East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1903, Image 3

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'the PenplggOrgJtest Outfitters
High Class Drug gists
Bl'K annual School Sale of boy s
Suits Shoes, Cops and all the
fixings necessary to put them
in shape for hard wear of the school
days. Tako advantage of this op
portunity its a money maker.
. . . .-. itk tr-rr in t ir
a rs. I K v mm m i bl-v h l n n
A a MiB BE l Ifl 1 I . Ul I UEL.
All Locomotives Will Be Equipped
With Coal Burning Apparatus No
More "Wooding Up" for the Train
men Everybody Welcomes the
imtnr at) mwrif I R$!s5V.s?M- . ,
- mlAIr ) Dnnrllntntl CtriMllflt M n fl Pride
tr.V A f.llIIIJ M VILIIVC I I IV I y MulwIUH wwumw- . -
mi.. Made at Home. A. KnOUt, mimcr.
arc Taking no Chances When You Use
re Distilled?
rk. 4f?- wfTfc. TN fe.
ui !ic in ri'ii li ill tsiiiii uv lik; jm.-h it i; iv. vjiiiu
unman v No other distilled water ice sold
tv. Hit kiivh vmi null mi Plmni ATinn 1SR1
i want
S A wavs we come at the plant
Ross Ice
old Stnrane
one Main iv, i... rur. ui..... v.. .ou.
ivt voili.c; i nuiiu liltliu lO'M
There will bo no more engines on
tlio main lino of the Southern Paelfle
railroad burning -wood, snys the Salem
Statesman. The engine that pulled
the overland past Salem and down to
Portland cm Monday evening was the
last ono. That engine was taken to
the Bhops yesterday nnd will he con
verted Into a coal burner.
The freight engines on this section
or the road, and the engines on the
branch lines, most oi them will
Kuril wood for a time yet a few of
them possibly, tor n long time. But
there will bo no more wood cinders
to get Into the eyes of the passengers
on the main line.
It was rumored in railroad circles
that (he Albany locnl was to he
drawn by an oil burner, nut this
will not be, lor the present. The en
gine drawing this train will burn
The coal will come from Helling
ham Day in Washington, until a more
convenient supply tuny lie had.
Oil Burners.
It Is likely that oil burners will fi
nally be put on tills division, as on
the California and other southern sec
tions of the road. Rome of the en
gines burning oil now come as 1'nr !
north as Ashland, and a tank for the
(storing of tl'o prut'" oil v.'Ml s'lrvi It
cstablished there. So far the oil is
secured there from tank cars.
The Wood Situation.
The burning of coal by the passen
ger engines on the main line will
somewhat relieve the wood situation
of Western Oregon. Wood is grow
ing scarce and high in the country
north of Junction, and the matter of
economy figures as one of the rea
sons for the change thai has been
made from wood to coal. 'I line and
convenience are also factors. There
will be no more stopping at wood
yards to take on fuel.
rl-ao7 flfXf n T CAtJ tn.f.
j r" rv vj vj j i ului V'uaiii iviwi
anil Gold Leaf Java & Mocha
Coffee contains one ticket.
These goods are the best ever
placed on the market for the
money. Try a package and if
nnt Ratisfm-tnri rnlnrn it In
11(1 111' 1U.II ...i.. ,
leuiiui your money.
'OIU Leal brand aniens, tens; i-Ytrarlc nnd li.ittini'
I V .in. I ...
fun nnepr-r
cc orilLrK. uo.,
FA' 1 JK. ."TV f
1Hl M ..II. .hi .
" ""' man in the gun business A Utll stock
Satisfaction Guaranteed
A Famous Creole Dish.
