if FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 193- DAILY EAST nREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. HUMOURS ft F unSH r tiling, Scaly and Grusted With Loss of Hair wedily Cured by Guticura I Soap and Ointment HOTEL MEN WANT TO BUY i ON WHOLESALE BASIS. Retail Dealers Butt In and Arc En deavoring to Force Up Quotations to Those Customers Manufacture ers Look on the Inn Men as a Class by Themselves. x-... vri.- Rnnt 11. Furniture 1 purchases by hotel men arc threaten- , Ing the peace of the furniture trade FVPrV Other ReniBUV ai1U of the United States. It has been the tVCiy UIIICI lib idu hiiu , furniture manufacturers PhVSICiailS Fail. to treat with purchasers for Hotels i nipiuimia iu.i. ag)s of w)l0e3ale 0Ujers. te- II- .... . rn.i.inl n r)l 1111 ijr ,(ail sealers nave uikuh ium..u tWarm shampoo-t with Cutlcura Soap t0 force the manufacturers to con- the ' aiiW ihn hotol men as retailers K"f.ii I;.rJ t n,,r .ton falllnn and quote prices accordingly. While r,saM, the- ta. foa longtime beenr urn Who Irritated, Itching surfaces, do- 0, ja(en tho form 0f an organized mv hair r,arasltes, stlmulato tLo hair ,r,vnmPi m,ii this week, when tne F-fipiclc-i, loosen the scalp skin, supply National Association of Retail Fur- Wile roots with energy and liouriMi- nlture ucaiers sea V""", 'JII . .. , ... n t thn mnmifacttirors of furnl llntmcnt. tho crcat skin enre, for pre irvlntr. nurirvhiK and beautifying tuo tin, for cleansing the tcalp of crusts, jiIps and dandruff, and the stopping I falling hair, for softening, whiten- g and soothing red, rough ami sore iinds, for baby rashes, Hchlngs and fiaflngs, for annoying Irritations and fliunmatlons. or too frco or offenslvo Inspiration, for ulcerative -weaknesses, fid manv antiseptic purposes which L-sdlly suggest themselves to women, Li wi'll nM fur all the purposes of the ;f ffllllet, bath and nur-ery. iijft'Completo treatment for every hti ' awour, consisting or Cntlcurn Soap, to canso the skin, Cutlcura Ointment, to !t(4Wal tho bkln, and Cutlcura Insolvent, '41 (!jSi cool and clcauso tho blood may now 8rK had for ono dollar. A single set ;li'!.)L often sufllclent to euro the most M tajirturlng, dlsllgurlng, itching, burning ",Jiiid scaly humours, eczemas, rashes MAid Irritations, from Inlancy to ago, jHen all else falls. - Vf'ldjJJlhreiiihoolth. world. Cutlcun H'l'""'..wf;,J? ti'rmof UlocoItU iMlfd 1111a, Mc r Vl.l .?! M. Oil i-.f:i-rJ:'ii.l.i5lWiiiDc.ior..l.f ColumbaiAit. ll rnln lers' r tthlH will receive till Mll&r ! bulk of tho trade. The situation has ; ft I assumed so aerlous u phase that it -JS'klS Is now proposed that a meeting of Ml i committees of the Natlonnl Furniture " , Mnnntarturers absocuuiuh mm un 11 ! National Iletall Furniture The manufacturers do not relish what thoy term the attempted dlota tlon of the retailers and say they will make sales at such prices to hotel . men as tho trade warrants. On the . side of the manufacturers the claim I is set up that hotel furniture is. In a measure, a class by Itself; that the buvor Is not purchasing for his own personal use or profit, but for the ac commodation of the public; that no prlvnte Individual buys or can be expected to buy on the scale or in the- nuantit.v that the hotel man does; ' that he is to all Intents nnd purposes n wholesale buyer and In consequence is entitled to the same consideration. The retailers' association claims that the hotel man purchases for his own use and for his own house; that in affording him wholesale rates the manufacturers nre deliberately dis criminating against the retailers and 1 taking from tho retailers considera ble sourco of profit, that such ac tion will not be further tolerated, and that the manufacturers who recognize lar throughout the world oMm.lnw and finance wcro assembled in the hotol mis murium; yi. president Biuimcu """,.. fn. chair. Tho sessions will conclude to- morrow. WALTHOUR AND MONROE. Championship to Be Decided at At lanta Tonight. Atlanta, Oa Sept. ll.