DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1903, 9 Mercerized Waistings and Fleece-Back Fancies : : : Are the popular cotton fabrics for Fall. Our line of Foreign and Domestic Novelties is complete in every detail, and comprises the latest designs in white, black, cream and figured fancies. Prices from lT2c to $J Per Yard. Would be glad to show you our new JFall Goods TEUTSCH'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE Corner Main and Alta City Brevities it lo' U C Itador? t.oll slippers at Teutsch's. See Sharp for paper hanging. Fresh fruit dally at Martin's. Smokers' supplies at Neuman's. See Sharp's artistic wall paper. i're.1) tiflh, game uml poultry. Cas- A piano. Apply at this Schwartz & "'or Hunt oflh'f Refrigerated meats, Gr ulk'h Co. all up 'Phono .Main 1881 when you ant puro Ice. Uuv a fountain pen this week at Halt Trv tho Palm. 221 Court street, jou't let clears got the best of you Uw linar t? nlrrnrn Hit ill fin K . All kinds of Imported and domestic imp ids ntiri f nm niinwnor hi ivratz s. We havo fruit jars and fruit jar nan Furnlslied mum lor gentleman in leans vt-Tj runHumtuif, niiqiua' wuh Estimates given on short notice on .ano the n oneer na ntcr. K07 vin-1 . U C Itadcr, M. A. Iiosl shoe repairing at Toutsch'i For the hest hread, get Rohrman's. J Head the "ad" of tho St. Joe Store. 1 If you want a call, call up Main j lfil. I Got your clothes cleaned at .loer I gor's. Itio swell novelties In street hats .Mrs. Caniplioll's. New hooks urriving daily at Fra- zior's hook store. Wanted Salesman and collector. Call ut this oflice. New ready-made skirts arriving dally at Toutseh's. For Sale Alfalfa liny. See Davo Ingram, this olllce. New carpets and linoleums at Ita dor's furniture store. Children's school shoes thai wear and look well, ut Tejtsrh'r. For prompt service, call up tho Mc Kay Cab Co., 'phono Maiu 101. Wanted Salesman and collector. Call nt Hast Oregonlnn ofllee, .Fancy cup and saucers, new jauii tilers, luncy cake plates. Nolf's. Fall patterns for suits and trousers on display at Seibert & Scliulx's. Wanted Furnished housekeop in grooms. Inquire at this olllce. Mi Proferida, the best cigar made, it Uees' cigar store. Court street. Goods that are right at prices that PERSONAL MENTION. T E. Owens, of Athena, spent tho day In Pendleton yesterday. D. Bryson, of Weston, was in tho city yesterday trensacting business. Mrs. .1. C. Pall, of Heppner, was tho guesi or t'oncueion friends yesterday C. E. Foil is In Portland visiting uic carnivnl and will remain several days. H. E. Davis, of Weston, was In tho city yesterday for a short time on business. S. D. Calderhead, of tho W. & C. It, was a business visitor In the city yesieruay. A, L. Swagcert. of Athena, was In the city yesterday for a short visit on imsiness. I.. E. Darnell and A. H. Barnett, of Atnenn, wero in Pendleton yesterday tor a snort visit. Miss Blanche Bailey has returned from a visit with relatives and trionds at Spokane. James Isaacs, of McKay, was in th city yesterday the guest of Mr. an Mrs. J. W. Sullivan. llov. F. C. Atkins, of Hemincr. spent the day In the city the guest ol Pendleton friends. F. W. Schmidt, the druggists, re turned last night from Portland where he lias been on a short visit. Mrs. S. A. Tauslck, the wife of the Walla Walla laundryman, was the guest ot Pendleton friends for a time yesterday. Miss May Browne and Miss Edna Carlson, both of Similiter, visited friends in the city yesterday, on thel way to college In Walla Walla. Or. C. H. McNabb left this morn ing lor Warren Station. v. Ik re he was called to attend r valuable hoise belonging to John Melrick. of that place. Allss Amy Mntthews loft this morn Ing for Chatoclet Lake. Idaho, where sue will make her home with her pa rents, who are now located tnere per manently. Mrs. Victor Hunzlker left this morning for her homo In Walla alter having visited at the home of her sister,. Mrs. Louis Hunzlker, of this city, for some time. T IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE AT SHIELD'S PARK. Wanted A young girl to tnke care are right nt Itador's furniture store . ,,,,, .,...ei wiuui nm-ciiu sine in uio oi joe ," ..,.... ., ... " .....V. ..l,L...JIB 1. 