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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1903)
DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1903. Lee Teut sch wants Your Wife j PERSONAL MENTION. To buy school shoes for the boys and girls at the BIG STOKE on the cornor of Main and Alta. None bettor made ior the bovs and girls than the PAT COGAN make and le bolter for the women than THE JULIAN KOKENGE I none Vrimd Have you scon them? hollow the crowd to Lee Teut sch?s Big Store Corner Main and Alta City Brevities V C ItadorY I fruit daily at Martin's. fniol.ers' supplies at Neuinau's. Sharp's artistic wall paper. k-Y h fish game and poultry. Cas Itct A piano. moats. Apply at this Schwartz & U C Rador, M. A. riee Sharp for paper hanging Dost shoo repairing at Teutsch's For the host bread, got Rohrman's. If you want a cab, call up Main 101. Got your clothes cleaned at Joer gcr's. Buy a fountain pen this week at half price at Prazler's. For 2?le Alfalfa hay. See Dave Ingram, this office. Now ready-mad skirts arriving dally at Teutsch'. New carpets and linoleums at Ra dor's furniture store. Children's school shoes that wear uud .look well, at To'Jtscli'c. For prompt service, call un the Mc I Kay Cab Co., 'phone Main 101. Fall patterns for suits and trousers Utf'rijierntPd Jllrh Co (.all up Phone Main 1S81 when you int pure Ice. pso swell novelties in street hats Campbell s. Ke hooks nrriving daily at Fra- kr'f book store tnr Palm, 221 Court street, uut.. anmes auu trims .' ..Lr ' , fctL "unnV .,"!"" display at Selhcrt & Schulrt. fl' l"c " . ... ...... Lut kinds of Imported and domestic j - ' "' " 8 ' - i lies anil clam chowder at Uratz'B. - ...oi. KCe have fruit jars and fruit jar! r B"1 I"ces mat Ira rubbers covers, etc. R. Itohr-i a,uT r'Bht at 1ader s furniture store. tB . -f iinu luuiua umifgeuis purses Mk jvr your house furniture. and PockotbooUs. Nolf's book store. can reflulsh it like new. Wilson ! e Uiaries Lane about your paint- ICiiniiiie phone main black 1043. lue auu paper imaging; 8U7 Vincent Estlma'.es given on short notice on 1 ' In'.np anu paper hanging. Charles ' or "em iwo small nouses, mree lue tbt pioneor painter, SO" Vin-, '""cks eusi ot mam street. Apply street 1 at E. 0. office. I'ute crystal ice don't cost any Cleaning anu pressing of gentle- re tmn inferior Ice, and Is so juen k clothing by Mrs. Mericle, room ch cleaner and more healthful, ' over Owl Tea House. bone Mall) 1S81 See Wilson & Carnlne almnt nnliit. Kour hundred acres 30-bushel ' log your buggies. Cottonwood street, I eat land, S miles out. Level, deep j next door to Neaglo Bros. ! Me spring limine wnter. Price ' Shv. it that ruboer tired buggy that The ! i Peoples' Warehouse gives away next I mouth. Say, is that a Hart, Schaffner & Marx suit? Sure Molko! Well, it's a i dandy, and no mistake. The Peoples Warehouse sells them. I W. D. Fletcher, the nioneer ieweler. I can ho found at his old stand in the ! postollice building. All work in his I line promptly done at reasonable i prices. ! Insist on a tickot for every dollar ! purchased at The Peoples Waro- : house as they give away Saturday, ! October .11, six presents, represent I ing a value of $350. Ross has been In the ice business in Pendleton throe years and has al- ways sold the best In the Ice. line. His motto has been "No favorites, treat all customers alike." WKi E T Wude & Son. pnoi Be toealt loo Carefulh i EYES With Tlry ate the most delicate rgans of ssnse and if they are umiii anu our ision is not erfect come and have your 'vs tested. Don't neiflect frem I We understand the eyes and equipped With the most 2dn nostrum -nts for tpet- IK them. B Advanced Jeweler Have you picked on your fall overcoat? No! Well, It's high time you hiked over to The Peoples Ware house to see thelr's. They've got the swollest bunch ever shown In the town. 2" styles 12. & W. collars at The Peoples Warehouse, and all up-to-date styles. Dut that isn't all. They have tho exact same styles in the celebrat ed Sllvor collars In every size, from 14 to IS, at 2 for 25c. E. Crlmmlns, ot Milton, was a bus iness visitor in the