East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 18, 1903, Image 8

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' lit
1 Stylish 1
I Shoes I
That have tho wearing
quality and give perfect
and comfortable II U are
the kind we handle.
Our special shoes for
g boys wtar like iron.
iDindingct, WH-1
I son & Co. I
Then He Pulled the Trigger and the
Bullet Passed Through His Foot
Henry Harrison, of the Younger
grocery store, had tho mlsfortuno to
shoot a hole in his foot while after
jack rabbits on his tract of land near
Echo yesterday. Mr. Harrison had
been after some of the crop of that
part of the country and thought that
he had emptied his Run In the effort
to pot a few of the fleet-footed na
tives. In company with E. M. Lyons,
A. Kunklo and Sir. Halligus, of
-Athena, Mr. Hawlson stopped to rest
and put the muzzle of his rifle on
tho toe of his Bhoc. In some manner
ho pulled tho trigger and the bullet
went through his foot between the
toes and the instep, and passing
through the sole of the shoe burled
Itself in the sand.
The injured man was carried to
the shanty on the place and from
there taken to Echo, where he board
ed the train and was brought here,
where the wound was dressed. While
the accident was a painful one, no 111
effects are expected to arise from
it, and Mr. Harrison will be out
again in a short time.
Miss Grace Myers, of Athena, will
be operated upon at the Walla Walla
hospital for appendicitis today. She
is 12 years old. Walla Walla
The Merchants' Cafe.
Keeps constantly on hand import
ed llebenvurst, Frankforters, Ham
burg eels, crawfish, crabs, oysters,
alt kinds of cheese. Hot merchants'
lunch dally from 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m.
i Daintiness
Who Is It that does not ap
preciate a sweet, delicate odor,
especially of the dainty, last
ing kind? We have tho largest
lino of Imported and domestic
perfumes in Eastern Oregon.
A few of our leading Imported
dors are:
Azures, La Trefle,
Peau d' Espagne,
Vlolette rfe Parme,
Indian Hay.
And many more of the same
quality In bulk as well as -in
fancy packages.
V w - .at.. vx. i..in
Care Are Smashed, Ground to Pieces
and Along With Many Tons of Coal
Are Plied in a Great Heap Two
Wrecking Crews Are at Work and
May Clear Track by Tonight.
Iieadiiig DruggifltM
Two wrecking crows are busy at
the scene of yesterday afternoon's
freight train wreck In Cayuse con
yon, and hope to have tho track clear
In a few hours. Last night when tho
work was started It was thought that
tho debris could be cleared away In
10 hours, but It Is not done yet and
tho trains from tho west are held
here as they come.
The scene of tho wreck was one
of chaos pure and simple. Soventeen
cars had been piled one on the other
and their contents strewn along the
track, and all jammed In tho short
distance of 100 yards. There were IB
of the cars loaded with coal and this
Is piled on tho track and spilled over
the edge of the right of way down
into the river bottom. In tho smash- j
up was one car of fast freight and
one of electric conduits. The latter
was badly broken up while the for
mer was thrown partly down the em
bankment and off of the trucks, but
was not broken open.
Caused by Broken Flange.
Tho wreck was caused by a broken
flange on the front wheel of tho first
car back of the engine. Tho first Ave
cars of tho train were steel coal cars
and they wero followed by a long
string of cars also loaded with coal
The first car behind the engine had
47 tons of the fuel on board and the
supposition is that when the front
flange hit the curve It was not strong
enough to stand the strain and gave
way, breaking out a piece about eight
Inches long.
Drakeman George Hurley, who was
slightly injured, was sitting on the
last of the steel cars on top of the
coal when the first car broko loose
from the engine and was stood on its
end In front of tho train. Hurley
threw himself flat on the coal of the
open car. As ho lay there he saw
tho tops of a couplo of cars back of
him shoot over his head and the
tank cars In front of him turn end
over end along the track; then he
was mixed up in a cloud of dust and
coal and flying trucks and beams and
parts of cars. As soon as he struck
ho got up and started out of the lit
ter but found himself Inside of a box
car out of which ho had to gropo his
way. How he got Inside the car, or
what became of the car on which he
was riding he does not know, for the
steel cars are buried under the wreck
or thrown over tho edge of tho road
The Tramps Escape.
lien Wilson, a tramp riding In one
of tho box cars, was thrown into the
brush at tho river bottom, and oacap
ea wiin a row slight bruises. Ho was
InBlilo a loaded coal car, about the
mlddlo of tho train, and when tho
crash came his car was thrown partly
down the embankment. The Impact
of tho conl against tho car broko tho
front out and tho. man was thrown
out with tho coal and down tho ban!
Before ho could pick himself up hi
car was literally ground to pieces
tho train behind.
