East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 15, 1903, Image 2

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    I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I H I i i I MWWtt'
We Will Continue to Give
Twenty per cent Discount
on Boy's Clothing until
Wednesday Evening, Sep
tember 1 6th. See out
North Window for Prices.
Mam St.. IVnJlt ton
One Price Clothiers Furnishers
and Hatters
Groom Is a Prosperous Farmer and
Son of W. H. Reeder, While the
Bride is One of the Most Charm
ing Young Ladles of Athena
Schools open With Good Attendance.
A fieri e storm has Just swept over
Manitoba, causing deat.. ami grout
damage to property.
Steamer Park Jlluff was capsized In
a fierce storm Sunday evening on the
.Mississippi, and Engineer Kurgorson
was drowned.
The Italian Young Men's Christian
Association, at Stamford, Conn.. '
whip hwas raided by the police, was '
found to contain a saloon running at
lull blast I
The Cape Colony supreme court J
has derided that the Insurance on the .
lives of the Doer soldiers who wore
hilled while fighting against the Eng
lish can ho collected.
All the missing men who were sup
posed to have been caught in the
cave In on tho Wabash railroad tun
nel at Pittsburg Saturday, have lieen
accounted for but one. The men re
fuse to return to work.
.Mrs. Alynii. of Wllkesbarre, Pa.,
who sailed from England August 12,
with a fortune of several thousand
dollars, has not been heard from
since she landed in Now York. It Is
believed she was robbed and murdered.
Mould is damaging the Imp in
the fields around Eugene.
l.nuia Lndrue. president of tho Se:
attle Hartendors' Unl stabbed Pat
rick Iloyle, another bartender, Sun
day last, perhaps fatally. Lad rue can
not be found.
Charlos Webber, of Yankton, Or.,
was slabbed on the Kith by Oliver
Smith. He was slashed across Lie
abdomen and ley and will probably
die. Smith Is under arrest.
Engineer Itay Carlon was killed
In a railway collision In the yards at
Itoseburg yesterday. Kuor years ago
Carlon lost a leg In a similar acci
dent, since which time 'he has used
an artificial leg
.lames Dyer, at Vancouver II. C
last week bet J'JOo worth or cheeks '
and note at a blackjack layout run 'smior Ohio. city oftolicoi
FiV n mill tl r. T . rvnnu... !
v iiiiuicu nine. Jiytir ailOr - .
ward stopped payment on both notes ?!?$,,"
and checks claiming that It was n 1 Join buiinesi
skin game. Illue now sues for the lditateaforefiI, and tht(ld firm nillpa;
Hotel Pendleton.
John Flemnilug. Chicago
(leorge E Youlc. Chicago.
Thomas Noster, Portland.
.Mose Meyer. Portland.
W. 1). Chamberlain, city.
M. S. Montollh, Portland.
J. M. Hale. Portland. ,
.Mrs. W. E. Ilrock, Portland.
.Mrs. .1. W. Flesher, Pullman.
.Mrs. .1. C. Hall, Huppner.
M. It. Patton. Spokane.
C. C. Simpson, Portland.
V. It. C.letideunlng, Portland.
O. C. Dean. Hood Illvor.
C. V. Oerbaugh, Portland.
A. D. Chase, Portland.
W. A. S. Conotor. Portland.
Itev. V. C. Atkins, Hepner.
Then Otiutsch, city.
fieorge A. Suthorland. Walla Walla
C. S .lackson. Portland.
S. W. Culderhead. Walla Walla.
Golden Rule Hotel
.Mrs. J A. MrOue, Chleuzo.
It. Mayer. Chicago.
Mrs. It U Showatter. Cripple
II. E. Davis, Weston.
II. Ilryson. Weston,
.Mrs. Pecket and family. Portland
I) Drown. Grand Uonde.
.Mrs. N J Engle. Oregon City.
H. Tlpler. city.
W. D. Detlmnre and wile. Converse.
A. C Antrim anil family, Converse.
II. C Antrim ami wife. Converse.
Jack Cramblot, Spokane.
T. E. Owens. Athena.
W .1. Moore, Spokane.
Sam Lee, Spokane.
E. I.. Harnett, Atheu.v
A. It. Harnett. Athena.
.Mrs. John Ernsborger, North Fori.
John Clay. North Fork.
Lee Cunningham, Portland.
Mrs.-S. A Tauslek, Walla Walla.
T II. l.undenherg, Spokane.
C Orr, Seattle.
.1. O. Perkins, city.
C lllgmnn, city.
A L. Swaggart. Athena.
(! It. llalrd, Long Creek.