city yesterday. Mrs. M. E. Gilliam, of Milton, was the guest of friends In Pendleton yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Halcand, of Heppnor, are in tho city tho guests of friends for a short visit. A. V. Snyder, of the Spokesman Review, was In Waitsburg today in tho interest of his paper. Frank Horn, the sheepman, of Ulrch Creek, is In tho city today on a short business visit. Mrs. L. Tausick, of Walla Walla returned to her home after a short visit in the city with friends. A. C. Russell, who for the past 27 years has lived at or near Athena, is in town renewing old acquaintances S. P. Purdy, one of tho large farm ers of tho Athena neighborhood, va3 In tho city today on a short business visit. A. Kunkle left this morning for Athena, where he will hunt rabbits and attend to business for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hill, of Helix, have returned from an extended visit in tho Sound country and at the coast. Robert Renn, who is confined to his bed with an attack of typhoid fe ver, Is reported on the road to recovery. Dr. E. E. Fergusen and daughter, of The Dalles, are in the city the guests of Mr. an dMrs. J. jr. Fergu sen, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Koll loft this morning for Spokane, where ho will assume his old position In the West ern Union office. Mrs. J. T. Hlnkle and children left this morning for Washtucana, Wash., where she will be the guest of her parents for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Levy Ankeny, of Walla Walla, and Mrs. ,. L. McAr thur, are the guestf of Mr. and Mrs. Fred .ludd for a time. Mrs. Amy Lee has returned from an extended visit in Seattle and Port land, whoie she has been the guest of friends for the last two months. Mrs. H. 13. Hall and children left this morning for Weslon, where she will visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hildreth, for a couple of weeks. Delisle Green, formerly of Salem, but now the proprietor of one of the confectionery stores of La Grande, was the guest of Frank Macy. of the Boston Store, yesterday. S CLUB NOTES. IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE ? f 4- Cloak and Suit Department New Suits and Coats for Autumn A Woman Chooses here with the Certainty of Choos ing Correctly The head of our Clonic and Suit Department visited all tho loading cloak houses in the East, so we nro ahle lo &how what is heing worn in tho fashion centers. We can show you some of the garments displayed in tho UONGRICS3 of FASHIONS recently' hold in Now York. Tailor suits will ho in great de mand this fall. The radical change in tho suit jacket from short to long is reason enough. The straight round walking skirt suit has gained in popularity and will self largely. Many fancy materials are in evidence, especially Homo spun", Mixtures and the Mannish Materials. New Capes New Jackets 'h la ew Dress Skirts V MM mm. atnrnn New Walking Skirts Children's Wool Dresses The new silk waists are more beautiful than ever and prices within reach of all. No trouble to show goods. THE PEOPLES' WAREHOUSE PENDLETON'S ONLY CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE. J FEATHER DUSTERS New Shipment of Turkey and Ostrich Dusters taj im ! ' Iurktjy. 'oo feathers special 35c. 14 inch Tur I'eatlierT ' Ul.ers special 50c. 12 inch carriage duster 120 tail S, V-fj 75a 8 incl Parlor duster (Ostrich,) special aisii duster fnr rnm:n 1 ..-..:......, . ,:-,! Si i a 75' 8 Inc'1 Parlor duster (Ostrich,) special 1 1 duster for removing dirt from furniture special soc. fi,i- i t l'eticrnrc -ream will please you. If you ever had any ,rs wont cost you a cent. W will let you be the judge. KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE "'"IMli-oin Main street towunl the Court IIuumk The Clubs have been asked to as slst In procuring the Rev. Dr. Gowen of Seattle, to deliver his lectures on Dante and Othello lu Pendleton nt an early date. It Is expected that the above leC' tores will be given 011 Monday and Tuesday evenings, September, 28-29. If possible, arrangements will bo made with Dr. Gowen to give an af ternoon talk on "frowning nnd His I'oetry," at the home of Mrs. C. II. Wude, wlnlo he Is hero. The Woman's Club will try to havo at every other meeting this year, In teresting talks or lectures on prac. Ileal subjects. Professor Ackerman will lie likely to give the first in Oc tuber. 