DAILY EA8T ORE OONIAN, PENDLETON, 0RE6ON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1903. ft" Easiness CaJs PROFESSIONS AND TRADE8, PHYSICIANS. Wiiaws- " n.T.hone red 871. i to i y. ' r . IT, U1LI.EII, JI. DESI'AIN IILOCK, I' 'u"a correct. e,e trouble., cat. r- I rot., leiet"""" . rrr sujtu A IlINOO, OFFICII OVEH DR6. " BnM Bank. Telephone V'ldtejepUonalnJO ,. fTnUtFIEU). D., rioMEOPATIIIC Bu..lrfo and iurgeon. Office In Judd .RSn'i. Teer7lione. office, black 78; re- lueaee. ' 2- Inn. D J. McFAUIjI., ROOM 17 ASOCIA I"0;.... Telciinoue main 031; reel .enr black 101. t u iiiindbkhon, physician ,T0ru.iffcc.n8av.n. , Boom i uuik(."" 11)11. .US'" " .11. ..... nf imon. J'idd building, corner Main and Si-Tats Office 'phone main 721 ; res- Joce. tea 27S. BR. tnt.A ALLEN HOONE. OSTEOPATH boM Red 303, nnd office 'phone Illack - , n i-mnv. PIIYSIMAN AND S"K tr nnicoln Judd llulldlng Room 15. Oflice fchAnrni.,1 1211. Residence I'none Main 1421. lenilleton, Oregon. DENTISTS. . riTMIIAX. DENTIST. OFFICE IN Jcdd bonding. ruone, reu a. ...... t.r'Vi-ia'P I..nfni71 TM A U isolation block, over Bcumldt's new drug tore 'raone, ru -i. VETERINARY SURGEONS. I i. i i.ltlllTIP: llRATlIIATK I1F T11K lioii Veternary College, lMouburch, B.'ot- Ell 1116 KOTl!ruM".ui. inm.il ....j.c.u. r Tslo district H. O. All domestic animals k-uwJ on scientific principal., union ui E .ki. train al.o.il nnnnilln ltnt.,1 eilaieiDU. IWSJUUIlje imuuu .imiu id... l.vni.nt.Tll.V Ufl llfl h7 llr.11 f! MnNilhh linduM of University ot l'eiui. Veterinary a spoiaae it iw ii.i". . .......... P irig Sure. Pendleton, Ore , 1'lione Main 1171. BAMjKS AND BROKERS. llJlKT NAlTlflNAL HANK OF ATHENA c. Capital. SoO.OOO ; surplus and kronu. 16.000. Interest on time deposits. Penh In tmlsn and domestic exchange, tollfcllom promptly attended to. Henry Aatmt, president; t. j. iira, vice-pres dent. F. 8. LeUrow. cashier: I. M. Kemp mil caililer. imt FAKMEltK' HANK OF WESTON, Weston, Oregon, Does a general bank. Pf tallows. Excbanire bouclit and so Id. tollectlon promptly attended to. It. Jam sod. "resident: Oeorire W I'roebstel. Ke-presiuent ; j. k, ungnre, casnier; c Kiun, u. d. unrtman, at. at. jonns. x. Tr ee. G D. (iraw. J. F. Kllcore. Hob- ft Jmon, 0 W I'roebstel. lUE I'ENOLETON SAVINGS RANK. M'eadleton. Oregon. Organized March 1, ps Capital. SIUO.000: surplus. 1100.- ; lntereilt allnwprl nn nil tint rlennialtff. pcointe bought mid sold on all principal tats Special attention given to co. Fu. y j rurnisn, president: J. n. il. lce-presldent -. T. J. Morris, cashier; i aiaiooey, auistant casnier. IKSI NATIONAL ItANIC HI,' PRNDI.K. itoo. Capital, J7U.00U: Burning. 95.000: irasct" a ceneral banklne business. Ex. IftDlT. Sntl InPnnM- .vooarm d.M r.n lCA San Francisco. New York and pnclpsl points In the Northwest. Drafts Eu on Liunn. japan and Europe. Makes Wtlom on reasonable terms. Leyl An- pj. president W . r. llntlock. v ce-nres- 1t; C. II. Wflde. cashier; It. If. Jnhnnnn. Nstwt cashier. I ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. IK HOWARD. AlirillTUPT AKI HTI. 'i.1adIlt! ,mal!cs complete and rcll- 'f uunnings in the city or coun- ..wui Al juuu nuiiaing. IRBE a COLE. CONTfi APT fins ANn llllden Estimates flirnlaheil on ahnrt Job work a specialty. Prompt Met. vi un inure street near Main. I.- H-4.1!' CONTRACTOR AND BD1LD- DtBOarr. Cement n-nllra it.n. nrallt, a , . I" crilra t East Oregonlan office.' Ic TiiniiTMiv . i,.n . .... Ii.r...t. , niiv.111 1 1,1. J VI . . II "P'flnteDdent. Room 7. over Boston cnaitton, Oregon, KKr.r.lM! t,t Ioti.iuvm ..... rtrn rDiing; cement wniba ..i.u. p-. I't turnl.hed free. u-n,v' Vn.;.n.i t " "adlcy Zehner's cigar . U. DOX 1U. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. w SOOlU. If there In nn.Uilna wn,i k tnnn. wa Pond hand furniture, tu tiSi! wJ,ro "ai crockery, call and Clwei. No. Court street. AND rHWaai .? vl-""-lIAND OODS tied m.h'H ! Pwn broken; money r.r1 TO .11 k nda nf rtll. P"l IT. HMU ....