(. DAILY EAST OWEQONIAN, PENDIEt6h, 0QOa. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1903. Business Cards and Societies PROFESSIONS AND TRADE8, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. OK W. 0 COLE. OFFICE IN bnlldW Office hours, 10 to 12 , ,1 ", p. m. Telephone red 371. JODD a. m., : Tu UII.I-HK. M. D.. DRSI'AIN IlIiOCK. treats and correct eye troubles, catar rh!" conditions nnd Impaired hearing. o"i. correctly fitted for retractive er tort. Telephone main 1181. nnfi SMITH 4 HINOO, OFFICII OVEn "to l'endleton Savnga Hank. Telephone 0; residence telephone main 801. H R. GAltFIEIiDT MD., nOMKOI'ATIIIC' flpulclau and Burgeon. Office In Judd Telephone, office, black 78; ret-ldPB-e. black -4. nn" 1). J. McFADLI-, ROOM 17 ASOCIA tlon block. Telephoue main 031 : reel. trnci-., black 101. nn rU, HBNDBnBON, I'nVSICIAN .nd n'reeon, Offlc- In Saving! Ilank build u7 Room 1. office phone Main Mil, res. Main Wu OH LYNN K HLAKBSLHH, CHRONIC nd nervous diseases and dlseaaei ot .omen, Judd building, corner Main and Court Bt. Office 'phone main 721 ; res i.t.ni'p. red 27S. . .;Vm i.nnvn- OCTir iHiTn DIt LENA ALLEN I1O0NE. OSTIuOI , A1H Ofl ' SIS Thompson street. House phone lied 308, nnd office 'phone Ulack lu-i na r t KlttBY, I'HYHKHAN AND S"K. L.,.1",. ,,,'.1.1 lliilMlna llnnn II nltln icon Offlco In Juild lluumng itnoin it, oaire Phone Red 1211, Kosiuonco mono warn usi. Pendleton. Oregon. DENTISTS. r A VAlIOIIAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN , jJ,m build nc, Thorn;, red 71. 11 -latloii block, over Schmldf! new drut , l'lione, reu -i-i, i VETERINARY SURGEONS. HI ClIItlSTIi: GRADUATE OF THE Koyai Vcteriiiiry College, lMouburgh, Hjut- am uu' U,V" ' . ,; Vi , or ale district 11 C All domestic animalB , trailed on srlcntlfli; principals. Ollco at i rooine .table. Main street, opposite Hotel fend Mnn Hesldeiuo phono Main 1.111, i 1 ,tl nrl-lf'V srtmi:nN Ir. D. ( . McNallb. Kiaduatenl Unlvurslty of I'eiin. Voterliiary ! of Spokane for 10 years. Olllco at Tallniau's liru, Miurt j uuuiviuii, uiu , .u.v .,....(&. BANKS AND BROKERS. rl iSC NATIONAL HANK OF ATHENA. '(recon. Capital, f .10,000 : surplus nnd iraiu. ttl.000. Interest on time deposits. bead In foreign nnd domestic exchauge. Collections Promptly attended to. Henry (' Adams, president ; T. J. Kirk, vlce-prea- ; Idear r S. LeOrow, cashier '; I. M. Kemp, Ant, 'ashler er ' THE FARMERS HANK OF WESTON, Weston, Oregon. Does a genurnl bank - ion business. Exchange bought and sold. collfftioiis nroniiitlv attended to U. Jam-1 on ireilJen 7 Tseorge V l'roebstel. l u.npMtf Iflniit t l( tllf.nrn rfiMhlnr -i. Victor, i ' ilartmiin I M Johns T i v!?, i n i?r, S i iV V.'ii,.nr.! p,,!.: rt Jameson, G. V l'roebstet. fHF PENDLETON SAVIN08 HANK. Pendleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, itf Capital, ifum.ouo; surplus, If 100, ODii Interest allowed on nil time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all principal points. Special attention given to col lections V J Finnish, president ; J. N. Seal, vice-president : T J, Morris, cashier; S W Maloney, assistant cashier. riltST NATIONAL HANK OF I'KNDLE- ton capital, fTO.um); surplus, fu.i.uoi) ; frsutacts a general banking business. Ex tnsnge and telegraphic transfers sold on (.alcago. San Francisco, Now York nnd principal points In the Northwest. Drafts drawn on China, Japan and Europe. Makes csllectloiis on reasonable terms. Lovl An ifnj president; W. F. Matlock, vlco-pres-Went C. H. Wnde, cashier; II. F. Johnson, mistant cashier. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. F HOWARD. ARCU1TECT AND GU perlnteudcnt; makes complete and rell rle plans for buildings In tlie city or coun trx lloiim 17 Judd building. 