iit m. ,1 a i. DA,.V EAST OREGON PESDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16- "?0 ' l I KrXVETIA jnZJI B LaflaMnNaHfi siB v,.!(rr!lo3 of scC feri. The method of farming ro7ei Ty ij at ptesest V tl lr Tjtves no!ttt? rroppisK. Ji-t -c et the store of ferclttj. !- i an with mere cr.s 'and - - stock may r f :' w- r -way b rea 01' - ri- respect she-? a-'- ' Kcdct Grves Sirff dffgeWrr rrtT i latf ami transform Al. 7 irme M&i ttot may l i kind of blood "-a . es. feeds toe t15 . tae museies ard Tp 3i o ti entire body --" Cure cere (fig" catarrh etf tbe rtoir s-nnach Hcct?er SO" i- . Co Any Time V Ru"f W- t; Now is tne accepted time tc have your house painted er pa pered. A little painting here ane there will help iti loocs wonder fully. Some nice, fcrignt. new wall paper will lend a freshnesi tc any rccm. Our stock of wall paper was never .71 ore complete pattern in endless variety and every ere new and up-tc-date Ir color design. Setter come in anc let us show them tc you and tell you what it will cost for your whole house or oil; room. E. J. Murphy, 111 Court Street. The BcrzaniA-ctr -a -e-;- :---.. ''L'' " ins conjpwnv of stxtv paopie. wiii be tbe attraction thr f razcr, epC ?t. Tbi 4ar prodnaMooTtb tuneful opera come witb the prestige of nana bad a uicdstlul run in Chicago. where tbe crrtic dec'.aied that it aw superior IB moantiBCS conimung ami cast to the onpn: prodnctum. The ciTntpany in cludes such well kaowx peop Hnth While hcj L. r izmoc. Tbonu Kicketu. WilUini Riley Hatch. Charles Sharp. R J X Oeontt McKi.-k. Hem Drs ter. Harriet Sheldon. Lociw- Bracken and johitK Iht:. The chjru- b. -aid to btf remarkable for the Vanti o'' the trir Then ire hi'.:' a -!oer. new "0g bst in The Burgomaster anl one or their. n"fe: M ' Xe Vct' : to rrr. is populanrv Ule amoo ' The Tj't Tht Kanearoo The wit ofwatff Pr thi larportac r....' tT..j-t;o- f-rn Frida- !. INCREASED CHEESE OL'TPUI Unite DESPA1N k CURIl' Are distributors for Malta j Ceres a new Health Food. Everyone shoulH tr package Just received CaUforcia Fig and Oregon Honev m tbe cossb 544-614 MAIN STREET- Phone Main 1741 , 4 I f f- ICE States Stimulating the Manu facture cf This Product. ESoru irp trains; made by h fP emnwat in sVHd Uk- nmao(Bctm of cbee in Uk- Cnited Stale airi to iocrL iu eouasnptior. sax Bradstret. Recm experlmaatt with th-e coo mos Aoericac brand of ebv show its food ralw to be very crest. Noi-v-.tbeundia? iu rercsrtiaMy mmriab In; qnalitien. ch-e is eases only so a limited extent is tbe halted State. In ;a. it coostitotei Sef tbaa half of 1 per ceat oi tine total food coo aoined in this tuanMj Aflr y-r of sU(ij acientiot have esoivnl a plan to populsrfi cieeae is tbe United Stat They ar eoBTtneed cbal the tystem of making zr cbeet which in tbe retail trade are carved into awkward niies has watly nandirapp-d tb ni v Tb che tbns prepares ao: 1 1 snot striklosly tempt ins "Co'ins I that priU boUerr bring? a !.t a ran xc 'if '-apttal Add- Abeba tbe naravaa jonmer ocmprnir taor- than a month Makers cf Fertilii.. To tbe ' aoldec hoof" of toe ber tays OB" writer, has bec attribot! the foundation of EnLsfc anicuiiur tbe afcjt anchor of British pros perity Shep evrtaJtiy bar aede poarihie the teftioz f-rulity of s; iaod's toO. aad tbe eonseruuve r-a-yi.-Ws for whieb that soil is sc. fas 00s can be traced lareiy to the pre-s-ence of Bb--j upon almost evry farm. In that country the fer.;:: of tbe wil n as all :mportan i& .c r no much so that niany of '.ci nTMi stipulate :n the land leases thst a certain nasaber oi shce; ahaii b" kept on a given amount oi lan! In th- past th- famer of zu MAi e West has g.ven Dot it'.e:-4 -r SC - NG EXPERIMENTS. 1 - t 1 A:-:-taral Colleoe Maes , Lse'ui Tets. . -xneriaesr i? tb' test began trc ?ear ,'.!epe farm, it bas very small acreage of f r itaia a larfte herd o? - i considerable period - tut. 17 bead of cat-, .- -aa f bors were jaais- :i - fc lZlh of May to th , and there i tii; . -t the Vtr o k- -r of weekf. iij -.ecan on th 11th r.maon clover was -ut r---c o the herd Whrc ta -.1. xhamted a first -rop '. . and wa foll -2- A2i erv-'B oats Tb-c 't- . . - . r; and on unt.l thf pre- h-n a third crop is in tis- A arroont of the extra ex pease ot account of the cost of labor for cnttinc and f-edhir has seen keot and it has accrecated three rents per cow. j-fr day. The estitnat- erf mrome from the nerd based on present prices of dairy products is for tbe period, IIMJO. Tbe resole sbo that by miliar, aoy ferae; can make up for tbe deficiencies as be may bav m pastnraze for a Ions iier.uc m tb snmater. and st the aar t.me enrich his land for the r :nx I'iacts r-ae the mtrocen jn tb land that rthrwi5 nnst In :me - bought tc "i." 'onn of com-snt-ri tal f-ni!ix'rE and added tc the laavi in order -,. secure a cror Cor valiis Tines. What Shall We Have for Dessert? rlr YOU wish To Eat Well, Sleep Well, And Work Well, eecham's Pills You vW Eaf ytolh rwjwU rtiei Ctve Ox mae 11 rata, yoa vw7 Stoop vc, BECAME BMCtam'l P yjTSTl iMUen rrcajA tth tao you w Work well. ri Ecc barn's PHI ":t k - Sold Everywhere in Boxes, W cents and 25 cents. t OSTERMOOR j 9 . This Of-! everr da Jett-G a ceciccs aau h- ul- e-.. j-r-. pared ia tvro c -.-.. 2Co :.. atj' r rnrrg! add bo l:r tTJter 4ii st; i eooL Flavors Lnt: Orazgt. terry and Strawberry. Get z. po-a0 st yocr grocers :o-da-. 10 cts. We keep nothing but pure natural Ice. frozen from pore, dear mountain water it goes farther and lasts longer than artificial Ice. All we ask is an unprejudiced trial oi our ice. Wby not order a case of the celebrated Schllu, A. B. C. or Gambrinus for jor Sccday dinner? price than that article in tul j E. H. Farringxon reason-! I cheese pat ap in pound pai-t.a? t ! each one tearing tbe irapr m tu 1 maker, would enhance its -.al- WT-a' recommends tbe method !rt"ii- iv it that it opens a nrsataoie a!.; u, 'individnai dairy fariaers A' presv. jless than six per cent o th- l cheese canufactcried in the TUitt-t . , States is made on farms Faetj-n-, AHrr ano its due j.uImi'Xt m'-as'- su -es- u- j.r irity i.ut merit means disastt- at-d fa.lure for tbe jiubl:. i acnot be fr ed sncewf ully The ZJrcscjtt -, - - . - Ostermoor $15 Patent Elastic Felt $15 Mattress a pro T- -r ordeal which til T.en approach with tnccscribabte fear, for o:tinz compares with the pain and horror of 1 .-l.-..d-birlh. Thethoueht , 1 r'-b :he expectant mother ' 4, aao casts over tcr a Thousands of women El t ' control the indaotrr The Pb.-ice your order to Main ' annually aboot 30.iW.'iu .1 u-r ; p '("""i ! HENRY KOPITTIE t A MINT FOR MENELIK Abyssinian Make His Reffigeyated I Meat Monarch to Own Coin. King Mecelek of Abyssinia is get ng along ia tbe world. First he thrashed the Mabdists Then he drove the Italians out of his k eg dom Then he weicor!d the diplo mat of European nations, playing one against the other. Now he is to have a mitt, says the Sew York World What an advan this mean? may be realised from the fact that Abyssinia unta recently has been getting along with cubes of rock salt for cash. A small amount of com minted in France has of late J been in circulation. Now the king win mase CIS or; Aden reports kAtifktt ifrk' pose Uli' m . . 