011 the "Kuykendall School Law." This law relates to tho con solldatlon of tho school districts. Our clubs are pledged to work for the interests of the public schools, and the state board of education lias asked for their co-ojieratlon In this special Hue, The Thursday Afternoon Club will meet at tho home of Mrs. J, E. Dean, on Thursday, September 24, This will be the first meeting of tho year, and the program will be on "Domes tic Science." In responso to roll call, tho Mem bers will give "Helpful Hints to Housewives." There will bo a re port of the state convention, a lot- tor from tho chairman of tho stato committee on "Domestic Science," a discussion of tho Oregon puro food law, and a full attendance is exact ed. The Crofutt & ICuapp Co.'s derbies for fall l!i()3, Just received by express at The Peoples Warehouse. A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, IS miles to get Dr. King's New Discov ery for consumption, coughs and colds. W. If. Drown, of Leesvlllo, Ind,. endured death's agonies from aBth ma; but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cuied him. He writes; "I now sleep sound ly every night." Like marvelous cures of consumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, coughs, colds and grip prove Its matchless merit for all throat and lung troubles. Guaran teed bottels GOc and $1.00. Trial bot tles free at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. A SALE OF FINE III TdDnOettStoaip 1 Fall Trade Good 1 1 i-i good uud that's a fuel says Mr. Finueraii to our repor ter. How do you account for It, when others are complaining about the fall trade I m-ked him. Why, I do not know any other good reuhou than that the jk-ojiIc have found out that we uie ac tually telling better shoes for the money or the mine ijuullty for lets money than otlicm do. It Ih really remarkable how iiiunv people there are who remark about the "wearing ijuality" of oursnoes, rsow tnai is wnui we pay Tor aud you jjot wnen you buy Douglas or Gloria or itcd Bchoolhouse Shoes. These shoes S i IS J Tutklsh Until, Royul Outmeul 1'hie Tar. KU-. Hand in lle hoang. tier bur le or 4L'u uer doz. -"A- Other lino values i!u to 15o a bar. FISH AND POULTRY MARKET Cor -Minn MlliSl, I'.ll lillloll, PUKE STATIOHEOT We are agents for two of the $ 3- best grades. Crane's Kiiperlluo 2 J; in cream laid, Hunt's Itoyul White in ull the new ttliuMti. Knvelopes and raer to match. FAKCY 'IMP I are sold at a price and no one attempts to undersell them they simply can't and live. We nave found the least margin of resistance to trade and thul ac counts for our Increase this full. Now wati'h us sell shoes. We carry shoes on live widths hi all foot form lasts -In ull leathers, heights, styles, sizes, weights, etc "Say, don't that boy talk some'."' I thought as I went on my way with a tine pair of the Dougla.-. shoes on from the Boston Store DISHES 32 K leading makes such u (leo. Hussett's, Hiivllund ,1! Itoyal Austrian, Ktc f THE NOLF STORE THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Dear this In mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask far the International Poultry and Stock Food, Use Kow Kure for your cow trou bles, C. F. Golesworthy 127-129 East Alta St. Agent for Lee's Lice Killer t CO THE ELITE Our spuciiilties are finest fresh and suit water fish of all desirable varities, crabs, lobsters, clams nnd water delacacics. Olym pia and eastern oysters, We will serve you with the finest oyster cocktail. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Prompt service and best satisfaction. A Trial Order is Solicited X Mfrr incuy viuvu niigi COMPANY Manufacturers of the MA1RVESTE1 Repairs for all kinds of! Farm Machinery Fouudry Work a Speoialty n i- u e .1.1 41 OUB I JliUU iur OIU UUSlJUgH t Pendleton, - Oregon Tho OrcKOU Dally Journal can bo found on sale at Frazlcr's hook store. Yd J