East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 11, 1903, Image 8

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. i,:i,iw n nlmnl with merry faces and
well clad feet School shoes are a specialty w ith ua m
this season and we will tit tne
his dinner. While he was guue 'T.
one entered the room though it Js stoekmen come to Orenon to
?."-ir 0.1 a Better Grade of An.mal, for
rrmn it the overcoat, after
lug among the other things
In tne Their Ranches.
Messrs. Vancycle Nesbeth. Jay r
" ,.,1,1. (111C 1 .Messrs. inuwi"-
Tli.' overcoat was a valuable oik i Al,..crS0n
li a v ntr rosi 5-fi . .
Girls and Boys
Misses and Youth
Oar special school fehoes combine the wearin
itiesnnd correct shape for comfort, and winl
j. surrah smk una iw "-
T ... . hi Heatlnn Plant xnta n vnrv allcnt nape,
V WOrK OT inawi y ' PUll iiin - l.
Is hy No Means Completed Ti,ere Is no ciue 10 me """"
ls ' .. .. . . . .. ntimr thnn that a small
of .Floors Unfinisneo- ook ue " t0
a tailor In St. i-ouls. It wns a
brown top coat, lined with brown
surrah silk, and tne cioi . ... ..
'l""""" " , , , .i 4t.n. c,.Hb1i nnnearance T
strong and uurao.e ---";v - x , f
Jliev BttVlU: iuw!! ,i ...... -
t Here are some money
better appreciated when von have examine
Child's dongola patent tip, heavy soles, sizes
n to 8 ; ' "'
Child's shoes, same ns above, sizes bh to 1 1
Misses shoes, same as above
Uov's box calf shoos, sies 8 to 13i
d the shoes.
4 !
rf. I i
f .. . , ,ln. WMlk llllt ..r fl, tlilof
on tne nrsi i me tun.... ...v ........
Painting of .Floor. "- clothes was neon to
Desks Are Not In place-Will Test nian r(jom m thp
Heating Plant Before Work Is Ac- . t ,loor ,)lIt receiving no answer,
cepted by Board. went on up stairs. Whether or not
cepi.u uy , i.noWn. A
The schoul teachers are nearly all rewnnl nf $10 will be given for tho
ere and are ready to begin business recoV0r.v of the coat or the coin lotion
"u "' ".. f tl,n hlBh
tlsrhool building, at least It w 11 be
lsnme days .beiore me 11
To Furnish Five More.
I Clove, of the firm ot ikw'"c-
Our "Good for Bad Boys"
horsyhide seamless shoes wear like
roiiL'h use.
pebble calf and
iron, Built for
Dindinger, Wilson & Company
4 1 ;t thn'vmin folks begin to learn ,, ., from jjoro and other
tithe taBks appointed for thein ,nls ln Sherman rnunty. whore he
. The heating plant at that bn ldlnc weut n ,ho interest of his combined
? Is yet In Its Infancy. It Is uot nearly harvcgter. Tht, firm had one of the
prown The furnace? are sf.t.ng In 1I)achlneB at Moro and Mr. Clove went
i the halls of the bawmem ind have therp tQ see how ,t had llone during
T not a? vet been put in plae-j. T.'t the lmn.est. He found that the worl;
holes have been punched In the wn is wag satlsfactory and while In the
, and floors for the heaters, but no con- emmty took contracts to furnish flye
; nectlnns have heen made and It will ()f the farmer3 0f that county with
1 take a week of hard work to get machlnPg i,0fore the coming harvest
.1. 1 nit in nnsltlon and tested. ,
li And the other work is as far Ik
T I hind the schetlule as the heating part
of the program, un m mi-' f,rftwfort, ot union.
nil of Weiser,
Idaho, arc In the cuy iu
for blooded bucks. They leii
Used For Past
Two Years
It - with inewure 1 rccnmn..il
. 1 .. g ..II 1 T H I
voiir Ulieuiiuy uur ir 1111 iuuicliod
this - .. :
for blooded ouckb. --- ueM wneru n .i--Miireiuiii aaJ
morning for Pilot Rock and Chanty mlwT u needed. In my opln0n
Cunnlimhnm accompan eu lin ,)0 etuai, nu imve u?a u rr t
where they will Inspect the flocks of f .w0 years r.l!7..i hetl, Tonilin-,"
haV Mntlemnn on his home ranch. .,o17 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia.
The visitor, wish to get 200 head of
hlooded stock for their ranches
Sues for Divorce.
