East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1903, Image 1

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1 TT 7
Eastern Oregon Weather
.Mlrered.tour r
Tonight ami Sunday, showers
t nnd thunderstorms.
J5c A wcejv-
XO. -IS J.'.
JSk!, ii ill ! ill i ii i liMWWMWtj.jmwj.ijMiijjmjuayfca St 3gggg5 K il
nicy Deposits $10,-
t A A imnnv
1 MH.LIt. I II I I 1 1 I i i J J
ti.mnts to Eloue With a
oifA r.nme urn-
eunrlli After Hp Is Mill'-
Wife Attempts Suicide by
Sept 12 Edwin Sinners.
Miiuig California!!, litis
i e lull Iti-iM tlirwi
. - 1 ... I 1 ...I. l. .11.
alimony luought by his
was Innmrly .Minn Dorothy
Ituliinsnn who came here
Awles anil deposited $1U.-
i trust coniliany as u guar-
, lie nan .
w arrested when lie
sail tor Kurnjn' on Juno 1 .
-t -..l.w,.! ii.il.irt.lK U'lllMl It
51 lLUlllv.il tl"'" ...
Cornell when it was
he was starling I'loiu Now
7 rtillw professor's wile.
Ml llt'll anil me piiiiessin
rtimi .ina.s ntiiiitiii in
I ml i t . . c... ..
ii i in' iiiiiii. iiiiiiin in mi
had hanllv begun when lie
young woman into his
nutfiiib lie nine nn
attempted to use a knife
el iiiiuiii'ii ni'iini'ii'nn limn
from a liath tnh.
Is known over the entire
attracted much attention.
Burglar .Fatally Wounds Williams
nnd Then Escapes.
Ashland, Ky., Sept. 12. Colonel
Monleenl Williams found a burglar
ransacking his house, near horo and
fought him with a sabre, when the
burglar shot him and escaped. Mrs.
Williams and their llttlo grand-dnugh-tor
wore the only occupants of the
homestead, between Ashland nnd
Catlettsburg, and they called tho
neighbors, who summoned physic
ians. Colonol Williams has regain
ed consciousness and Is resting well
todny. Tho feeling in the community
against the burglar is intense. A
Inrge posse is seeking him.
Pass a
All Posts Have Been Fortified by Orders of the Sultan, and
Mines Are Laid.
Macedonian Committee Threatens That If Turkey Does Not Stop Its On
slaughts It Will Take Vengeance and Hold Powers Responsible
Better Order at Beirut by Reorganization of the Police Force.
South Boise Trustees Will
Prohibition Lav.
Hoise, Sept. 12. At a meeting
... . , I. ..1.1 1... l. t.M.n.
, .. ' ' o,,,,.i, ti,,i ii wnK ilnelilPd In ' Vurma. hult. 12. The Volksblatt governorship at Beirut. The Olllc
,.nw nn effort in movent the solo 1 ,0'1,?' stntcs tllllt 11 ls "'Ported in ial Gazette prints a notice that i.aslm
Yitnvcn tl o ! toW (-'IlcIl'B 111 Constantinople, Pasha, of Damascus, has taken
or, "to llmlta the village Wl h "Bt 11 H Admiral Cotton may charge of the Ileirut administration.
! to or nance pro-1 tl"pt " 'orco a passage through 0 mmvtB that (ho .sItllation Is
lilblting the tralllc was Introduced. I
II will come up for consideration at!
the next meeting. I
suit of the Irade which has been is
sued, ordering tho fortification of the
posts along the straits, and have them
put in a tate of defense and have
mines laid.
To Make Powers Responsible.
Cologne, Sept. 12. A Sofia dispatch
to Kollsho Zeitung says the Mace
donian committee lias handed the
representatives of the powers a me
morial threatening if Turked docs
not discontinue its extermination of
Bulgarian Insurgents tho latter will
take vengcanco on the Slohamma
ilens and make tho powers rcsponsi-
To Support Greece.
WILL HAVE TO GIVE Athens, Sept. 12. The papers to-
UP OVER $2,000. 1 lty state that Itoiinianla has agreed
niplomatlcaily to support Greece in
the Straits of Dardanelles as the re- generally Improving at ileirut owing
Society Wedding at Bar Harbor,
liar Harbor. Me., Sept. 12. A soci
ety wedding of note hero today was
that of Miss Evelyn Scott, of New
York, daughter of Edward I'adelford
Scott, and grandniighler of tho late
Edward S. Ciurnee. to Clarence C.
Chapman, of Chicago.
Pullman Porters Say They Cannot
Live on the Tips They Get.
Portland, Sept. 12.- Pullman por
ters hero, representing the porters
all over the United States, have plac
ed in the hands or their attorney a
petition for nn increase of wnges all
over the country.
It sets forth thnt they cannot live
on tlie tips.
After Hot Chase by Posse Murderer
Is Taken.
St. l.onls. Sept. 12. Hoffman, the
murderer of Ills father-in-law, for
whom constant pursuit has boon
made, and for whom the state offers
a reward of $200, was arrested today
at Uellevlllc, 111.
First Outside Parties to Pat
ronize Pendleton's Storage
Suit Resulted in the Destruction of
Wheat Stored in the Barnhnrt
Warehouse, Which Was Set on Fire
by Spark From Locomotive.
its efforts to suppress the Macedon
ian Insurrection. In diplomatic cir
cles tills is disbelieved.
Change Is Made.
Washington, Sept. 12. Leishman
cables the state department under
yesterday's date that the sultan has
Issued a proclamation changing t.ie
Will Not Be in
In the enho of the Firemen's Fund
Insurance Company nnd the North
western Warehouse Company agnlnst
the O. H. & N. company, a Judgment
was rendered in the circuit court
yesterday against the defendant,
Tho case is for the recovery of
$l,.S!l2.Si, alleged to have been the
value ill' wheat sloreil in the build- '
I Inn of the warehouse company nt i DESPERADOES blow up
Condition , liarnhiirt. which building was do-! BANK AND GET $800.
stroyed with its contents, by a lire I
to a complete reorganization of
police lorco by Naslm Pasha.
Put to Death by Sword.
London, Sept. 12. A Salonica cor
respondent of the Times, after visit
ing Monastlr, sends a detailed his
tory of the suppression. He says
that all reliable reports show that
the country has been absolutely de
vastated and that Christians, both
sexes and of all ages, who failed to
find retuge In the woods, were put
to death by the sword.
Will Go If Needed.
Paris. Sept. 12. The foreign olllce
uiih juuiuiiig uiiiiiMiiiceu uiai uic
squadron which was yesterday order
ed to hold itself in readiness to pro
ceed to Levant, is to be dispatched
only if developments In the Orient
necessitate its piesence. It will then
go merely as a preventative measure
so as to be on the ground to quell
disorders If needed.
Admiral Trevllle, who Is in charge
or tho navy division, sailed with ills
vessels to Clolades Island in the
Aegean Sea, thi3 afternoon.
Spain Has to Mortgage Its Quicksil
ver Mines.
Madrid. Sept. 12. The flnnnelnl
newspapers today assert that Spain 1
hns arranged to. borrow $20,000.0(10
from New York banks, giving as a
guarantee a mortgage on the Alame
da quicksilver mines.
Will Return to Work.
Will Probably Place 200 Beeves In
Cold Storage In This City if the
Plan Is Successful Cannery at
Echo Will Start Immediately One
Thousand Fruit Cans Received.
II. C. Willis and C. II. ilartholo
mew, of the Echo Cold Storage nnd
American Hare Packing Company,
,!. 1.. II. nl... ,... .1
losepb. Mi... Scpl. 12.- A thous- of ",., ' ,""' ' ' " "
Hobs lee ,v Cold Storage Company,
In regard to tho storage of tho pro
ducts or tho hare cannery, in this
The gentlemen placed two hooves
i In storage today, tho first parlies
outside or local butchers and dealers
to patronize tho cold storage In tills
I manner, and il' space can no secured
and the experiment of marketing cold
storage meat by the eannury people.
proves successful, arrangements will
be made Immediately for tho siornuo
, of at least 50 head or beef and a Inrgo
Qad number of sheep.
.mi. Diuiiuiiuiuew nns anoui L'oo
head of fat eattlo which ho will
and striking employes or the Nelson
Morris Packing Company will return
to work Monday, through an agree
ment between packers an doniployo'-
Company Sent Out an Engine In
Order In Charge of a Raw Crew.
Elks Committee Makes Exhaustive butcher and store, ir tho plan proves
Report to Portland Lodge. successfnl, ami will hnvo this meat
' ready for tho winter market, vbllo
Portland. Sept. 11. Tho commit-1 supply or hay now on hand will
tee appointed by tho Elks to inves- 1,0 fed to calves and feeders for next
tlgate the cause of the wieck of the year's output.
Northern Pacific excursion train on- It is the Intention of the cannery
August 22, has made its report, i no I company to keep a large amount of
E 11. C'oiiklln after con-1 caused by a spark from the engines I
in i in1 iiii in ii Kfiinri win iiimii nn iiimii.ii! ui hiiiu in ai.iu.ini.
nn ni'vt Thni-Hiliiv iiwn-n. , lelil as the value of wheat stored IV
Sam Davis, which valentlon had been
Eight Heavily Armed Pickets Threat- Former Congressman Is Arrested In
'-its that all pupils report
I'll 1(1 IV'lllir.t film.
V lHrmMtu Hint lit! nun'
he city lie at the onenlnt!
inuiMj.i) jo uiey can no
mi a sn n ni'i.i , in o r.
I'U l, .I'll I. ill II',. 1 ...n.. l.n
genuine school work will
il nn Thursilnv and Fri-
iiwui ui iit iiniiiifxi nt Tina
neon to give the teach-
"' . mfillj nil lll'
I'M' I VH 1 1 .1 V H l,l.il,l-nl..,.f
" "' l'"''itiiniij
11T ni'tlllll Uni'l. 11,,.
. ,, tip.niil, L II. -
SITIIIIni. ,i r,ill
r - i,(i .....Ullll-
iiii'siinv iu tii.. ..,,.i . i iw.
not lie iuterfcicil with
morning by having schol-
ui uir classlf catliin wl.n
- ."in ui.-ii inursiia.v.
"'liar who ;',. beginning
term arc renin OpiI t., ,m
,i ii..i,..i ... .,. ... . " .
"-'""' 'ii 'in wi'Mi mil
irum all t int i.iii,, ..e
? of Mala street,
Lam . - Iimd, on
' tuornuij. ii,, k.,1,,,,,1
1 1,0 I" kooi condition,
,"la"t will haVf l,e, put
i ,, i"""K nun
""" after Si-h once
en the Lines of the Citizens Who
Rush to Streets at the Sound of
turned over to the plaintiffs.
The demurrer of the defondnnts to
the plaintiffs' complaint was overrul
ed by the court and the defendants
refused to plead further. Judgment
was taken this afternoon by the
pluintifl's. The case will be, in all
probability, appealed to the supreme
court on the ground of the techni
calities expressed in the demurrer.
Ilnlloray & McCourt are the attorneys
for the plaintiffs.
WANTS $350,000.
Lowe Hat Company Starts Tremen
dous Suit Against Damages.
Uridgeporl, Conn., Sept. 12. In the
United Stntes court today, tho Lowe
company, hat makers, Instituted suits
ngnlnst the olllcors of the American
Sioux Falls, Sept. 12, Tho Min
nehaha County Bank, at Valley
Springs, i:i miles east of hero, was
held up In a Jesse Jnmes style this
morning by a band ol desperadoes.
The citizens wore aroused by a se
ries of explosions, said to bo nino In
When they hastened to the streets
to ascertain the cause they found the
town picketed with eight lienvlly
anned men who threatened death to
! all who did not roturn to tho houses.
Tho tliluvos lootod tho outer vault,
securing $800, but fallod, to open tho
inner vault. They seized a handcar
and escaped. The olflccrs are pursuing.
Presence of His Wife Guarded by
Officers, He Digs Up Jewelry From
Pile of Sand Says He Got it by
Federation of Labor to recover
000 damages, caused by strikes,
numos Rompers, .Mitchell and
other prominent leuders.
1 1
O' request. , t ng.
' , m bavin every
"ol ,m Thiim.i :
..niin mum
,n,tPi' the work of
"' I'omiiii'tt'ii.