5.1, If, IU ll'IJ Fuur hundred acres IlO-bushel For limit Tuv, munli Iuhinhk Mirer, ' ol "'. " i.evui, iiuuji mocks oast or Mnin street. Apply III niTr Cnrltl.r riltlMur ...til.,,. Helrta i ... T-l m I boys' clothing until Wednesday even ing, llaor & Daley. A lovely house for salo cheap; either one, two or three lots. Inquire at Standard Grocery. ' Two pianos, slightly used. Groat I bargains. Coma quick. Inland Em- plro Piano House, near bridge. Look over your house furniture. Wo cun rollnlsh it like now. Wilson &, Carnlne, 'phono main black 1043. 1 Eight-room house fur sale. Suita bio for finally or lodging house. De slralily located. Call 203 Jackson strool or call up 'phone Black M3, Jewelry The Bright New Ideas of the day. Latest Creations of the Jewelers Art. You tan always depend on what you get at our store. Wc flit never misrepres uKtbSIVE JEWELER uuur K. Aleuiudri Big Crowd, Regardless of All Corn petition. A big crowd greeted the strongest bill of the season lust night at the Shield's Park show at the Frazcr, and Is expected to listen to and watch the same cast tonight. The especial feature is the Tliomp sons, the Chinese Impersonators, who render characterizations and music that are not only out-and-out novel ties, but are first-class. The Bran sons, in tlie sketch "Tho Haunted House," brought down the house. Tho Thompson sisters and John Coburt, tlie favorites of last week, are re tained for this entire week, an an nouncement that in itself insures a large attendance. Tlie Ulustrateu songs by Mrs, Bronson last night was their first presentation wero a great surprise, us they are fresh and rendered with a verve and complete naturalness that Is captivating. Mrs Bronson will appear every night this week. John Vincent created a most favorable impression and the public recognizes him as a vaudoville singer of rare promise. Farms for Salo, We now have listed for sale somo of tho hest wlieut farms and stock ranches In the county. All the places are well improved and well supplied with water. Also some very desir able city property, Call and got prices. HGNTLKY & HAItTMAN. Social at Parish House. All who would enjoy a most ideas nut evening, are invited to attend tho social tonight at tho parish house. Tho ladles havo spared no pains to nrrnnge for a very onjoyablo evening. FEATHER DUSTERS New Shipment of Turkey and Ostrich Dusters 14 inch Tur- L-hi. . '0,lnc!1 'Turkey, 100 feathers special leathers , er,s sPecial 5c 12 inch carriage duster 120 tail '.2S S 'I a 75C' 8 ,ncl1 parlor duster (Ostrich,) special isii duster for removing dirt from furniture special 50c. better ourl lcu Cream will please you. If you ever had any "in tost you a cunt. We will let you be the judge. ititu.. . ' 'S DRUG STORE "!' truin Main street toward tho Court IIouhk Return From California. Mrs. Helen Webb Marsten and daughter havo returned from Oakland and San Francisco, whore they havo been spending tho summer. Mrs. Marsten Is accompanied by her sis ter, Miss Emma L. Hawkctt, of Oak land, who will be her guest for a time. Notice to Redmen. Umaholls No. IS. Imp. O. H. M Is now meeting every Tuesday evening In Hendricks Hall. This evening 1110 tiilio will give a social to which all members of the tribe and of tho Do gree of Pocahontas aro Invited to at tend. ROY W. K1TNEH, Chief of Records. t t f 4- t t f t t f y f f Cloak and Suit Department New Suits and Coats for Autumn A Woman Chooses here with the Certainty of Choos ing Correctly The head of our Cloak and Suit Dopartmont visited all the loading cloak houses in Iho East, so wo are able to show what is being worn in tho fashion centers. We can show you some of tho garments displayed in tho CONGRESS of FASHIONS recently' held in Now York. Tailor suits will bo in great de mand this fall. The radical change in tho suit jacket from short to long is reason enough. The straight round walking skirt suit has gained in popularity and will sell largely. Many fancy materials are in evidence, especially Home spuns Mixtures and tho Mannish Materials. New