Two tramps riding on the train Just
back of the part of the train that was
wrecked, thought thoy had reached
Pendleton, and after waiting a long
time for tho train to start, decided
that thoy had been sidetracked. They
crawled out and found that the
In which thoy wero was the first one
of tho train that had not been wrecl-
ed. When the trainmen returned
with the wrecking crow, they found
tho men on one of tho wrecked cars
bemoaning tho fact that thoy would
have to walk to town,
It is thought that by night all
trains will bo able to pass ana that
traffic will not bo longer delayed
Women who are almost distracted
at the slightest noise, who aro easily
fatigued and unablo to sleep, should
commence taking Hostetters Stom
ach Dltters at onco. Hundreds of
women suffering from Femalo Com
plaints havo voluntarily testified to
Its efficacy in cases of Cramps, Nau
sea. Headache, Insomnia, Indigestion
and Constipation. You will therefore
mako no mlstako In trying it. Don't
accept a substitute,
.It is perfection in the butter making art.
It is always sweet and good,
It is recognized as the best product that comes from
any creamery.
It is a butter once tried, always used.
It is handled in Pendleton exclusively by
John Halley Has the Keys and H
Can't Get Back to Town.
John Halley is still out of town
being delayed by tho wreck, and as
ho has the keys tho votes for queen
of the carnival cannot lo polled. As
soon ns ho returns to the city tho
boxes will bo opened and tho vote
Mr. Wilson has let tho contract of
billing tho interior of the county
It. J. Nixon, who sent three crows
out In as many directions this morn
ing. The men were loaded with ad
vertising paper and will advertiso the
carnival from ono end of the country
to tho other.
He Is Run Over by a Handcar and
Foot Is Crushed.
C. A. Cameron, of this city, of tho
bridge department of the O. It. & N.
was thrown from a handcar yester
day at Unity and run over. Owing
to the fact that tho wires were down
at the sceno of the wreck. It has no
been learned how badly he was in
jurcd, but It Is reported that his foot
and leg wero badly crushed. Charles
Cameron, Jr., his son, left this morn
ing and will return with his father
If he Is badly hurt.
J. Koll, of Western Union, Resigns
to Go Back to Spokane.
P. J. Nlxdorff, of Colfax, is in tho
city and will take the place of C. J.
Koll, of the Western Union Telegraph
office. Mr. Nlxdorff has been tho
manager of the Colfax office for some
tlmo and will have charge of tho lo
cal office. Mr. Koll with his family;
will return to his old position in Spo
kane, which he left to come here.
Returned From a Visit.
Mrs, P. A. Campbell has returned
from a two-weeks' visit at and around
tno head of Alkali canyon. Miss Em
ma noumagoux returned witn ner
and will make an extended visit. Mrs,
Campbell was surprised at tho very
rapid development of that country
agriculturally and in every other way,
Esiwclally is this true of Frank Bou-
magoux's farm, where thero Is a
splendid orchard and shade treos.
and a high state of cultivation every
where, wbcro 40 years ago the land
scape was an alkali desert.
Visits at Athena.
Mrs. Hugh McArthur, of Portland,
left for Athena this morning after a
visit In this city with her sister, Mrs.
W, S. Perry. After a couplo of weeks
spent in Athena, Mrs. McArthur will
return to this city for a tlmo before
returning to her homo In Portland
Will Attend University.
Miss Maudo Sheridan and Miss La
vello Moorhouso will leavo tomorrow
for Seattle, where they will enter tho
University of Washington for tho
coming college year.
Mrs. Davis In Hospital.
Mrs. C. P. Davis who has been
undergoing treatment In the Walla
Walla hospital for the past 10 days,
Is convalescing and will soon bo able
to return to her homo.
Dr, Lovald, tho German commis
sioner, has obtained a largo space In
tho Transportation Palace at tho
World's Fair at St. Louis, and tho
German automobile builders will
m.ike a complete exhibit of all their
man, George H. Clark, J. B. Despaln
August Guderlan, W. S. Perry, M.
Itader, S. II. Guthman. William
Williamson, Halph C. Ward, II
Kllno, M. Kline, Conrad Platzoeder,
V. T. Iioynton. J. P. Walker, J.
Tallmnn, G, Neuman, L. C. Itothrock,
Leo Toutsch, Will Ingram, W.
Temple, John J. Zehner, J. W. Daley,
.Max Baor, J. S. Kees, T. C. Taylor,
W. F. Taylor, W. E. Brock, E.
Summervlllo, W. J. Furnish, W.
Fletcher, J. E. Kennedy, Frank B.