1... There are 4 cm tons of miat machin nailer 5 1 iiiunno r 11 (err. u m . o,.i - - - -. . w . -- vj umiii tuutirrc "an luuueu ujioouti. east Afn- ca. with a competent mechanic to set it op. The machinery vill be t BECOMING A MOTHER cf the sefferine and canper in ?cr fir ... of all pieaian: anticipations of the tor g e! shadow of sloorn which cannot -. , Have found that the of Mother' Friend during prcTnancvTobs ! . uaiata; si a go:.tend to all women at ti-e ume of tar most critical trial. NV L,r does Mothert FriiS carry women safely through the perU -- ,d-b.rth bu iu 7 gentW prepare, the system for the - ere o'e'ti ackness," and othe- dis- p-ets 'morniPg MOTHER'S eonutning Yakabie inforiEaUoc free JpMn Th. sVadfteM UpUiof U., Aliaau, Ca. i" KMkLNO t sncce9 due to pu'Jiit .nowteoge t- genuine rotr - - fcttf-r than ha.r :n every possible way softer, cleaner purer ,ar more eiastic dust proof vermin proof germ prtnf aid r.e a;er rroof it will Boat These menu art endurins it i-ve- e oin-et 'pmaking and is practically un-wear-out-able Not stuffed like hair, but built of eight a-ry. interlacing shittr f Mllowy downy, everlasting sof inert, band-laid and daimiiy en-'l.-d m tick by band sewing. The sheets are called "Felt, and the name Twit is Uadfc niarKM) and copyrighted by Ostermoor Co.. an Oeteimoor Mai rfs therefore Is the only "Felt" Mattress If it isn't an "Ostermoor" jt s an imitation. Our nat&e an Vide mark label must appear on the end trest B tarefsl! Don't be fooled' of every genuine 'lei mat HHMiniiiiim The Leaders II I I I I I H H I I I I II I I I I l-WH Standard Sues and Prvcet. i feet 6 mehes wide 2t lbs . J S.3S 3 ftet wide 30 Ibe.. . 10.00 3 feet t Inches wide. 25 lbs , . 11.70 4 feet wide. AO lbe.. 13.35 feet I Inches wide, 45 lbe , 15.00 All t feet 3 Inche-s )ong. ra two parte 50c extra. Special sues. special price Express charges prepaid tc any place. Greu.ich. r tops J 3chwaiz & . Wholesale and retail deaiers in Leef, ,1'ork and Muttun Cured J Meats and Sausage of ,ali kinds oofifaiu Street. Phone ifti' Capacity, 150 barrels a day Flour exchanged for wheat The Unsurpassed The Always Satisfactory ine wiiEon coal and wood Heaters THlRTf NIGHTS' FREE TRIAL Yes eat have at Ottternitior Uatlress, skp on it tbiny aithts. and if h Is not better than any other Mattrera yu save eer used if h Is not all yoq even hoped lor rctara i' il ocr exj?nse and your money win be Immediately refaades without (jurticiL What mor can w do to convince yo The Genuine Ostermoor Mattress is Sold in Pendleton Exclusively by JESSE FAILING own. consul Masierson I Ut .ai fitOVeg ranPinp ir, nric. frr that he ha, saved i CT to WV :' r'.' Vw" or gold for th pnr. x0 " " - ".c cigiug in price irom ; .?-OU IO tlr toes are Main Street, Near Bridge. inspection Rour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed 1 Mn0f,d b" ! 'o New Harrar. tc alwavs o. ha..l rdefl'iabot 130 mllss, the nd of the road. I .c, always os haad. Toence ,t vln tM63J0.ted b a J THOMPSON 621 Mala St. Heau HllllllHllllltfr HARDWARE Co. carters for fishing supplies ELATER1TE U Mineral Rubber. Ot MAI I I JiMJ B VS L.1H G ornrn it necery to ItKPUACE A WOKN-OUT lltior ELATERITE iROOFING Takes ti 1 rooStgi Tempert teed It p.at of shingles, tin. iron, tar and gravel and n nreoaxed. For 2at and steep surfaces, ratters, valleys etc. Easy to lay for all climates. Reasonable in cost. Sold on merit Ouaran wju pay to ask for prices and ltfonaaUoc THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. " I I I I H n I H I I H I H I II I It H 1 Worcester Building. Portland.