OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1903 DAILY EAST . i 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 I i I I I I I HI 1 IHHWHWWti 111! M-H-H-H- t t f uiwn urnnrc IVlLAIUnil IILIIULU Wc Will Continue to Give Twenty per cent Discount on Boy's Clothing until Wednesday Evening, Sep tember 16th. See our North Window for Prices. OLD VETERANS OPEN THEIR CONVENTION TODAY. Their are less than 4,000 of the sol diers left out of a total of 112,000 and they are dying at the rate of 1,000 A year A letter of goodwill from President Roosevelt Is Read In Nature of A Reunion. "2 , M i.. bt.. IVndu ton One Price Ciothiers Furnishers and Hatters I 4 GENERAL NEWS, J s ST ST A STAN STAND STANDA STANDAR STANDARD STANDARD CROCERY Co We are the standard (or quality in groceries anil fruits of all kinds. Price s'-ch as will hoid your trade. None better at any price, MoiiiiimiIc (,focnr ' ouri iu Your Eyes Si-nator Nathan II Scott, of AVest Virelnia. who lias been seriimtly 111 at Denver. N much improved. Prom a letter that him fallen into tin- hand of the officials, more trou ble is feared In the Philippines. Two negro desperadoes, who were passing counterfeit money tit .Mem phis. Tenn., were taken Into custody by 15 policemen yesterday Tlie Mfssfitslppi river Is raining rapidly from recent rains and farm ers are preparing to escape the Hood This makes the third overflow of the river tills mason. While on her way to school, Uiura West, a 9-year-old girl of Ilrooklyn. was accidentally hot and killed by i j a watchmau who was chasing some J boys. The man has been placed in, , I der arrest. , ! The second meeting of the Order of Carnation has Just been held In New ork. The order was formed at the death of President McKinley. and Its object Is to not young men i, ;alv,- part in political affairs. Casslus M. Clay at the Russian Court. In the Metropolitan Art Museum is a painting of the Russlnn court dur ing the late General Cnsslus M. Clay's administration at St. Petersburg, savs the Louisville Courier-Journal. m.. ,, ..nnclqts ,if the rmr anil Ills staff and the foreign ambassadors. Of the entire assembly the czar and j Clav are the only persons to ue seen standing with their lints on. It is said that one of the foreign represen tatives suggested to Clay that lie should remove his hat in ro presence o- the czar, but Clay dec' fed. sn-' lug- "I only take off my hat to those who take off their lints to nu " As the czar kept his head covering on Clay did the same. A snur track Is being laid at La (iramlc rrom the O. 11. & X main line to the beet sugar factory. 1 BEERS Famous the World Over Fully Matured. Sold Everywhere. Indlanapollh. Ind. Sept. 10. Wiia' will In all probability be the last of the national convention of the Mex ican war veterans began in Indian polls today. There are less than 4.0HU of the veterans loft out of a total of 112.01m. and they are dying at Thnnc!,nflc liny? KilltlPV tl... rate of more than 1.IM1" a year ItlOUSailOS HuYS 11111110 Among the most prominent survivors are .Tames Longstreet. of Georgia I General Simon Ilollvnr HucKner. of How To rind out. Kentuekey: Colonel W. K. Cloud, of! l-ill j bottle or common glass with our Missouri: Major S P. Tufts, of Illi water and let it sunn iwciin-iour mmts , twin, and General Lew Wallace, ot In- j . , rti maim. Letter From President Roo Several scores of the Trouble and Never Suspect it. a sediiiientor set- were assembled In the state capital ! this afternoon when the gathering 1 AL was called to order by N. T. Ogden i of Cincinnati, piesidont of the na uonal association. Letters of good will were rend from President Itoos evelt and from the governors of sev eral states. The .session will con tinue through tomorrow. The asso ciation has no business to transact except the election ol officers cud the convention is entirely in the nature ol a reunion. hll Sn tliiiKiudicatesan rin T t Vi uuhtallln im. isevclt. 