East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 17, 1903, Image 5

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Mercerized Waistings and
fleece-Back Fancies : : :
Are the popular cotton fabrics for Fall.
Our line of Foreign and Domestic Novelties
is complete in every detail, and comprises
the latest designs in white, black, cream and
figured fancies Prices from
I2ic to $t
Per Yard.
Would be glad to show you our new J Fall Goods
Corner Main and Alta
City Brevities
.Kilo' U C Itader?
wc!l slippers at Teutsch's.
See Sharp for paper hanging
Fresh fruit daily at Martin's
Smokers' supplies at Neunian'e.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Fresh tish, game and poultry. CaR
s For Rent A piano. Apply at this
t T-'C
Refrigerated meats. Schwartz &
r.w-'illch Co
all up Phone Main 1SS1 when you
:;t pure ice.
Buy a fountain pen this week at half
j -i 'e at Frazier's.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
' - nuts, candles and fruits.
Jun't let cigars get the best of you
get the best of cigars. Hanlon's.
AU .kinds of imported and domestic
tn hes and clam chowder at Gratz's.
We have fruit jars and fruit Jar
ertras rubbers, covers, etc. R. Roup
r an
Estimates giveu on short notice on
lit and paper hanging. Charles
' the pioneer painter, SOT Via-
nre rystal Ice don't cost any
f Mian Interior ice, and is so
i i. cleaner and more healthful,
tie Mam 1881.
yow hundred acres 30-bushel
'ita' land. S miles out. Level, deep
)ig spring riming water. Price
S :, K T Wade & Son.
E.feiit room house for sale. Sulta
tor family or lodging house. De
adly located. Call 203 Jackson
rtf or "all up 'phono Black 143.
J iic Bright New Ideas
of the .lay.
Latest Creations of the
Jewelers Art.
Vou can always depend
on what you got at our
never nusreprea-
Nexl door to K Atpxnmlcr
! U C Rader, SI. A.
For the best bread, get Rohnnan's.
If you want a cab, call up Main '
Get your clothes cleaned at Joer-!
1 HO swell novelties In street hats i
Mrs. Campbell's.
New books arriving dally at Fra-!
zier s book store.
For Sale Alfalfa hay. See Dave
Ingram, this office.
Now ready-mac skirts arriving
daily at TeutschV
New carpets and linoleums at Ita
dor's furniture store.
Children's school shoes thar wear
and look well, at TeJtsch-:.
For prompt service, call up the Mc
Kay Cab Co., 'phone Main 1C1,
Received daily, fresh tamales,
rabs and crawfish at Gratz's.
Fall patterns for suits and trousers
on display at Seibert & Schulz's.
Wanted Furnished housekeep
in grooms. Inquire at this office.
Ml Prcferida, the best cigar made,
it Rees' cigar store. Court street.
Goods that are right at prices that
re right at Rader's furniture store.
Fall Clothing, new styles overcoats.
We Invite your Inspection. Baer &
I Full line school books, school sup
i plies, fine stationery and latest books
!at Nolfs.
I For Rent Two small houses, three
I blocks east of Main street. Apply
at E. 0. office.
Cleaning and pressing of gentle
( men's clothing by Mrs. Merlcle, room
i 7. over Owl Tea House.
See Wilson & Carnlne about paint
ing your buggies. Cottonwood street,
next door to Neagle Bros.
Two pianos, slightly used. Great
bargains. Come quick. Inland Em
pire Piano House, near bridge.
Look over your house furniture.
We can refiulsh it like new. Wilson
& Cnmine, 'phone inalu black 10-13.
ExiHjrlenced bookkeeper would like
a position in general merchandise
store or office. Address C. B., caie
this office.
W. D. Fletcher, the pioneer Jeweler,
can be found at his old stand in the
postoillce building. All work In his
line promptly done ai reasonable
Ross has been In the Ice business
in Pendleton three years and uas al
ways sold the best In the Ice lino.
Ills motto has been "No favorites,
treat all customers alike."
Joseph Iiasler, the oldest furniture
dealer in the city, has Just received
five carloads of furniture, the largest
shipment ever received by a firm In
.Misses Lenore and Gertrudo Sher
idan are visiting friends In Portland.
Mrs. Mattic Melger, of Dixie, was
the guest of friends in Pendleton yes
terday, Mrs. J. A. Borie and daughter, Miss
Fanchon, are the guests of friends in
Mrs. Sam Thompson has gone to
Portland, where she will bo the guest
of friends during the carnival.