- h vottonwood ueet. I5N90RIAL PARLORS. PwoSoeLk,',SAy DAUBER BUOP, .11 tS. "ireei; west wura- r.-iii'?. mlern Improvements ; -"to, oath room. In con .1 ARD.AND LODGING. P'L. HDrrfivfiToM u 111 Iliad to ee h.r friend, and 1 ALTA AND od tabte"i? ..9iT IS,' . fiiSn!eprop.1'eed Y,'r, ln le CltS..T?-.PkOT ROCK STOP feoMcUi ,iav",P'l ttentlon given t Ilock, oJi. M"- c- llas rooim LV:. . meals and flm iSh.AtMNr, HOTEL IN iter, 'l-'W Perday. H.p, THE MUlen, ' YOUR niiai;rr opatth0-,ff,.TAKl!8 ,YOO TO " B. h ui,. . Good meals "' Kchards, proprietor and Societies ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. ATTORNEYS. JAMK8 A. FEE. building. LAW OFFICE IN JUDD HAILEY & LOWELL. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In Despaln block. ItALLERAY & McCOURT, LAWYERS. AS. poclotlon building. CARTER & RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. omce In Saving Hank building. IIENRY J. IIEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Arsoclatlon block, Pendleton, Oregon. It. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY. Judd building. ROOMS 425 E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Court street. 111 L. II. REDDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, T'cndlcton, Oregon. if! FlERKELEYr ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oflice In Savings Dank building. II. I!. COLLIER, LAWYER. OFFICE Rooms 7 nnd a. Association building. HTILLMAK . FIERCE. ATTORNEYS AT Len Mr. Stlllmau has been admitted to practice In United States patent ofllrc. and makes a specialty of Patent Law. llooms 1(1, 11, 12 nnd l.t, Association Illock. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS IIARTJIAN ABSTRACT COMPANY MaKKS reliable abstracts of title to ult lands In Uma tilla cjunty Loans nn city and farm prop erty. Buys nnd sell" all kinds of teal 'state. Does a general brokerage business, rays tax es and mkes Investment for nonresidents. Reference, any bank la Pendleton. O A. 1IARTMAN, I're. L. W. HELD. Sec. a. A. IIAKTMAN Jr Vice Tres. J. M. I1ENTLF.Y REPRESENTS THE OLDEST and most rollablo flruandaccidont lnsuranco companies. Office with Hartman Abstract Co. JOHN HAILEY, JR., TJ. S. LAND COM mlssloncr Specialty made of land filings nnd proof ; Insurance and collections. Of lice In Judd bulding. room 10. FRATERNAL ORDERS. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4, MEETS EVERY Monday evening In Secret Society ball, l.aDow block, at Pendleton, Ore. R. W. Heteiier. K. R. S. : w. J. Keyes, C. C. CABS AND CARRIAGES. CITY CAB LINE, EEWIN RAKER, l'KOP. Telephone main 7U1. Office and waiting room. Alta street, next to Saving. Bank building. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. rilE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND SALE Stable. M. J. Carnev. nrourletor. for dne turnouts Stock boarded at reasonable rates, Htaule 118 Alta street. O. K. FEKD YARD. 0I Aura street. R. II. i'atton & Son, Props. Lnrge.comf unable .tails, plenty nf feed and proper attention given horse.. Telephone lied l.nil. Livery In con uectlon. MISCELLANEOUS. MEN'S BESOn.T, YOU are Invited Free reading room. Whv not loin and get the ad vantago of free bath, use of punching bag and other equipments, including library and read lug room Terms, J1.00 to Join and tuc a month duos. DRKSSMAKINQ I aui prepared to do drefs- lnaaiiig aua sewing oi im Kinu. Hood work' Satisfaction guar.inteed. Mrs. P V. Mann, Hiuane.irect. FOR SALE BOILER AND 4-IIOHSE I'OiVfcK vertical hlorh sneod onelne Also a -JO-llght Generator including all switch board lustru ments For particulars, call on or addresa r Kni kine, iiox a,y, renaietou, ure VM. F. YOHNKA WILL FAY PROMPT AT- tentlon to all sales and nostlnu bills Cor. respondence solicited. Commission reasonable u. nox zoo. reumeiuu DIVOROK LAWS PETER