NAMES OF FABRICS. Punubed err Afternoon (eiwptSandsrf it I'eniileton. Uxttva. br the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. among many who are really vitally. Interested Its Importance to the . canity at ,arge an, to tho b...-. . - Xe I nees interests espetiunj, iv.j ... tJ were flrat manutaciiireii; in 1 the same proportion as tlu length cf otnergi ,j,e name is bestowed In 'Dyers' lane" and the expense ot . ,onor or me pmcu w " maKlng remanent and last.ue lSLSZ'. provecients upon It lp compared witn p Qr mU9n ls ,terlved from F tfSPSP tt WT T5Ts rC I'hoae, Main 11. SUHSCUirTION KATES itniiv mii Tar br mall f..0O lr mrtntht bT mall Dalljr. three month by mall Itally. one month by mall Iall. r month by rarrler UeeklT. one year by mall Weeklir. six montht by mall Weekly, four month by mall . . Semi-Weekly, one year by mall . Semi Weekly, sli months by mall Semi Weekly, three month by mall AD 1.25 .50 .! 1.50 .75 .:,( 1.IHJ .50. The Oreolan h w Mle at II. U. Ildb N"W Stand at Hotel Portland and Hotel Petklt, Portland, Oregon. Member Scrlp(M-Mcl!ae News Association. "an Franclwi llureau. 10S Fourth St. ciilcigo Karma. UOU Security Ilulldlng. Wiiihloiton. I). C. llureau. SHI Htb St.. K. W Koteted at I'eniileton poatofflce as aeccond cl" matter nS7 a &s& J. A til- J3 1 OTiP Famous ifac woai.w j OUbU vw. " ih Ipncth nf Main and Court streets ,i i Asia nut together. rated streets v,cittl ' cambric comes from Caml.rai. , s benefit Pendleton as much as 'jf tA' streets benefit Portland-in propor-, f mle- anu g tlon to the slse of the towns and the T,le name llamask u nii aMirevU- amount of travel upon the streeu ,0n of Damascus; stln Is a corrupt. m whllt. the direct pecuniary benefit toiof Zaytown. in omua. " f .T.,. .. nenrtirallvl Velvet is the Italian "vellute. wool , ly and Is traceable further Hack ,. the Latin vellus. a hide or pelt Snrse comes from Aurpes the average Inhabitant Is practically the same. tin FULL of FALL FINERY t t lit lit 1 1 f Onfnnt ln..n.l- oqicoi IliVtftU in Real Esfafi nn9drm?Rhth. feot. Thrnn r" street. sa.fiKn lral bath oarn. Norti Seek then. O man. the praise of God. as all the heroes of niaiikind have done. Never de fer your sense of rlgnt to any love of praise. If you get ap probation, take It as an accident of your excellence, and not as a sign. Count thp praise you are clothed with as a sackcloth gnr ment of pennanre which you must wear for not being above and before men; anil if you miss their approbation, Ik not sore, but the moro loving. Tho in tegrity of your own soul is bet ter than the beat name which the age, preient or to conic, can ever give you. Theodore Parker. THE "RACE PROBLEM." Those who are In arrears with their , Spanish for a certain sort of blanker most wao arm Bandana Is derived from an Indiar. tax-paylng. had best bear In mind ; wn8, f , to blm or that the last opportunity to redeem . Apaca ,s the name f a siwcles , their property is .Monday, October 5. of lama from whose woo! the -tern- , ' ine fabric Is woven. i wMFATrnoWERS' UNION Calico Is named for Calicut, r town WHEATGROWERS UNION. t was fira( lirlUeil 1 Hlanket bears the name of Thomas J. A plan to raise the price of wheat f)aiikot. a famous English cloth'or. j throughout the world is on foot, ac- wll0 auf,, the introduction of w"11' ! cording to the I.ondan correspondent I ens IIt0 England In the fourteenth ( of the Chicago Tribune This cor-, century. !S respondent says that tne uaiij Jtau, . a newspaper of London, is authority I An insinuation, for a statement from Warsaw to the dowager empress Is soon effect that an Amer can association ,. , t(,bratnTTOth deathday with stated to number 3S.m farmers, has -V0 nnil ,lln!,hle of m il 9trs nf wtmv ... I asked the Ilussian finance and agriculture tor their as sistance In raising the current prices i of agricultural products, especially wheat I It Is said that the association pro : ! poses to establish a grand union of ; whoatgroweri.. embracing agrlcultur j al organizations In the United States. 1 Russian. Argentine, Austria-Hungary. I Itoumnnln. Canada and British India. which will annually selling price. Tho .Mall's correspond fireworks. The natives will not enter upon the festivities so glnuo as when hov r.uioiii-nt,. her first ileathday whi'l.- she is gazing upon a flrewo-ks display of a more startling nature. Is the magnificent stock of carpets and rugs we arc showing. The 1904 patterns are displayed and ready ior you to choose the design that pleases your fancy. In our stock you will find something to please as we have carpets from the heavy velvet brussols to the lighter makes and all show trat richness that adds so much to the beauty of your rooms. We bought carpets in a vast quantity and got prices which cut down the cost so we are in a position to save you money. Broad choice, large saving" and expert workmen to sew and lay 0111 carpets, are inducements we offer. $3,CS0. 8-room house, lots, good $3,000. Two C-room houses t barn, six blocks from , street, $3,000. 1 lS-room house on Jiain ( corner lot, $2,CG0. siom balance on easy term's 5-room house and comJ North Side, $1,300. 1 4-room nouse, good lot House ami lot, jsqo. uou, uuiunuu Jin ,.i.ov to uun i Rihorn & Swan Kf,m ... ... iidiuwatc ntore. eased is like try nn jmisn num. . tQ fi,j t,,e fix the minimum, now long will it take the man to iiil the sack it he does not stop the leak? To attempt to nourish the body when the stomach is uis sack with tile hole in it. When 1 ent .-wills thnt In view nf the annarent ,u ........ ...... ... . UC SkUlUAVU UUU abhorrence of trusts on the part of other digestive .M. De Wltte. the Russian minister of and nutritive or- finance. It Is doubtful If he will ac- gans are tli- cede to the request of the Amerli an ea?ed, there is . association. Apparently the only losslble "so lution" for the negro problem Is their gruiitidl elevation mentally mid mor ally The race must travel the long. cotbrSl "race, the millions who are the white race lias done from sav agery to barbarism, from barbarism to seml-civlllzation and so on up the ascent. Those colored people who, by fortuitous combinations of for:js THE OLD SANTA FE TRAIL, It wound through strange scarred hills, down canyons lone Where wild things screamed with winds for company; lis milestones were the bones pioneers. coustaut lo ot nuttition. Knoueh is eaten but the body loses flesh, -plain proof that' the food eaten is largely wasted because it is not 0f digested and as- stmuateu. Hronzed, haggard men. often with ' f,1"?2? thirst a-moan. Golden Medical 1-ashed on their beasts of burden to- D'ov0' cur ward the sea: d''ieass f v i - . iJLoinach ami have made short cuts In the journey ( Kor rabed gardens or for good, red ' j ' f .i.f "T. " :in BiihWti. rur rnnernliilntlnn nut I illil I '. . . J . " . 1 ti ti r f ( 1 1 n m Ir are suhlecth for congratulation, not reproach. The great mass of .he colored race, the millions wlu arc sojourning In the early dawn of civ Ilization. are loo Ignorant Tor nnv one to reasonably expect anything but the most malign results If they are expected to fill the full measure of twentieth rcntiiry citizenship un der their constitutional privilege. bn the othur hand, they are too numer ous to be deported, ami there Is not In the world unoccupied land enough to stipport'one-tenth of them that the white man does not laii.i for him self and his natural heirs. Any lorn, of forcible repression would be (and Isi tampering with the most danirer ous known explosive with po-vjrs of Ignition and expansion Intensified many folu h nearly two generations of freedom. If there Is anything bet ter to do with the net,ir as a race than to follow the same wentl nol Icy pursued toward him now edu cateas nian as can be reacl'cd; trust as many as can be trusted; punish the guilty who can be found, and Inculcate obedience to law through fear, solf-lnterest. respect. Judgment and conscience, then pro duce the scheme. In the meantime let every lover of his country lt tlie best he can by his public and pri vate responsibilities as they unfold to him day by day. He can do nothing better. The trail men strove in Iron days of old. steps the lvjks b which mitri- ttou is lost, jnd Today the steam god thunders I ennl,! tli through the vast. ' building up of the body bv the nutri. Willie dominant Saxons from the tion derived froic food, the gain in hurtling trains 'weight proves the cure. Smile at the aliens. -Mexic. Indian. -ThrrejMr! ai. t m taken m:-. win: fi ' 81 i 1 ; : j 1 V ' 2 t M I BAKER & FOLSOM j! Jv i The Modern Carpet and Furniture f ' ! I House of Pendleton I I M t keen-colored, like Who offer wares, their past: Oread dramas of immitigable plains the doctor called nervousness an' tniiiur-tiou