.earn, of At
sued Henry W. I.earn for a im
ci,n nq jc rnr n rasuu-
ble sum for her support and for the
costs ami attorney fees In the case:
also for the care nnd custody of the
minor children. Lloyd, Nina and 51
dred I.oarn. Will M. Peterson Is the
nttornev for the plaintiff. The defend
ant In "the suit is well known in the
vicinity of Athena, where he is a den
tist He wns once or twice nrrest
ed for practicing without a license.
I tlmi Lifebuoy Soap iiml to Ml j
laimfor It, mid cheerfully n-coiiinieii
Mrs. Corn K. learn, ni ... supTior dlsinfeetutit for .J I
W. 1 earn tor a 'hlM purixM. It it. .sk H
on the grounds of crue nnu " , , (.ne of sickness from cm I
tnlmi !-H y nliilH, Dnw.
,.)t. Cor. Kerry nnd IHuiout WSI
Maiden, ylw.
To Oust Furnish.
Through his attorneys, Crawford &
.L the painter are tonay ? ..... , Rnan9a ha9 0ntored
second coat or uoor pan. ...... -v pnmlsh t
John J. I
citt avnllist '
1 rlilgf STfl" ?
r- rri
L , i.fnrp thev William J. niniisn iu iw.u
-i! "J Ttbt ThOT is part Possession of .MO aero, of mm.
C. B. Wade Sells to J. F. McCarthy
One of Best Bulls in the State.
J. V. McCarthy, of Pendleton, re
ceived today a nice young Shorthorn
hull "Money Maker." out of the fine
herd of C. B. Wade, from Orand View
form iionr H111 Lake. Or Mr. M'-
i, with that iob. There is part possess 0
-'of the first floor that has to have a n. v.r,m -'" aeges
Knst After settling some property fec0"'' cat fl P"" The carpenter that the defendant has possession of
interests in Spokane Mr. Hughes will to racehe the first Tne carpen wrongfully and asks for
.rave for St Iuis where he will fin-, work . I. no t all done ' d nnt ., ,Ian,aBes and the costs of the
Ish his course In advanced pharmacy
In th.' St. I-ouls School ot Ihnrmac
Takes Special Examination.
Miss Amiee Dobson. of Athena, is
taking a special examination at the
Carthy Is a lovur of fine stock and office of the county superintendent
wants the best, and paid a large price of schoois mis auenioon ior h .rm-
and an unready look In particular nctlon
Tli.-desks ul' the entire school ave ;
l,Pen put in Hie assembly hall back Snow at Kamela.
or th.' main building and are there The first snow of the season fell at
beine milmed and varnished. There Knmola last night, on the summit of
arc 5o 01 them and perhaps a little the Ulue mountains The tops of Lie
mnn man nail nave hwu ua r .
Big Special Sale Jn7sThirS? esl
emfcer 5th, 9th and J Oth.
with a fierce rain this afternoon
j i
! G. L. McGiunls, of Eugene, died of I
, heart disease Wednesday
...i,. wn. hun wnrklns at the aunroach of winter, this morning, as
1 II. I. llll.V"- ' ". " " ' , ...... . . . .
for this bull as Mr Wnile nut nm . porary ceruncuie aiiowms nei ... , ,esks lol. tne ast three weeks ann n tney came in wim .1 uuunj . .
care to sell lilm. teach In the public schools of the (g R tedioug plece of work to get all white. The storm lasted most of the
11,. ;u riph mm. venrlltiE and was 1 countv until the time of the next reg-1 , fh i,na.nrL- rt.m neatlv It will nleht on the mountain, and ended
tho champion Shorthorn bull cnlf on ular examination. Miss uoDson was be govera! rtaVs yet before the desks
the entire Pacific Coast fair circuit not able to be present at the tlmearp flnUhp(! an(i drv enough for use.
last fall. He was sired by one of of the last examination and Is pre- j After that tnev wiji have to be put
tho best Shorthorn bulls ever brought paring to teach by taking this exam- ,)B(,k jn tnsr paceB In the rooms,
to this coast, being an undefeated I lnatlon. j However, when the work Is all
champion from a calf up. wherever ( done tne )U,ing will be in good
shown and out of n very line show Watermelons Very Plentiful. sha,p for the opening of the school
ow. Mr. McCarthy has some flno Sam Lynie. 0f Milton, is In the city , l0r the entire structure has been
Hhorthorn heifers which "e had pre- t0,av wjti, a wagonload of watertuel-, overhauleil and painted and put In
vlously purchased from .Mr. Wade ong for which he finds a ready mar-, tne beat possible condition. The
B. II I.lnsner. of Hldge, also purchas- .,. .lr 1. vn,. raised 12 acres this ', nnnn a-in have been all Eivon a
ed from -Mr. Wade two nice young j year ani 8ay(( ,le cr0p 9 excellent. 1 thoiough dressing of floor paint and x-
Heroford bulls and Mr. Clark, of )K)lh ln (,,mntty and quality. Tht . tnr, wai8 cleaned and put In good J
Uklah, purchased one which they I goM Hml cnmaU. at Milton and Free- order. Many alterations have been
drove out today. wuter are peculiarly adapted to the ! made In the interior so that the place
growth of sweet well flavored melons I will be as convenient as possible for J
Back From Inspection Tour. . of arge 3ie ,( ,g arrmi-e,.