Cheney makes onth that he la the
Twirtner of th Arm nf P.. I Phon. e
doing builness In the city of Toledo, county
I the aum of One Hundred Dollar! for each anil
every cue of Catarrh that cannotbo cured br
rirrin I.' Pr.,i .. , . I tuouioot ilall acatirrh Cure.
Urrui h. Oroves. oi Olympia. had Mnora to boloro mo and utcrltd m my
Ills trouserh caught In a sprocket : prese jco this 6th day of December, A.
chain Mond
II., wa llf....r .r i ' I A. W. (ILEAPOX
legs cut off above the knees.
Athena, Sept 15. A. L. Jones lias
purchased the express and ice busi
ness heretofore conducted W. J
King Mr Jones tool; possession
.Monday noon and takes to his new
work quite naturally.
CToseph France, formerly Athena's
miller, has been In town during tho
past week. He lives In Spokane and
came to dispose of bis Interest In
the power site of the Athena KIpc
tile Light & Power Co.
At four o'clock Sunday. Sept. lith
In Athena. Itev It. A. Copple of
Pendleton. united In marriage
Claude A. Itecder and Mira L.
Owens . Only relatives of the con
tracting parties were present. The
bride was handsomely costumed In
white point d'esprlt over cream tut
t'eta A profusion of cut flowers were
used for decorative purposes
The groom is a prosperous farm
er and the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. Iteeder, and the bride Is one
of Athena s most charming young
ladles and the eldest daughter of Mr.
and .Mrs. J. It. Owens. The bridal
couple left Tuesday morning on a
tour, making Tacoma and Seattle
their objective points On their le
turn they will reside on the Heeder
farm northwest pf town.
.Mrs. Ed. Zimmerman Is down from
her home near Pullman. She was
called hero on account of the sickness
of her uncle f!lb Thompkin who has
since been taken to the hospital at
Dr. J. A. fieiseiidorffer and wile
of The Dalles were guests last week
of Dr. anil Mrs. 0. W. Hotkin.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koontz left
Wednesday for a visit with relatives
at La flraude.
Chas. .Mel.oan will take his ton
Hugh to Hot Lake next .Monday to
be treated for rheumatism.
-Miss A Icy Foss left today to take
charge of her school at Echo.
Vthena public schools open Mon
day the ltth of Sent, with teachers
allotted to the grades as follows:
Principal. M. S. Watts: assistant
principal and eighth grade. George
Marquis: soventh grade .Mrs. Spar-
sixth grade. Miss LulaCraigen;
fourth and fifth grades, .Miss Nettle
Cannon: second and third grades.
Miss Lizzie McKenzIe; first and
primary. Miss Elsie Itosenzweiu:
Tho corps of teachers employed for
The corps of teachers employed for
tills years work have been carefullv
selected for their ability and experi
ence, and tho prospects are for a
good school in the near tuture.
C. A. liarrttt made a business t'd
to Walla Walla Wednesday. The bus
iness Is In connection with the forr--
atlon of the now electric power co".
John Kink and W It. Tnvlor aie In
the John Day stock vicinity looking
after .Mr. Taylor's stock. They may
form a partnership In the stock business.
J M. Fountain and son. M F
Hicks, of Hoone county. .Missouri, nre
in the city. They are nephews of
tirandma Fountain. The gentlemen
are gioatly pleased with Eastern Or
Miss Elsa Itosenzwelir retiinw.il
Ancient New York In Drama
Song, September 21.
Trlb Is a Harmless, Positive Cure.
Walla Walla, Wash., Sept. 3, 1903.
-I can most heartily recommend
TMH to anyone desiring to quit ttio
use of Tobacco. I tried man) "
Pixlev & Luders' greatest musical ' , curog , can truthfully say 'HUB
comedy success, "The IJurgomnster, ,ms curud mo of a dOBiro for to
with a big company of 60 people, new bacco , nny form. TRIB Is a cure.
tirni1ltrt(nil n till tHV cosctumes. and d,,ii, 1 in Main St.
the famous original cast of prlncl-l "Trij s the world's greatest euro
for the Liquor anu rouaccu
Sold by all druggists. W. C. Cutler
& Co., distributors, linker City, Ore.
nlns wh ch first bronglit wo opeiu
Into piomlnenco, will bo the attrac
tion at the Frazer theater next Mem
,inv iilphi No other musical com
edy ever produced In this country, received dally, fresh tamales,
ever had so many catchy airs. Frank ( ,fnbs and crawH8U at dratz's.
Pixloy and Oustavo Luders had but
one object In writing "The Burgo
master." Pixloy wrote woruB that
ni.n I ip nil Ii c Kl gll l.uueis mine
music to set the feet n-dancing nnd ,
to make one whistle.
The big company this year includes
such well known people as Ruth
White In her original role of "Willie."