An old private recipe for that fam
ous Creole dish "Gumbo Met" Is
found in the new book C'o".in in Old
Creole days (Harper's), nnd reads as
follows: "Put into a casserole (sni'e
pan) a spoonful of pure lur mid om
of flour, stir It well until it is of u
light brown. Chop an onion into
small pieces and throw tlicm In Cut '
up u fat capon or chicken into small
pieces and put these In the casserole
with the Hour and lard. Stir it all
the while until the chlcl eu is nearl
done. When the whole is well brown
ed, ndd a slice of ham cut up small
Throw In two or three pods ol ivil
pepper, and salt to your taste. Now
ndd a quart or boiling water and ,
leave it on the lire for two hours and
a half. A quarter or an hour before 1
dinner Is served add .three doen oys- i
ters with their liquor Just In lore ,
talcing the soup off the lire, put in a
tablespoon! u! of lliel, stirring it nil,
the while. Let It boll one mlnule ,
and then serve. Do not put In too
much diet; the spuon should not .u
full. Indoed, half a tablospoonful is
enough." j
Eleventh Annual Convention Pacific !
Const Association of Fire Chiefs,
Olympia, Wash., Sept. 22-25, 1903.)
Kor the above occasion a rate of .
one and one-third faro is authorized i
to Portland and return, and to Seat-1
tie and return under the following j
conditions: Delegates or their fami- ,
lies will purchase on any three days
prior lo September 22, regular one
way tickets to Portland, taking re
ceipt for same, which, on presenta
tion to agent. Union Depot. Portland .
together with certificate properly
signed by II. W. Brlnghiirst. secretary
or meeting, will entitle the passenger
to return ticket from Portland to
starting point at one-third fare, pro
vided same is presented on or before
September 27. 100a. Tor further par
ticulars, call on or address V F
Wamsley, agent O. It. & N. Co.
The Editor's Appetite.
'i'li ml I tor nnd wile had anorher
squnro meal Sunday on account of hav
ing received an invitation lo uine iu
tlw lmtnl. Perk- said ho was afraid
we wouldn't accept, but we did. For
the benullt or our lau.v readers, we win
stato that they had chicken and the
aiiiff flint, cues with such n layout,
and strawberry shortcake and lettuce.
Our who woro nor nine ami wuue mm
looked real dear. Mrs. Perkins had a
new skirt and looked too sweet for
anything. Tho editor woro his Sun
day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday suit, nnd
was sick an nigm.--v hub to. u
Tho liclter class 61 druggists, everywhere, are men of scientific attainment;? and high integrity,
who devote their lives to tho welfare of their fellow men in supplying tho best of remedies ami
purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians' prescriptions and
scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacture many excellent remedies, hut
always under original or olllcinal names and they never soli fnlso brands, or imitation medicines.
They aro tho men to deal with when in need of anything in their lino, which usually includes
all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class phnrmacy nnd the finest and
best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appliances.
The earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of the benefits
conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession, is usually their greatest
reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that Pyrup of
Figs is an excollent laxative, remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, nnd therefoie they
aro selling many millions of bottles annually to tho well informed purchasers of tho choicest
remedies, and they always tako pleasure in handing out tho genuine article bearing the full
name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front, of every package.
Thoy know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and
of weakness or torpidity of tho liver and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or
over-eating, that there is no other remedy so pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects as
Syrup of Figs, and they are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction.
Otving to tho excellence of Syrup of Figs, tho universal satisfaction which it gives and tho
immenso demand for it, imitations have been made, tried and condemned, but there aro
individual druggists to bo found, hero and there, who do not maintain the dignity and principles
of the profession and whoso greed gets tho better of their judgment, and who do not hesitate
to recommend and try to sell tho imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations
some-times have tho name " Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syiup"and of some piratical concern,
or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on the packagc,"bul they never have the full name of
the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of tho package. The imitations
should bo rejected because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell the imitations
thoy find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever n dealer passes
off on a customer a preparation under the name of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup," which
does not. bear tho full namo of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of the package,
ho is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his
establishment, whether it be large or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation ami
and deception in one case he will do so with other medicinal ngents, and in (he filling of
physicians' prescriptions, and should be avoided by every one who values health and happiness.
