DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1903, LeeTeutsch wants Your Wife To buy school shoes for the boys and girls at the BIG STORE on the corner of Main and Altn. None better made for the bovs and girls than the PAT COGAN make and none better for the women than THE JULIAN KOKENGE brund. Have you seen thorn? Follow the crowd to Lee Teutsch's Big Store Corner Main and Alta Gity Brevities olio' U C Rador? Fresh frtitt dally at Martin's. Smokers' supplies at Neuman'a. See Sharp's artistic wall paper. Fresh fish, game and poultry. Cas tle B. For Rout A piano. Apply at this otlirc. UefrlKorated meats. Schwartz & GTUltch Co. Call up 'I'liono Jlain 1SS1 when you want pure Ice. 150 swell noveltiuB In street hats Mrs Campbell's. New hooks arriving dally at Fra tier's book store. Try the Palm, 221 Court street, for nuts, caudles and fruits. rion't lot cigars get the host of you set the best of cigars. Hanlon's. All kinds of Imported and domestic (uuches and clam chowder at uratz s. We have fruit Jars and fruit jar extras, rubbers, covers, etc. It. Rohr man i.uoK over your houso furniture. Ai tan rellnlsh it like new. Wilson i: ' 'amine, 'phone main black 1043. Estimates given on short notice on painting and paper hanging. Charles l.ane the pioneer painter, 807 Vin cent street. Pure crystal ice don't cost any mon than inferior Ice, and is so much cleaner nnd more healthful. Phono .Main 1881. Four hundred ucres 30-bushel wlicv land, 8 miles out. Level, deep soil big spring riming water. Price 51 nun B. T. Wudo & Son. 1C1. U O Rader, M. A. See Sharp for paper hanging. Swell slippers at Teutsch's. Dost shoe repairing at Teutsch's For the best bread, get Rohrman's It you want a cab, call up Main See Dave YOUR EYES Cannot Be Dealt With Foo Carefully t i i Thpy arc the most delicate organs of sense and if they are painful and your vision is not perfect come and have your eyes fsfd. Don't neglect them We u i I-jrstaiuf the eyes and ar equipped with the most msdern imstrutnunts for test ing them. L The and Jeweler Get your clothes cleaned at Joer ger's. Buy a fountain pen this week at half For Sale Alfalfa hay. Ingram, this offlce. New ready-mad skirts arriving dally at Teutsch'. New enrpets and linoleums at Ra der's furniture store. Children's school shoes that wear und look well, at Teutsch's. $100 in gold coin given away to cus tomers at the St. Joe Store. Received daily, iresh tamales. crabs and crawfish at Gratz s. For prompt service, call up the Mc Kay Cah Co., 'phone Main 161. Hlg shipment of game hoards, $1 to $.'.!).-,, 10 to 100 games. Nolf's. Fall patterns for suits and trousers on display at Seihert & Schulz's. Mi Preferida, the best cigar made, t Rees' cigar store, Court street. Goods that are right at prices that arc right at Rader's furniture store. See Charles Lane about your paint ing and paper hanging; 807 Vincent street. For Rent Two small houses, three blocks oast of Main street. Apply at E. O. ofllce. Don't overlook t.iose fine lots in the Cole addition. Every block has a 12 foot alley. E. T. Wade & Son. Two pianos, slightly used. Great bargains. Come quick. Inland Em pire Piano House, near hridge. We have a long list of desirable city and country property at low prices, We can suit you. E. T. Wado & Son, Wanted Man and one or two teams to haul wood at Aleacham. In quire of J. J. McConnell, C19 John son street. Ross has been lu the ice business In Poiidleton three years and has al ways sold the best in the lco line. His motto has been "No favorites, treat nil customers alike." Regular meeting Hushee Chapter No. ID, O. E. S. There will he a so i clal meeting and ontfTtnlnmcnt Sep I tember 22, 7:30 p. m. Cordial invlta lion to all members. A good time promised by the brothers. PERSONAL MENTION. $100 IN GOLD COIN. I To Be Given Away at the St. Joe j Store to Our Customers. The SI. Joo Store will give away, absolutely tree, $100 111 gold Coin to three of Its customers. The gift will bo divided into three presents of $00, ' $25 and $15, The presents will ho made December 24, nnd a ticket will bo given with each dollar's purchase. FEATHER DUSTERS New Shipment of Turkey and Ostrich Dusters io inch Turkey, ioo feathers special 35c. 14 inch Tur pj'i 100 feathers special 50c. 12 inch carriage duster 120 tail leathers, special 75c. 8 inch parlor duster (Ostrich,) special fl 25' Sisil duster for removing dirt from furniture special 50c. Our Ice Cream will please you. If you ever had any nettur ours wont cost you a cent! We will let you be the judge. KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE Oft HtopMlrom Main Streot toward the Court IIouko There will bo a meeting of the Elks Thursday evening. T. J. Kirk, of Athena, Is in the city for a short visit. R. N. Stantield, of Echo, Is In tho city for a business trip, Mrs. A. Gillette, of Echo, visited friends In tho city yesterday. A. Ij. Jones, of Athena, Is In the city for a short business visit. Mrs. h. C. Rothrock is visiting friends in Milton for a time. Misses Kato and Cecelia Moore, of Echo, are visiting friends In the city. J. P. McMnnus of the Pilot Rock Record, is in the city for a short visit. Van Wilson and J. M. Gulllford left today for Coos nay country on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Hale, of Adams, spent Sunday in Pendleton visiting friends. J. H. Wood, of Athena, was in the city yesterday for a short time on business. Mrs. F. A. Wllllnms, of Athena was in the city yesterday tho guest of friends. Mrs. Charles Epplnger has return ed from a visit nt tho coast, Astorl; and Portland. .). T. Whistler has returned from his visit to tho Nntional Irrigation Congress at Ogden. Air. and Airs. Frank Pedro an family, of Athena, spent Sunday I the city, the guests of friends. U E. Therkelsen left this morning lor Walla Walla, for a visit in th interests of his piano business. H. C. Willis, Charles Bartholeniew and Judd Rogers of Echo, are in Pen dleton today on a business visit. W. T. Gordon, one of the larg wheat growers of the Juniper conn try. is in the city l'r a short busines visit. Mrs. Pauline Schmeer has returned to her homo after an extended visit with relatives and friends in Port land. Hon Macy, of Portland, Is expect ed in the city this evening to he the guest of his brother, Frank Macy, of ho Hoston Store. Miss Flo Hallock. of Portland, the guest of Miss Edna' Thompson and will visit In the city tor Home time with her friends here. Mayor T. G. Hailey stopped off at Hoise City to visit his parents, as he came from Ogden, and will not hi home lor several days yet, Airs. Albert Wur.woller, of Joseph Oregon, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Alexander, while on her way home from a visit In Portland and the car nival. Miss Lt'iioie Sheridan and slstur .Miss Gertrude Sheridan, accompanied by Miss Bertha Alexander, have re turned from a visit at the carnival nt Portland, John Hnlley, Jr., lias returned from a trip to l.a Grande, where he has been lor tho past several days in the interest of tho stock exhibit of the coming earnhal. Mrs. S. C. Stanton, of Athena, loll this morning for Arlington, where she will ha the guest of friends. Wliilo In this city Mrs. Stanton was the guest of Mrs. M. S. Stanton Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Teutsch huve leturned from a trip to Haker City and Huntington, and are tho guests of Mr, and Mrs. Leo Teutsch, and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Scott, of this city. O. F. Thompson and Ralph Stan Held, of Echo; William Shaw, J. W Arnold, of Freuwater; J. T, WMfller ami Hert Huffman, of Pendleton, re turned Sunday morning from tho ir rigation congioss at Ogden. t IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE is Sales of Blooded Sheep. Charles Cunningham returned tills morning from several days spent 011 his sheep lanch at Pilot Rock. Ho has in the past weok made several sales of blooded sheep to parties from the eastern part of the range. Mr. Cunningham thinks that there will ho plenty of grass In tho pastures this winter for the llocks that will bo run on thorn, and that the cry about lack or feed Is greater than