East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 22, 1903, Image 1

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. -
Eastern Oregon Weather
, . . . resilience
Tonight fair, cloudy, Wednes
day, possible showers ami cooler.
NO. 4831.
1 Vi TA N
JKBSEisammmmmmmmm Tii nHi.u,L,y uj. maaaaiiaSgg 311 SBsh
and Victor, Col-
Armed Camps of
i rr
PT TU nnV u
rt r- I CAC CTl
Arms Last Night at
.IJ.., DnnCPUpIt Will
r.Jncilinn of
mints i - -
Soitt 22. Tlie
. ...11...... .iron. I'll.
mstiici court thlB
. .1... millttfl
IIUI IlilVf III" lllll..."
this afternoon to
Innni-K Fnini the hull
urueiiii i. iiii.ii-
.1 t l, luf1.
n heavy detachment
will lie instructed to
. .... .i.- i..it ..m...
in ill urn i.i ii win. -
Being Htara.
September 22. Ar-
lnir ucuiu in tnu
f.iuv prisoners now
last night HhotB
with a party trying
tu Dull Hill
'ueriiwun "l I.iinor
livarinc til' the dlf-
the metal workers
An amicable agree
ing was arrived at,
railes will probably
ences. Neither the
Ingliniise case was
ot Confer
opt 22 Secretary
"I the report t
arranged a confer.
eadcrs mer the Mil
ium in Washington,
ffer Under Fire,
t 22. Because of
from lliti nil,,,,
(If II... 1 1 .'
i iiiv muuiKuiuni
i hwii-
nuy tin mi
made today.
Strike Threatens.
22. All lndtr-i .
Association of Iron
i ere loriay mil).
" "Ml 11 ,11H.'
Jniijorlant inwrtlnj;
-''(' this wt'uk. It
tinut in i .
ten the wafie scale.
Ulllti'il Klnt..u
an Mechanics.
Snt o . , 'Pi,,.
- ""iy, wuii Na-
-"nun wiilte. of
K. Thft
.- n-ion or
i .wuu ouurver.
- uuairs or
frond nn.iii.i
.. luiiiuiinn.
. am v in.
mill ) n
lllirln n .
ran n, " "
- iiunui i-rim.
"rK. Who has !.,.,.
at noon, iu ...,
" was M years
. ' iaie sen.
--il,l,a. f
iiW Vrt.l. i . . '
- "' in lKBi
" mnielteo
... hwi,
rzJi N'a"'o,ia'
i mot hero today.
George i.lUnarn)
. uf Salt Ijike.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company B, E. Kennedy, Lo
cal Manager.
Chicago, Sept. 22. Wheat Cnblos
not as wonk ns thoy wore yesterday.
Liverpool closed V. lower. Mar
ket opened a fraction higher than
yesterday's closo, hut soon gave way,
making a now low record. There was
n good domain! at the declluo and
very little offered. Wo hollevo liqui
dation In wheat Is over; that tt Is
now low enough. Wheat is worth
this price, and in our opinion will
soon seek a higher level. Such
breaks as wo have had since last
week Monday are rare and should be
taken advantage of to buy wheat on.
Do not gel weak with tho market.
This Is not the place to soil wheat.
We believe wheat should bo bought
on this break for a long pull. Re
ceipts at Minneapolis and Duliitli 520
cars, against 1,118 a year ago, and
133 against CIO.
StockB Stock market dull and un
interesting, rather weak early, but
firmed later und was holding fairly
firm at noon. Was light gain ovtir
yesterday's close sales up to noon,
Wheat Opening. Close.
Dec 78 7S&
...ay 80& S0
Dec 47 47U
May 47U 47
Minneapolis, S'ipt. 22.
Wheat Opening. Close.
Dec 77 77U
May 79 7!)ft
Chicago Wheat.
Chicago, Sept. 22. Wheat opened
at 78.
Chicago's Oldest Mayor.