G OLD Uciv...
tin.! Plant
, ' l,lp '"inodoled
oi ti,,. oom.t.
'''I'auliM and mado
' I'lact' Tli.. i,r.t
ii.. ni.ii i,.,, ,:. .. '""
,,, , , " 1 in tlio
l1''1' T lev win i.
, ,,, ,,"r'nt iv ..onnpetoa.
M.it i. T ,,,"l!"s that con-
tlllle lh F 'are0r PIPOB.
I 111 L
ll III
in urn
Two Are Killed and Several Are In
Kempton, Wis.. Sept. 12. An ox
curslon train from Chicago to St
Paul and Minneapolis ran Into n
washout nonr here this morning.
Patrick Conway, of Heedsburg, nnd
Wendell Drown, or Cnssenovln. woro
Ullloil. Several wore injured, but
none lnially.
Government Will Run Torpedo Boats
There in October.
Washington, Sept. 12. Prepara
tions are now being mode for a trip
of torpedo destroyers from Norfolk
to Manila about the middle of Octo
ber. Tho squadron will consist of
tho nocntur, llatnbrldgo, Barry, Chan
coy and Date to be commanded by
Liuutonant Chnnler, accompanied by
tho cruiser Baltimore.
Chicago Wheat.
ChlcnKO. Sent. 12. Wheat opened
Sl; olosod 82.
Tlio annual nayment of pensioners
of tho war with Spain noiv approxi
mates $2,700,000, and 4E,ooo applica
tions nvo ponding.
Tugboat Heath Sinks Without a Mo
ment's Warning,
New York, Sopt. 12. The tugboat
Heath, without u moment's warning,
went to the bottom nt tho pier or the
Savannah Steamship Company, nt (!
o'clock this morning. It Is believed
that ail on board woro drownoo. Tho
boat was pulling nt tho line in the
tido. Thoro was no signs of life
aboard, tlio crow supposed to be
oHloop. Sho sank so suddenly that
moil standing on tho pier did not no
tice any t rouble. It Is supposed she
sprung a leak in the night
Kansas City, Sept. 12. Foimer
Congressman Hubbard, of Versailles, I
Mo,, Is held on the complo'ut of j
Nora Akors, a handsome blonde, with
whom Hubbard passed part of Hie
night. Sho claimed be robbed her of
her watch. The olllcors placed him
under arrest near the station tlepot,
where his wife was awaiting. Hub
haul took the detective and complain
ant along the Southern Pacific rail
way track a short distance and dug
up the watch from a pllo of sand.
He cluiined It slipped Into his
pocket in a manner unknown. He
said he tried to find tho woman, but
could not, so ho burled It. Mrs. Hun-
haul secured her husband's release
by appealing to personal friends
committee holds tho Northern I'acl. j meat on band In this city, ready to
fie responsible for the wreck. In "s orders on short notice and
sending out an unlit engine In churgo thus save ohurgos of the commission
of a new crew. mnn nnd the fiolght charges on tho
The finding or the committee is as,"ve animals,
follows: I It only requires about 25 live nnl-
"We find thai the engine pulling ' mnls to mako a carload, while a .10
tin. excursion train August 22, l!io:i, , ton refrigerator car will hold about
was not a first-class engine. 120 dressed nnlmnls. This method of
"The engineer and fireman into handling the beef output will enable
whose charge the engine was given, ' tho stockmen Interested In the con'
were both extra men. Itorti to handle more stuff each year,
j "Neither said engineer nor said ll tho beef will bo butchered off tho
fireman had ever before been upon , range, while If Is In prime condition,
I or run the engine that dnv given Into nnd the supply of hay used In reed.
their charge. Ing more calves for net season's
"We find that tho cause of the ac-' supply.
wns low water in the boiler: i
thai the Injectors were not working i
perfectly, and that tho water did not
cover the crown sheet, which broke
and exploded and dropped down, ;
blowing out the grille bars, ash nan. i
etc.. which obstructed the track and received yesterday
Celebrate Anniversary of
Battle of North Point.
Baltimore, Md., Sept. 12. Today
Is known horo as Old Hot'endors' Day.