Miss Genetto Monasse, of Athena,
left this morning for Portland, where
sne will be the guest of friends.
Jack Watson, an employe of the 0.
R. & N. at Umatilla, was In the city
today for a short visit with friends.
Joseph Ell has moved his office to
the Savings Bank building. In the
room with Moorhouso & Hamilton.
E. C. Skiles has returned from a
long trip through the interior of the
state, where he has been in the in
terest of the Spoknno Drug Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mosgrovo left
this morning for their home at Mil
ton, after a short visit in this city,
while returning from n visit nt Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter have
gone to the seaside where they will
remain until Mr. Carter has recover
ed from the effects of his recent se
vere illness from fever.
The many friends of the Rev. Eads
will be pleased to learn that ho has
so far recovered from the fracture of
both his legs as to be able to move
about on crutches. He made an ex
cursion yesterday into his orchard.
La Grande Observer.
Origin of One of the Greatest Hits of
the Vaudeville Stage.
Manager Nelson has with him this
week with the Shields' Vaudeville
Company, one of the best novelty acts
in America the Chinese act present
ed by the Thompsons and It is such
an odd creation and different from
anything else in the vaudeville world
It is interesting for the readers of
the East Oregonlan to know how this
clever act originated.
Mr. Thompson is a Texan, and
when quite a young lad ran away
from home with the determination
of making something of himself. His
wanderings terminated at San Fran
cisco, and he soon seemed a position
as bookkeeper at the old Baldwin
hotel, and there met a number of
Chinese Atudents being educated in
this country, who spoke the English
language fluently. Ah Foy Chang,
(who by the way was a cousin of the
famous Chinese minister to this
country) was an accomplished musi
cian on the odd instruments of his
native land, and Mr. Thompson prov
ing an apt pupil, soon became an ex
pert In not only the Chinese tongue,
but their music as well.
One night a visit to the Chinese
theater was proposed and accepted.
While there Mr. Thompson was invit
ed to play the Chinese national air,
and soon had the large audience loud
ly applauding the "Mellcau" man and
his efforts to amuse them. Thong
Wah. the locan manager of the thea
ter. Immediately offered Mr. Thomp
son an engagement, and in a spirit
of fun, he accepted. Mr. Thompson
argued that If he could entertain the
Chinese audience, why not originate
an act for the American stage. The
Idea seemed a good one. The rest,
to use Mr. Thompson's own words,
"Is an open book. My success has
proved one thing: that a novelty is
what the people want, and I do not
regret the hard work I had hi put
ting the act together for the amuse
ment of others."
1 1 - $n
v V'
and Suit
New Suits and Coats
for Autumn
A Woman Chooses here with
the Certainty of Choos
ing Correctly
The head of our Cloak and Suit. Dopartmont visitod all thu loading cloak
houses in thu East, so wo are ublo to hhow what is boing worn in thn fashion
centew. Wo can show you soino of tho garmunta displayed in tho CONGRESS
of FASHIONS recently' hold in Now York. Tailor mats will bu in great de
mand this fall. The radical change in tho suit jacket from short to long is
reason enough. Tlie straight round walking skirt suit has gained in popularity
and will sell largely. Many fancy materials tiro in evidence, especially Homespun-;,
Mixtures and tho Mannish Materials.
New Capes
New Jackets
New Dress Skirts
Muslin Underwear
New Walking Skirts
Children's Wool Dresses
The new silk waists arc more beautiful than ever and prices within reach
tiiH. No trouble to show goods.
-- -.. .... ,
Eastern Oregon. The shipment In
cludes one solid carload of Iron bods,
one carload of chairs, one carload of
springs and mattresses, and two car
loads of mixed furniture of all kinds.
Watch for the great slaughter sale,
which will be Inaugurated soon.
Anti-Labor Organization Worker Ar
rived In Portland,
Portland, Sept. 17. Seeking to
band together manufacturers and
contractors that they may successful
ly resist the demands ot organized
labor. Colonel Charles Kahlo arrived
In Portland today. Ho Is u special
representative of the National Asso
! elation of Manufacturers of tho
Building Inspectors Here.
