East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 18, 1903, Image 6

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The World's Greatest
Skin Soap.
The World's Sweetest
Toilet Soap.
ft Sale Greater Than tic World's Profluct
f ef Other SMn Soaps.
H Silri Wherever Civilization Has
1 Penetrated.
1 1 '
J: t
1 1
i i
i, i :
Millions of tho world's best people
sse Cutlcura Soap, assisted by Cutlcura
Ointment, the great skin care, for pre
serving, pnrlfjiDg and beautifying tho
akin, lor cleansing tho scalp of crusts,
scales and dandruff, and the stopping of
falling balr, for softening, whitening
and aoothlnir red, rough and soro hands,
for baby rashes, ltclilngs and chatlngs,
for annoying irritations, or too free or
offensive perspiration, for ulcerative
weaknesses, and many sanative, anti
septic purposes which readily suggest
'.themselves to women, especially moth
ers, as well as for all the purposes of
the toilet, bath and nursery.
Cutlcura Soap combines delicate
emollient properties derived from Cutl
enra, the great skin cure, with the pur
est of cleansing ingredients and tho
most refreshing of flower odours. No
other medicated soap ever compounded
Is to be compared with it for preserv
ing, purifying and beautlf vine tho skin,
scalp, balr and hands. No other for
eign or domestic toilet poap, however
expensive, is to be compared with it for
all the purposes of the toilet, bath and
nursery. Thus it combines In one soap
at one price the most effective skin and
complexion soap, and the purest and
sweetest toilet, bath and nursery soap
ever compounded.
8M'lfcrmcfcatth world. Cnticur KrMtrrnl. tfte.
Om In ol ChoeoUu Craud nila, SM. per Til of ,
tJbjrjMU, JJDO. BMP. SC. vrpoii I uoaaout j, v,u.nr-
. PaHJKnadaUPBix I BortOa.lSTColBjnbo.
letter IMir Chm. Corp.. frdfl lropt.
jrltai tor "ill Abet th Sklo, vclp ed Utlr.'
AnY Time
a Good Time
Now is the accepted time te
have your house painted or pa
pered. A little painting here and
there will help its looks wonder
fully. Some nice, bright, new
wall paper will lend a freshness
to any room. Our stock of wall
paper was never more complete
pattern in endless variety and
every one new and up-to-date In
color design. Better come In and
let us show them to you and tell
you what It will cost for your
whole house or one room.
E. J. Murphy.
Ill Court Street.
Arc distributors for Malta
i ' Ceres n new Health Food.
Kveryone should try a
f Just received California
; Wgsaud Oregon Honey in
ij tne comu.
i Phone Main 1741
.4. ... . i ..
We keep nothing but pure
natural Ice. frozen from pure
Alnnr mnnntnln wntflr. ft oftOS
farther and lusts longer than T
artificial ice. All wo aek Is an 4,
unprejudiced trial of our ice.
Why not order a case of the J,
celebrated Schlltz, A, n. C. or T
Qambrinus for your Sunday
dinner? 4.
'Phone your order to Main
SI. i
Criticizes the Transportation Compa
nies and Newspapers Times Are
Dull Along the Yukon Railroad
Building Expensive No New Gold
Finds This Year.
Tacoma, Sept. IS. Henry Drntno
hor, of Onkland, Cnl., who Is interest
ed In tho banks nt Tacoma and Hel
ena, Monti, and who Is a heavy stock
holder In the Tncnnin smelter, the
Treadwell mines on Douglas Island,
and In other mining property in Alas
ka and the Yukon territory, has Just
returned from a long tour through
different parts of tho North, and the
report that ho brings back Is not en
couraging. Ho Is very bitter In his
denunciations of those who aro mak
ing efforts to get people to go to
Alaska through false representations,
and ho blames transportation compa
nies and tho newspapers on the
Sound and In Alaska for the suffering
that he says Is evident on every hnnd
at the present time. Mr. lirantnolier
Is a man whose word would never bo
questioned by those who know him,
and the statements that he mnUes
will undoubtedly prevent many peo
ple from spending money to go to n
country where, ho says, they can
hppe for no returns from the cap!
tal and time Invested.
"Unless relief goes In from some
where fully 100 men will perish In the
Tanana country this winter. If tho
men could only get down as far as
Fairbanks I believe they could got
somo provisions there. Uut the dls
tance Is 200 or 300 miles too far
for the majority of tho men to wall;
in their present emaciated condition,
and the river la dangerous. A num
ber of prospectors have already been
drowned in trying to go down the
river on rafts.
Men Without Experience.
"A majority of the men who go
into theso traps are not experienced
prospectors and they make no provis
ion for getting out. When they nt-
temnt to eo out on rafts they build
them too cumbersome and it is (im
possible to steer them. As n result.
tho rafts either strike some rock In
the middle of the stream and nre torn
to nieces, or else they run under
'sweepers' near the bank and tho out
fits and men aro brushed off. The
outfits are always lost In cases of
this kind. Sometimes the men man
ago to reach the shoro and save their
lives. But it not infrequently hap
pens that tho men go to the bottom
of tho river with the outfits.
Yukon Country Is Dull,
"I visited the Yukon country and
it Is not as prosperous as It was
when I was last there two years ago.
There are mnny ldlo men In Dawson
and they aro gottlng out of the coun
try Just as fast as they can. There
will bo little If anything doing In
Dawson this winter. The ground that
will be drifted Is very scarce, and It
does not pay to drift poor ground.