It being tho annlversnry of the bat
tle or North Point, in defense of Bal
timore against the British in 18H.
By proclamation of tlio governor and
the mayor, is is a legal holiday In
the state and city, all tho banks, ex
changes, and other public Institutions
being closed. Commercial business
The divers this afternoon say no ; was partially suspended ami various
one was drowned. The absence of . patriotic celebrations took place in
the crew is unoxplulnod. 1 the public parks.
Uolio Sept. 12. Bobbers entered day, is missing this morning, and i
the store building of the Kr'io Land suspected. He nnsworod the descrip-
& Lumber Company nt tMs l-'nce. , man'w.u sLolo an
about 3 o'clock this nioriilus and stole overcoat from Hotel Pendleto-j,
$30 In cash, three gold and two sliver 1 Thursday night.
watches, and a riewt'ovoiver. There were other valuables m the
Entrance was made through a rear store at the time, but it Is thoug.it
window, which was broken out by the tlio thieves were scared away before
robbers, and the watches and revol- they finished the job, as thevo was
ver were in Hon rroin uie suowcase i uoinuig 10 uinuer iiioni irum ihkiuk
and the money from a cash drawer. t more Jewelry nnd rovolvers from the
There Is no due to the robbers, showcnEe. Officers are now In search
except that a suspicious character. t of tho man seen on tho streets yes
who was seem on the streets yester-. terday.
threw the tialn off.
Condemns Delay of Wounded.
"We find that the olllclals In
charge of fhe Northern i'acillc rail
road, the day of the disaster, were
either unwilling, unable or Incompe
tent to render the prompt serv lee
which I he nature of the occurrence at
Nupavlne required and the detention
of the car containing the wounded
and suffering nl Kalaiua was Inex
cusable, nnd we condemn the act Ion
if the official In charge of the hfa
Hon and tclcgmph at Napn 'lm as a
monumental Instance of Indifferent
W. J. HII.EY."
In closing the toporl, the commit
tee pays a high tribute to A. U.
Chnrllou, passenger agent of tlio
Northern Pacific, who Is also a mem
ber of tho Portland lodge of Elks.
Tlio ennnery company has leased
extensive grounds near the cannery
building tor slaughter lumens and
corrals, and will begin operations as
soon as the engine Is Installed.
A shipment of 1.000 fruit cans' was
by tho company
and this number will bo lllled inline-
d lately willi pears and peaches, and
probably as mnuy more oideiod ho
foio tin- frull Reason Is over.
He Must Pay Taxes on His Bank
Holdings Here.
In tho case of Levy Ankony ot al
vs. William Itloakley, sheriff of Umn.
til In. county, ii suit In restrain tho
county from colluding tho assoss
ment on the holdings of the First
National Bank ol ibis city, over a
icrtaln figure, the circuit court hug
I'ocidod that tho assessment lit legnl
and that the taxes must In collected.
Captured Counterfeiters,
Cleveland, Sept. I2.--A counlor
feltlng den, in tho heart o(tho city,
was raided this morning? George
Bennett was .captuied, M his ac
complices oseaped. TlfWo was n
fine plant for making silver coins of
ull denominations. Some spurious
coin was round.
Convention of Eastern Division of
State Teachers' Association to Be
Held There In November.
Snlom. Or., Sept. 12. (Special to
East Orugnulanj Superintendent
Ackerioun todny announced that, tho
Eastern Division or the Btaie Teach,
era' Association will bu held at Baker
City from November 2S to 85.
"Is That All?"
Seattle, Sept, 12. Van Hoist, who
robbed and beat T. S. LIppy, the
Klondike millionaire, in Ills home a
Ten Men Are Precipitated to Conerte
Chicago, Sept. 12. The platform
at the Nelson-Morris pocking plant,
gave way this artenioon, precipitin
ing 10 men to the concrete floor a
story below. AH sustained broken
limbs or Internal Injuries, but none
are believed to be fatally Injured, .
Hurricane Coming,
Washington, Sept. 12. The weath-
er bureau today issued a hurricane
month ago, was sentenced to 20 years i warning to the coast of Florida. All
this morning. He swore an oath at vessels In the Gulf ports are warn-
Judge Bell and said, "is that all?" ed nut to venture out.