Chicago, Sept. 22. Allison Sher
man, Chicago's oldest ex-mayor who
hold that ofllcc In 1841, died today, !)2
years old. He broke ground for the
first waterworks.
rap ne 1 famine ano
Four Thousand Starving Women and Children Are Fugitives
in the Forests and Mountains of the Frontier.
The Sultan's Appointment of Reshld Pasha to Be Vali of Brusa, Is Offen
sive to the Americans, Especially the Missionary Element The
American Squadron Will Remain at Beirut as a Precautionary Meas.
Were On a Tour of .Inspection of a
Mine in Colorado Victims Wen
Known All Over the West
Burghas, Eastern Itoumalla, Sept.
22. Eight thousand fugitives from
Macedonia dnd Adrlanople. are here,
and others are arriving hourly. All
reports Indicate the terrible condi
tions reported have oeen underesti
mated. Four thousand women and
children are starving In the woods
along tho border. The Turks have
possession of nil important points
and are constantly augmenting their
Offensive to Americans.
Constantinople, Sept. 22. The un
favorable comment aroused by the
appointment of Iteshli! Pasha, the
former Vail of Beirut, to tho vali of
Brusa, which is realty 11 promotion,
continues. The action of the porte
In this connection Is regarded here
us a challenge to the representatives
of the towers, especially to the Amer
ican minister, who. It Is thought, is
likely to protest and may possibly
demand Ueshld p.asha's recall from
Brusa in the interests of the Ameri
can educations established in that
Reports from Beirut say that the
appointment of Hnllm Pasha to the
vali of Beirut has caused much (lis
appointment. The inhabitants ex
pected that Nnnim Pasha, the vali
! of Syria, who Inspired confidence by
hlb conduct when he beenmo acting
vali 'After Reshld Pasha's removal,
would bo made vali.
To Remain at Beirut.
Washington, Sept. 22. Comniuni
cittlons have reached the state de
partment urging the government to
ay or do something Mint will put
a stop to the ntrocltles In Turkey. It
is stated that this prcssuie does not
emanate from the missionaries. Of
ficials at the state department are
reticent nbout the probability of tho
United States giving expression to
the reeling with which the alleged
atrocities In Turkey aro viewed by
the people ol the United States.
Wlthdrawa) of the American squad
ron at Beirut, It Is said, has not yet
been determined upon, and no indi
cation has been received from Oys
ter Bay as to the piesident's inten
tions in the matter.
Porte Is Satisfied.
Sofia, Sept. 22. Tho porte has ad
dressed a note to Bulgaria saying ho
considers the Inspector-general pasha
of the Turkish forces in Macedonia
answers all the purposes of tho In
ternational commission proposed by
Bulgaria, and if Bulgaria is unable to
re-establish order in her own terri
tory the suzerain is always willing
to come to her assistance.
Charged With Embezzling $6,000
From Wild West Show.
Nevada, Mo., Sept. 22. A charge
of embezzlement of $0,000 hns boon
made against Colo Younger, bandit
by the management of tho Wild West
Show, with which Frank James and
Younger have been associated since
shoitly after Younger' laroon fiom
the penitentiary. James and Young
er had previously brought net Ion for
damages against the management be
raiM they allege tho proprietors
failed to equip the aggregation ac
cording to contract, and refused to
drlvo away the gambling clement.
James and Younger assert the em
bezzlement charge Is retaliatory.
Predicts Changes In Administration
American Church.
New York, Sept. 22. Cardinal (lib
bons returned from Homo today on
the Kaiser Wllholm dor Orosso. He
sjienks with the greatest enthusiasm
of the new pope, who, he says, Is sin
gularly rnmlllar with American nf
lairs. Radical changes will probably
occur In the American church admin
istration, hut he declines to discuss
probabilities. Cardinal tllbbons is
much Improved In health.
His Own Testimony Has Ruined His
Chances for Acquittal.
Cynthia, Ky.. Sept. 22. Ex-Senntor
Hargls did not appear at the Curtis
Jett trial today, and has almost lost
all hope of saving his nephew. Jolt's
testimony In his own behalf has com
pletely broken Me nlllii so carefully
prepared by the defense.
