East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 15, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight anil Wednesday fair;
j slightly wanner tonight
ibiiIIM III qii,
XI). IS .13.
3 a'
llff I I ! III I Illl lll'HIIIIMlim II I Mffllll'llHlf
i rt..U.. All Ahn
s v u uumnu -
r lMI A
... r r .. .. a !
niin 1 1' 1 1 mi i uou iui
- ..... illl.l-l. Cpme in Rf.
i...lini Ulth
i T-I,nn D.lenn.l-e Ah..
Throne In Danger.
I May ....
! Corn
Sept 1G. Dispatches today, i Dec
Turk all cavalry, wlilcti has ,
. . 1 .1... llHlMirlnn
;1L1UII IIIUIIL fcitl.- ....it,"' .....
ruthlesHly killing all tnn
who attempt to escape, anu
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company B. E. Kennedy, Lo
cal Manager.
Chicago, Sept. IB. With the excep
tion of a slight advance In wheat,
thoro Is practically no change in the
grain Bltuatlon. Stocks this morning
drifted off at the opening, but after
ward appreciated and closed on the
opening figure on all leading opera
tions. The weather Is extremely variable.
Showers of rain have fallen in all
parts or the country except In the
Ohio valley. It Is unseasonably cold
in the Northwest and In Nebraska,
and a killing freeze in Western Colo
rado. At very many points Minne
sota, Colorado, Nebraska, the tem
perature has ranged as low as tho
freezing point. There Is now a trace
of rain at Bismarck. Huron nnd
Moosehead, Is raining at Omaha.
The loweBt stable temperature re
corded Is at Valentine, Nortn Dako
ta, where a killing frost fell last
night. It Is raining also at Wichita,
Kan., and a trace of rain is found In
Five Hundred Delegates in Attendance at the Opening Mayor
Delivers Address of Welcome and is Followed
by Senator Clarke of Montana.
.... 52V4
.... 52
Minneapolis. Sept. 15.
Wheat Opening.
Dec 81'
.... 83
8 1 4
51 Vi
82 '4
Ogden, Sept. 15. (SpechI to the
Rant Orcgonlan,) Over 500 delegates
reported at the opening session of
the eleventh annual congress of tho
National Irrigation Association this
morning. Tho congress met In Og
den tabernacle. The address of wel
come was by the mayor of Ogden.
Response was rendered by Senator
W. A. Clarke, of Montana, president
of the national association, which
was followed by tho singing of the
i prize ode on irrigation by a choir of
i Ogden tabernacle of 100 voices,
i Delegates From France.
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson
ins tip fortunes by selling Irrigation
water to tho small ranchers. When
tho irrigation congresses were Inaug
urated 11 years ago this method was
considered the proper one. A grad
ual change of sentiment took place,
however, and the now Idea gained fa
vor that the whole policy of Irriga
tion should be a national one, and
that It was to tho government to see
that the arid tracts were reclaimed.
A vigorous propaganda was waged in
support of this idea, and the passage
of a national irrigation act was final
ly secured.
Reports on Irrigation.
In addition to discussing ways nnd
i made a brief address. Representn-
tlves from Mexico and France were means for spreading tho idea of na
men introduced, a letter irom rres- tlonal control nnd extending tho
Idem Roosevelt wns read by the sec- works already begun, tho congress
rotary or the congress. , will listen to a number of experts
Tim rmir-rf-uu ml li.nmiiil nt 10.0M i,. .1,,. c,nt.,nnn r llnniu rru .i
au 1 live uuiuniun.il .ii.ii. - 1 Willi 111SI1' 1 Oils in lllfi comm moo nnr mnn nf nir pii n nt Wnolilnir.
ami ituiunnu, Minus n S65o i 01i oreileniiaiK. consisting of one (lei- ton has sent to the coneress several
egate trom each state to report this of Its most prominent workers In tor
I evening. The Oregon delegation, , estry and irrigation and the program
which is 48 strong, arrived at 10 provides for intcrestinc nractlcal
o'clock this morning, demonstrations. In this connection,
Texas Is Strong. also, there Is an elaborate exhibit of
Th.. T..XHK .lnwnttnn l Jinn, with ' Irrigation work and of specimens of
a Mexican brass band of 20 pieces, 1 ""s and cereals from Oregon and
booming Kl Paso lor tho 1!)04 meeting I ' nei o ""r hhbuuuii
itiriiiMi iiinii ii'i uiLii iiiimuita. i -
... ..innw.n nnil APPROPRIATE FOR PAIRS.
!. i ..I,. ii nmnv
war, Emissaries have gone Walla Walla, Sept. 1G. me board
. n t ...... I .. . ... i,it. I In I- ,,r mimittr niinimlDD ntinrD Tn u tiwiru.