WEST; ADVICE free: fees, terms to suit: 'Jo years- exnerlouce, Office60s Garden St., Pondletou, Oregou. WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE USE of these c ass Bed columns. If you have something you have no use for, offer to trade It for something that some other body may have and nave no use tor, some thing that you may need in your nusiness. You may have an extra horse that you mav wish to trade for a cow or a vehicle, Scmebodr may hove the cow nnd vehicle and want th) norse. loc or 2ac want an wilt probably do thl business. Proposals for Fire Department Sup plies, Sealed nronoaals for the furnlhlufr of Eleven lundred Feet of StandArd Slse Fire Hose. Five rT Gores and Twelve Fire Torches lor the use oi tne rite epirimeni oi me vuy ci reimieion will be received at the Ultv Keeurder's olSce In the city of Pendleton until 5 o'clock p. m., October ft. 1903. the proposals to .lute kind, quality und price of article, proposed to be furnished. Said bids to be opened at the regular meeting of l bo council of the city of Pendleton to bo held un October 6, at 7 ::.! o'clock p.m. The council reserve the right to accept the bids tendered cither for the whole of said articles or for a pari thereof and also (he right to reject any and all bid.. Dated this IVth dav nl September A D. 1603, THOMAS FITZGERALD, (. ity Recorder. LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Out companies stand fust in the world. A unfits iltirtford JKire InsuranSe Ca12,259,076 AllUnce Assurance Co 29,039,963 Loudon & Lancashire Fire Insuranoe Co ,M4,688 North BrltLih & Mercantile Co 19,696,BM Itoyal Insurance Co. 2,897,158 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT 800 MAIN STREET Hi marrs-', u think your father and She Certainly, They have promised A MUhj Bfiir. "A" mark, exter nal Jayr of apld.r mlc sheath. " D " mark, the Interior extremity. "B" mark. th. Internal layer. C" marks th. root of th. hair. See tRSgtrms that duiUr around and eat at th root of the hair, making Jand. rutf, causing falling hair, finally bald ness I NEWBRO'S Destroys those parasitic cermsi I and it Is the only hair preparation inat does. "Destroy trie cause, you remove the effect." FOB SALE BY DRDS6ISTS. Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. We Don't Keep Everything But we do keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, in all grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In eluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes is complete, 'and any one in need of Lumbtr will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W; & C. R. Depot ft. T 'IIEQUEKN HOTKL Clean eomiortanie room. Irotn 'jii enlsun. Newlr ruruiidied throughout. Queen Chop House In connection. Meals at all hours. Only white help em ployed. Give us a trial '. . LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and save you money; DOORS WINDOWS Ii u i Idin g paper lime cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court House Walter's Flouring Mills Capacity, 150 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc, always on hand. Th Oregon Dally Journal can be found on tale at Frazlera book (tore. . DnhMlfty Hair HEKPICIDE mother will do iinv thing for us when we to come and live Willi us. ONE OF THE FINEST. A Musical Comedy Straight From New York City. At KTrizer's nuxt Monday night September 2t, the greatest musical comedy of recent yearn will bo seen with a new production anil uti entire ly now set of costumes, anil a cast that Includes many of tlto famous original people who first carrleil the opera into prominence It lias liocn said that "Tho llurgomastor" lias more good music in it than any other opera produced in America In tho past 25 years. Certainly It would bo hard to rival such catchy airs as "The Talo of the Kangaroo," tho In Ulan chorus, "I Ixivo You," and tho 22 other popular melodies which