East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1903, Image 7

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is no beverage more healthful than
the richt kind of beer. Barley malt and hops
a food and a tonic. Only 3 per cent
of alcohol just enough to aid digestion.
But get the right beer, for some beer is not healthful.
Schlitz is the pure beer, the clean beer, the filtered and
sterilized beer. No bacilli in it nothing but health.
And Schlitz is the aged beer that never causes biliousness.
Call for the Brewery Battling.
The Beer that made Milwaukee famaut.
Phone fl Main, IT. Kopittkc, 507 Main St.,
Caty Brevities
t lo' U C Kador?
-p Sharp for paper lmnRlnR.
ch fruit daily nt Martin's.
, shoe worts at Tcutsch's.
makers' supplies at Ncumau's.
. Sharp's nrtlstie wall paper.
Tips' half soles 40c. Toutsch's.
,i! tl. be.n hroad, got Itohrmau's.
i. nMi. same and poultry. Cas-
ui. orated meats. Schwartz &
i 'Hi Co.
up 'Phono Main 1881 when you
, t ' puro Ice.
ii a fountain pen this week at half
i at Frazior's.
the Palm, 221 Court street,
candles and fruits.
,)i ,j't let cigars got the host of you
- t'Pt the host of cigars. Ilanlou s.
,i Muds of Imported and domestic
t in"- and clam chowdor at Gratz s.
V ( have fruit Jars and fruit jar
rubbers, covers, etc. II. llohr-
- 'harlot Lane ahout your paint
a i" jiaper hanging; SO" Vincent
over your house furnlturo.
m rennlsli it like new. Wilson
, iiiiiinc. 'phono main hlack 10l;i.
nim'.es given on short notlco on
. ). and paior hanging. Charles
'1,, pioneer painter, 807 Vln-
" hundred acres SO-buahol
. it land 8 miles out. Level, deop
ii- spring riming water. Price
K T. Wade & Son.
"n- Hem Two furnished rooms;
matly furnished liouHekuopIng
" in very desirable, lteforences
i' ril :U2 South Main streot.
1 tie Bright New Ideas
j( the day.
Latest Creations of the
Jewelers Art.
l on can always depend
on what you get at our
We never misrepres-
Next door to R. Alexnndei
IT C Ilador, M. A
If you want a cab, call up Main
Got your clothes cleaned at Joer-ger's.
For Itent A piano. Apply at this
! mil swell novelties In street hats
I Mrs. Campbell s.
i New books arriving dally at Fra
' zler's book store.
Wanted Salesman and collector.
Call at this office.
For Salo Altalfa hay. See Dave
Ingram, this oflieo,
ICoep the illes from the soup Kettle.
Nolf's for fly paper.
New carpets and linoleums at lea
ders furniture store.
For prompt service, call up the Mc
Kay Cab Co., 'phone Main 161.
Wanted Salesman and collector.
Call at Hast OreguuTan olllce.
MI Preforida. the best cigar made,
it Itees' cigar store, Court street.
Goods that are right at prices that
ire right at Iludor's furniture store.
Drawing books, crayons, chnlk,
pencils, tablets, pen holders, school
goods. Nolf's.
For Itout Two small houses, throe
blocks east of Main street. Apply
at E. 0. ofllce.
See Wilson & Carulne about paint-
! lug your buggies. Cottonwood stroet,
next door to Isongle Iiros.
Two pianos, slightly used. Great
bargains. Come quick. Inland Em
pire Piano House, near bridge,
Furnlslied room for gentleman iti
private family. Path and telephone.
Terms very reasonable. Enquire this
I Pure crystal Ice don't cost any
' more than inferior Ice, and is so
I much cleanur and more healthful.
. 'Plume Main 18SI.
Sweet potatoes, live and dressed
poultry, fruity, home-grown water
i melons and all kinds or frosh vegeta
, bles nt Oomott & Co.'s.
! Regular mooting or Damon Lodge.
; No. 4. K. of P., next Monday evening.
I Ilusiness or Importance. All mem
bers are requested to be present. Tly
, order or C. C.
i Don't undo tho good your vacation
huj done you by drinking poor water
or putting Inferior Ico into the boil
ed water. Ten cents worth of ice pet-
day will supply an ordinary lnmlly
with plenty of drinking water. De
sine, though, that you get good ice.
Call up 'phone Alain 1881 and get
pure distilled water ice from the
Ross Ico Plant.
E. S. Miller, of Elgin, Is in the
city for a short visit.
Mrs. C. P. Harnett, of Lexington, is
visiting In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Vatingcr, of Athena,
are In the city for a short visit.
L. Hnle, of Raker City, transacted
business in Pendleton yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Koontz, of
Athena, are In the city ' for a short
Chnrlcs Cole, of Centralla, was in
the city yesterday for a short busi
ness visit.
