East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 15, 1903, Image 6

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    rficV. SEPTEMBER 15, 1903.
a . - -sggg
Skin, Scalp and Blood
From Pimples to Scrofula
From Infancy to
Speedily Cured by Guticura
When All Else Fails.
Tho agonizing itching and burning of
the skin, as In Eczema; tho frightful
Dealing, as In psoriasis; tho loss of hair
and crusting of the scalp, as In scalled
head; tho facial disfigurements, as In
acne and ringworm; the awful suffer
ing of infants, and anxiety of worn
out parents, as in milk crust, tetter and
salt rheum, all demand n remedy of
almost superhuman virtues to success
fully cope with tlirm. Tint Cutlcura
Soap, Ointment and l(co vent are such
stands proven bcjor.d all doubt. No
statement is made regarding them that
Is not JuMilled by the strongest evi
dence. The purity and sweetness, the
power to afford immediate relief, tho
certainty of speedy and pcrmanentcurc,
the absolute safety nnd grtvtt economy,
have made them the standard skin
euros, blood purifiers and humour reme
dies of tho civilized world.
Bathe tho affected parts with hot
water and Cutlcura Soap, to cleanse the
surface of crusts and scales and soften
tho thickened cuticle. Dry, without
mhMnir. and anolv Cutlcura Oint
ment freely, to allay Itching, Irritation
and inflammation, and soothe and heal,
nnil. stlv. takeUillcura uesoneni, 10 .
cool and cleanse the blood. This com-
plete local and constitutional treatment
affords Instant relief, permits rest and
sleep in tho severe; forms of eczema
and other Itching, burning and scaly
humours of the skin, scalp and blood,
and points to a speeiy, permanent and
economical cure when all clio falls.
eoUlhreotliolthwrril. Crtlnn B'nt..(la
, ef Uiocolau umuii mil, w: i-r L"J
i tor How to Core Ef cry Henwflf.
AnY Time
Is a Good Time
Now Is the accepted time ta
have your house painted or pa
pered. A little painting here and
there will help Its looks wonder
fully. Some nice, bright, new
wall paper will lend a freshnesi
to any room. Our stock of wall
paper was never ;nore complete
pattern In endless variety and
every one new and up-to-date In
color design. Getter come In ana
let us show them to you and tell
you what It will cost for your
whole house or one room.
E. J. Murphy,
111 Court Street,
Are distributor.-, fur Malta j
Ceres ,i inns Health Kood,
Uveryonc should tr n i
Just received California j
I'lgsanil tnegon linnet in
the comb,
Phone Main 1741
We keep nothing but pure
natural ice, frozen from pure,
clear mountain water. It goen
farther nnd lasts longer than
artificial Ice. All we ask la an
unprejudiced trial of our Ice.
Why not order a case of the
celebrated Schlltjr. A. 11. C. or
(ambrlmis for your Sunday
'Phone your order to Main
Heavy Rain Occurred In that local. ty
Last Thursday and Friday It v.a
Badly Needed Because the Orr.".
Was Exceptionally Short and Fee
Vas Scarce.
' Uldge. Sept. 131 ""V? ,T
Kleteher. who wore on the sin
last week, are alright aga'n
1.. Watcher Is nt preset on
sb'k list, yet not serlouslv ill
G W I.insnor is out no.!!- a-.'
from his John Day stock ranch.
James Davis has bought th ln
of William Simonton and son.
hail his ranch leased for thrp vai
A fine rain has occurred her. . mm
mencing Thursday evening and la '
ing until Friday night This will
I . onslderablp good to the io-ality
grass nnd feed are not am " V
Banner Found Under
Near Whitman Monument,
' A relic, which if it had tongiw
' could probably tell the s'erj u tn
massacre of the missiona.y Mar'
I Whitman and his partj wa- roun
I within con yards of the Whitm ;
I monument yesterday b Thornton V
iinlnpnr savf, the Walla Wall.
Union. Mr. Hcnlnaor In company
with E. S. Waterman was digs In on
! a now irrigation ditch on tho Water-
! man ranch when ho struck something
1 hard. The object was unearthed and
1 proved to be a rusted and bent dag-1
! ger of old pattern It was found thn--
1 reft under ground. 1
! The wooden handle crumbled '
.iirm iTniilnp-pr nicked It UP '
- , ,,,,,,,, ,), two men examineu
' , . datp or mark 0 identity
r-ould be found owing to Its rusty con-
dltlon The blade was still er ,
sharp in spite of its condition, siv-
Ing mute evidence of the manner in
which men carried their arms when
the weapon was used. Because It was
found so close to tho monument and
those who are best acquainted with ,
was evidently an oici aiiv uk--
the situation feel roasonaniy sun- n .
1 is one of the weapons carried by the
massacred party, or maybe, the scalp-1
' Ing knife of some red fiend who help-1
' rd murder the missionaries.
Mr. Heninger was offered J2.BO for
the relic yesterday hut refused, sny-J
Ing he Intended to present It to i'res-,
1 Ident S. n. h. I'eimw. of Whitman I
' Christian Endeavor to Double
I Numbers in a Decade.
Tho Yoiiiik People's Society of the
! Christian Endeavor Is congratulating
' u,i it,, result,! ,f Iho Increase
i itself on tho results of mo increase
I movement, which on July 1, had re-1
milted in a cain of 2 -ICS now societies
suulu iii u "i .,-, - iiu,
Ill tho United States in eigilt months.
Seventeen states have calned more I
! than 10 per cent nnd many nearly oh
t much. Now the plan is to keep up ,
I the campaign for in per cent for in
years. Kor tho first Hi per cent the
' state receives a banner bearing a sin
I gle star, an additional star for each
I in per cent added, and a croscont
1 for 200 new societies.
' Oregon was tho first statu In the
, Union to win n banner. Gain : 05 so
cieties; 15 U per cent,
i The banner was presented by the
' Chinese Christian Endeavor Society
1 at Koo Chow, China.
Joaquin Miller in Ashland,
.loa.piln Miller, the "Hard of the
Sierras." arrived in Ashland yeslur-
'" .......... ... j --
day aiternoon from his home near
Sin 1 oimlrn fit -mil mmn tn loin
ban l.oamiro, t.al., anil came 10 join
thi Crater Iako excursion which
leaves the Itoguo Kiver valley noxt
week says the Thllngs. Air. Mlll'tr
Is as picturesriue in appeararr. as
I over, walks with as sprightly r. step
' and does not appear a day older than
! when ho was in Jackson county about
1 three years ago. It will be recalled
that his presence at Chautauqua was
prevented by the condition ot his
' mother's health, who lives near him
In hl California home.
Notice to Patrons.
Having rented the retail depart
ment of my butchor business to Mr.
A. I). Augustavo. an experienced
butcher of Walla Walla, I myself will
conduct the wholesale part of said
business, and all perrons knowing
tliemselvos Indebted to mo will please
call at tho niarkot and settle their ac
count. Mr. Augustavo also desires
to announce that the business will bo
conducted as It has been, nnd all pat
rons of the market will reccivo tho
same courteous treatment as hereto
fore pnmtY liousBn.
Farms for sale.
We now have listed for sale some
of the beat wheat farms and stock
ranches In the county. The stock
ranches can bo sold either with or
without the stock All the places are
well Improved and woll supplied with
water. Also gome very desirnblo city
property, Including new modern resi
lience on north ido of rlvor. Cnll
and get prices.
Famous Play Presented.
The greatest of all musical comedy
.,r, V "The Uurpomaster," will
. '.. i notifllntnn on i..onday,
ZrZ her 1 The company that U
r-omlnr to "i 3
this year has
1 1
w v Astorbilt.
Ruth White as er &
J ft
th( (1 , llvu Uf having a rea' J
main 01 tnr famous original compa- 0
,1V hll wltn a new production and,
i".w costumes. The sale of seats for
tills famous production will oix'n r'-j
t.. isth is!?
new Carnegie observatory will
1)e icatcd on the summit of Mount
whltnev Cal.. the highest oint m
thp united States.
Great Agency
fVc llnvc Secured Control lor
Thih City oi the Pulton Com-
l.oundh, tlic Only Things Known
to Mcillcine Tlmt Cure Kidney
DlrteiiKCB In Both the Primary
ond Sccondury Stujlcu.
Thr U-laevi aronotreniltlTtiaDl thodlwin
Is icitetlBies fastened od already chronlo
with the Tery first ayraptcius. UltnaJhuns
en elslit to tea months It Is surely chronic, la
either cue why ukochancca? Why not take at
Brat tho only thine known that cures kidney
olxeaie tnthe chronlo as well as the primary
stages. Tho 1'ell case cited below, Uy pennls
i.MriialiT valuable, tor Its Incurability
was doubly conUrmed by consulting physicians,
and after recorery under the Kultoa Compounds
and alter recovery unuer ineruiioav-ompouuua
lJJ0ro0Ot,ry wasJi50 doubly attested.
l)0 jy i,t, mz, the sou ot U. c. Pell, the
manajerot the I'acltlo Coast lllacult Company
otbecond and Folsom streets. San Francisco.
ueolared by the family physician to hare
ehronlo kidney disease and Incurable. Another
JJw Mtm
iropiy, and a fatal termination looked tor. Tbs
Pulton Compounds were then turned to as the
only hope. On beptember 15 the dropsy had
disappeared and the toy was well, and after
riminiH examination the DhTitelan declaredlho
recovery complete and gaye Mr. fell a written
report which he now has.