.l.t.. ...... p .1
I on tho Walla Walla County Fair As-
1 , I .. i .v.n nrniin itrnit.. i.i... . i.
nrul.iii-ir SPIlt lft. Till! 11118-1 . . . . V . .
I . I ... . 1 " J Ull I.J UMIIUlllli; UUb UL I...V. VU.IIII.,
, .i iuihis dune uneruiiy 10 me two oi-
' - .. ..... I L:iLiiiv.iiLiiiiir. I iim iiiiiiit:i iiiiiin Lilt.'
CIU IVbL'JU.I'l.i. v...m. J ... , 1 .1 .1 l ..
! proprlntlon of $500 and the latter up
It Is the Aim to Make the River
Navigable. 1
Torre Haute, Ind., Sept. If.. Mem
bers of congress from both ludlnna I
and Illinois, capitalists, manufactur
ers and representative business men .
from Vlnccnnes, Lafayette and other;
cillcs of the Wabash valley are at-.
tending tho Wabash Hlvcr Improve-1
meut association convention which
began Its sessions In this city today. I
The aim of the movement is to im
prove the Wabash river so that it
may bo made nnvigable. To this
end a permanent organization will
lie formed similar to the Ohio HIver
Improvement association and of
forts made to secure from congress
tho appropriations necessary to carry
out the work of Improvement.
They Will Hold Their Annual Con
vention at Indianapolis.
Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 15. The
National Association of Mexican war
veterans Is to begin Its annual con
vention in this city tomorrow and
many delegates and visitors are ar
riving. Despite the ravages time
has made In the ranks of the veter
ans there promises to lie a large at
tendance. Among other states that
will be represented are Tennessee,
Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylva
nia, Missouri and Texas. Tho ses
sions will continue three days and
an interesting program of entertain
ment has been arrnnged.
Panic In Exchange.
Chicago, Sept. 15. A wild panic
was caused In the Board of Trade
this morning by a statement posted
to tho effect that the Wearo Oraln
Company, owned by I'. P. Wearo, had
failed to pay debts at the clearing
house. The notice was later with
drawn. The statement was Issued by
The city of Ogden is crowded to
overflowing. Over "00 beds were or-
! on Secretary Van DeWater's petl-' dered In advance through a local
tii icn cnmmltfpf
tion will receive $150.
Puts In Claim.
i. at. ii. in. h i dim tui-.
the 15-ycur-old Illegitimate
backing IiIh claims to the
Forty People at Bull Fight Thrown
Into a Heap With a Result of Bad
ly Broken Bones It is Mexicans
Who Are Injured.
at Walla Walla.
ouijl. iu. uno oi me
lllliinin find ililiti.rn.tln
tho history of the East Co-
nifirnnon r ti.i. "i 1 ....... t .
OSed IlCff Ifiut nviiiln.- nCli.
- .uiit u?jt(ll- IUIUI
Pendleton district und Co-
ion (l sir rt- n c ci,nni
(l. VII u us.
V T ...
- . " "hihh, nil 1 1 II IV.
. 1J jUIIl III Illl .
... v(; V;t HOW-
7 - oaitjiiiirt' uniiHntnrtr
u. onvc nr tn In.
Disastrous Fire.
Da. Norwav cA.. ,F
rred In th. ..iA"
cu. . "ai, ui inu
I no nrnnortv tnati
f u City Propertyi
f'or ana ja1P a t.
llllll l... " --.
.... o so ,i .,
'---'v, uiui-K- vr. i i.
111,. I.. .. ... ...II 1111
--. ... I U n plnn
Oxnurd, Cnl Sept. 15. Forty peo-
i plo, witnessing the bull fight, wore
thrown to the ground yesterday at
ternoon by a collapse of a portion
of the grandstand. All were piled
together and It Is feared that tho In
jured would smother. Many limbs
were broken and others were only
badly bruised and shaken up. The
Injured were all Mexicans.
Cherokee Strip Has Glorious Time
for Three Days.
Perry, Okla., Sept. 15. The festi
val and celebration to mark the 10th
anniversary of the opening of the
Cherokee strip was opened here to
day under favorable auspices. The
town Is bright with flags and bunt
ing and visitors are arriving on ovory
train. Tho program of festivities
covers three days and will Include
races, a llreman's tournamont, Indian
contests and numerous other at
tractive features.
Fierce Riot Occurs Over Municipal
Athens, Sept. 15, A riot occurred
hero last night over the municipal
election. Fourteen wero Killed and
many Injured.
A banquet and grand ball will be
held tonight.