Lipton Recovering.
Chicago, Sept. 22 Sir Upton, who
has been thiealened with appendici
tis, Is out ot IkmI today for the tlrst
time in nearly two weeks.
Question of Admission or Re
jection of the FcMiious Con
vict Walking Delegate,
Police Reserves Held at Headquar
ters to Answer Possible Call to Con
vention Hnll Fight on Now In
Committee on Credentials and Con
vention Is Adjourned Till Tomorrow.
Buona Vista, CoL, Sept. 22. Man
ager Morley, of the Bueiw Vista
smelter, and head of several big
j mining enterprises, und Foreman Alt
Miliums, of tho Mary Murphy mine,
were asphyxiated on the 14th level
last night by powder gas. Tho bodies
were discovered this morning.
! The men entered tho mine Kibt
night to inspect the workings. Both
were among the best known mining
men In the West.
Interior Department Wires That Both
Offices Be Opened -Tsr Business.
l.n. Grande, Sept, 22. Special to
East Oregonlan) Tho following mes
sage was received by tho local laud
olllco officials this morning:
Washington, D. a. Sept. 22.
Register and Receiver, La Grande:
If both officials art) nt the olllce
ready for duty, both offices must bo
opened for business at once.
(Signed) RICHARDS.
Immediately after tho receipt of
the message tho land office was open
ed for tho first time since Saturday,
and tho office force Is now busy
clearing up tho accumulated wtn-k.
Bitrtlott hns been In the city and at
the office most of tho time since the
allien wns closed,
Experts Hold That St Louis Is B
'ter Off for the Ditch.
Chicago, Sept, 22. Hearing of eVi
donee In the drainage canal Investi
gation was resumed today. Expert
Professor iLong, of tho Northwestern
University, ;ls this afternoon testify
ing that long experiments show that
emptying the water of Lake Mlchig-m
Into tho Mississippi rlvor, has purl
(led, Instead of polluted the water
supply of St. Louis.
Baker City Catholics Have 'Not Yet
Settled Their Difficultit-s.
Baker City, Sept. 22. The trouble
between Father Desmoids, llio resi
dent Catholic priest. In this city, and
Bishop C. .1. O'Reilly, over the pos
session tf the parsonage. Is yet un
settled. Father Desmans and his
sister, Vho ha been in feeble health
for some time, have not yet had a
trial on the charge of rioting, as
charged by Bishop O'Reilly, Satur
day evening.
The priest refuses to vacate the
parsonage, and resign his pastorate,
ns demanded by the bishop, and as a
innfilnnwipl. .leiral nroccedincs will
bo Instituted against him and his
sister, wiio keeps house for him. The
affair has created great consternation
in church circles In the city, and the
citizens are watching the proceed
ings with deep Interest. 'Where a
bishop Is located, ho takos place of
tho regular priest iu the parish, hav
ing only an assistant, and tho re
moval of Father Desmaris precipitat
ed tno light.
New Car wneel Company.
Albany. N. Y Sept. 22. The Na
tional Car Wheel Company, of Roch
ester, was Incorporated today with a
capital of $9,000,01)0,
It Is Dead Today Unless Colombia
Congress Retracted.
Washington, Sopt, 22. Unless tho
Colombia congress receded at tho
last moment, the Hay-IIorrnn canal
treaty Is now dead. Today being tho
final date for tho ratification tho stato
department Is anxiously awaiting
news from Bogota.
John Mnttlns, of Sllverton, Col.,
has not boon heard from since he left
New York City, July 25, for Colorado,
en routo from a visit to Austria.
When ho disappeared ho had $8,000
in cash on his person,
Royal Italian Band to Appear In This
City on Two Days.
Manager R. J. Nixon, ot tho Frazer
Hinntni- lma fiiiimleteil nrrangonuints
with Ellery's Royal Italian Band .for
a two-days' stop in this city. The
hand will bo here on Saturday and
Sunday next, and will give threo con
certs, one on Saturdny evening, 0110
Sunday afternoon and one on tin
uvenlng of tnat day.