Mrs, .1. J, Scroggln, of Long Valley,
Is in the city visiting friends for a
short time.
A. R. Taylor, of La Grande, was In
the city yesterday for a short time
on business.
J. D. Gregore, or Adams, was In
Pendleton tor a short time yesterday
on business.
Charles D. Gabrielson, of Salem,
left this morning for Walla Walla
on n short visit.
Al Slusher will leave Mondav fo.'
Boston, where lie will enter i iillcg'.1
for the coming year.
D. E. Hall, of the O. R. & N.. is
In the city tor a short visit In the
Interests or his business.
Lnthan Wells, the son of Walter
Wells, is attending tho Lyons Board
ing School, at Spokane.
C. P. Davis, or the sheriff's office,
went to Walla Walla this morning on
some personal business.
T. .1. Kirk, of Athona, rottirned to
his home this morning after a couple
of days spent here on business.
W. S. Smith, of lone, Is in the city
the guest ol' his sisters. Airs. Rose
Campbell and Aliss Alyrtlo Smith.
Airs. Alt-Arthur, of Walla Walla,
has returned to her homo, after a
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
J. Ferguson, of this city.
T. D. Taylor has returned from a
trip to Salem, where ho wont to es
cort Dell AIcGinnls and Grover Hns
klns to the reform school.
Aliss Hnttle Canflold, of Lebanon.
Is in tlie city tho guost of friends,
while en route to one of the interior
cities whore she will teach this
W. I). Chamberlain, county clerk
of Umatilla county, has gono to Athe
na to transact business in relntion to
some property that lie owns In that
part oi' the county.
John Hughes, who has resigned his
position in tho Tallnian s'.uc '.u at
tend college In the East, 1c', for
Spokane this morning on -i visit tc
paratory to leaving lor St. Louis.
It Pays to Trade at
Rheumatism Positively Cured1
h" Oil and Sweet Spirits of Jiden. -Hon-
v-back Goods. A. C. KOIUM'KN & '
liKDS, Hole Agents for Pendleton. I
Kodol Gives Strength,
Uy enabling the digestive organs to
digest, assimilate ami transform ALL
or tho wholosonir food that may bo
eaten into the kind of blood that
rourlshes the nerves, feeds the tls
,ucs, hardens the muscles and recup
erates the organs of tho entire body.
Kodol Dyspopsia Curo cures Indiges
tion, dyspepsia, catarrh of tho stom
ach and all stomach disorders. Son,
by Tnllman & Co.
The forests of Australia generally
have a monotonous appearance. This
is caused by the presence every
where of the Eucalyptus trees
New Shipment of Turkey
and Ostrich Dusters
to inch Turkey, ioo feathers special 35c. 14 incli Ttir
'. 100 feathers special 50c. 12 inch carriage duster 120 tail
feathers, special 75c. 8 inch parlor duster (Ostrich, ) special
s,35' Sisil duster for removing dirt from furniture special 50c
Our Ice Cream will please you. If you ever had any
tetter ours wont cost you a cent. Wwill let you he the judge
IS Mtepn from Miklu SU-uet toward the Court lloutt
An Old Basebal Standby Returns to
Make Pendleton His Home.
Robert Wilner. the old standby of
tho baseball men of the city, is here
alter having spent the summer on
the coast and the Sound. Air. Wilner
left Pendleton about the time the
baseball team disbanded and has
been away all summer. He expects
to make this his home.
During the summer Air. Wilner
was married to a Pendleton girl, and
until this time it is not generally
known who tho lady is, or in fact,
that he was married at all. His
bride was Aliss Roll Murphy, the
daughter or Airs. Alary Murphy, and
a sister of Airs. Darr Phelps. Air.
Wilner claims that it is now too lute
lu the day for him to buy elgnis, but
undoubtedly his trlends will think
Shields' Park Drawing.
Tho Shields' Park grand drawing
will lake place at Fruzor's theater to
night, on nccount or the stormy
weather. The prizes are especially
attractive tills week, consisting of
an elegant on!; rocker, two beautiful
companion pictures, a rich rug, a
ladles' work basket, and an oil paint
ing. The winning tickets must lie
ill the audience al the time ol' draw-lug.
10 dozen ladies lace hose, this season's 25c
new goods and our best value for the price.