W. J. Homer and C. H. liingnani 01 1 - ;
Lace Curtains Porticrs, Rags, Bed Spreads, and
Art Squares
We hl.ai". rrakt s nit ven lov. prices on a!l n.tn
tion.-il h!.ol In fact wt propovi. tr. make nttrurtif pre 1
all through our store (iuritiR tins sale Hemem!n-r t : 1 I 1
HsVory Truly VoursjatCSSBE
Suits to Your
Secure Your Next
tho Indiana State Life Insurance Co.. ! w,.itin nrn...,nr rnulln uasemem 10 he usen. 1
have returned from a tour uf inspec-. , ... . . . The two front rooms of the bns- J
tlon over the country. They have 1 Pressor T. C. Allen, the head oj ruent are bing painted and fitted for J
neon at Iiaker City and all of the in-. h manual trn nlng departmeu ot the f the school ag studv an(1 j
?cVior towns In that part of thejU'e Oregon State N'orma School a. recltation tnc same as the
Htate and have come home well sat-1 Monmouth Is I11 the city e west of onea on tlu upper fl00rs. but the two J
Isfied with their two weeks' trip , , nu way home from a visit m l,a'k roomna,ve heen changed. J
I Conklin to have them converted Into
' a manual trnlnlng department and a
: laboratory, for the use of the mem-,
I bers of the high school.
As soon as the other work it out
of the way and there is time, the
rooms will be fitted up and in time
will be made into Important depart
ments of the training work of the in
stitution. The work on the other bu 'dings ol
the city is further along and it U
hoped that they will be Mil. n m en
on time, but oven there V meu are
still nutting the finlshii'L' t - icho-.
wor... Thn hlg'i
Take Course in Pharmacy. pranil Itonde valley, where he
John Hughes, who has been one of ha" lnml Interest
the clerks In the Tallman & Co. drug 1 ;
storo for some time, will leave in Engine Repaired,
the- morning for Spokane and tho Engine 401. which hns been in the
, roundhouse here since the accident
H I I I 1 I I H i 1 I l i enured by a bursting flue, at Ilonve-
1 shoe Curve. Tuesday night, has been
T 1 . 1 1 . 1 . . .. .1 ......
To bo smart, stylish and
shaie-rotalniiig, clothes must
be made to order aud to the
measurements of the man who
is to wear them. Even the
best ready-mado clothes never
fit properly, and quickly lose
their shape and become baggy.
If you want to get away from
the ready-made habit, lot us
make your next suit. We guar
antee a fit
Who Is It that does not ap
reclato a sweet, delicate odor,
especially of the dainty, last
ing kind! We have the largest
line of Imported and domestic
perfumes In Eastern Oregon.
A few of our leading Imported
odors arc:
Azurea, La Trelle
Peau d' Espagne,
Violette de Parme,
Indian Hay.
And many more of the same
quality In b'llk as well ns In
fancy package.
repaired and left for a (1 ramie yea-
1 terday evening, ns helper on a freight
Real Estate Transfer.
Ira S Hunker and Mary K. Jlunk-
T r. his wife, have sold to Nancy J.
J 1 Hudson for $t.65o. three and one-half I on their summer's
J ai res of land in the vicinity of Five-, school building was where the most
J water j 0f the work was done,, however, and
1 1 there they are the farthest behind
T To Teach at Normal. 1 time.
?i .Miss Violet Ilowlby, of Attorla. wa It is the intention of Profes-nr
Near St ( eorye Hotel
Early s the st a-.r'' ' n
;tnd the coats a', hi 't
are showing n."n ' w
overcout? than t 1 r 'i
and should bt pi . '
convince . ti thut w. t. . 1
the prcttiett lint tc si f t
from in Eastern Ongc-'
T the guest of Miss Eva Froome today
. ou her way to Weston, where she
, will hae charge of the kindergarten
T i tli
' department of the Normal.
Conklin to test the heating plant
when it is installed and if men 1
aught in the working 01 it that ! not
! right or if there comes from it fumes
that will be detrimental to the health 1
The Merchants' Cafe. ', or comfort of the pupils, the comrai-
' Keeps constantly on hand import-i will have to remedy .e defect -t
' ed lleberw.irat. Krankfortew, Ham-! ,,efor' thc work wln be a, cpPt'"1 '''
j burg eels, crawfish, craba. oysters, th-' boflrd- As 80011 as ,hl' sscni 1
t all kinds of cheese. Hot merchant1 1 ln w""liin order a test will be mad-
?' lunch daily from 11 :3i a m. to 2 p ra. I of the alr n,t8r 11 nQS befln sen'
I through the furnace and it will bo
t No oue enters nr leave h nllrnori 1 doctored until It comes through as
car In Spain without bowing politely , Imre 88 l 800,1 ln if ,h,-'r,? ls an 1
occupant: aud the person who
inio store and inr wh,,i It was the Intention 01 Professor .
anis without first saluting the ! Conklin this morning U. call the
shopkeeper is considered very 111- M'no' together Monday morning anil
4 inaimered "ave the registration attended to so
that in case the real work of
i school would have to be put off for ,
jr. a unit- mcic wuu.tl ue .to uiure uein
emir en or- a euceui ira'M
TALLMAN & 00. i'r
1 1.... i 1 be
I.i'ittlliiu; I)ril(,'lss
l wmmmtM
It is perfection in thc t ntter nuking art.
It is alwas sweet and goud.
It is recognized as the Lest product Out cotnes from
any creamery.
It i a huttt-r un.c trie 1. ,i!wau ned
It is handled in Pendleton cncIuhivcK l.y
Made in California
where materials are
produced. The lowest
priced roofing made.
Lasts longer than all
others. It is weather
and water-proof and
fire resisting.
Seal for bk!ct.
The Paraffine Paint Co.
r-. Sin Frzncijco, Seattle,
ra .....
kgMg PorlUnd, Loi Anjlti
UWJ v...,...,,
The Boston Store
; Many People
than wat nucesaary when the ses-'
sluns could be commenced. , 1
.Most of the teachers are either ln '
the city or have signified their in-1
ti'Miuu of starting for tlu cuv so
that they will be here in ptentv ot
time for the work of the firs day. 1
and as soon as the work at the big
building on the hill can be got out of
thn WAV nv.rvthln u.tll .. , . . mt
smoothly for the work of tN- year, fori FN Til flESTTO IV
all else In the ay of prep-iing for! -VJIJUCI 1 IVi
the year has been done j Is the cause of more discomfort than
. - any other ailment. If you eat the
8T0LH AN OVERCOAT. things that you want and that are
1 d tor you, you are distressed. Ack-
I F P. Rea, of 8t. Louis, 8ay He Lost r. Dyapepsla Tablets will make
! Hl Garment at the Pendltton. I four ""t'on perfect and prevent
I Yesterday afternoon or evanlr,. -n ?."pe',,,ia "nd "..?ondant disagree-
overcoat belonging to F p Rea of , . ymnlms- can safely eat
St. Umls. was taken from w. ?oom anv'hme-at 'u,y llme' lf ou take one
at the Pemllemn ht J.J.?. uf. th,'3e tablets afterward. Sold bv
. - miu ...IS
Are about s ptcgicssivt as a sky rocket tumf'
upside down Its a hard thing to say but we
think that expression fits the housekeeper win
sticks to the old, rusty tinware or cheap t nan.
eled ware instead of saving money In buying
, time there Is no clue to the thief Mr . uru8Kisw under a positive guar
Hea came to thVhel Cm an,ee- c,s:. Money refunded If
noon train and went tn hi. M"' are not R,1!?.edA Send to us for
Four coated.
Kitchen ware.
seamliss, all steel
J W. J. CLARKE & Co, i 1 Court Street
ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.
VOf MAY l I KM) Bliil.l.ixG
or I It iieunry to ItKIM. Vl'K A iv.tltv.mi-r lutftv
',mr U1 K.iii.sies, tin. iron, 'nr and gravel and nil . rea
For fiat nnd steep surfaces gutters valleys e'e Ensv t iftJ
ior mi rumates. Reasonai le ir. cost s-iM . ,n.Hf rs.a iin-
iay to ask fur prloesnnd Information
Takes th
teed. It
where ho left his things and went to (tuffalo. N Y? " H0ker C '
i- portlan"1
Worcester Build.
1itlft iTlrt.i