It Is not necessary to mention the
fact that this Is one of tho largest
and best hands on the concert circuit
and Air. Nixon Is to bo congratulated
in having secured It for the dates
here. Tho band will bo at the Walla
Walla Fruit Fair and carnival and
will come from thoro to this oily.
Attempted Suicide.
Mamie Rlchos, a girl who has been
In the city for somo tlmo, took mor
phine in ono of tho local lodging
houses yesterday, and for somo tlmo
her life wos (tespairou 01. However,
tho doctor who wus called finally got
the girl beyond tho dangor lino, and
today she Is about recovered from her
attempt to ond nor Hfo This Is the
finnnnil nttoinnt that sho has mado to
put nn end to her existence.
Student of Business College Develops
a Mild Case.
Walla Walla, Sept. 22. After u
month's fieedom from smallpox in
Walla Walla, the record was broken
Sunday when the ca.-.o of Miss Mar
garet Hayes, a student at the Em
pire Business College, was reported
to County Health Olllcer SUles.
Miss Hayes had been attending the
college hut two weeks, coming from
the home of her parents, 10 miles
east of Walla Walla. She was re
moved ,to the house ol a private
From .the fact that the case is a
very mild one, and that Miss Hayes
left school owing to Indisposition
four 1rks previous to the manifesta
Mods of .the disease, it will not be
necessary to close the school,
Dealers of Chicago and Buffalo Shut
Down to Reopen With Non-Union
Employes Building Trades May
Become involved.
Pioneer Settler
Walla Walla, Sept. 22,
for more than 3D years
Walla Walla, died at 7:
ing at tbu Walla Walla
a stroke uf paralysis,
sick about two weeks.
was aged hO years and
Poland. Jlo has no
Amei leu.
Paul Molke,
a resident of
26 last even
hospital from
He bad been
The deceased
a native of
relatives in
Walla Walla County Is Making :
Final Effar.t to Secure This Jnstl
The city council of Walla Walla
and the board of commissioners of
Walla Walla county, are now consld'
erlng tho subject of securing the
Stubblcneld home lor orphans and
widows, provisions for which were
made In the will ol Joseph stubble,
field last spring.
There must bo raised by November
6, tho sum of $10,000 in cash, to be
turned over in a Jump sum to the
trustees of the institution, to be used
as thoy see fit. The city and county
aro combining In an effort to raise
this amount by appropriation and
subscription, by the time specified.
The will provides for the expendi
ture of $100,000 of the estate in the
erection of the institution when $10,
000 shall have been raised by somo
city bidding for the favor. Walla
Walla Is the only city trying for the
The proportion of American-born
sailers on American ships, both mer
chant and naval, is steadily increas
ing. On the other hand, the propor
tion of EugllHh-born sailors on Eng
lish shit s steadily decreasing,
Chicago. Sept. 22. The live largest
marble plants this morning shut
down because they allege the unions
have broken their iigi cements, nnd
following the Associated .Marble
Dealers' agreement they say that
Thursday (hey will resume work as
open shops. A hundred men are
locked out- The building trades may
become Involved.
Follow Suit at Buffalo.
Buffalo, Sept. 22. Tin- heaviest
marble dealers shut down today Iu
compliance with n resolution passed
by the National Association of .Mar
ble Dealers last .March. They will
follow the general pulley to resume
oil Thursday next but with non
union hei.
Kansas City, Sept. 22. A spirit of
conservatism pervades tho seventh
annual convention of the Internation
al Association of Bridge and Structu
ral Iron Workers.
When President Buchanan called
to order today, Sam Pnrks, of New
York, Immediately started tho trouble
after the formalities by asking If the
convention wns properly called to or
der. Buchanan Ignored him nnd del
egates took tho Iloor, uxcltedly call
ing Parks a jall-hlrd, convict, scab.
Buchanan restored order by advising
the convention to adjourn pending
the report of the committee on cre
dentials, which was done.
Four local detectives had seals
near Parks to prevent any violence.
