnnr Mother . , annual can De iiruv.u.u - - 7 " income for life in event ot our death at less cost than you can mafce tfce same provision lor our .f children. . Thjs contract can De oo.aincu g Jw cost t uitino fnr terms state the araw out at --"" " r-j;-- r :,e. vour mother s axe J,nd the amount of annual income for life you would like to provide 1 for her in case of your death. TUi fnrm n( contract was devieu a?.rl introduced bv 1 he company A lllitiwi wj,,ch ranks A;. iri-m At. . Amount r.,.- XHE MUTUAL LlKE INSURANCE COMPANY OF XKW YORK, THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Richard A. McCurdy. president. nu -uaru j. .uiu.i. ,,lvo.Uv..iSiUift A,ma D- K"12- manager. Boise. Idaho phone Main 161. Pen,net0B Oregon. OREGON. When You Order i i . . FROM US you are -lire of two tiling 1st. Youcun'i ;et us good for lt- money. 2nd. m is lirl., can't get letter a' Low price i an argument no ' real salt-ntum unit- to u-"- J It i the list evidence that his , bimmI- utv ertk on iUnlity and Uliality 1. remcuil)"rel Umg nftei J price is foryotteii 'Die ipmlity of our lraml give- ' us the ls -nit Ivusinff oil the cnast. It will ik n much 'or oi J J o n(rA r,rnrprv fn 'J dllual U Ul ULCI J v . . T , , rt , w .Tigt ij Any i rUIl .ID ' OUT' 11- t n z CvS'SvcnnavvvvvvvvB How to Sell a Crop and latiU Have it. fm ltn I ill- at!- ha'.- w.i.etif u- .11! ad-mncv iu priw Thi"- nctl. moir cjn s ft Urx-- lit ce Ou do K ihfir cto mi" to motiri an! no: h-.l'l thv srdin lor jan advais.- in tli :otiow manner. --mihxm brstr ha . Vul.'. rbtat wbick Ik can xll ai .ru, biuhtl 1 him cll u an'', r. vi-i . I 111 TMVmeilt: llMtl let him hit.- s t. iif Mar wkol and margin it .-rni . biilhel. Th. will nquirr Ji., II in (hen halt JjtK tolathr ir, n; If th- prior of .Mat- xtarat no ut S.. cBUriWktl, be will make lite tor lint it h bad IvtW hi l-uh 1 i hf' in hi f ranarv. our lor cunililcratiiMt, Coe Commission Company B. E. Kennedy, Local Mgr. iwsvrWlrwyvvw1r CONSUMPTION w i tlir, mos. ri-Mr1.. .A. . diseased , u-eli . nnnnrtTrt i 1 S fTi tJJ.SL.M 'nwSSL,?l ftn. once and cured by Ackert Enellsh tnamsn, ?.if- w2-S 5n.!"s5 ' V,.," ' .u" " i"b, Ti' -UU6Uu:. , V". '' V ouijib. iy. n. tea. v, rite for free sample. W. H. i looker & Co.. Buffalo. N. T. F- W. ' sebmldt & Co. . ui...iu i-nres Sick Headache m0ves all eruptions of the sun. pr SnTof' WrHeT us eu ,nd d 8 Vh. Hooker Co.. Buffalo, K. T. F W. Schmidt & Co.. rtrucclsts. Tamarack COUGH BALSAM Po-si-wes all the Mothlng and healing virtues of our native white pint- wmi bltiwl in a r"'atftl,,e fornl It is utiexcelled for COUGHS and COLDS 2; and 5 c,n,s I er :ott e F. W. Schmidt's The Reliable Drnggisl Phone Maiussi ISIAL STABLES G. M. FROOME. PROPRIETOR. Carryalls for picnic parties Good loams "with competent drivers for commercial men. Speedy horses and handsome rigs for evening and Sun day drives. Gentle horses for family nee stock boarded at reasonable rates Best of carp given to transient , stock Opposite Hotel Pendleton ;St. Helen's Hall ' , Has a Normal Kindergarten Truintiip, j Class in connection with its Acade-, J ntic Department. Separate residence. 1 ; ' Two-year course. Model Klndergar-! ten. Provides worl. For , i ' itftails address ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Prin. MA1TTMOID him The new hieh prade roor ti o ing for low cost work. On iheds,, factories, warehouses, birns, depots, whirves. All buildings of large roof sur face that require protection from the e emeu-). A better roofing at the same price has neve been prouuied. tLii lor booklet . - The Paraffine Paint Co. st San Francisco, Seattle, -.i rortiana, loi Angeles AlJixjO-?! and Denver. Colordn. rT -!L .ip T C. TAYLOR, Armu The Columbia Lodging House Well ventilated, neat and tomfortable rooms, good led. Har in connection where best goods are served. Main Street, center of block, between Alt.i and Webb Streets. ; ' ! - i' rroofiptnt i ! . I 1 - w DUTTI Is back at v;. and in charge of J nonary business Guarantee ti, CLASS SERVIceI CANDIES, BON TAFFIES, m ETC. ETC! 111111 uciivery, AAAAAAAAAAAAAuJ A LITTLEI 4 4 4 rtrusucawv arJ 5Kiiiea w srknien ijj to the appearanctj ten Jr r extprml home, husiness J buudings Wl oni skii f-ri nrt.-i - oni tr.e nest materj jui pajjer nanjra perts and our kJ paper the neutstl bright .3 as of the srown il jurstcdl 3 C. C. SI icra HuiiL I i llOliift j lj) (ui 11 1 Caasly, PORTLAND. TYTYTTTTYTTVt TRANSI TRUCI STORi CROWNER Tvleplioiic yi Let us fill bin with ROCK SPRIM Kecogtnzed as and most e:onw We are preputj tract witn winter s suppi) liver coal or part i i the cit) Laatz f Mam Street (4 Model Light Business Are on iIiovt In at all Interested Yf', tunltj to nee "bK?Zt doing to UghteB'y.1 ni-samenli r?ui?Ii(l Tbe farmer U TO' eblele afford one clad hubs, outer M"1? enilctt running Vji cam. pbeton'??iiV tires et on ourMf'V,.'! tbe old wsj. U raj GDI