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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1903)
DAILY EAST ORE GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1903. PRODUCTION OF OIL The Peoples Greatest Outfitters 1 STATISTICS ON THE GREAT EST INDUSTRY OF AMERICA. Do You Like i This j i Its one of the many new 1 styles wc are showing in -j mens overcoats. Very dressy 1 and comfortable when on. i The Fall lasts of Flor- i sheim shoes are nobby, 1 something oat of the ordinary 1 they just come in by express, j We invite your inspection. 1 ALEXANDER i nFPT STORF ; B GIBSON m ' Co..itMt ,90, t? UH, NATHAN , FMCtlBR CO If vou sniov.i trood article, then smoke THE PRIDE OF UMATILLA PPNH1 .RTON BOO U EX they are home made and of the best tobacco. A. RHODE, Maker. Yoo are Taking no Chances When You Use lire Distilled Water Ice manufactured and Bold by the Ross Ice Cold brago Company. No other distilled water ice sold I the city. Be sure you call up Phone Main 1881 len you want PURE ICE Isitors Always Welcome at the Plant Ross Ice Cold Storaqe Company All the Principal Oil Regions Are In creasing In Output Many New Fields Opened Up Over One Bil lion Gallons Exported In Past Year. MM&uiSfc"- ; " ' 1 mm 7 SiM T 'HI f .. kagc Phone Main 17S1 ko Office Phone Main 188 1 ie Package GOLD LEAF Coffee f FREE j pery l0 tickets. Every nackacc of Gold Leaf Costa Rica I - ' v - - - - J, and Gold Leaf Java & Mocha ? Coffee contains one ticket. These goods are the best ever placed on the market for the money. Try a package and if not satisfactory, return it to I Grocer and he will I? 0 lr' Gold Leaf brand spices, teas, extracts and baking iney are the best. Once tried always used. KTLAND COFFEE & SPICE Co.. fflf" t H'W''l'4'i'.'...4.4..i.i.'H''H'-l'-M't MONTERASTELLI BROS. Marble and Cranfto Works MONUMKNTS, HRADSTONKS, COP. IN08 AND UUILIHNtl STONE Wo 110 our own work and guarantee tho lame nt lowoat irice. Kstlmnten RiTen on all kinds of Out Btono. We have a largo stock uirt uou'd le plena. cl to liavo you examine It. :::::::: : Stroot Ponilleton, Orecjon NearO. R. IN.Doi'Ot nKANCIIlSHOP AT 1IK1TNEI1, OltK. In his report to the United States geological survey on the production of petroleum In 1902, now In press, Mr. F. H, Ollphnnt notes the follow ing points as the most conspicuous features In the production, sale and oxport of crude petroleum and products for the year 1902: The pro ductlon of crude petroleum was greater than that of any previous year; there was a slight decrease in production of the Appalnchlan fiold. nnd a slight Increase. In the I.lraa-ln-dlana Arid, .the general average price for crudo petroleum was less than In any year slneo 1898; stocks held In the Appalachian and Lima-Indiana Holds showed a considerable decrease principally In tho Appalachian field; the exports of petroleum in 1902. were less than In 1901 ; no new pools were discovered In 1902, The total production In tho United States of crude petroleum in 1902 was 80,891,590 barrels, ns against 09,389.194 barrels in 1901, an Increase of 11,505.890 barrels, or 10.5 per rent over that of 1901, and of 27 per cent over that of 1900. The greatest por tion of tho increase in 1902 came from Texas and California, the gain being 5,830,994 barrels, or 132.7 per cent for Texas, and 5.1S7.518 bar rels, or 59 per cunt for California, as compared with their respective pro ductions In 1901. The increase In In diana In 1902 was 1,723.810 barrels, or about 30 per cent over that of 1901. Louisiana produced for the first time in 1902, the production be ing 548,017 barrels. The increase in tho production of Kansas was 152,598 barrels, or about 85 per cent over 1901. Kentucky and Tennessee In creased their production In 1902 by 47.799 barrels, or nearly 35 per cent. Indian Territory Increased 27,000 barrels and Wyoming 850 barrels ns compared with 1901. The largest decrease in production in 1902 ns compared with 1901 was in West Virginia, where it amounted to 0t;:i, 7S1 barrels, or about 4.5 per cent; and Ohio, in Its two fields, showed n decrease of 033,852 barrels, or nearly 3 per cent. The decreaso in Pennsylvania was 501,498 barrels, or 4.5 per cent; in New York. 8C,8SS barrels, or about 7 per cent; In Colo rado, 00,218 barrels, or about 14 per cent. The percentages of production by fields show n remarkable change from 190j to 1902. in 1900 the ier ceutages were: Appalachian field, 57; Uina-lndiana Held, 34; alt other fields, nearly 9. In 1902 tho respect ive percentages were: Appalachian field, 39: Lima-Indiana field, 29; an other fields, about 32. The value of the crude petroleum produced In 1902 was $09,010,384, or 80 cents per barrel, that for 1901 bavlnc been $00,417,335, or 95,7 cents per barrel, a decrease of 9.7 cents per barrel, or 10 ier cent In 1902. The gross amount received for the total product in 1902 was only $3,193,013 greater than that in 1901, although the increase in output was about, 10.5 per cent greater. Tho av erage price paid lor wnai is Known ns Pennsylvania