arc heard In tho piece. To add to tho Interest which will lie folt In tho coming of "The Hurgomaster," It may bo stated that half a dozen new songs have been Introduced. The company of CO people this year Is the strongest that "Tho Hur gomaster" has ever had. It Includes liuth White, Oscar L. Klgman, Thom as Ilieketts, William Riley Hatch, Charles Shnrp, It. J. Moye, George McKlssock, Helen Dexter, Harriet Sheldon, I. oil I so HracKott anil Jose phine Dltt. The sale of seats for this iniKirtant musical production opened today at Krazlcr's book store. Kodol Gives Strength. Ily enabling the digestive organs to digest, assimilate and transform ALL of the wholesome food that may bo eaten into the kind of blood that nourishes the nerves, feeds tho tis sues, hardens the muscles and recup erates the organs of tho entire body. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures indiges tion, dyspepsia, catarrh of the stom ach and all stomach disorders. Soto by Tallman & Co. Bank Clerks in a Federation. Cleveland, O., Sept. 18. Tho con vention of tho American Institution of Hank Clerks, which began In Cleveland today. Is the first national mooting of its kind to bo held. Tho establishment of a jiermanent feder ation is tlic principal work of tho convention and it is probable that hereafter a convention will be hold every year. The Institution sturts with a membership of about six thousand bank employes scattered throughout the entire country. But. or Ohio, city or iolido ( Lucas Cocxtv. i Frank 1. Cheney makes oath that be la the senior partner of the arm of P. J.Cheney A Co , dolntc business In the oily of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the .urn ot One Hundred Dollar. lor each and even' case o( Catarrh that cannot Ixi cured by the use of Hall'. Catarrh Cure. Bworn to before mo and .ubwrlbed lu my presence this ctu day oi December, A, IsitL . vm. A. W. OLEABOK, v-v notary 1'ubllc. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and act. directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials, free. F. 3. CIIKNKV CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by druggists, 7&c. Hall's Family rills are the best, Don't undo the good your vacation hag. done you by drinking poor water or putting inferior loo into the boil ed water. Ten cents worth of Ice per day will supply an ordinary family with plenty of drinking water. lie sure, though, that you get good iqo. Call up 'phone Main 1881 and get pure distilled water ico from the Itoss Ice Plant. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Has a world-wide fame for marvel ous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for cuts, corns, burns, bolls, sores, fel ons, ulcors, tetter, salt rheum, fover sores, chapped hands, skin eruptions; Infallible for piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cents at Tallman & Co.'u, druggists. Do You Want a Cab? When you want prompt and relia ble service call up 'phone Main 161. The McKay Cab Co. Notice. All persons Indebted to II. M. Sloan, please call and settle theli accounts. Blacksmith shop corner Cottonwood and KaBt Alta. BAD BLOOD "CAlCARimi tl ll vU1m4 for UM nd ftrv ftUulr wonderful mts1lcln. 1 have often wuticd (or aroedtctn ple&Mniio Ukoftud fctlait 6re found it in Ccaru. tlnce Ukttir thm. n Blood has ben porlflod ami tny complf iion haslm proved wonaarfullr and I frrl inticb better In every war.' JdR3.8AU4i K. mluh. Luiirtll, ieno. ntADtMMN mmro rieasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Oood. Do Good, Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Grip, ine, 1c MM. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. . SltHlag Kmt4f rMta", C.l.ar. .wtr.il, S.w Sit MTA HIP Sold and (nsrsnleed ty alldrnt IUBAu slsuto CUKE Tobacco Habit. S 1 5 .Main s ST STA STAN STAND STANDA STANDAR STANDARD STANDARD CROCEKY Co Wc are the standaid for quality in groceries and fruits of all kinds. Prices sucli as will hold your trade, None better at any price, Moiiomi1u (irovurn Court Blree H08EHOLD CARES. Tax the Women of Pendleton the Same as Elsewhere. Hard to attond to household duties. With u constantly aching back. A woman should not huve a bad back And she wouldn't if the kidneys were well. IKiau's Kidney l'llls make well kid. ueys. Hero Is a I'eudleton woman who indorses this claim: Mrs. Gcorgo Hays, living at No. 223 Llllcth street, corner of West llluff street, says: "I can recommend Doan's Kidney l'illu to ull sufferers from backache and other kidney troubles, with utmost confidence) that they will do everything thai has been claimed for Uiom by those who liavo used them as well as by tho makers. Tho troublo for which I used them was principally backache, with which I had been bothered off and on for a long time. It hurt mo badly when I stooped to do any housework that caused a strain ou the baek, I read an advertisement about Doan's Kid ney IMIlx and decided to try them, feeling that they could do no harm, oven if thoy did no good, I got a box In the store of Brock & McCo- mas Co. and used only ono box, us that was sufficient to rollevo l.io backacho and I have not felt It since." For sale by all dealers. Price CO cents jxr box. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. V., solo agents for tho United States. Kcmember the name DOAN'S and take no other, aunscHiiimtB to maoazinim, ir you waut to subscribe to magazine or news papers In the United Htate. or Europe, re mit by postal note, check or send to the CAHT OKKtiOMAN the net pubtUher'a ( rice of the publication you desire, and we will hare It sent you and assume all the risk of the money being lost la the mall. It will .are you both trouble and rlak. If you are a subscriber to tb East Oregonlan, lu remitting jru can deduct 10 per rent from the publisher', price. Address EAST OIIKGONIAN 1'UU. CO., Pendleton, Oregon. Your Eyes nut free from strain should lie relieved by Glasses of the right strength, Hy this means they are saved from partial or totnl blindness in later years. Tests are made willi the aid of modem scien tific instruments. My prices for Sjiec tncles and eyeglasses are quite moderate Glenn Winslow HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Prop. The Best Hotel in Pendtetos and as food as any. The Hotel Pendleton has just been refitted mid refurnished throughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with nil rooms. Oaths in sn'tes and single rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Men Commodious Samplo Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by week or month Excellent CiiIhIiip. Prompt Dliilngrooin prvic. Bar und billiard room inconnootloi Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN ROLE HOTEL Corner Cmirt and Johnson Btrecta, IVndlelon, Oregon. M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY Amurlciiu I'liiii, riilt.A to V.(X) Hiriliiv. Kiimpxmi I'liui. r.Uo. 7fl;. I.OO. HiHHtlnl iiitiw Uy wMik or inunth. Free 'bus meetx all trains' Commercial trade solicited Pine sample rooms Special Attention Given Couutry Trade MOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. GEO. DARVEAU. Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated European Plan. Block and a half from depot; Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50o, 75o, $1.0 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON Asuerlcsn Pt.n. It Der dav and utims. llcadauarters for tourtsla and commercial n Wr. Bptctal ratts made to iaulllt. and stagta (cnUemeu. Tfa. mau.gtmcnt will t U.M at all time, to .now loom, and gttc price.. A modern Turkish balbtaUblLshmtatla th. kctsa. II. C. BOWKK8, Mum, t Conrad Platzoeder f All kinds o( Fresh Meats always on hand. Fine Uacon, Hams and Sausage. Prices as low as the lowest I iff MalllljIJLiSSIIIisssK in