Continues Three Days.
Tills session of the congress, which
will continue three days, promises to
be very important. The program has
been carefully arranged with the
view of achieving practical benefits
and progress. It Includes lessons in
practical Irrigation and forestry, re
ports of experts, application of pro
visions of the reclamation act, report
of state progress under tho national
act, views on the settlement of legal
complications and a consideration ol'
the all-important theme of coloniza
Save the Forests.
"Save tile forests and store tho
floods" Is tho motto ol' the congress,
and tlio main work of the convention
will be to enlist the support or every
one for tho policy which was outlin
ed by President Roosevelt In speeches
during his recent Western tour that
national aid In the reclamation of
arid lands is of supreme importance.
It Is expected that this policy of na
tional control will be fought by tho
private companies, which have In
many places obtained possession of
tho water supply, and who are build-
The officers of the congress, near
ly all of whom were present at the in
itial session today are, President W.
A. Clark, of nutte;MonLFirst. Vice
President I.. Bradford Prince, of
Santa Fe, N. M.; Second Vice-President
Addison McCune, of Colorado;
Third Vice-President E. H. Libbey, of
Clarkson, Wash.; Secretary H. H.
Maxon, of Heno, Nev.
Fierce Cyclone,
Augusta, Gil, Sept. 15. A cyclone
struck Moutrie this afternoon. A
number of persons wero Injured and
several aro reported to have been
killed. Many houses are wrecked,
Het Tells What Remarkable Things
Can Be Done.
Ogden, Sept. 15. Senator Clark
said in part: "No act of tho natlonnl
congress, since providing for the con
struction ol' the great Pacific rail
ways, has meant so much for the
great West, as the one providing mr
tlio reclamation of the and lands. It
opens up a new era of prosperity for
10 states and territories and provides
means for the settlement of more
than one-third of the urea of tho
United States.
"There is 000,000,000 acres of va
cant laud and there Is, under tho
storage system, water available to Ir
rigate one-sixth of It.
"If the government provides $10,
000,000 yearl for 30 years, 2n.000,000
acres can be redeemed and homes can
bo provided for 20,000,000 people. It
Is the greatest work that we of tho
West have to do,"
Alaskan Boundary Commis
sion Opened Today at Ihe
London Foreign Office.
Letter From Baker City Alleges They
Took $20,000 From the People
There, and it Is Feared That Citi
zens Here Will Be as Badly Taken
In Will Go Before Council,
The business men of the city nnd
many ol' the residents are greatly
blaming the council for the action
they took In avoiding the provisions,
ol' the ordinance in relation to the
coming of the Quaker doctors to the
city. There is talk of something be
ing done to counteract tho resolu
tion that was passed at the last ses
sion of the council by which they
weio allowed
Rdcalng of the Officl.il Documents Is
Stopped by One of the English
Commissioners and the Proceed
ings so Far Are Considered Favor
able America All Hit Commis
sioners are Present.
London, Sept, 15. The Alaskan
boundary commission met at the for
eign ofllce lodny. All the commis
sioners were present as well as a
number of lawyers lor Euglnnd and
Camilla. Chief counsel for these coun
tries will have the say as to what
others aro to act as the advisory
boaid. The spectators included
Chonle, and Chief Justice Fuller.
Flndlay Opens the Session.
Hrltlsh Attorney (icucrnl Kludhiy
opened tho proceedings on behalf of
England. He said the lerillory In
volved a great value but tho chief,
question was nccess to the I'acllle.
Klndlay gave u historical review of
the dispute before he started to read
tile olllclal document Uird Chief
Justice Alverstone. chnlrnuui of tho
commission, Interrupted and said all
those present wero peilectly familiar
with the contents, so there was no
need to refer to them, only by nuni-
Root Has Control.
Alverstone sat beside Itoot, with
whom ho Is friendly. As his vote
would give a vote to America, this
friendliness combined is evident de
sire to expedite the proceedings and
aro regarded as extremely favorablo
Decrease In Number at Astoria Very
Astoria, Sept. 15 - There aie, ac
cording to the statement or n promi
nent Chinese rcsldonl, only :ii)0
Chinamen now In the city. This
number Includes those CoIohIIhIs
who recently returned liom llio
Alaskan canneries; The Chinese
population of Portland is tietweon
30(10 and 4000. Fifteen yours ago
.. f Autfit-fn'ti MMlliiUf. Iilllillll.lll.il W1IM :1U
. f.ntiw. Ii,..-., ...1 tlw. 1 .' " w --
payment of a dally license of $10, ! W' " '""''"B m',lH0,"H
payable $300 in advance. $ "' yt,ft,r; v;K P'lul
thin whb 700. The closing down of
Session is to Consider Cuban Mat. 1 Property Loss Will Run Into the Mil
ters and Will Be Held on Board the
Sylph in New York Harbor An
Important Session,
It Was No Go.