1R ? 4 COr'E- CONTRACTORS AND builders Estimates furnished on short otlce Job work a specialty. I'rompt "rvlo Shop on Plug street near Main. f. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR ANDIUnLD- Estimates furnished on all kinds rassonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. lesve orders at East Oregonlnn oITIcp. - E. TIPH I'M AN ARCHITECT" ""AND biifxTlntenileiii !,,m 7 Ter Uoaton "tore rent, Oregon ' ,n.,Kl:M'' l! FI'ASTERINO AND CK iiJ?.. ' eement walks n specialty. Ea fSV. f"cul8led free. Work guaranteed, will w11? nt "ndley & Zehncr's cigar tore. Main street. I' n. hnr inj. FRATERNAL ORDERS SECOND-HAND DEALERS M'J,05. DKALKK IN SKCo.-D-Q.fLi i Kods. It there la anything you ou ... ? nu iccond band furniture, t hi. Wte waru and crockery, call and jrlces. No. 212 Court street. tMfht ?pCOND-nAND GOODS JraocM ,1!'! ' nawn brokcra ; money "hml 0B. a" kln1 ot "rtlclei. Wateri - "r- Proiw. 732 Cottonwood -Ueet. TONSORIAL PARLORS. t"2n.8h,sANITAnY flAUllKlt 8UOP, manTliio i lh Court 'et ; be!t work " tools" si.riii. . moeF Irnprovementi i otlon. ,terl"edi bath roomi In con- gARD AND LODGING. "toe Lo,bn'Ul?,TINTON HAS PUROIIAaED "hep) Jba wfn Ku,e. il 6W Oarden 8trot, patron wm 00 Klad to eo br Irleuds and i1' UoM (.J,oard by the day or Per wkUb1?, ,uf, Rtos a.74 and Mitllo V Pendleton Feed Yard In - "' Q'liPton. prop. A"N'!m toIs.LAD,Nn "OTKL IN THE Proprietor. ,l so Porday. II, P. Milieu, 1ElI.0)pU.?',?,,F8 TAKES VOU TO 'l dooaieVvlci e' ,l ,"e"- food "e"1' - . "rvlt' B. II, Itlchards, proprietor S '-OHO !. NO. 4, MBKT8 KVKHV i,nfr,y, evening In Secret Society hall, K?.t?F..W?kV, Bt I'endletou. Ore. ft. W. "tbr. K, It. 8. : W. J. Keyea. C. C. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINE83 NEW YORK LIFK INSURANCE CO.. Joo Ell, Ajuuni akuiii, uuice in savings nanc Duuaing niui iuirjiuuuuau til Illimuujn. HARTMAK ABSTRACT COMIANY MAKES reliable abstracts ol title to nil lands In Uma tilla county. Loans on city and farm prop erty. Buys and soils all kluds of real estate. uoes a general uroserage Duslness. 1'aj-s tal es and makes Investments tor nonresidents, Roference, any bank In Pendleton. 0. A. HAilTMAN, ITcs. U V. HELD. Sec. OA. HARTMAK Jr., Vice rrcs. 1. M. I1ENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST anu mosi ronaDie uro ana accident insurance companies. Office with Hattman Abstract Co. JOHN HAILEV, JR., D. 8. LAND COM tnlsnloncr Specialty made ot land flllnga nnd proof: Insurance and collection!. Of fice In Judd liuldlng, room 10. CABS AND CARRIAGES. city c.ut LiNn, KitwiN iuKEn71nor. Telephone main 791. Office and waiting room, Alta street, next to Savings Hank building. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. TI1E c,Tr LIVERY HOARD AND SALE .stable. M. J. Cnrney, proprietor, for nlle lllrnout8 Stock boan erf ut reasonable rfttos, stable 118 Alta Street. 0. K. FEED YARD, U19 Aura treet, 11. II. ration ,t son, rrops. uirgccomiurtable stalls, plenty ot feed and proper attention ulveri , )i0rso. Tolophono Red 1.161. Livery In con section, MISCELLANEOUS. MEN'S KKiJOnT,-YOU arc Invited Free reading room. Whynot Join and get tho ad. vantage of free liath, uso of puti-filnc bug and Ingroom. Terms, 1.00 to Join and tuc a mouth DRESSMAKING I nm rtrertarrri tn dn tlrns. inattiifT and sewing of all kinds, (loud work' Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. I' D. Mann, ; 5UI June street. poll SALE 110ILEK AND 4-HOUSE i'OWUt vertical nigu siieea engine Also a -ID-light Generator Including all switch board Instru ,ents For particulars, rail on or address Fiieii Kine. llox 370, I'eudletim, Ore. ; WSI- F- younka will pay rnoMi-T at- telltfnn tn htl