East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1903, Image 4

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1'ublUhed w offmoon (ci.eBt Hunday)
lit Pemlletou, OrcKon. by tbe
fhone, Mala 11.
Inllr nnc ywir by malt
IioIIt, nil montlu by mall
Iially. tbr uiontlm by mill
I mil v. on month by mall
Dally, per month by carrltr
Weekly, oni- year by mall
Wwlrtjr, sli Diontbi b mall .
Wwlilv. rnur montlis by mall ...
Semi-Weekly, one year by mall . .
Semi-Weekly, lx month by mall
Semi-Weekly, Hire month by mall
. 'J.nM
. l.i!5
. .r.n
. .IIS
. i .nn
. .7"
. .BO
. IMlO
. 1.00
. .:,
The Unit tlregonlan l oa ale nt II. IS.
llU-lin Ne Stanil at lintel 1'ortlaml ami
Hotel l'erklns. Portland, Oregon
Member .Sc-rlpp Mcltae Sewa Awocla
San KimkIko llurenii. M1. fourth St.
I'blcasro lliirean, WW Security UnlMlng.
Wmhlnitton, I) V lliirean, 501 1 Ith St..
N. W.
Hntered at Pendleton polofflre as seccond
claw matter.
i Thejr are slaves who fear to
I apetik
I l-'or the fallen nnd the weak;
I They are slaven wlio will not
i Hutieil. scoffing and iibuse.
ltathr than In alienee shrink
From the truth Uiey needs
must think;
They are slaves who dare not lie
In the right with two or three.
James Hussell Lowell.
It has been cruelly suggested by
nn enthusiastic exchange that the In
terior department favors the expendi
ture of vast sums of money on irri
gation schemes In Xevada, Arizona
and New Mexico in hopes or build
ing up the republican vote mere.
The Ilvangelicnl Lutheran Synod,
now In session nt As bury l'ark. New
Jersey, lias refused Id pass a resolu
tion asking congress to oust Heed
Smoot from the United Stales senate i
The Lutherans evidently believe that I
there are more timely topics for iIIb- !
ciusion In church assemblies than
this (6) mooted question or polygamy.
The total number of pensioners
now on the rolls is 89B.515, or which
TL'S.SSR are soldiers and 2i',7.1Sfl are
wldowi anil dependents. In 1903 the
cost ot the pension system was $1.7"
per capita for the entire population
of the. United Hlnioa, having bei'ii iv
dticod from $2.21 per capita In lvi.!
The lolal annual value or tin Spam-h
war pension roll has now low hid
The resignation or Huv. H. W lin.
tii n i the pastorale or tin- l!apn'
church In tills city, leaves a acain v
in mlnlslerlal circles which cannot
be easily filled. .Mr. King lias been
a zealous church worker, a promc-i 1
slve, public-spirited cllixeu, ami ha.
built up an eMollunt congregutlon.
placed the Ilaptlst church on a good ,
flnauelal basis and has made a record
or which ho may bo Justly pioud. dur
iug his two yenrs' lusidonco In thb
The first outside parties to take
advantage or Pendleton's excellent
cold storage facilities, Is the Echo
Cold Storage and American Hare
Packing Company.
This enterprising company today
placed two beeves in cold storage In
this city, as an experiment, and if
the results are satisfactory, the en
tile output of the company. Includ
ing probably 200 head of beef cattle
and great numbers of sheep will be
butchered now, while the stock Is
fat f i om the summer range, placed In
cold storage heio and shlppeu to
market as ordered by Its p.itions.
This Is ono of the most promising
branches of the livestock Industry
yet developed In the Inland Empire.
The farmer or stockman can butch
er his stuff at this season of the year,
while the meat Is in excellent condi
tion, place it In cold" storage at a
nominal cost, ship It to market when
ever the price suits, whether It be
one month or three, and the feed In
the country can be used In keeping
over calves and feeders for next sen
son, and In putting fat on more stock
for later markets.
The great saving to be made to the
stockman by marketing ills stuff In
this manner Is In transportation and
the profits of middlemen.
In shipping live animals 21 to 2!
make hd a carload; in shipping cold
storage slutT In refrigerator cars, 8n i
tons, or about 120 animals make upj
a carload, of course at a -...erent
freight rate than that charged tor
live stuff. I
Hut this is the golden opportunity
of the stockman of the interior dis
tricts. He can butcher his stuff
when slock is cheap and hoy is high
and save all the lnoflt now made by
commission men. He can use his
feed lu keeping over calves for next
year's beel' crop and In this manner
the number of stock led and market
ed can be greatly Increaseu and the
profits to the grower enhanced.
Not only beef can be treated In
this manner, but mutton, pork, but
ter, eheee and poultry, and the cold
storage facilities of this city should
start in motion a dozen thriving In
dustries not now In existence in
Umatilla county.
llefore the lombiued harvester has
lctt the Uinntllln county wheat field,
the 'oniblned mule team and gang
plow enters to prepare for another
crop There is a perpetual motion
In the Inland Empire winch the v-ion
tisls have nut ei din ovcreil
The Kansas schoolma'ams and mas
ters who "view with alarm" the ten
dency of school boards in Hint state
to "torbld courting by teacher., lur
lug school terms" are nullo right in
denouncing this ns unbearable tyran
ny. Affirming that "a large percent
age of teachers are of marriageable
age. tney ueciine t "'
snored and unalienable rigio
court and be courted."
Shades of John Ilrown and Dan
Anthony the npoiHe ol rrcedom and
the champion of the hair-trigger we
should hope so! If no schoolmasters
had over "sparked" and no schorl
ma'ams had been court vl what wo.n..
Kansas be today? half-populat' d
What would thofo school boards
have? Itace suicide, or marriage with
out courting? Would thoy have Hie
stalwart voting husbandmen of Kan
sas got wives as the Human raiders
obtained them among the Sabine vlr
RlKl,v carrying them off In their
arms? And shall the male teachers,
deprived of the delights of propinqui
ty and the advantages of natural se
lection In the choice of wives, be
cast into the dreadful lottery of ma
trimonial advertisements to secure
life purtners?
However, there is little danger. A
pope's "bull against tne comet" would
be actual "government by injunction
compared with a school board's edict
against Cupid. New York World.
"A man with whom I was talking
on this subject said In replv that the
courts are In the hands of corpora
tions, are dominated by them. 'Then.'
1 retorted, 'our system of govern
ment Is a failure.' Hut 1 do not be
lieve either the one proposition or
the othdr. I do not believe that our
courts are corrupt. I believe that the
judges who preside over our stale
and federal courts are us honorable
and high-minded as any men in the
country. It is one or the evils of this
era or popillistic demngogiieiy that
our courts, the very IikbIs of our so
cial fabric, are thus cheaply vilified
and constantly proclaimed as un
"That absurd fnvoiite catchword
or Hrynn's. 'government by injunc
tion.' is or this category. I do not be-,
lleve there ever was an injunction I.-,
sued In this country that harmed any-
one. I believe that they, have all
done good. An Injunction is nothing
but a writ of safety. It simply says
'Hold on a minute: stop where you ,
ure iimiII wo look into tlili thing. It
we llnd the Injunction Is not justified
under the law by the facts. It will lie
lilted, il It l Justified. It will be
made permanent.' Who is to be
harmed bv an act so tair and just as
that?" Ex-Senator .Marion Duller.
S. .Miirltlann. of
commiiii'd Miicidt'.
a rope to hl U"i U
a high tiee
Vancouver 1! ('
Ftiday. In ivmg
and uimiiiii'-' irom
i Si ' 1
i sms mam
item W 1
:f W 1
: A; wh AK-v i mm n
wFri .ms .... ZrWSm
til:' 'I!. Tn'i &'.. il
Hi 1 i5- A . a!1,, W,m v A .. I
i U L Ms l) t Vim ;p
, ! -.-:-yro: m f-ovfehsw miss.
Praise Pe-ru-na as a (J
Preventative of CatarriJ
Jllss Elizabeth Ulier, N0 sJ
street, Altinny, N. Y,, writes. I
' nave always dremltdti
liability iocatchcoltl, wheacA
irouoie wuuia quickly
th'uuah Cny entire system ,
would take weeks to drlv .1
am thankful to say that slnctl
ukM Pcruna, I do not hav..l
w v to dread this any moX
I lull wuvii g auiicruu With M
trouble I took Pcruna anil
tfrrT r'fls completely cured J
It -Tf time, It J have been, it
(wca 10 inc uanip, wet J
y rather, I take a dose or nol
rwia and It throws ouienyl
sv.'wess from my system. J
h.iivrse It." Miss Elizabeth
f'.'j. in. Dewey, Saranao M
V .. t.i second cousin or Admlrjll
ir i yeeont Jotter slio says: I
'I'aruna Is the most vil
ii - remeuy inni i nave everj
coi'i'i'js, colds, etc. IcheetiA
c-Mtnend It as a certain curtl
xfxtruingto uireciions."MJ
ii-is llosa Oerblng, j
Uocte'y woman of Crown 1V-M
write-: I
" Last winter I took a knl
In the country, and being too t
cUi I caught a bad cold whka
on rjy lungs, ana which I coJ
Ucf'i to shake off. I hud A
f,T:nt deal of Peruna for ccffl
catarrh ana l bought a botlli i
I am pleased that I did tor It (J
tweedy relief. It only took tA
tlci. .ad J consider this mmi
I spevf. I
; "i ou nave a tirm IrleniM
! tad i not only aavise Its vsti
; friends, nut nave purchaseit.
