East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 21, 1903, Image 6

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    DA1LV EAST -AY' 5E,TE""" "'
A XUAi,r(u Spectacle
XV TI uumu.. x
presented to those who alter
..t. i:irs of seini-
1 1 . : I mr HleC Dili UH K...n--
Jls 'Iffhich are exactly suited and cor
IMSlJct delects of vision.
jpjlfontains a large assortment of Lye
iife'yiap.; and Snectacles in gold
!NSeK'i,i fillf-,1. nickel and steel Irames
iivm . t-
Uti-a Toctc Free
lifyfnd glasses made to order at reas-
ipnsnable prices,
jlenn Winslow
Jeweler" Optician
815 Main
''.": ES .",-SfV.ViiiK'ih.boweii
tr li. Wrll lor (rrij iumlv. ml Loollol .or
II ' etllb. AiMrril "
! TMLisa armor roinir. rimicow nr tori.
f jilnY Time
I'M. . A
IIS A tiOOD 1 1Mb
Now l the accepted time to
have your house painted or pa
pered. A little painting here and
there will help Its looks wonder
fully. Some nice, bright. nW
wall paper will lend a frtthnet
to any room. Our stock of wall
paper was never more complete
pattern In endless variety and
every one new and up-to-date In
color design. Better come In and
let us show them to you and tell
yeu what It will cost for your
whole house or one room.
E. J. Mtirphy,
111 Court Street.
districts. A commissioner mr
district Is appointed by wo
nor. The three commissioners anil
the' state engineer compose the state
irrigation hoard, to which are first
referred all adjustments ot water
rights and supply. In each district
Is one or more water masters, ap
pointed by the commissioner of the
Thn ilutv of this water mas
ter is to supervise the distribution of
vater wheie a large number or users
are located under one ditch or canal.
All water rights are regulated and
fixed with regard to equitable dis
tribution and use and violations oi
tho regulations are punishable.
The government engineers said
when .Mr. Newell was In Pendleton,
and they repeat tho statement at
every opportunity, that it is highly
necessary that Oregon got right on
the Irrigation law question, so tli.it
her present crude laws, or rather ab
sence of law. will not Interfere with
the ends and objects of the munifi
cent national Irrigation act.
Disfranchised Themselves.
One of tho most critical points
reached In the progress of the con
gress, was when tho first vote of
states was called on a change of Un
constitutional number of d 'legates,
on Wednesday.
Although 9 If. delegates ptcsoidert
credentials and took seats hi the
congress, when the time came and
tho vote was taken, the congress dis
franchised enn of Its delegates and
refused to permll all present to vote.
Reed Smoot struck the key-noto of
tho situation when lie said that if tho
delegates changed the constitution
to allow all present to vote at any
congiess, tnat Hip state having a
meeting of the association could con
trol nil Its deliberations by Hooding
tho congress with delegates from
nearby points.
So tho states submitted to the old
apportionment and the states of Or
egon, Idaho. Montana and Washing
ton, although they had nearly :!00
delegates present, had but 20 vn es
each, or SO votes In nil. This will
lend t reduce the attendance a' fu
ture conventions, for stales win not
care to send largo delegations which
have no voice In the congress. Iowa,
Illinois and Kentucky have an equal
voto with arid states and some ad
justment of this point will soon bo
necessary, If the association Is to live
and conserve the interests of tho
arid states, which gave It birth.
Murder of Alexander Is the Most
Acute Issue.
Vienna, Sept. 21.-Dlspatches from
Helgrade say that more than usual
Interest is manifested In the election
of a new skuptschlna being held In
Servla today. With tho government
In control of the electoral machinery
the election of a majority favorable
to the present regime Is almost cor
tain, though tho element of doubt in
the result Is sufficiently strong to
oxclto widespread Interest.
With tho opposition in control of
the national legislative body stops
undoubtedly would bo recommended
Immediately for an official probo of
the circumstances attending tho mas
sacre of tho late King Alexander and
his consort, with a view to ascertain
ing the connection, if any such ex
isted between King Peter and tho
conspiring regicides.
Master Brewers' Convention.
Philadelphia, Sept. 21.-Nearly 400
delegates were present today at he
opening of the 15th nnnual convention
of tho United States Master Brewers
A.,itirm The association Is com
posed of superintendents of brewer
les, and nearly every largo city n tho
country Is represented.
papers and discussions are xo uu..
nv two days and tho remainder i f
tho week will bo given over to feat
ures of entertainment.
A Serious Mistake.
E C DcWltt & Co. is the name of
tho firm who make the genuine W
Hwel Salve. DeWitfs Is tho Wlten
afl Salvo that heals without lew-
s It Is a serious mistake i to
use any other. DeWitfs Witch Mo
rel salve cures blind, bleeding Men
Idk ami protruding piles, burns,
bruised eczema and all skin diseases
Sold by Tollman
Received dally, iresh tnmales,
rabs and crawfish at Oratzs,
Arc distributors for Malta
Ceres a new Health Food,
livcryonc should try a
Just received California
l'igsnnd Oregon Honey in
the comb.
Phone Main 1741
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will cad to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
Trencnant Philosophy.
Dinky Doniithin I tell you, whiskey is handy when you get the cramps.
Hustling Hawkins Yes and cramps Is handy when you've got whiskey.
Do You Enjoy What You Eat?