Oscar L. Figman ns the Burgomas
ter Thomas Itlcketts. William Itlloy
Hatch Chniies Sharp. It. J Moye.
George McKissock. Helen IK-xter.
Harriet Sheldon. ,
The sale of seats for "The Hurgo-1
master." will open September IS at ,
9 a. m.
ict iipes
Of Your
J ust cnn up Main n.
ion s uanoy store, we
our wagon around tJ
uimuuiy oi ice cream j
What dessert can y0u
sausiactory and
tills llOt WP.lUnr ii
mm itc uieam. Our c J
pure, cold nnd delj
f 'o "own town drol
t., mtn . 'I
weatner J
Try our candles, they J
iresu every day
Grant County Not Badly Overstocked
as Has Been Stated.
There Is not at this time in the '
John Day valley the discrepancy be
tween the number of head of stock ,
on rand, horses, sheep and cattle,
and the necessary amount of feed for
them that is claimed at home and
published abroad. The News has
made Inquiry of some of the leading j
stockmen, who have stock for which j
they must buy hay. ns well as from
farmers who have surplus hay to ,
sell to stockmen, nnd although theie!
is some dlffeience In the estimate i
they generally agree that there Is
not more than 15 or 2" per cent
more cattle than the amount of ha 1
on hand will feed through an ordl j
nary winter. That Is 11' stockmen j
dispose of IG or 2b bead out of every
ion they will have no difficulty In I
finding feed for the remainder -
Grant County News.
People who have been on
tl eir summer vacations are
beginning to return and
are bringing back with
them some bcauti
fill pictures.
Cameras, Films,
Plate, all kinds albums,
printing paper, mounts,
and all kinds of supplies
tor amateur photo
graphers at low
We'll Kelp You with
Yoor Photo Troubles
m i limfribn
F. W. Schmidt
The Reliable Druggist
fostoffic. DlocL Phone .Main S51
A Boy's Wild Ride for Life.
With family around expecting him
to die. and a son riding for life. IS
miles to get Dr. King's New Discov
ery for consumption, coughs and
colds, W. II. Brown, of Leesvllle, Ind,
endured death's agonies from asth
ma: but this wonderful medicine. .....
gave Instant relief and soon cured' Carryalls for picnic parties. Good
him He writes: "I now sleep sound-' toanls competent drivers for
ly every ulght." Like marvelous I cnimerclal nicn. Speedy horses and
cures of consumption, pneumonia, I handsome rigs tor evening and Sun
bronchitis, coiiohs colds and u-rln ! ''rives, ficntle horses for family
prove Its matchless merit for all
Artistically appliejl
skilled workmen addspl
to the appearance of tJ
tenor or exterior of
inmp mien,.. 1
oiner Diiimings. WeeJ
um fciwuuu painters aajl
oniy tne uest matenak
Our paper hangers irel
perts and our seleciicj
paper tnc newest. All
Drigtit ideas of the cjsiI
snown 111 our stock.
G. M. FBOOME, PROPRIETOR. ! 2 ft , R QVlfll
throat and lung troubles. Ouaran
teed bottuls BOc and $1.00. Trial hot-1
ties free at Talltnan & Co.'s drug
use. Stock boarded at reasonable
rates. Best of care given to transient
stock Opposite Hotel Pendleton 1
Phone Main 101
Opera House HM,
Pendleton people are loyal to Pen
dleton's business enterprises. That
Is the reason the Boss Ice & Cold
Storage Company have had to put on
two wagons and then can scarcely I
handle the trade. Olvo us your or
ders and we will take care of It If
we have to put on four times two
wagons. 'Phone Mnln 1SS1. 1
Do You Want a Cab?
When you want prompt and relia
ble service call up "phono .Wain 101,
The .McKay Cab Co.
luil'icaurrb Cure is taken internal! I "and Saturday evening from a two-
body fell on one sale of the chain S S&rSSSt'E? !!HS."'.'"! ""r1" 18,1 ;u Hi'ohnno. She stop.
an urns legs one the other He b)at
very little blood and may lemvcr
F. J. CIIKNKV A, Cl vln.l nki.
Sold bydrui?lt,"5c.
Hall'i Family l'llli are tbn heit.
j School Eell j
I Will Soon R1110 1
Ciet your books and srpp'ies ol us Ve are the
recognized headquarters lor school supplies of all
kinds and have a stock unequaled in Eastern
Oregon. All books in use in the public
and parochial schools and the academy.
Largest, most beautifully coveted tablets with
best paper, in Pendleton for the money. Parents
let us furnish your boys and girls with needed
supplies to commence school. Come with them
or let them come alone. Wc give children the
niicum-u as Krown people We will
jvjii uiuiie). jur motto
ped on her way homo at .Milton
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hnllgus ami K,
Hallgus returned home Tuesday from
Lewlston. While away Mr. Hallgus
had the misfortune to lose a valua
able cow.