I o'Jttiss iu give iu inose n;iy
I means to buy, and hare
v -knout exception that It huh
! uhoui a speedy cure whcrtutl
beer: used. - Ail:,s Kosa Gtria
'o neglect n colti i to inwd
satar h. As soon a anycuoiJ
tbo f'r-.t -yiinitoic t ' Is:
shonM at one In n thr us, (
nccorditiK t tlirei1' imu on t.'J
land tbo coltlis su tonastnl
out, leaving any bad tf, Ms
tuuess tills i-i dune the 1
snro to end in tin j-eoiml ftf.ii
tarrh tvlucl, is mnkln o
mforilile. ItlV-minvu ttiJ
time one lias a c id i r coujrfid
catarrh woulu be pruetivallfl
known tliseai-e.
It von do not (tcrlvi promptii
farto'v rc-iillt- lr mi tin.' Ut0"t
w'rtto tit once to Ilartman, J
fun stateinelit of your case aiel
l.i. pleased to give you mi
aiii i.'o gratis.
.v.td--jss Iir. IlarHnan,
Tb Jlai iniuii baiutariuin, CI
It may be unjust to the street
sprinkling committee ami to the
mi. -el commissioner to kick about
dusty slieelg one week and imnlil
tiuets the next, but It happens that
It is timely to do so. Ilefoie another
dusty season arrives. Pendleton must
be preiiaieil to sprinkle all her resi
deuce sti-eets alike, nnd before an
other muddy season arrives, either
pavement or crushed look stioiild or
uamunl .Main street. The sewer -
leni will-soon bo eompleteil and notb
lug In ruture will Interfere with the
I laving.
iDiN WA nmnnni; and tho two (lavs followuiL' will bo L'roat bnrtrain (lavs for the caivful havers of fenfllefmi nml vicinitv Wo wouli
yon to kindly rmd every word in this add and thon eomnavo our uoods and prices with othur storus. V know whnt'ilin roMilt mil
Our stino will lie crowded on tlieso three days. ( )nr Motile is three times larger than i' was twu years ago and four times lar"or than it was J
eais ii"o, d is UU&. We Will tel votl. we lave it'en se tne cfior hmiesl. unnik nt tl. mn i but lii,;.,,, ,,ni:i n,..i i-t.: r..il ctnl
i.r....". i r.. i .i ... ...,... . .,. ... .1
I'Ain. vve Know Ull- pays. WAIHH US UJ iJW. ivi
crowded with ood roliiihle mereliandise that will he sold as hefore, on a uloao margin. We know thi
The Dalles Tiines-MounlnlutHr
says the ltast Oregouian la'led to
give a hearty support to the .Miuiii
talneer's deniaud for an IJaslern Or
"goii imui fur senator last , winter
Tho Ka.it Orogoillan lecostil.ed the
futility or all eirorls in that direc
tion uudor the piekont mle of the
ting iu Oiegon, and believes the
nulclvtt way to get recognition mm
Kasltrn Oiegon is in let the pivein
political domination or rortland nu,
Its toiirte in hopes that Uasiern Or
egon will be beueilled by the reaction
which Is siiro to come sooner Di
lator. In the present whipped con
dltlon of tne Oiegon delegation ijast
ern Oregon feols piond to think thai
she Is not responsible for the cboe t
Hosiery Specials
-o il'ven I. idu -,' lace and drop
- ii teli hose, worth 50c,
Moi.dav, Tuesday ami
tdnesda), only C
1 ili.en Chinltens and Misses
lace anil drop stitch hose,
t.'ie kind we Rhvays sold
lor jSc, Motula.,. Tuesday
.inu wtunusuay, only
pair (or
2 Q
50 du.i-n Infant's drop stitch
l ose, in pink, hltio, white
and black, 35c value, Mon
d.i. TiumI.u, Wednesday
pi r pair unly
24 shirt waists in white nnd colored
regular price $1.50, $2 and $2 50.
'1 huy all no
Monilay, Tuesday and Wednes
day at
50 Cents.
4S white skirts, beautifully tucked nnd
. trimmed with hice, worth 50c, 65c,
75c and 85c. Monday, Tuesday and
Sdecial Sale Price
38 Cents.
Ready to
Wear Skirt
Our skirt ik- '
paittnunt this fail 1
is crowded with I
good, new. nicuh !
made skirts, botii '
plain and benuti. 1
fully trimmed.
Regular prices
front Sa to Si 3.
Thuse prices are
from Si 00 to S3 00
hjs tower man any
W hone. In ,lw.
will ask you.
Misses and Childr
All mothers shou.n visil
ilepnrttuent. t have '
coats for little titrl to '
siiiool. Prices
S-1.50, S5.50. J6.50 and $!
On Monilay, Tuesday anJ
nesuay only, in order to m
become better acquainted11
department, we will uivetl
ladies a special discount
pur cent.
Monday. Tuesdm am
dav we will L'lvn von an e"!
f n - - -
count of 10 per cent
um uveriooK Monday, luesday and Wednesday's Bargains
Lee inuiscny mu DEPARTMENT ST0
f it vrnit ri v -w .... . -
v uurtcii iMAUN A N L) ALT A