petroleum, which comprises nearly 95 per cent of tho production of the Appalachian Held, was $1.2375 per barrel in 1902, mat for 1901 having been $1.21, n gain of nearly 3 cents per barrel. There was also a gain of nearly 4 contB per bar rel in the price of tho Uma-Indlunu petroleum in 1902 over 1901 Cali fornia petroleum decreased 21.8 cents per barrel in 1902 as compared with 1901 ,and Texas petroleum decreased 4 55 cents per barrel. The total number of productive wolls in the Appalachian and the Uma-lndlana fields, In 1902, was 11, 320, the number In 1901 having been 9,912. The total number of wells completed In the United States in 1902 was about 15,800, At an average cost of $1,500 each these wells repre sent an investment of $23,700,000, or about 34 per cent of the gross re ceipts for all tho petroleum produced In 1902. t , The exports of petroleum and Us products exceeded 1,000,000,000 gal Ions In 1902, for the second tlmo in the history of the industry, the num. ber of gallons exported being 1.0G4. 233,l!()1, n smaller total exportation by nearly 15,000,000 gallons than in 1901. fir , 7 m 'M Mm 11 ran , Louisville, Ky. n To sweeten, To refresh, To cleanse the system, Effectually and Gently; There is only one Genuine Syrup of Figs; to get its bene &cia! effects Always buy Lhe genuine Dispels colds and headaches when bilious or con stipated; For men, women and children; Acts best on the kidneys and liver stomach and bowels; Manufactured by the niaHg Syrup fiasco, Lai. ewYork,VH.Y. The genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale by all first-class druggists. The full name of the company California Fig Syrup Co. is always printed on the tront or every package, rncc Jfitty Qxnts per bottle. m If you desire a good complexion use Mokl Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts on tho liver and makes the skin smooth and clear. Cures siclc head aches. Twenty-five cts. nnd CO cts. Money icfunded If It docs not satisfy you. Write to W. H. Hooker & Co., Duffalo, N. v., tor tree sampler.. . II. Schmidt fc Co.. Druggists. Eotray Notice. One sorrel horse, weight about 900 pounds. Branded on right shoulder, "A. 11." combined. Owner can have horso by calling at my place, two miles north of Havana, and paying oxpenso of keeping animal, and for this notice. j. mil""- C nl.n.ln.1 T nun n l.rtttt I'AIIT rtfi lilt. tug and paper hanging; 807 Vincent street. We are making a special effort Girls with their Suits, Shoes, and D of the school season, and below list offered Boys' Outfits Suits for boj's, worth $1.25 and $1.50, for this sale $1.00 Suits for Ixtys, worth $2.25 and $2.50, for this sale $2.00 Suits all grades, two and three piece knee pants and long pants, Special Reduced Prices. Underwear, light weight, only 19c per garment. Good, heavy shoes, neat and dressy, $1.35 and $1 60. Boys' heavy hose, 17c value, for thiH Bale, 14c Pair. Boys' hose, lightweight, 12c values, only ioc Pair. Girls' Outfits MILLINERY OPENING Saturday, Sept. 2. FOR THE MOTHERS Good, large comforts filled white cotton, 0111 regular I1.50 comfort, Sieciul sale jiria Cotton blankets, 75c grade, fall size, only Outing flannel, 7c grade, limited special 30 yards Bleached muslin, limited 10 yards for All grades VVrappers, Special Reduction of 20 per cent. THE FRIR The Place to Save Money Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Has a world-wldo fame for marvel ous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for cuts, corns, burns, bolls, sores, fel ons, ulcers, tetter, salt rheum, fever sores, chapped bands, skin eruptions; Infallible for plies. Cure guaranteed. Only 2C cents at Tallman & Co.'s, druggists, Don't undo tho good your vacation has done you by drinking poor water or putting inferior Ico Into tho boil ed water. Ten conts worth of lco per day will supply an ordinary family with plonty of drinking water. Bo sure, though, that you got good ice. Call up 'phono Main 1881 and got pure distilled water Ice from the Ross Ico Plant, SCHOOL PREPARATION SALE to supply Pendleton Boys and resses, needed for the beginning some of the SPECIAL BARGAINS All styles nnd pi ires of Percale and ding liam dresses rediK ed 20 per ctntfir this sale. Girls' hose, 1 31 grade, spet tal sale price per pair 10c Girls' hose, 10c grade. 3 pan lor 25c Girls' line ribbed hose, double Knei, per pair only 15i Girls' lace hose .25c values, pair only 18c Girls' fins ribbed underwear 301' giade lor this sale '2F Girls' skirts all lengths and pric es. Couu and see them. Ix'ibbon'. and ' limb'., all styles and at prices that defy competition. $ 1.120 tiO . 1.00 35 KlflKI Kill 150 Sdlionalnnd SUlf Unit Including tVndlrton Sdvinyt Hook B. E. KENNEDY, Mgr. COE COMMISSION CO. CAPITAL AND SUHPLUS, $300,000.00 Cliiciigo. New York and Minneapolis quotations rici'iviil direct at the l'cmllrton office over the best exteiiMvt' private wire system in the world. OMKIi tlU Court Mrtrl Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Plumber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel