East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 19, 1903, Image 4

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'slaughter and pillage. To read the
account of their atrocities make? one
. . . . i.t.tit- rt" r
. . j ! I I r - '
r . ""N
frO-SV VayeyjgOXmVy "cl4h that a war baiioon would hover mh Catarrh 0f the Stomach
over xne pihbup 1 re-ru-na uuiw
in tons or men vinwr .
. .1 Vrtti Mil
'would do the uiosi guuu.
nt teniwrnie with an ulcer or an
rn.1.'''m. 'trrjon. by tnt
s: Il l: MT10X RATKS
TMilT :. ' t'T
trail thrr Booth by owll
Dally, one aviotb by aall
liaily. pr month or carrier
Wwkty "O- ywr by mall
Weekly. lx awth br Mil
Veklr four aoot& by a"
Sml ttertly. e ywr M bmII ....
Semi ttVtfcly. lx mootUs by Mil
Sml U'ertily. three months by mail
. 1.26
. JW
. .0.".
. 1.50
1 0l
The Hut firsooUn l on al at IS. D.
nkb New. Stan, at Hotel 1-ortland aad
Hotel 'Tkln. I"ortland, Oregon.
' -Ipr M. IUe Xw Assocla-
Kan Vnattam llnreau. -0 Fourth St.
Cnlragn lliru. 9t0 Serurlty linlldln?.
VahiDi'l-ci I V Huraao. SOI Hth St..
X v
Kntert a' fefirtletnn noatodlce a cond
ilaan otatter
No life worth naming er
romna to isood
If always nourished on the self-
ram food.
No roaanainit nature And it
safe to feted.
For their sole diet, on a ainsle
1 1 zw:.
abscess, heroic measure a" ""' "
sary The surgeon's knife alone wll!
effect a cure Turkey, through the
Jealousy of the European nations,
has gotten to such a state tha' -U
extinction as a nation Is needed
Russia would be glad to assume tb:s
task and certainly Russian mk
though not of the best, would be an
Improvement to Turkish mlru!-
The westbound cars are ioa.le.:
with homeeeekew coming to 'he
coast. Many of these so tv
Portland. Most of these newcomers
,..w..nioi Mmm who have
art buwwm"' v i CcvC
sold proiverty In the Central states ?
i n hov farms
ana are cum"
-e into buslnww. East em
Am hi rlus of in- In a Tecent letter to
toiiiwnt and Induatrou citizens ano iapreMiuauj.
telligent ann inuuau , v 1(ear Doctor It plves me pleaj-
Umatilla county should put forth ov- -. ,o ,he celleDt curatire
er- eort to attract them The issue , Utlei ofT0U. medicines Pcrana and
of neat booklet in lar?e quantitie jjau,,, fhave leen afflicted more or
and distributed in the Dakota. N j jess for a quarter of a century with cv
hra.ha and Kansas, would result In , urrh of the stomach and constipation.
k m thiK country ana io.ahwuw.u.i.uu..
UIUV.S .uv
831. M
j Congr?Wman Patltineaf Wlntle Id. Kan.
Dr. Hartman,
Arc Combined In
Cole's Original Air
Tight Wood Heaters or
Hot Blast Coal Stoves
The have proven their real worth.
Hundreds of satisfied people in Pendleton
and Umatilla users of Cole's sieves and
heaters always recommend them to the.r
friends, Sold only, in Pendleton, by
Tlie Hardware I&elxi
Safest Investment
In Real Estate
9-room house with bath
and electric lights. Lot 50nu
feet. Three blocks from SiSI
street, $3,C50.
S-room house, bath room 1
... .-.una 511.
fit nnn I
Two 5-room houses, two lcti
uarn, tsix uiucks irom
street, ?3,000.
19-room house on Main streetl
corner lot, ?2,C50. $1,000 caJI
Imlnnun ftrt unci, . . I
J, 5-room house and corner .,1
" ... CTi.i-. I o r, r. " B
4-room house, good lot, nu
House and lot, $S00.
casn, uuiuuve .m per tnonttl
j tsousu in new.