Their presence was duo to a telegram
from New York saying that Parks Is
a man who acts quickly when arous
ed. Adjourned Till Tomorrow.
Kansas City, Sopt. 22. So tierce is
the light before tho credentials com
mltteo about seating Sam Parks,
that no session of the convention will
bo held this afternoon. An nnnounce-
, ment Is made of postponement until
I 10 tomorrow.
Assault and Battery,
James Kelly, of Now York, attend-"
ing tho convention, was today fined
for assaulting John W. Henderson, of
St. Louis, a delegate. In nn argument
lover the Parks case. Kelly was arm
1 ed. Tho feeling between the dole
gates is so hitter police reserves nro
1 held at headqunrters,
Cramped and Sank.
Redding, Cal., Sept. 22. Rcnlcrl,
an Italian, bet a comrade $5 ho could
win In 11 swim across the mill pond.
A large crowd gatheted to witness
the contest When in the middle of
tho pond Iteiielrl. who wus ahead,
cramped and sank. The body has not
been found.
Accident lo Carmen Sylvia.
Berlin, Sept. 22. Cticen Elizabeth
of Roumnnia, whose literary name is
Carmen Sylvia, fell from her .car
riage at Neuwele, South Mermany,
today. Her Injuries are not danger,
ous. She Is (XI years old.
; Claimed an Agreement to Pay More
Than Was Delivered,
A civil suit occupied tho attention
of tho Justlco court yesterday after
noon nnd pari of tho morning. Hen
ry Plcnrd had sued Louis Audetto
for wuges alleged lo he duo his
daughter, Miss Oertrudo Plcnrd, for
work done with a harvesting outfit,
dining the season Just ended.
According lo tho testimony or the
plaintiff. Mrs Whlttuker and
run a cook wagon for tho defendant
during the Inst season and had hired
tho girl to help her. Sho had con
Iructed to pay the girl $1 11 day and
instead gave her GO cents per day.
The girl hud worked 35V& days. Tho
defendant denied tho contract, and
as the testimony was conlllctlng, tho
court dismissed the caso and ruled
Miut each side pay their own costs.
II. E. Collier represented tho plalntlrf
and L. J. Slater the defendants.
No Queen for Carnival Week Elec
tion of a King Is Proposed.
The contest for the (lueenshln of
the carnival Is a thing of the past,
and for two good and su indent rea
sons: one that Micro were not votes
enough polled today to keep either
of the two candidates in I lie race.
and the other that Miss Nellie .Mi:-
Mullen, the lending cundldute, has
asked that her name be taken from
tho list and her thanks expressed to
her friends for their kindness In vot
ing for her.
There was a slight Increase In the
voting today, but the increase was
so slight that It was li unity noticea
ble, and the management has declar
ed the contest off.
rhere Is now but one thing to tlo,
and that would be fur somo of the
lodgos or orders of the city to elect
a king to rule the crowds during the
tivo days of tho carnival. There ure
several young men, and old ones, too.
who are anxious to gain tho lienor of
wearing the robes,
William Temple Thinks He Knows
What Became of His Wheat.
Yesterday afternoon John Forth
wus arrested on the complaint of Wil
liam Temple of this city, charged
with the larceny of 31 sncks of wheat
from the ranch of the hitter, soverul
miles out of the city.
For bumn time wheat lias been
missed In small quantities from tho
ranches In the vicinity of Pendleton,
and the losers had no clue on which
to work In ferreting out tho thief.
When Tcmplo mlsse.l his grain he
suspected Forth, hut hud no positive
proof, letter he located tho wheat on
the place of tho susiiected man. and
at once had lilm arrested and brought
to town, where he was arraigned in
tho Justlco court yesterday and re
leased 011 his own recognizance,
pending his examination.
North Yakima Sheepman.
James Wright, ono of tho sbeepmon
of North Yakima, is in tho city to
day. Mr. Wright nnd his partner
have bought 18,000 tons of hay In tho
Yakimn country, and will winter a
big drove of sheep and cattle there
this coming cold spell.