'v ,J iWW liition ot the kid-k-eteran.- I PlSS ' V nevs ; if it stains rnnltnl ! &A'HrWi--LA - nur linen it is NORTHWEST NEWS. I., many children were drowned in Eleppner Hood that the teaching ' ' in the public schools at that I has been reduced by two. ' Kim gravel cars arrived Tuesday I .u l.a Grande, which will bo used In evidence of kid- i nej trouble ; too frequent desire , to pass it or pant ' in the back is alo convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. 1 There is comfort in the knowledge " often expreed. that Dr. Kilmer's , SwamtHUoot, the ureal kidney reined . , fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and everv part of the urinary passage. , It corrects inability to hold water and scaldiuj; jxiiu in passing it, or bad , effects following ue of liquor, wine or , lieer. and overcomes that unpleasant ue- ! eessitv of lieiue compelled to go often When Senator Quay visited Cover- j during the dav. and to get up ninny nor Pennypaekor over Snndav he rode times during the night. The mild ami as far as Porkiomen Junction on hU the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root , annual pass over the Philadelphia & 1 1.-soon realized " siaims uie mgnesi Heading rallwav. There the partv j for its wonderful cures ol the most dis- trnnaferre,! in tho iwiinir.n Vnilov tressnig cases, it you need a iiieuiiiiit railroad which mm lis thu dlstniu'e 1 V'U should have the best QUAY "COUGHED UP.' Pennsylvania's Boss Had to Pay First Fare in 35 Years. Pictures Of Your VacatEon Trap Peopl. ' l.av tvi.ii on ti t ir i,i.nr er iC.itions are bi'Cinnmc to return an '. an L-nngint, Iack w.t.. thi-m sotnt i'-.-aut:-; .1 pictures Cameras, Films, Tripods Piat. al. kinds albums, printing paper, mounts, and all kinds of supplier tor amateur photn i;raphers at low pric-.-s. We'll Help You with Your Photo Troubles DUTTOI To l.l. . , . and in charge of hi, tionary business, -ry suoi.uict iila CLASS SKRVirc CANDIES, BONfiol Telephone , yo i luiupi aenverj. jDntti i TSicCai-: m 3 j A LITTLE PJ Artisticall applied ; skilled workmen atldspi ( to the appearance of ih F. W. Schmidt The Reliable Druggist Ion. fl. Il!uv I'hoie Mainsji Sold In drue 4 icnur or exterior of , 5 home, business house ... .i,...;t . "a U1") painters acdl oniy tne nest material! Our paper hangers ueJ j.t-na au uur seiecticil paper inc newest, m nngnt meas of the eastJ stiown in our stock. jjistsin fifty-cent anil oiu-'!olIar si -You may' have a atlliif botik ami aZaitni,iemfr- GOPflmEnCIAL STABLES OMiia.l A. Ulres, l.r. Ejffigngn Kilmer 6s: Co., Diiir- iiSJs hamtoii, N. V. When nomocf smp-Iioot G. M. FROOME, PROPRIETOR. from the Junction to Schwenktivllle. "Ticknts." said the conductor on the I'erkiomen train. The senator selected the Reading pasteboard from his file of passes. "No ftoori on this road." said the I'limi iii-iiii' . . There was a principle Involved, and ! "M. .?,e." '..r'!;.,::!:! J'' , tr pU'iiie parties. Good the senator strove for It. I .,: )r Kifmer:, Sw iniiV-KiHit ind teams witu competent drivers for ..n...n.. ...,. i name, Jir KiiniLr s nuamp-uooi, ami ...-.-.o-p.