Rn1i.fi And Tirt.Hn,. hlllu IW. respoudcuccsoHcited. Commission reasonable p. o. Ilox aC. Pendleton Divonn: i.awb-peter wkti advice free; fees, terms to Null ; 25 Tears' experience Office 003 Garden St., Pendleton, Orogon. Proposals for Fire Department Sup plies. Sealed nronoiials for the fuml-blu? of Kloven Hundred Feet of Standard Slc l ire Hose, Flvo Hr (longs and Tnclve Fire Torches for the use of the Flro ' cpartment ot the city of Pendleton win uu reeeiveu hi me uuy uecoroer s nuice in ( October 6, 1IWI the proposals tu htalo kind, , juullty and price of articlea proposed to be M""1 , ,hlrt , "i?" ,0 be opeiied at the regular meeting of tho council of the city of I l'ci.dlotouio bo held on October 0. VMl, ut.70 me ciiy oi i cnuieiou uuiu a o chick p. m " ci'M'a p. in. i ue cu'jiicn res-rvo in rigni 10 ecopt the bids tendered either for tho whole ofsBidartlclosorfora part thnrcof and also I iiatea tnis rjm nay m sepiemoer A. i mia, THOMAS FITZGERALD. City Recorder. HARPER WHISKY; mm Fumous at home for Generations )ast; Famous now a! over tlje World. For Sale by JOHN SCKWilDT t LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire .Insurance Com panies we represent. Our companies stand first in the world. Hurtford File lusurauoe Uoil2,26,076 Alliance Assurance Co 29,039,968 London & Lancashire Klre Insurance Co 2,644,688 North British & Mercantile Co 19,096,974 Royal Insurance Co 22,897,153 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT 800 MAIN STREET Walter's Flouring Mills Capacity, ICO barrels a day. Flour exchanged lor wheat. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc.. always on hand. I IMF m mi warn "But you know, dear, we'll get none of papa's money while lie lives." "Then we will have him live with us. He can sleep In a folding bel and you can do the cooking." RBI Ladies sJftfthick, iU glocsyhaip Such as New cno's IlEnri ciun produces, because tliov realize that it In- creases their beautv fullv loo iwrcent. All ladles who wish to give Newbko's IlEIU-l- ciueu trial will soon Iweoreo convinced of this fact, because, bv destmvlnir thn rienrf. lv crerm at work uih ' on tho hnlr root, it makes dandruff, falllnirN nair and ttilii, brittle 1 Impossibilities. Gentlemen find It equally as valuable for It uorksllko a charm, oven up on bald heads. 3 For Sale stall First-Class Drug Stores They are the Best The Standard and WHITE SEWING MACHINES Sold by JESSE FAILING HERE AT HOME. Pendleton Citizens Gladly Testify, It Is testimony like the following thut lias placed "tho old Quaker Rem edy" so far abovo competitors. When people right hero at home raise their volco In praise there Is no room left for doubt. Head the public state ment of a Pendleton citizen, Charles W. Beale, exprossman, living at 300 West Tustln street, cor ner of Aura street, and well known to every resident ot Pendleton, says: "For four years past I have beon trou bled with kidney disorders, caused, I think, by heavy lifting required by my occupation. The strain was such that I was unable to Btoop or rise again without pain and effort. The kidney secretions wore Irregular, es pecially at night and caused me much annoyance. When I first heard of Doan's Kidney Pills I decided to try them and got a box at Brock & Mc Comas' drug store. Tney have re lieved me to a very great extent, both as to tho backache and the urinary trouble, and I havo the greatest confidence In them." Price CO cents per box. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agonts for tho United States. For sale by all dealers. llomombor the namo DOAN'S and tako no othor, TILLMAN ON TRIAL. Is Defended by Ten Lawyers A Bit ter Contest. Columbia, S. C, Sept. 21. Tho case of James H. Tillman, charged with tho mitnler a year ago of N. (5. fion zales, editor of the State, of this city, was called for trial today at Lexing ton before Judge G. V. Gage, of Chester. Both sides are ready for tho trial, and it is expected the case will proceed without further delay. The shooting and killing of Gonza les on the stteets of this city at tracted national attention and it js expected that the trial, likewise, will ho followed wlh close interest throughout the country. It Is prob able that no man vho has ever before been tried in Soutli Carolina had such an array of lawyers to defend him as has Tillman. Immediately on secur ing the change of venue to Lexington last June, the defense, which already had live attorneys, employed flvo law yers at the Lexington bar almost all of the legal talent there. In fact. Till man goes to trial, therefore, defended by 10 lawyers. He is a lawyer him self, and takes an active part in his own defense, whilo Senator Tillman, his uncle, will sit in tho case and make suggestions. Ladies and Children Invited. All ladles and children who cannot stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups, cathartics, etc., aro Invited to try the famous Little Early Ris ers They are different from all oth er pills. They do not purge tho sys '.em. Kven a double doso will not gripe, weaken or sicken; many pcoplo call them tho Easy Pill. W. H. Pow ell, Houston, Texas, says nothing hot ter can be used for constipation, sick headache, etc. Hob Moore, Lafayette, Ind says all others gripo and sicken, whilo DoWitt's Littlo Early Wsers i do their work well and easy. Sold 1 by Tallman & Co. FARMERS' CONGRESS. Delegates From Middle West and Other States on Hand. Niagara Falls, N. V., Sept. Western states' delegates to -thr Fanners' National Congress, which convenes hero tomorrow, began ar riving today In good numbers. No- 1 braska and Minnesota aro hero with good-sized delegations and Iowa has tho forerunner of a big crowd, con sisting of delegates and associate delegates, Tho advanco guard of tho Illinois and Now Ungland delegations aro also on th'o ground. Great iro paratlons havo boon completed to give tho farmers a rousing reception. It Is claimed thoro will bo full dele gations of Western Now York farm ers to meet tho Western and South ern soll-tUlcrs. Kodol Gives Strength. By euablliie the digestive organs to digest, assimilate and transform ALL or the wholesome food that may be eaten into the kind of blood that flourishes the nerves, feeds the tls- , sues, jiardens tho muscles and recup erates the organs of the entire body. j Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures Indiges tion, dyspepsia, catarrh of the stom ach and all stomach disorders, Sold I by Tallman & Co, TRANSPORTATION LINES. OREGON Shojtline and union Pacific Two Trains to tho East Daily Thiough Pullman standard and Tourist slep lng cars dally to Omaha, Uhlcafro; tourlsl sleeping car dally to Kansas City; throagb Pullman tonrlst sleeping cars personally con. ducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, re cllnlng chair cars (et free) to tho Kast dally. DurtBT roi Tlmo Sohednlo From IVmlletou ASRIVI mou rortland 8:10 am Portland Special No. 1 The Kast 8:00 a.m. Chicago Chicago Special No, 1 rortland 6 :40 p m 9XOin Portland I:.Wa m Mall and Express No. 5 The Rst 1 :u a w The Knst Mall and Erpress No. 6 Portland !: m l'ndleton l'aisenger Spokant .: pa . O, 7 Spokane Spokane P.iisenger No. 8 tiaos ni Pendleton Branch Mlicd Train No. 11 l0pu Walla Walla Branch Mixed Train No. i 6:00 p m Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates sub )ecl to change. For San Francisco Ball every 5 days. 8SW p. m. i no p. m. Columbia lllvcr To Astoria and Way Landings. 