! Rlhorn & Swaggar
Room 10 over Taylor's
j tiara ware More.
troublca. A few lof.lo of your 1 1
medicine haw given me almost com-
pkte ri-li-f, and 1 am sure that a c-outin-. j.
iv.'ion ..f thL'in will effect a iwrmanent;
curu." J.D. llotkln. IS
' nollcv of the nreferentlal tariff has r. L. F. Vcrdcrr, a prominent real i f
t . . .j within i. -p ri-,,5!. uf Anirustn. 0-.. wntent X
ntUGVU " , . J
BMB1 1 H "' nf J'"' ""M
j rh.n.herlain the Ithwal unionist.!;
i... rainnA fmm the cabinet. His '
1 IKII . Vl.'l.."
Today's telegraphic dlsuatchei5 ri
lon a battle rojtil which took place
at Ogden yeaterday afternoon. The
casus telll wa a resolution present
ml favorine the repeal of the desert
land, timber and stone acts, and the
rommmatlon clause of the homestead f
act. The majority report farored the
Twenty-two thousand paid admia-
' stuns were taken in Thursday at the
- - ' i state lair, taw it a i tsiu u -ui ii
repeal, while the minority report was . The gtnte falr nas blessed with
filed astainst the repeal. Brilliant weather aml !lg ,.Xrellent at
siwakers wore arrayed against each , traft,olls haw. r,.?uitei: m an umisu
other in the debate. Ex-Congre-j ali) heavy a,,pni3niv The stat.
man Xeedbam. of California, intro air ,g rt,,,,,, lH! ,,. . .ra.. .
ilitced a substitute report petltlonlna I ,,,, ot inx,.TvV 3n,i atrr.vtiwn--
ongregg to save the remaining do-
bis own party that he deeme H ot raipt
to tender nis resignation as colonial isiaaSt visited good many springs,
Secroturv Lord George Hamilton. ' but I betls e Pcruna has dune more j
secretan to India and C T. .f,.! f
chancellor of the exchequer, aho Vert'er.v. i
tendered their resignations, which 'Tlj0 majt ,mlIon ,orm o summer
were accepted atirrh U catarrh of the stomach. This
lisgenerally known (isdy.p.'p-iia. I'eruna
cores these ca.-e.- like magic. j
If you do not derive prompt and satl- J
, factory resulu from the use of Perun,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, civing a T
full litatement of your case, and he will
! plcuixl to give you his valuable rd- T
vise gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of J
The Hart nanS anitanuin. Culua.!ios, 0.
main to artual settlers. For tout
hour the debate waged. Railroad .
lobbyists land speculators stockinet, j
lawyers, irrlgatlonlau and publit f-.
ticlals clashed in able argument timi
debate. After a scene of wild confu
sion, the vote was taken and the sul'
stltute adopted. 21i voting for it anil
14S ngatnst. Oregon voted 16 for an'i
lour agatnat the measure.
Tlf wa
to iiatrorji"
t" nuilii
PeP'li' I,
r bat.'-
Money Back-'rS
fa i
tn im Kr.-.mrj'isj'.
Koei'pc' 1 i
Fur Svilc 'a
r I't-nil! n
Guaranteed Pure. None So Good.
1 1 Ju
i !
Many claim that Crescent Baking Powder
is a cheap article because its selling price is
25 cents. This is not true, for the actual
cost of manufacturing it is the same as the
cost of manufacturing the 50 cent trust article.
The Frenct
Be-t 25 cent Meal in theCitt
Private Dining Parlors
Elegant Furnished Roonsil
033 Main Strtr
Insurance at (q
Of Insurance In for
A Strictly Mutual Hoi!
ms'iiuu u
4- m. H. RICE, Free
Agent for rmatllla Co:
J. P. WALKER, I ' aseill
5 Pt ndletou
tmnillij ol newwi
..,i, ,. ,.r ion lite MWJ cul
(alnfd fnr ar. ctnta a Iramll'
Wood In growing more and more
scarce. The solution of the fuel prol.
lem could readll le solved by 'in
building of a 2-mlIe branch iron.
Hoppner In Willow Creek
One tunnel ha already followe.i a
six-foot eln for SCO feet llesides
this vein thore are three other veins
upon which work is beinp done The
coal, which Is of excellent nuallt i.-.