If von don't, your food does not do
you much good. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure is the remedy that ovcry one
should take when there Is any tmiig
wrong with the stomach. There is
no wav to mnlntnln tho health and
strength of mind and body except by
' nourishment. There is no way 10
' nourish except through the stomach
' The stomach must be kept healthy.
, pine and sweet or tho strength will
let down and disenso will sot up, No
appetite, loss of strength, nervous
ness, headache, constipntion, bad
breath sour risings, rifting. Indiges
tion, dyspepsia anil all stomach trou
bles are quickly cured by the use ot
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Sold by
Tallmon & Co.
See Wilson k. Cnrnlno about paint
ing your buggies. Cottonwood street,
next door to Nengle llroB.
Fearful Odds Against Him.
Iled-riddon, alono and destitute.
Such in brief was the condition of
an old soldier by name of J. J. Hav
ens. Versailles, 0, For years ho
was troubled with kidney disease and
neither doctors nor medicines gave
him relief. At length he tried Klec
trie Hitters. It put him on his feet
In short order and now ho testifies:
"I'm on the road to complete recov
ery." llest on earth for liver and
kidnev troubles and all forms of
stomach and bowel complaints, On
ly 50c. (luarantecd by Tallman &
Co., druggists.
..... .----
' All m A m
A ill - - - .1. - 1 .
We keep nothing but pure
natural Ice, frozen from pure, i
clear mountain water. It goes T
farther and lasts longer than T
artificial ice. All we asl; is an J,
unprejudiced trial of our Ico. T
Why not order a case ot the T
celebrated Schlltz, A. 11. C. or T
Cambrlnus for your Sunday
dinner? 1
Phone your order to Main
61. T
... .4.
Notice to Patrons,
ll.'ivlm- rented tho retail denart
ment of my butcher business to Mr.
A. D. Augustavo, an experienced
butcher of Walla Walla, I myself will
conduct the wholesale nart of said
Imatnnsa nnd nil nnrsnno. Vnntvln?
themselves indebted to mo will pleaso
can at 1110 marsoi aim spuio weir ac
counts. .Mr, Augustavo also desires
to announce that the business will bo
conducted as It has been, and all pat
rons of the market will receive tho
same courteous treatment as hereto-
What is Life?
In the last analysis nobody knows,
but wo do know that it Is under strict
law. Abuse tho law iwen alluhtlv.
pain results. Irregular living means
derangements of tho organs, result
ing in constipation, headache or liver
trouble. Dr. King's Now Life Pills
quickly readjusts this. It's gentle,
yet thorough. Only 25c at Tallman
& Co.'s drug store.
Do You Want a Cab?
When you want prompt and rella
bio sorvlco call up 'phone Main 161
Tho McKay Cab Co.
All persons Indebted to H. M
Sloan, pleaso call and settle theii
accounts. iiiacKsmlth shop corner
Cottonwood and East Alta.
Kllza Doyd, an orphan girl, of lied-
dings, Cal., Is under arrest there for
Three Days Only Three Days
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
September 21 - 22 - 23.
Ladies, Misses and
Childrens Underwear
Lot No. 200 Ladies' ribbed vests and
drawers, regular price 50c, sale price
Lot 220 Ladies' natural wool vests
and drawers, regular price rjoc each,
sale price. , .' 65c
Lot 244--Ladies' fine natural wool
vests and drawers, extra value at
$1.25, during sale 95c
Lot 4001 line Misses and Childrens
Jersey ribbed, heavy Ileeccd vests
and drawers, regular value 40c, dur
ing sale 25c
Lot 425 1 lot Misses and Childrens
natural wool vests and drawers, sizes
20 to 32, regular price 40 to 85c, dur
ing this sale only 25 to 65c
A complete New Line of Ladies,Misses
and Childrens Jersey Ribbed Union
suits, in black, grey and ecruc, dur
ing sale we will give 25 per' cent off.
Watch our next issue for 5 and 10c
Men's and Boys'
Lot 2419 Men's Jersey ribbed under
wear, in blue, brown and pink, good
value at $1.25, sale price, suit.. 98c
Lot 2391 Men's sanitary fleeced lined
double cuffs, three thread covered
seams, good weight, fine value at
Si. 25, sale price, suit 98c
Lot 2327 Men's best quality all wool
Coachman, best value at J 3. 25, sale
price per suit .....$2.65
Lot 2093 Men's Jersey ribbed silk
finished, taped seams, fine value at
$4, sale price per suit 3 50
Lot 2094 Men's Jersey ribbed, all
wool, silk finished, with taped seams,
good value at $6, sale price per
s,lit 4-95
Lot 4025 Boys' elastic ribbed under
wear, good weight, fine value at 75c,
sale price per suit 55c
Lot 4031 Boys' fleeced lined, good
weight, all sizes from 24 to 34, ex-
cellent values at 85c, will go (hiring
sale at per suit W
We are ollering fine values in all the
above goods and any one who intends
buying underwear for fall and winter
can't afford to miss this sale as we will
save you from 20 to 25 per cent on all
underwear you buy of us.
Remember new arrivals in all de
partments of our store almost dail
We shall carrv the stock: we shall
make the prices, that shoppers who
Wtl 1.
ant the best goods for the least money
an't afford to go elsewhere for their
Come in
and you will be
Very Respectfully,