W. H Kennedy, tho chief engineer. ;.
and W. A. Storie, the general lore-
man of the bridgo and building do- X
partment or tho O, II. & N passed
through tho city this morning on a1
tour of Inspection. '1 .10 gentlemen , ;;
are looking over the Improvements
the company has been putting In
along thu lino and were here for a
time to view the progress of the
work on the depot. They were in
a special train In order that they
would not bo governed by tho sched
ule of the regular trains.
A BIG SALE the elite!
Bent shoe repairing ut Teutsch'-l
New Shipment of Turkey
and Ostrich Dusters
to inch Turkey, ioo feathers special 35c. 14 inch Tur
key, too feathers special 50c. 12 inch carriage duster 120 tail
feathers, special 75c. S inch parlor duster (Ostrich,; special
fi.25. Sisil duster for removing dirt from furniture special 50c.
Our Ice Cream will please you. If you ever had any
tetter ours wont cost you a cent. We will let you be the judge.
U!5 tiw from .Mnln Mrnt toward the Court IIouw-
United States, an organization hav
ing ollices at 70 Broadway, New
York, and comes here from San Fran
cisco, where he made his headquar
ters at the Palace Hotel during a sev-
eral weeks' canvass of that city Ho
left San Franelbco Monday, and will
sxmd some time in Portland.
Under tho direction or I). P. Parry,
president of the National Associa
tion, special representatives have
been sent to all parts of the country
to Induce manufacturers In par I 'u
lar and large employers of labor In
general, to give both moral and finan
cial support to the association in tho
attitude In which he has tried to
placo It toward organized labor,
Kahlo will visit the manufacturers In
Portland, Tacoma, Seattle. Sokane,
St, Paul and Minneapolis before re
turning to New York.
Mr, Wright Hat Recovered.
Jack Wright, of tho O. It. & N..
who was operated upon not long ago,
Ik at his post again and left on the
Spokane train this morning on his
regular run.
Captain K. U. Clough, a pioneer of
Baker City, died Tuesday, aged 78
years. He came to jiawr uny in
Fall Trade Good
It I good ami tliut'h a fuel
t-aysilr. Klmieruii to our repor
ter. How do you account for It,
when others are complaining
about the full (rude I atiked I1I111.
Why, I do not know uny other
good reason than that thu people
have found out that we are ac
tually n'llluy better shots for the
money or the name tialily for
let money than other 1I0, It Ih
really remarkable how many
jieople there are who remark
about the "wearing quulity" of
oumhoe. Now that is what wu
pay for anil you get when you
buy Douglas or Gloria or Iti'il
Kcljoolhouw Shoes. These shoes
arc sold at a price and no one
attempts to undersell them
they simply can't ami live. We
have found the least margin of
resistance to trade and that ac
counts for our Increase this full.
Now watcii tlx sell ulioes. We
carry shoes oil five widths In all
foot form Iwits-ln all leathers,
height, styles, sIzch,- weight,
etc "rlay, don't that hoy talk
some?" 1 thought as I went on
my way with a fine ulr of the
l)oug!a- shoes on from the
Boston Store
'M Slate Pencils
- liottli'H Best Ink
1 dozen pencils
I. urge line Composition
book' S, 1(1, in ami
The Oregon Htate Copy
books hern at Nolfs only
Large, wide tablels-WO
MicetM, only
Kit nay pen holder ami pen lech:.
We pay highest cash price for
nil kinds of old school Ixiiiks.
Full Hue of Ht. Joseph anil
Pendleton Academy books, anil
Public Kchool hooks ut loweHt
Kanta Clans Headquarters.
Bear this In mind when you
need poultry and stock supplies
nnd ask for tho International
Poultry and Stock Food. Use
Kow Kure for your cow trou
bles, C. F. Golesworthy
127-129 Kast Alta St.
Agent for Lee's Lice Killer
Cur .M11I11& Ml.iSIs i o. lilllutl, l-rH
Our specialties are finest
fresh and salt water fish I
of all desirable vantius,
crabs, lobsters, chuns and
water ilcl.icacics, Olym
pia and eastern oysters.
We will serve you with
the finest oyster cocktail.
Goods delivered to any
part of thu city. Prompt
service nnd best satisfaction.
A Trial Order is Solicited
Rigby-Clove Mft
Manufacturers of the
Repairs for all kinds
Farm Machine'
Foundry Work a SpocialtJ
uasi paid lor 01a casungH
Pendleton, - Oregti
Tho Oregon Dally Journal cal
found 011 nale ut Trailer's book d