Good Old Saturday night
J 7c or 3 pair 50c
20 dozen men's four in-hand tie", splendid
25c values, for good old SaUuday night
J 5c
Thompson Rros. patent colt hals, our
regular $5 value, a handsome, stylish shoe
Good old Saturday night
The Camillc
A ladies kid glove in hlack and tan all sizes
6 to jyi, for good old Saturday night 68c
Men's 75c Fow-m-fiands
10 diven fourin halids, nil late styles, in
desirable shades, for this good old Satur
day night
Nelson's Custom Fit
In Velour or Yici Bab, worth $5, will sell
for $4 10 and Crossetts Satin Calf Bah,
regular $2.75 value, for good old Saturday
John Mcir's K. R. shoes wear like iron
lace or congress, worth ,j.5o, good old
Saturday night
.o dozen Wayne Knit men's matchless
hosiery, our regular 25c son, in all blaik,
split foot or white foot, good old Saturday
3 pair 50c
3 dozen men's Stetson Pony Cowbo hats,
the host dressers in the cities are wearing
them, for good old Saturday night
An immense assortment of ladies' and gentle
men's, and just a few left of our special,
for good old Saturday night
Giesecke lace shoes, tip or plain toe, worth
,$3 anywhere at all, lor good old hviturday
Ladies' Lisle hlack hose as handsome an
nil over lace, hlack 50c hose as oti ever
saw anywhere. Good old Satutdav night
34c or 3 pair $t.
Outfitters for Men and Women
A Serious Mistake. I
K. C. DeWitt & Co. Is the name ot'4
tho firm who make the genuine Witch S
Hazel Salve. Uo Witt's Is tho Wllcn)$
Hazel Salve, thut heals without Ienv-i$
lug a scar, It Is a serious mistake lo 5S
uso any other. DeWilt's Witch Ha-
zoi Salve cures blind, bleeding, itcn-! J
lug and protruding lilies, burns, g
bruises, eczema and all skin diseases, ,
Sold by Tallnian & Co. if.
In Ol eater New York tno average
number of children In Proleslant
families Is 1 .85. In Catholic lamllles
2.03 and in Jewish families 2.r,l
Militia Companies Return.
The linker City and l.a Grande
nillltln companies passed through
over tho 0. It. & N. this morning, on
route homo from tho stato encamp
ment at Genrhart Parle. The boys
report but two clear days during tho
entire two weeks' encampment. They
are all glad to return to Kastein Or
To Attend Pendleton School.
James Williams, or the Cold
Springs country, has moved Into the
city with his family, and will send
his chlldien to tho public schools
here this year. Air. Williams will le
sldo In tho house formerly occupied
by B. K. I.youe. which has been mov
ed onto a lot near tho power hom.e
ou Thompson street,
Sells City Property.
Peter C. Peterson and Anna Al.
Peterson, his wife, have sold to Airs.
Uoso Clulott, for $1.1(10 lot 11. of
block (10, in the reservation addition
to Pendleton.
Russian Thistles,
There Is a thrifty, luxuriant growth
or genuine Russian thistles on Tustln
street, east of Thompson, There Is
enough seed In this patch to plant
the entire county, If allowed to ripen.
What Kind of
Feet Have You
11' they ale nuriow or low
Instep, or high Instep or wide
and short, flat and broad, or If
you have corns or bunions or
ingrowing toe mills, or toe in
or toe out why to be properly
shod you must certainly con
sult the doctor of shoes In the
shoe parlor of the lioston Store.
Here will bo told to you all
the truths about good shoes.
How to buy the easy feeling,
good wearing, fine apiearlng,
and purse opening shoes, He
member that our shoes save lu
slocking wear.
When wo tell you we have
the largest stock of shoes to
sell men and women at iil0 to
$3.50, we aro stating a fact easy
to prove That's why it pays to
Inspect our shoo department
when In need or shoes lor any
of the family
2'1 Slate Pencil
i! Mottles Kertl. Ink
ilo.eii pencils
I.urge line Composition
book' 5, 10, if. and
Tlie Oregon Htute Copy
books here at Noll's only
Large, wide Ublets-lOO
sheets, only . ....
Kancy pen holder anil 'ii Ic
I We pay highest chhIi price for
1 1; all kinds of old school books.
I Ji .
i $ Kull line of Ht. Joseph anil
I i Pendleton Academy books, ami
I Public School books at lowest $
' prices.
Kuntu Clans Hctiilijiiurters,
I Sj)" e (
Hear this in mind when you
need poultry and stock supplies
and nslc for tho International
Poultry and Stock Food. Uso
Kow Kure for your cow trou
bles. C. F. Golesworthy
127-129 East Alta St.
Agent for Lee's Lice Killer
.. Cor MumkAltiMt 1' ) I lliull. I'r,i,
Our specialties are lnust
fresh anil salt water fish
of all desirable varities,
crabs, lobsters, cl.uns.iiiil
water delacacies. Oly tit
pia and eastern ojstcrs
We will serve you with
the finest oyster cocktail.
Goods delivered to an)
pat t of the city. Prompt
service and best satis
n. II 111 I I .1.111 LI. LU 1
. . . i
ivianiactrpfs nt trit
won trif all irtrtno sir i
Farm Machinery
Foundry Work a Specialty
Oas'i paid for old castings
Pendleton, - Oregon
The Oregon Daily Journal can
tound 011 sale at Kra2.er's book stor
J. 11