(lib Thuiupion. who has been verv
ow with typhoid fever, s somewhat
better this morning and hopes are
entertained for his recover-. He has
been removed from the Athena hotel
to the home of his sister, .Mrs. Lakin
Mrs. c. H. Sherman and daughter
arrived in Athena from the Kast .Mon
day .Mr. and .Mrs. Sherman will re
side in the T. p. Moscley cottage on
n sine 01 mis city.
Your Eyes '
not fret from strain should be relieved
flbolute Purify, Finest Flavor,
Oreatcsf Sirenh. fleasorablePrices.,
Frazier's Book Store f
4 4
It r - ni.. n
wu,, u,y Be naa where There Is
No Dandruff.
...a,, ui woman who wants
fl ifV8'? 'mlr ",U3t " fro or 'ln
buff, which causes falling hair. Since
-- ....o ui-xumt. hiiuwn mat dandruff Is
.. n u.w, me old m r prepara
tions. that were mostly scalp T irr"
2' il.avo1 abandoned, and the
public, barbers nmi i....... ',
ehUv b"" llC
1..,, ' ,, - , 1'ieparaiion that
niM.i e (lan.,lrilff Kmi. K. Dodd,
no? S"', N' D- sa,H: "Herplcl le
Z n i ,.clcnnses caP from dan
druff and proents th i.ntr .,m
our ln.1 , luiiiiiK
',,u,l a now growth. Her
Plelde keeps my hair very g ossy
Sold by leading .initio.. ' 8 h.
stamps for sampl" to The Her ,':
eldo Co., Detroit mi), l,
hehmldt & Co.. sneoim ,J' "'
. n"ss ,J'a3 been In the lee business
rn,i n 0 has bcen 'Vo ravorltes
treat all customers alike" """'
"I uir rrglit strength, ltv thi, tllc.llls
tliey are sau-d froU partiul or total
blindness in Liter ears.
are nude with the ..id of modern sck-u-ihV
instrument,. M prices for sJc
taoles and eyeglasses art .,nitc modrrale.
Glenn Winslow
Oregon. Portland.
Saint Helen's Hall
Homo and Day School for
film of all ages Acudunile
and College Preparatory courses
us well us thorough Primary
Instruction, ideal situation on
the outskirts of city or Port
land. Haskot ball, tennis
horseback riding. Year book
-sent on application.
Toluiilinuu .Mala tl
Let us hll your
bin with
1 Recognized as the
and most economically
We are prepared toes
tract with you for jo
winter's supply. We'
liver coal or wood toil
, part of the city
Laatz Broi
1 Main Street
kl5 .Main
Uefore deciding where to
school, examine a
go to
of suffering from rmili.oai.. ..... 1
en wlmt . 0 ' " 11 JO"
..mi juu wuui, or or starv nc
SJ1 ' wold'auch dlstrlsf
Acker's DvsDens .n -r,m.. i '
rntln,, ,in S. r T mnun liner
eating will digest your food perfectly
and free you from all tbn
n,p,n 8 ,f "'eestlon and Dyapep
sla Eat what you like at any time
and take an Acker Tablet nfterwn'
t'osltively guaranteed. Vn, Preparatory unn- i yu"Vbu
. . uiii 111U1J V 1 1 w a ULLL' LH IlV Ihn
"led If youl"' CS0 East and West. Morni
win always be
are not satlsaed.
free sample. W
uurialo, X. Y.
ni,,t.MK?',PJ0.r the. coming year. New
...... miuu aiiu efiiiinmonr vn... ,
- ......vio, apeciai arrangement
for music students and for tho car"
Xsl8 ; all students from "out
"i town. All erndea ,,r nni.11. .t..
work thoroughly done TuVrt lege
iiiiiiniinM if 1 " v vu iucl'k n:n r nnd Tir a
ami sncim .i.-V. ""u..,v,;al- orai
' us lor a ., "iiuibos 1110 very best
II. Hooker & Co., Tor,n 1,e8'"s Soptember 14, 1903
Model Light Cafriag
Business Driving
on liow In our sakiroomi. "JJ
11 1. ,"'"'ea you aro hmuui
doing to lighten the tmrdcnl
men 11 you uon't villi our
1 no farmer Ii the king ol the'
Kemember wo have the Wlnoo "
fci.unuon. outer bearinir Dioc
ci running wagon maae. '
cam, phaetonn and carrlagf".''
beat mail (i... M....r ha I
!he W 011 our hydraulic indl',!j
. inn nT, taai longer, in"'
weeels. Adopted by the U f. 00,ff
Afcwie juaMQ-x