4 XX) p. m, Sunday Wlllaniottolilvvr. Boats leave Portland dally. exceDl Bnndu 'Huge of water permitting) for Vt lllametto anr laramu mver points. Leave Leave ttlparla . Hnaio Hirer Lewlstoo HWa. m. ' ttlparla to Lewlston 7.-O0a. m Daily Dally Excpt Monl 1 Xxcpt Moi F, K. WAM8I.UY. Agent, 1'cndlcton WASHINGTON COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Take this route for Chicago, St Paul, St, Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and All Points East and South Portland and polati on the Sound TIMIC CAIIU Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1.45 p. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, 1 1 .45 a, m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m, Leavu Walla Walla ilally,east bound. It :G0 1 m Arrive Walla WallHdally.'vrst bound, 10:IS a. m For Information regarding rates and accom modations, call on oradilress W. ADAMS, Agent rendleton, Oregon S. II. :.U.IHIUIKAD, (1. V A.. Walla Walla, Washington. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Girs, Tourist Sleeping Cars. HI. l'AULi MINNEAPOLIS DUIjUTH FARGO TOJ GRAND KOIUCr UROOKBTON WINNEPEG HELENA and BUTTE, THROUGH TICKETS TO OHIOAGO WABHINGTON2 PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK; BOSTON mid all poluta East and Houth Through ticket! to Japan and China, tls Tacoma and Northern Kaclflo Sttamshlp C and American Una, TIMB SCHKDUL8. Trains leave rendleton dally ezoept omast at 7:00 p. m. Kcr farther Information, time cards, aen and tickets, call on or write W. Adams, Pea dleton, Oregon, or A. U. (1UAKLTON, Third and Morrison SU rortland, Ore MEN AND WOMEN. n.. Iil.a-l r.v nmainral dltduricM.lolUJD xsx tioii , irritatluo or olciftUoal of zaaouui iaeintrui lUlnlnasi ttTll r.tlt fijtril ' Irrt'Kiiu -vuka(i9D. "t ,r.. i-PiifW... i irtjiit or DolvouuUA. inikiMavaiMitiaiWi - - bciHC:NMTi.o.iH rv nii. Jr seut in plain nrnvK, r vspres, prepaid. M f f.OU, or 8 taitUm, MM. .ular eut uu nxiuwt VI. V Dally except Sunday 80 p. m Saturday 10 j .UP p. n IM not i uloiBM. HOTEL8. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendletoa and as good as any. The Hotel Fetullcton has just been refitted and refurnished throughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with nil rooms. Baths in suites and single rocms. Headquarters for Travoliiig Men Commodious Samplo Rooms. Rates $2 & $2,50 Special tatea by week or mouth Excellent Cuisine. ' Prompt Dinlngrooiu service. Bar and billiard room in connootion j! Only Three Blocks from Depot 1 GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court anil .lohnion Streets, Pendleton, OrcKoti. M. F. Kolly, Proprietor. HEATED Y STEAM LIGHTED KV ELECTRICITY Atiit'i'luiiu l'lim, nitoNtJl, '.!( tofjlU.tM) ixirtliiv. ICiU'iipoiiu l'liut. rOo, Tfio. !.(). Hixit'lul i-iitim by wcukoi- inontli, Tree 'bus meets nil trains' Coiuntcrcln! trade solicited Pine sample roomi i vnvym jnwaw ? or m .v Special Attention Given Country Trat! t hOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. )! r. GEO. DAIIVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heatco liuropean Plan, Block and a half from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 76o, $1.0f THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON American flan, J per day and upwam Ifcadquatteie for tourists and commercial trav elers, hptclal rates made to families aud slagle gentlemen. The uisuagcment will be pleased at all times to show rooms and give prices. A modern Turkish bath establishment In the boUl, I If, C. HOWKK8, Maoeaei, t Conrad Platzoeder All kinds of Fresh Meats always on hand. Fine Bacon, Hams and Sausage. t Prices as low as the lowest t t t