JudireO.A Cabanlss, the Police Judge of San
Francisco, also attests the recoyery under his
own observation o( a rriena oi his who biso
recovered when the case (chronic llrinht'a Dla
eae ot the kidneys) was well known to be in
curable. according to all medical authorities.
Up ui the advent of the Ftilton Compounds
medicine knew nothing that would cure kidney
troubles alter they became chronlo. About
nlne-tenthaof all cases are now curable, even
after they hare developed Into the dreaded
chronic forms ot llrlghl's Disease and diabetes
No statements are published or Invited except
from chronic caes that, like the above, are In
curable by all other known medicines. If youl
kidney trouble Is recant Fulton'i Iienal Uom-
j (juuuu n 111 vure 1 quicuij 11 llllwuiQtoigui
I to ten raonthn standing it is the only thing
known that will save your life. JohnJ.Fultuo
j vu Washington street. San i-ranclieo, taU
pouod will cure It quickly If It la of over eight
compounders Fulton's itenal Compound for
Hrlght's and Kidney Diseaaee.tl: for Diabetes,
II AO. Free aaalves made for patients. Send
tor pamphlet. We arc the eiclualv agents u
this city
F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy.
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and save
you money
Building paper lime
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., Opp. Court House
Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden
Are guaranteed to cure anv caseofRheu
liiatNm- Money back if thev fail.
A C. hooppen &'lro,.,Aijts. I'or I'endloton
The cool evenings are
$ STOVE SEASON IS HERE and W. j. L arkc V
a SlUii suftw.' w ctn,.L- ic comu'ete and mini
S msnts in the stove line. Our stock is corn I'
Si or cooking stove or steel range you may des.ru, Our pr.c
We carry the complete Aeon. i line of
Tin- Acorn s recognized as the tisst, mbi Ht
isfaior; madJ Tlfe Acorn is porfect.cn ,n stov
,00 to
Coal Heaters
I j
. We are the only firm in Pendleton that lias received stoves in carload lotij
$ and we promise to save you money nnd ;ive you the benelit of oar saving lv buyingl
g and having shipped to us
W. J. Clarke & Co.
211 Court Sreetr
ILisssssssssssstTTS- -m aTTf-M m ' mHaHKaBlil
Fir -"r' iMr r 'rri'i'i B
s l f.. mmi asss1a M I
Made of felt, thor
oughly saturated with
P&B compound. Not
impaired by varying
temperatures. Does
not evaporate, crack,
expand or contract.
A low priced roofing that can
not be equaled. Uti ht ktwii.i-
Paraffine Paint Co.
5 San Franclico, Sattl,
Portland, Los Angtlu
and Denver, Colorado.
T C. TAYLOR, Agent
rh Oregon Dally Journal can be
found on sale at Fratiers book store.
reminder of the cold season
on y
rirUn & Co. are in
iliules stoves
ce means
Wood Heaters
in such large lots.
The Columbia
Lodging House
Newly Furnished.
Bar in connecti
Bet. Alta & Webb Sis.
In Center of Block.
F. X. Sciempp
Schedule of Fares
On and after April i, fare over
the Pendleton & Ukiab Stage Line
will be:
Pendleton to I'klah, 13, ronnd trip, )5: Ten
dleton to Alba, .' 75, ronnd trip, Jij l'endleton
to nidge, I?, rounrt trip, J.160; I't-ndleton to
T jc, lJo. round tMp, .foj l'endleton to i-Hot
Kock.Jl. ronnd trlti. 11.60.
1 Olflce ot Uolden Rule Hotel
a siiii
I . 1 1 r t n n r n
readiness iv Mii'f'y
to suit all. Any
frt nilrrlincrc
ucum--'j i
P9 1
We are the standard t
quality in groceries and fruiR
of all kinds. Prices such a!
will hold vour trade No"
better at tiny price.
Mononoli' lirocorH Court W
Walter's Flouring MiU
Capacity, ico barrels a
T'lniir . -vr)lin.i(Til fnr wllCat-
w -J
1.1 Kill r l.(laP(l i
heating '
. (
ptf always on hand,