Cincinnati, O. Sept. 15. The mem
bers of tho Salvation Army, who
Invade tho feud district of Kentucky,
which oxpects to conquer with the
Bible loft this morning for Breath.it
Sent, ir c: -ri t . . . . .
" . U . V III. a . . J 1 .. I
nc i ...i . ' - "na lUKcn uv a sccanu uuuuk ui
- ..uuuie on t i - i n ..
mom.,! V, 1 . aiiuitonum. Physicians were hurriedly
1 functions nry s?r.,ous t0 comPel a postponement
..0ns m.ght prove fatal.
Oyster Bay, Sept. 15. An Import
ant conference of Uoosevelt and tho
republican party managers will bo
held on the Sylph tomorrow evening
in New York harbor, after tho presi
dent's visit to Ellis Island und prior
to midnight, when he starts for An
tletnm. Exactly who will uttend, except
Piatt of Connecticut, is not known,
l.ooh this morning, said 18 wore ex
pected of whom n portion would dine
on board the Sylpli with the presi
dent. Tho flnanclnl condition of Cu
ba will probably take up considera
ble attention.
Kills His Aunt.
Paris, Sept. 15, Count Joyun, ac
cidentally shot nnd killed his aunt,
Marchioness Sovillla, this afternoon.
Ho stooped to pick a flower for her,
when the trlggor struck a stoue.
Damages $1,000,000.
Baltimore, Sept. 15. Firo totally
destroyed the Ilnsclng fertilizer
works at Seawall, this morning. The
loss wns $1,000,000,
lions Men Swept Off an Ocean
Steamer Disabled Liner Reaches
New York City.
Jacksonville, Sept. 15. Reports of
damage by the hurricane continue to
show that at least 20 were killed and
the property loss will run Into the
The most serious loss Is to ship
ping. It Is known that hundreds of
small ships are wrecked and nine
men on the steamer Inshuvia were
swept overboard.
Disabled Steamer,
Now York, Sept. 15. The steamer
Olinda, of the Munson lino, reached
port this afternoon almost entirely
disabled In tho upper works. Sho
was wrecked by being caught In tho
hurricane off tho coast of Florida
Picked Up $20,000.
What action tho men aio intending
to take is not at present known, but
they are earnest In their Intention to
fight the right of the Quakers to
come to the city nnd leave It strip
ped of all of the surplus wealth that
the Inhabitants possess. Jt is alleg
ed by a man who writes to one of
the Pendleton men nt the head of the
movement, that the doctors took
$20,000 in round numbers out of Ba
ker City, and that they will take ub
much out or this place Is generally
May Go Before Council,
Whether or not the mutter will
come before the council is not known,
or In what form the question will bo
presented, but there ure a majority
of the men of the town who are in
favor of doing something to drive
the men out of tho city and they
seem to be determined to succeed In
their efforts.
several local canneries had the ef
fect of driving tho Chinese else
where. The statement Is made that the
number of deaths among the Chinese
of Astoria und Portland Is greutor
tli it ii tho number or Chinese coining
Into this country. Every outgo
ing steamer takes u returning Ch.
nose contingent nnd the population
Is rapidly diminishing. It Is pre
dicted that a Chinese will lie u rar
ity 15 years hence in I lie Oregon
Taken to Prison.
Sheriff T. I). Taylor lofl (his morn
ing for Salem, having In custody J.
W Collins, who has been sentenced
to servo two years In tho penitentiary
for forging tho imiau of David Cnr
gill to a chock for $35.76. Collins is
an ox-convlct, the ofllcers say, und
was released lust June, after having
served live years for forgery.
Accident to Linotype.
A most untoward and unpreventn
bio accident to the linotype In the
East Orcgonlan ofllce this morning
bus delayed this Issue and necessar
ily and unavoidably curtailed tho
amount of rending mattor.
Dick Wolgamot, a stranger la the community, was ar
rested this morning on the charge of stealing wheat from the
ranch of B. F. McElroy, on the reservation. He is on trial
this afternoon.
For sometime the the farmers of the reservation have been
missing wheat. They were not able to place the blame.
Several days ago, it is alleged, the prisoner came to Pendleton
with four sacks of wheat, but not attempting to sell them. He
was arrested then but released. This morning Mclilroy swore
out a warrant for him and he was re-arrested, Mclilioy
claimed the grain had been taken from his place and that there
were more people who had lost wheat in tho same way, '