ivnto.Mrs Wjrreni; I'arLor. cfOrance street. Nantucket Mass ' IK titt cie ntdiciue for the trouble, but 1 couM not eit eren a little toast , I Rebuke the softness of tho modern lilttfliSS?J?S&t The uxpectatlun now Is that the extension of the I'elidlcton sower sys tem will be completed by November 1, according to contract. Knuu that date forward the city will havo lu operation a system that will effectu ally drain a city of 20,0011 Inhabitants For probably 10 years to come the sewerage of this city will require iMULuraiiv no attention except to build an occasional lateral as the growth of the town demands. With this system completed and In opera tion, and as perfect water works as any city lu the statu holds, backed by a groat abundance of tho purest wa ter, the city has two great and ever present Inducements to hold to pros pective locators here. man No menace, now. the desert's mood of sand: Still westward lies a ;rw?n. ami gold en land For. at the magic touch of waier. blooms The wilderness, and where ot yoie the yoke Tortured the tollers Into dateless tombs, l.o! brlghtsome fruits to feed a mighty folk. Richard Hurton In The Century in the pit of ay ftcmach I callert the doctor apain ana ne said i naa catarrh or itoi ich; , i Save me medicine but it did not do anv good, i a. 1 lost jS puuuds in three months I then com- i T raencea niiinf; J)r Pierce's medicines and soon bejan to teel bttt- r I haie taken ix bottlesot GoUen Med:: er ' tn . t Favonte Prescription" an.' st.-. ruL- of Dr Pierce i Pel lets. I nave gained leu poands Can cat every. Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellet cure con stipation. Can You Answer? On what basis are the bes' 5 per cent, gold bonds selling to-day? What will a 5 per cent. 20 Is It possible to expend an equal sum of money more effectually in the promotion of the business Interests of the city than In paving .Main and Court streets? The Importance of tills finds very meagre appreciation year gold bond be worth twentv years hence when interest rates are much lower? On what terms can you buy a 5 per cent. 20 year gold bond deliverable to you in ten utteen or twentv your estate at once in case of your death? THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Hicham A. .McCurdy. president. Alma D. Katz, manager. Boise, Idaho, frank L. Hammond, District .Manager Pendleton, Oregon HARPER A HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE SHOW Provides an evening of rare enjoyment Good, clean, wholesome fun. Not a dull minute. MAIN STREET Near O. R. & N. Depot Admission, 20c Children, 10c M(D11 t E. D. BOT Has Real Estate for sJ REAL K-JTATK ofjj kinds umldesuripticc! ranging from a m residence to one of thi moHt modern and be equipped inniMous tilth. In the limits of the titj wi ti.un.uiii, uuu ircoii farm of u few acres ol Kouu uimita lacd til thousand of ncre A wneai lauti. Uillor Address 0. D. BOYD. Ill Cocri THE ONLY GeQ BOYNTON FURNAJ AND HEATERS.. Ifuniace it put ti bv u m success. Let us figure with rfl heating your burnt or p!8 business. GEORGE PHILLffi Cottonwood Street. St -rl- Joseph's - 11 M . i , x l'cuuicion, urei-on. Famous at home for Gonerati ins past; Famous now all uvor the World. for idle by JOHN SCHMIDT . Academy For Boarding and Day Students. Conducted by r.e 'en uf St- I;ranLUS of Philadelphia Classes will be resumed September 7th. For Terms, etc., Apply to SISTER SUPERIOR I P1 1 4 The Freni Restaurai Be i 25 cent Menl in W Private Dining Parlors Elegant. Furnished RoJ uonnecuou GUS 633 Main Mrrtt Kheumatism Positively Cured! m- Spirits of Udcn.- 1'KOh. Sole K(.ts for IVnilleton JStL5ILEJiJ"'ln"al Rubber.) " vor may'Kxn iii'iMtixn t ATER ITE ROOFING roofings. For flat ami steep surfaces ku ters a" Ppared Temperc for all climates, neasonah. ,e"'.af c,c' to lav. teed It will pav to ask for .. .3- ,sod merit. -- --- 1-..-V1UUU iiuurination THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Ouaran. Worcester Building. Its THE BEST THE MOST PROPERLY WITHOUT WHOIiESOMI MILLED A SUPERIOR BYERS' BEST FLOUR The Standard f Excellency. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W C T t-, 1 1nsurance at ( 113.456.960.CO Of Insurance in '"'"I OREGON FIRE REUE'I SOCIATION, M u Dlf C Itf'l Agent for Umatilla "! J. P. WAI KPR. city tll Pendleton. Portland. . j,cia, irropnetor. Daltu Pa nrrnnlan by I only 15 cents a week.