"There have been no new discov
eries In Alaska or the Yukon this
year. A strong effort has been made
to get up a stampede from White
Horso to tho Alaska River. I met
somo prospectors at White Horso,
whom I knew to bo good, rellablo
men. They had Just returned from
tho so-called now diggings and they
informed mo that thoro was nothing
thero that would pay. The dust was
very fine and in six or eight pans
enough of It could not bo obtained
to turn tho scales. Tho gold does not
i.rosnect any bettor there than it
does on tho bnrs of the Yukon river,
I hope that thero will not be a stam
pede into that country, as those will
miroly perish who go in this fall,
Railroad Building Expensive.
"The building of railroads in Ales
ka will bo an oxpenslvo proposition.
It will cost not less than $30,000 per
milo to construct a railroad from
Valdes to Kaglo. There Is nothing to
build a railroad for yet, except to
reach tho coppor deposits on Whlto
river, and tho lino from Valdes to
Eagle would not go anywhere near
theso doposlts. If a railway wore
built It might develop somo bettor
country, but without a railroad It will
tnko ninny years to prospect Aleska,
owing to tho difficulty experienced in
bringing in provisions."
Estate and Industrial Associa
tion In Session.
Houston, Texas, Sept. IS. Thoro'
wns an increased attendance, this
morning when tho annual convention'
of the Texas Real Estate and Indus
trial Association resumed- Its ses
sion. Some of tho numorous topics dis
cussed during the day were as fol
lows: Irrigation and dralnngo; ben
efits of experimental stations; leg
islative reforms needed for tho de
velopment of Texas; dairy Interests;
truck farming; Importance of land
owners, land agents and railroads
working In harmony; public schools
and the educational system of Toxns;
horticultural development of Texas;
Texas harbors; climate, water and
soils: of the state; oil Interests, and
livestock intorests. The participants
in the reading of papers and the dis
cussions that followed included bus
iness and professional men, educat
ors, capitalists and others from every
section of tho stnto.
Crusty old gent to trnmp Wha..
Hogging again! Didn't I give you
a dime yesterdny for a meal?
Tramp (sarcastically) Yes, I
know, gov'nor; but I ovorato and
I want to get somo medicine for It.
18, 1903. a
tThe "Smoke of Peace."
Mid upon being the same in quality
or a thousand. Always 5 cents, m'
an't afford to cut the price. W
: Selling Brand of
And many other painful and serious
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use of
, MOtmrs htisad. This great remedy
is a God-send to women, carryincr
them through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no nam.
No woman who uses "Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering
and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
a condition more favorable to speed' recovery. The child is
also neaJtny, strong and
good natured. Our book
"Motherhood," is worth
its weight in gold to every
woman, and will be sent free in plain
envelope by addressing application to
Bradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga.
i ecwARd
4 IT
J uni vomt.
R. J.
One Night Only
Monday, Sept. 2 1
and the Famous Original New York Cast
Prices-i.so. Ii.oo and soc. Scats on sale today, 9 a. in., at I'razicr's
Book Store. Reservations will be sold after 7 o'clock unless paid for. Curtain
will raise at 8:15 sharp.
Free Street Entertainment
Every Evening Except Sundays
The Quaker Doctors
Are again In Pendleton for a few weeks. They are doing marvelous work.
Cancers and tumors removed without knife, blood or pain. They are
expert specialists in chronic and nervous diseases.
Offices: Hotel Pendleton '
Where they can be consulted in private 10 to 12 dally except Sundays
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
Merit and its due, publicity, means micceBB lint publicity with
out merit means illsaBtcr and fail tiro for tin: public cannot lie fool
pd successfully. Tho
Ostermoor $15
Patent Elastic Felt
$15 Mattress
iK ,1 proven success, due to public hnowledKU o genuine merit It
Is better than hair In every possible way softer, cleaner, purer aud
far moro elastic; dust proof, vermin proof, germ proof, and so
wntor proof It will float. Theso merits are enduring; It never te
ipilres remaking, and is practically un-wear-nut-nble.
Not stuffed like balr, but built or eight airy, interlacing sbcctp
of billowy, downy, everlasting softtioBB, hand-laid and daintily
closed In tick by hand sowing.
These sheets nro called "Kelt," and the name "Felt" is trud
mnrked nnd copyrighted by Ostermoor & Co.; an Ostermoor Mat
tress, therefore, Is the only "Felt" Muttrcss.
If It Isn't an "Ostermoor" U'b nu Imitation. Our name and trade
mark label must appear on the end of evory genuine "felt" Mat
tress, lie careful! Don't be fooled!
Standard Sizes and Prices.
I feet C Inches wide, 25 lbs., 8.3C
3 feet wldo 30 lbs 10.00
3 feet C inches wide, 3S lbs., , , 11,70
4 feet wide, 40 lbs., 13.36
A feet C inches wide, 45 lbs., .. 15.00
All C feet 3 Inches long.
In two parts 50c extra. Special sizes,
special prices.
Express charges prepaid to any place.
You can have an Ostermoor Mattress, sleep on it .thirty
nights, and if It Is not hotter than any other Mattress you
have ever used It It Is not nil you even hoped for roturn Jt
at our expenso and your money will bo Immediately refunded
without question. What moro can wc do to convince you 7
The Genuine Ostermoor Mattress is Sold in
Pendleton Exclusively by
Main Street, Near Bridge.
tlopwe of them.
, 1
mam "H Buy a fountain pen this week at half
TiEt'J.-J.-a..J..i... I prlco at Frazler's.
Write the East Ore
Konion for a free cat'
A full supply always kept la stock.