Capes New Jackets New Dress Skirts Aluslin Underwear New Walking Skirts - Children's Wool Dresses The new silk waists are more beautiful than ever and prices within reach of all. No trouble to show goods. THE PEOPLES' WAREHOUSE PENDLETON'S ONLY CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE. IP-" TURN FRUIT FAIR DOWN. Employment of A Non-union Hand at Walla Walla. Hecause the VVulla Walla Fruit Fair association lias engaged a non- union band to furnish music during the fair tho Walla Walla Trades nd Labor Couucil In regular session last evening turned down nn Invita tion from the association to choose day at the exposition, says th Walla Walla Union. The fact th Sllory's Hoyal Italian band Is non union was the reason assigned in tlie reply by tht council. '-it $ 11 A BIG SALE I of SCHOOL BOOKS i anc u.. 1 SCHOOL SUPPLIES at! Quicksilver In 1903. Tlie production of quicksilver in tho United States during IWZ, says ur Joseph Struthers tn his report to tho United States geological i-urvey, amounted to 3-1.451 flasks of 7GV6 pounds each, valued at $1,500,412. as compared with 2,727 nasKs, vaiueu at $1,382,305, In 1901, an increase In quantity of 4,724 llasks and In value of $118,107, California contributed tho greater part of the output, amounting to 29.109 ilasks, as com pared with 2,72(l llasgs, in 1901. Texas reported 6,252 llasks, as com pared with 2,932 flasks in 1901, hot states thus showing an increase of the production above that of tho pre ceding year. Oregon, which furnish ed 75 flasks in 1901. reported no pro duction during 1902, tho quicksilver mining operations In that state being limited to development work. U. c. DeWItt & Co. is tho name of tho firm who make tho gonulno Witch Huzol Salvo. DoWitt's is the Wltcu Hazel Salvo, that heals without leav ing a scar. It Is 11 serious mistake to uso any other. DoWitt's Witch Ha zel Salvo cures blind, blooding, ltcn Inir and protruding plies, burns, brulsos, oczoma and all skin diseases. Sold by Tallman & Co. What Kind of Feet Have You If they aio narrow or low Instep, or high Instep or wide and short. Hut and broad, or if you havo corns or bunions or ingrowing too nails, or too in or toe out, why to bo properly shod you must certainly con sult the doctor of shoes In the shoe parlor of tho Iloston Store. Hero will be told to you all the truths about good shoes. How to buy tho easy feeling, good wearing, flno appearing, and purso opening shoos. Ho member that our shoes save in stocking wear. When wo tell you wo have tho largest stock of shoes to sell men and women at J.60 to $3.50, we aro stating a fact easy to prove. Thut's why it pays to Inspect our shoo department when In need of shoes for any of tho family BOSTON STORE 20 Slate Pencils 5u 2 Hot ties Jo t Ink Ha 1 dozen pencils fie Large line Composition book' 0, 10, 15 mill . The Oregon State Copy books hero at Nolf's only fie Large, wide tablets-UK) sheets, only 60 Kutiey pen holder ami pen Ic etc. We pay highest cush price for all kinds of old school books. M-I--Hf THE ELITE Knit line of Bt. Joseph uml Pendleton Academy books, and Public .School books at lowest prices. it I THE NOLF STORE Huutu CIuuh HeudtjtiarterH. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Iieur this in mind when you need poultry and stock supplies ami ask for the International Poultry and Stock Food. Use Kow Kuro for your cow trou bios. C. F. Goleswortliy 127-129 East Alta St. Agent for Lee's Lice Killer PISH AND POULTRY MARKET Cur Mmn lia M I'.o Kllli.ll, I'liip. Our sjiccialtiiis aro finest fresh and suit watur fish of rill desirable varitius, eralis, loli.stcrs.claiusand water dulacacius. Olym pia and cistern oysters. We will sarvo you with the finest oyster cocktail. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Prompt service and hest satisfaction. A Trial Order is Solicited I -H--H Rigby-Clove Mfg.! UUnPAHT Manufacturers of the Rlgby-Clovc OmMid HARVESTER Repairs for all kinds of Farm Machinery Foundry Work a Speoialty (JaH't paid for old castings Pendleton, T Oregon J & The Oregon Dully Journal can be found 011 sale ut l-'razlor's hook store. t t f