-i .,, i;IIM.. imnm nm ll"lu vuam ooii i Ku on me tlle address. Iliiieliaiuton, N. v. I'erkiomen Valley." said tne conduc- . tor. "You'll have to pay your fare." 4 3 1 5 i 3 C. C. Sk said the sena- not free from strain Oimild lie relieved I IV Glasses of the riflit strength. Ilv this means they are saved trout Mrti.il or total Mindneis in later -ear- Tests lire made with the aid of modem scien tific instruments. II) prices lor Siiee tacles and eyej;!.ises arc quite moderate. Glenn Winslow What If I refuse! tor. j , "The walking is eood." replied the i lawluip the entire O. R. & N. road- j conductor. j J The senator paid. When he came j back to town, havlnsr paid railroad ; mif, it m i-.uu, mi me urai lime in 25 years, he called at the Reading of fices. The employes are wondorim; how Ioiir the conductor's job will last. The I'erkiomen Valley line is leased b the Reading New York World. ills Main , in! irom that place to Huntington. j The Mormon conference at Hoise i has closed. It was largely attended. K.ra J. Merrill Is the nuw president. anil .Miss Horence Ilenson the new .-'cretary. .Mrs. Alice floeper. of Seattle. Is un der arrest charged 'with contorted nig She was formerly .Mrs. Johnson, and under that name went to the Halein penitentiary. Tso women of the town Ornco Ashton and .Mrs. Mary How en sui cided at Holse Tuesday. The .first took an antiseptic tablet, the latter shot herself. Thomas .Mclinen. of lianor City, an old pioneer and wealthy man. died at Portland .Monday night of neural gia of the heart. Kor two years he drove stage between The Dalles and Pendleton. "The Owl." the most famous gam- j hling resort in the Northwest, has! dosed at Spokane, under the opera tions of the new gnuiolloc law. It had been continuously open night 'and Sunday for i; years The Columbia Lodging House commercial men. Speedy horses and handsome rigs tor evening and Sun day drives. Gentle horses for family use Stock boarded at reasonable rate-. Best o." cu"' given to transient sto U Oppos i' ' I jt.' Pendleton 'Phnne Main Nil 4 1 rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTI Opera House Lines - School BelS Do You Enjoy What You Eat? If you don't, your food does not do you much good. Kmlol Dyspepsin Cure Is the remedy that every one should take when there Is any tu.ng wrong with the stomach. There Is no way to maintain the health and strength of mind and body except by uounaumoni. Tnere is no way to nourish except through the stomach llie stomach must be kept healthy pure and sweet or the strength will 1 let down and disease will set up. NoJ appetite. loss ot strength, nervous ness headache, constipation, bail ' breath sour risings, rifting, indiges tlon, dyspepsia and all stomach trou bles are quickly cured by the use of viiui wj.-iiiisia (. lire sold tiv Tallmon & Co STAtt or Ohio, citv or loLtio 1 1.1 m BOUNTY. Newly Furnished. Bar in connecti Bet. Alta & Webb bts In Center of Block i. 1 t ! 1 F. X. Schempp Proprietor JVTAJLTI-IOIO m Him 4. .,!l,nk J- ch?y mU oth that ho is the ! wnlor jurtner ol the lirm ot F.J. Choncr i Co ' in it. ?a,,r" ' the city ol To"edo,coany thu at.m a! x I ' a,.m 1DI" " "rm win PT I Jne Hundred Minn or ech iin.5 . theiiuinf iiin..;.;:" r" "-""rara dt 1 Will Soon Ring I . 