-nld at the mine for J2 a ton As
wocd is scarce the coal is a boon t
the nearby stockmen and farmers
With an unlimited quantity of excel
lent coal and with an eas grade to
tho mines, it will not be long until
the railroad builds a -spur tr the
Kxlt Uartlett .Vo one is to blame
for hie dismliMul but himself Disre
gard of the resiionslbllities of his of
lice and noglect of Its ront.n work
was a poor way to win the approal
ol the public or the administration
The tollowlng telegram from Com
mihsk)t.r Hichards shows the attt
tudd of the detriment
"Pending the installation of Ho
ne register for the La Orandt land
office the office will lie closed to all
business requiring Ute signature; if
both the j-flglster and receiver, and
will be open for Information onl "
ii &
tl 0
A two or three-lim- ailvertlem.nt
apjieored In the Dally Kast Oregoni
an a week or ton days ago It read.
"Two small houses for rent, apply at
this office." Since that time we have
had no less than SO Inquiries for tho
houses. .Many of the perMins en
quiring are new-comers This is
proof of several thiugs First that
Pendleton is receiving a steady In
flux of new-comers second, that
houses are exceedingly scarce, which
of Itself is a good proof ol our growth
and third, that nowadays the people
read tho paiers.
Tho unspeakable Turks are again
A few ujrm d.is may bi ahead, but thoughts ate su mg Fulhvard irrtsist l Tin- shelves, the counters, displav cases and show tables all bloom with:
Fail attractions. Low prices xeisn with matchless swav. We want to have a talk with you in regard to your Fall purchases. Thousands have been andd
now doing all their ir.tdmg with us and we know it will pay ou to do likewise, at least we would like to hive a hance to prove to you that the more you buy the si
we can save jou. uur sales Rrow larger every month. This proves what we sa. Ii otir merchandise and prices were not what wt- advertise our trade v
not ue j0 per cent twtter man last year. We are trying to do still butter, we want to increase our business too per cent, and b vour help we will be able to do
ui course uie more goons we sell the cheaper we can sell them. WATCH US GROW. We will not have room to tell vou about all the good thtnpl
.mc to oner. jus; a tew real goou ones such a, you should pick out at once. Read on.
You will no doubt agree with u- when we tell you we
hare the largest stock of furs iu PeiiiUeton.
A good one among many i? the Iuibellu Fox, satin
litie.il, one of the most popular fui of the season.
Another good one ir the Sable Fos. They are the new
s!iuieB hi fur. You .-ltouhl by all meaii ee the-e lfore
iiflttnniii FBamnmeB
Swims aond Skfirtts
We have them iu all colors. Plain mid beautifully
ttimmed with lace and embroidery. Prices .V)e to fi50.
This department as before is brim full of thing for the
careful buyer. New style arriving daily by exjire-o.
b.,0Urey Zlbeliu, trimmed with three rows bluck xilk
ribbon. Piel and Wutifully trimmed with buttons,
worth $10.00, we are selling them for b,W. .
15.00 buys a beautiful heavy grey all wooluhevoit walk
lug tklrt, worth ,6.50. Our leader at S.0o.
Large stock of all kinds of bowery f,.r ehildreii and wo
men at from 10c to 50c. We have a few pairs f the.'irte
lace hose we ate selling at 'JTc
Visit thix counter.
Mew Dre. (Sod
amid TraoiraninininiS
Uy the way we have beeli selllug dress go0!
triuuuiiigB our stock must be perfection us nntulnfj
nuriir. in tiraiseare spoKen of tlie entire line.
'.llielli in red, blue, bl aok, grwu and brown !
1, ami tUU per yard. This Ix the latest cWj
taiior mane suits, etc.
Yull IllUSt see to m,t,r....i,.l.. ,ir l.rvK stock f
t,,l,,.t.., vi. i.. . ,, I'rffl
j.neiiinies, liasKet uiotlis, fterten,
Chenes In all colors and price. Trimmings u """l
timicii any are-s goods iu the house.
ttawre. p. Mmm smd Mu