the occasion warrants, Best State Fair In Years. G, A. Hartmuu has returned from, his visit to the state fair at Salem, and Is well pleased ith tho trip. Ho reports that the stock exhibit this year was tho best for some years, as Cloak and Suit Department New Suits and Coats for Autumn A Woman Chooses here with the Certainty of Choos ing Correctly Tho head of our Cloak and Suit Department visited all tho leading cloak houses in the East, so we are able to &how what is being worn in the fashion centers. We can show you some of tho garments displayed in the CONGRESS of FASHIONS recently bold in New York. Tailor suits will be in great de mand this fall. The radical change in tho suit jacket from short to long is reason enough. The straight round walking skirt suit has gained in popularity and will sell largely. Many fancy materials are in evidence, especially Homo spuns, Mixtures and tho Mannish Materials. New Capes New Jackets New Dress Skirts Muslin Underwear New Walking Skirts Children's Wool Dresses The new silk waists are more beautiful than ever and prices within reach of all. No trouble to show goods. THE PEOPLES' WAREHOUSE PENDLETON'S ONLY CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE. was the poultry exhibit. Ion was well filled with displays, and taken all around, the fair this year ,vas tar alidad of those of tin ew seasons, The pnvll I A I'ast I $ Formerly of Pendleton. II. A. Wright, of Port Townsend, eft tills morning for Portland, where he will transncl some business be- ore returning to his home .Mr. ' Wright was u former resident of this 1 Ity and was called hero by the death j of his mother, Mrs. Mary Wright, of $ Nyo. it SALE l TdDnDettSdDfflip MDREwJERQEHSlCM Fall Trade Good It N good and that's a fact says Mr. Fluneran to our repor ter. How do you account for if, when others are complaining altout the fall trade I asked him. Why, I do not know auy other good reason than that the people have found out that we ure ac tually selling better slices for the money or the same (juallty for lets money than others do. It io really remarkable how many people there ure who remark about the "wearing quality" of our shoe. Now that in what we nay for and you fret, when you buy Douglas or Gloria or Hed Bchoolhouse Shoes. These shoes are sold at a price and 110 one attempts to undersell them they simply can't and live. We have fouud the least margin of resistance to trade and that ac counts for our Increase tills full. Now watch ll sell shoes. We carry shoes 011 live widths in all foot form lasts -In all leathers, height, styles, sizes, weight, etc "Hav, don't that boy talk someV" i thought as J went on my way with line pair of the Douglai shoes on from the Boston Store Turkish Hath, lloval Oatmeal, Pine Tar, Klc Hand 111 lied soup-j, per bar Io or 4i!o per ileus. Other Hue values 'Jit to 15c a bar. FINE STATIONERY We are agents for two of the best grades. C'raiio's Kuperllue hi cream laid, Hunt's Hoy a I White in all the new shapes. KuvcIopcH and aper to match, FANCY MSHKS We handle the leading makes such us Geo. Ilussett's, liavilaud Jtoyal, Austrian, Kt THE NOLF STORE THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Hear this in mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for the International Poultry and Stock Food. Use Kow Kuro for your cow trou bles, C. F. Golesworthy 127-129 East Alta bt. j Agent for Lee's Lice Killer THE ELITE PISH AND POULTRY MARKET j. Cur Midlife .Mlii his. I(. Hlllolt, 1'top, Our specialties arc finest fresh and suit water fish of nil desirable verities, crabs, lobsters, clams and water dolacucics. Olym pia and eastern oysters. We will serve you with the finest oyster cocktail. Goods dulivered to any part of the city. Prompt service and best satis faction. A Trial Order is Solicited Rigby-Clove Mfg, COMPANY Manufacturers of the Eigfey-CIove Combined HARVESTER Repairs for all kinds of! Farm Machinery Vnntiilni, UTinlr ,1 Qnnnlnlhr j Cas'i paid for old castings I Pendleton, Oregon The Oregon Datlv Journal can be found on sale at Frazier's book storai 1 "