1 ...u mv ut iiaii b i.jtLarrn i.iifm bworn trt hofnr,. ma un.l ...v..in.. . tr. ia,: ' wu"w. ; I A. W. GLEASOS'. I tli. A. W. GLEASOS, ; : ; ; i f Get your hooks and siipp tes ol ih Ve are tht. recoRnizerl headquarters tor school supplies oi ail kinds and have a stock unequaled in Eastern Oregon. All hooks m use in the public and paroUuul scliuois and the academy. TABLETS TABLETS TABLETS Largest, most beautifully coveted tablets with best paper, in Pendleton for the money. Parents let in furnish your boys and girls with needed supplies to commence school. Come with them ot let them come alone We give children the same attention as e;rown people We will save you money Our motto "Y0UK MONEY BAOK IF NOT SATISFIED" T 1 if " rt""r on the blood inTi f mneiu "itf e ' ot the ,.em. ttaMta, toiimonUh. Ire". ' 1 T 1 fold hr HrlS co" Tol"'' lo ' ! nii i mur Hiu r. the t. Frazier s Book Store 1 1 Pendleton people are loyal 'o Pen dleton's business enterprises That Is the reason the U033 Ice & Cold Storage Company have had to put on two wagons and then can scarcely handle the trade. Give us your or tiers and wo will tako care of It If c,hae to put on four times two wagons. 'Phone Main 1881. Do You Want a Cab? When you want nromnt nn.i ru h e wrvlec call up -phono Main 1C1. Hie McKay Cab Co. Says It's a Pleasu re. Walla Walla. Wash., Sept 3. 1903 It s a pleasure for me to ho able to ?" ,, ni,.,as a Kwlraeni to inanse the entire svmem o IjjwIs, ex-chamninn ,..i.i'i,...J, stler of the ;,.i ibi Tltln le Ml. ... . '. ... . . vorld for tho : iy.r 1,10 Habits, sold ,t"ua Cutler Co., distributors:, ,aker XT 1 ii ever corrodei, never iweiti nor expands ; in fact never gives ny trouble of any kind and is uied for all classes of work, A very superior covering for barns, factories, depots, canneries, tanneries, sheds sr.d mining property. ! far tklt. (, The Paraffine Paint Co, San Franclico, Seattle, Portland, Los Anjclts and Denver, Colorado. T. C TAYLOR, Agent WHAT IS THE USE oatXloanr'orostrv yourself to avoid such distress? eAaetln'S ?,rpsla Tableu taken aJ eating will digest your food perfectly 8ymntroeLy0V,r0 a" the 'Sto sjmptoms ot Indigestion and Dyspep sia. Eat What vnn m. '?fltr and take n "l u'y "ra?. Poit ivu. . :..r..-V aDI atterward. O SPICES, o COFFEE, TEA, BAKING POWDER FLAVORING EXTRACTS: AtnolutePuriry, Finesr Flavor, OnearesrSfrmh.MoiNabljfrices., CLOSSET & DEYER5 PORTLAND, OREGON. ''icgon Portland. Saint Helen's Hall Home and Hay School for gals of all ages Academic ami College Preparatory courses a well as thorough Pritnan Instruction, deal situation on -he outskirts of city of port ami. Hasket bull. tennh, hurselKick riding yer book -ut on appllcatlou. ELEANOR TEBBETTS, TRANSFI TRUCKIN STORAG CROWNER BRC Telephone .Ylnlu 4 I C0A Let us fill yotit bin with ROCK SPRING Recocnized as the ba and most economical fit We are prepared to eel tract with von for jcJ winter's suonlv Weii liver coal or wood toarj part of the city Laatz Broi Main Street 1 iMn I UeforM deciding where t 1 school, examine a j Pendleton Academy go to U31IIVI.IV 1. 'inmt .1 will ?"wu' i0l,r money win always be refund r. are not onn.nj " . 'uu free .V,""" A""8 tor a Buffalo, N, y. iree sample. W. K. Hooker . n ca a ogue for the coming year. New building and equipment New man. agoment and a faculty of exnertonS ed teachers. Special ar"ngemen for music stuaents nnU f thfern ful oversight of all students from out of town. All grades of public school work thoroughly done n" C,?0.' preparatory work Is accepted by the best colleges East and West MnVni and social advantages the very be Term begins September H. UM. REV. W. H. BLEAKNEY, PRINCIPAL. Model Light CarfUgt5 Business Driving li.n. .1 i . . ai J at nil nlu.. Jl.. .-..ttnl 1 1 I lunlty to nee what modern ! .miug loiiEhten the burden" 1111 rnAn tf ., i. ..i.i. , 1, M The farmer 1. th i-in ni iheJ"! jehlclea laftord one of tila iowr iie?umJwr we he "' Winona 3 Clad hnKa n.... 1 - 1 t.likt BU best made. Onr Drice can't b tn.l tires et n MrKP.NLl,..rrr.,hie.t'j h. old w.:,;,,'ion7 ; JM "tveh. Adopted ,y fbo 0. s. Got NEAGLE BROS. I The BtcHl