Knowing that the great majority of druggists aro reliable, we supply the immenso demand
for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be purchased every
where, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exceptions
exist it is necessary to inform the public of the facts, in order that all may decline or return
any imitation which may bo sold to them. If it does not hear the full name of the Company
California Fic Svrun Co. nrinled on the front of everv nackace, do not hesitate to return the
article and to demand the return of your money, and in future go to one of the better class ol
druggists who willsell you what you wish and the'best of everything in his line at reasonable prices.
We are making a special effort to supply Pendleton l ys and
Girls with their Suits, Shoes, and Dresses, needed for the bejj nning
of the school season, and below list some of the SPECIAL BARGAINS
Boys' Outfits
Suits for boys, worth $1.25 and
1 50, for this salo $1.00
Suits for boys, woith $2.25 anrl
$2.50, for this salo $2.00
Suits all grades, two and three- piece
knee pants .and long pants,
Special Reduced I'mccs.
Underwear, light weiglit, only
19c per garment.
Good, heavy shoes, neat and dressy,
$1.35 and $1 60.
Boys' heavy hose, 17c value, for this
sale, 14c Pair.
Boys' hose, lightweight, 12,c valups,
only 10c Pair.
Girls' Outfits
All -th s ami pru t ol Pcicaie ami Ging
ham dresses red in ed jo per cent for
tlii-. sale.
Girls' hose, isc grade, sp-'i.ial sale
price per pair
Girls' huso, ioc gi.rle, 3 pair foi
Girls' line libbed hose, double Knee,
per pair only
Girls' lace hose 25c values, pan only
Girls' fins nlibed underwear toe urade
for this sale '2nc
Girls' skiits all lengths and pri es. Come
and sue tham. Kibhnns nnd J.u cs and
mill)-., all styles and at pric -i that
defy competition.
Saturday, Sept. J2.
Gncd, large comforts (illed white cotton, our regular S 1 .50 oiufort, spici.il -ali prm $ 1,20
Cotton blankets, 75c grade, full size, only (0
Outing flannel, 7c grade, limited special 20 yard-, .... J,()()
Bleached muslin, limited 10 yards for
All grades Wrappers, Special Reduction of "0 per emit.
All iiersous Indebted to II. M
Sloan, nleaso call nnd settle theh
nrvnmitH. Ulaeksmlth shon corner
Cottonwood nnd Kast Alta.
On This Saturday Night.
nv,n ilnmi ladles' laee hose,, tills
season's new goods, 25 cent values,
tonight 17 cents, or tnreo pairs 101
50 cunts. Tho rooplos Warehouse.
' B
I X 1 1 JL
The Place to Save Money
Misunderstood Instructions,
A good story comes from Ellens
burjj about two young ladles who be
came Imbued with a desire to go
driving; one afternoon lately. They
went to u local livery stable and
asked for a gentle horse, as they
wantod to drive Into tho country a
few miles. The man In charge gave
them 0110, and told them that the
burse would be all right If they kept
tin rein from IiIh tail When liny
letiiriieil In nslicl Hum if they had
any trouble. "Oh, no," said one, "It
did spriuKlc home, but wo had an
umbrella, and wo tool, turns at hold
ing It over the horso's tall so that
not a drop of rain touched It, and we
got along all right."
Received daily, fresh tomaloe,
rabs and erawfish at Grain's.
1 (jS JS
(.iiiomruiiio room 11111a a
-milK Hit. V,.u-lr lii.iilMtiMl
tluaugliout. Quuon C!io llouia
In connection. Menln it h
bourn 'Joly h lilis help em
ployed. UIvu u r irlnl v
AM Bf 1 MVii Twl ?In7 i W iW I i 1 jiff VcrwJ " rr rrrra
as:- j
a), . . -. . . . . ..... ..r.j
xiiued cards, wadding Imllatloun, etc.;
100 fngrnrd vlbitlnj; card! with plate.
I1.&0; RdUltlonnl card In future, It pit
bendred. The fott Orfgonliu.