Clopton, II. C. Craig, W. S. Collier,
C. E. Bean, O. S B. Hayden, A. F.
Zoellner, C. A. Minard, W, II. Dlndln
ger, W. C. Burgess, F. S. Younger,
John S. Baker, Ralph Folsom, Tom
Baker, Lot Llvormorc, F. E. Judd,
Georgo Van Dran, Casper Van Dran
.lesso Falling, W. M. Slushcr, W. G
Colo, E, J. Murphy, Jim Neaglo, Frank
Neagle, John F. Robinson, C. E,
Iloosovelt, J. It. Dickson.
O. R. & N. Pulls Into Pendleton With
Rear End Ablaze.
The O. R. & N. Is having all kinds
of bad luck those days. Yesterday
was tho wreck and today the Walla
Walla train came In with tho rear
coach on Are. It Is thought that the
fire started from a spark from tho
engine. Some damage was done to
Baking Powder
The remarkable increase in consumption
; roves its purity and wholcsomcness,
With a Coupon
Are You Hungry?
Does what you eat hurt you ?
If you are Bilious or have a
Sluggish or Disordered Liver,
or have Indigestion, you can be
set right by using
Sold Everywhere. Ia boxei 10c and 2Sc.
Come to us for
Your Stoves
Large Stoves
Small Stoves
Round Stoves
Heating Stoves
Cook Stoves
Air Tight Stoves
Wood Stoves
and Goal Stoves
Large assortment air tight Stoves
$3.00 to $13.00
We will make it worth your while
if vou will call and inspect our stock
and get our prices,
V. S 1 1 o b 1 e
Complete House Furnisher
Court Street
A Chance
of a Life Time
All facial blemishes removed
leavingthe face smoothe and per
fect. No drugs, no knife. Red
blistery birth marks removed
without leaving a scar or blemish.
Call on
J. B. Despain or
J. J. Wofceiter
tho roof of the coach, but it was
slight. Tho burning car was run
under the water tower and drenched
beioro the Ore had gained much headway.
Tree at Walla Walla Planted Over
Fifty Years Ago.
Tho treo planted ovor 50 yenrs ago
by Frank Stone, which was cut down
Tuesday afternoon, and whoso spe
cies was In doubt, Is said by several
Canadians In Wnlla Walla who exam
ined the leaves of tho dead tree, to
bo a whlto ash. Its unusual growth
hero was commented upon.
Entertain New Students.
The senior class of tho Pendleton
Academy will glvo a reception this
evening to the new students, at tho
assembly hall of tho Institution.
Two nlanos. sllchtlv muni ni
bargains. Como quick. Inland Em
pire Piano House, near bridge.
Used For Pifl
Two Years
It Is with pleasure I recom 1
your Lifebuoy Soap for all houSSl
unes where a Rood dlslnfecC "!
cleaner is needed. In my ontiL!
has no equal, nnd have used ft Jl
past two years. Elizabeth TWiil l
3217 Mt. Vernon
Klizabeth Tom ,
Bt., Phllailelnh I, "
"buuw ooap equal lotUJ
claim for It, and cheerfully recoiZSl
it as a superior dlslnf.t.i ."""I
"""""""" FUM'unKB. 11 Is fsnwUi.
good In coses of sickness from 5
welt and bccessMU !
Do you want your husbands to be
urcssccl. 11 so snncl tli..m t rt.M inp cmnn i'
i..,...7 . - " v, 'w
ui uui v-uiuiii.uuu a. rvuppenneimer suits. This clot hi
made right, trimmed right, wears well, good fitters
Do you want your children to have a suitable school tlt
right prices. If so send tliem or bring them to the Ste
Store. A nice cap free with each boys suit. Keraeaitr
mis suic win last an mis week ending sat. night,
Very Truly Vou
The Big Boston Sir e
The New Goods are Now on
We haven't hurried the Fall Exhibits We have waited in
buying until we were certain as to what were the new and
proper materials, new styles in waists and skirts. We have
them now on our counters. We wish to show you what we
have accomplished, and we thing you will say we have done
ourselves honor as to assortments and infinite credit as to low
Ladies New Black Tailor Made Skirts. Ladies'
Shirt Waists in Mercerized Wool. Ladies' Fine
Silk Lace Waists. Ladies' Elegant Silk Petti
coats. Ladies' Fine Lace and Lisle Hosiery.
Lsdies' Silk Coats for Fall.
Clet vnnr pnnc nnr) AmvunoUw... v .
, z s o -hw.j i vasa in inr iron Duaiuwrw
" Ml lt MWtW""
Repairing of all Kinds. Salutation CtunsXI
I Many People
Are about as progressive as a sky rocket turned
upside down. Its a hard thing to say but we
think ritat expression fits the housekeeper who
sticks to the old, rusty tinware or cheap enam
eled ware instead of saving money by buying
Four coated,
kitchen ware.
seamless, all steel
W. J. CLARKE & Co, an Court Str