-Dovotees of tiie cycle sport are on the qui vivo n anticipation of the great lC-mllo motor-paced race which takes place here tonight between nobby Walt- 10ril I. , r,nl M.inrnn. WalthOlir nour huh , , ., Is the world's champion, while Mun-, roe is the holder ot mo imn.n. hour record. Tho race, moreover, will in a way determine the Dixie championship, as both riders are Southern boys. Walthour's home is in Atlanta, while Munroo halls from .Memphis. The race will formally open tho cycle racing season In At lanta, which promises to be the most successful over seen hero. KAISER ACTS AS LEADER. Saxon Officers In Mimic War Are Vigorous In Their Comments. Hallo, Sept. 10. The cavalry chargo today, led by the kaiser, was a furious one. Many were unhorsed and Injured. Tho ambulances wore kept busy. When tho kaiser saw that tho Saxons wore outmaneuver Ing tho Prussians, ho tool; all the cavalry from the Saxons over to the Prussians. Tho Saxon mlvanco was thus stopped by their own cavalry, lerl by the emperor. It resulted in the Saxon officers being enraged at his majesty. Their comments were more vigorous than elegant. One nniii tho mrtnpiivnrs were nf tho pur est humbug. The new recoil guns, which were tested for the first time, proved a great Biiccess. m B.JLJA Above the Rest B JHBHPHHi Because it's Best g I $w j0Qk. tiKM&to JS Ejgest Selling' Brand of Cigars Kodol Gives Strength, lly enabling the digestive organs to digest, assimilate and transform ALL of the wholesome food that may bo eaten into tho kind of blood that nourishes the nerves, feeds tho tis sues, hardens the muscles nnd recup erates the organs of tho entire body. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures Indiges tion, dyspepsia, catarrh of tho stom ach and all stomach disorders. Sou. by Tallman & Co. ESPftll & CLARK In Memory of Drandywine. West Chester, Pa., Sept. 11. Tho 1 'f.th nmilvoran rv nf i lin hnt tin nf Association bo held anil a thorough the battlefield, where on September i.... n. ...ntx 11 1777 fnr thn flrct tlmn tlin Pnn. t fltionlnl nrmv rn rlrtil r i ri Ctnra nil fl BANKERS IN SESSION. I Stripes Into battle. The exorcises in- i ciimo several orations interspersed dliicussloii of the matter had. T iii' ipw I Mnneu nrriar Business Be na Con- i wmi music, and tno participants con- V CONSUMERS WHOLE-; idered by the Delegates. ! sisted of members of various patrl ' .' t i t i-j rrinr nnM A lTr ., I title orders from Philadelphia and sldered by me Delegates. , ' u... v v cm tn -Hollos I ,ltl' orilcrs fr0D1 Philadelphia nnd HOLES ALE COMMIS-1 addre A Serious Mistake. K. C. DoWItt & Co. is the name of the tlrm who mnko the genuine Witch Hazel Salve. DoWitfs is tho WItu Hazel Salve, that heals without leav ing n scar. It Is a serious mistake to use any other. DeWitt's Witch Ha zel Salve cures blind, bleeding, ltcu Ing and protruding plies, burns, bruises, eczema and all skin diseases. Sold by Tallman & Co. I ION MERCHANTS J14-514 MAIN STREET Phone Main 1741 fray's Harbor Commercial Co. 1 ... . .... '. We Don't Keep Everything ' But we do keep n good big stock of nice dry Flooring, ; Celling, Rustic and Finish, In all grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In- eluding Lath and Shingles. (, Our stock of Doors, Win- I' dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes Is complete, and any one In need of Lumbtr will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : SjGray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. Wt & C. li. Oepot si imminence the nroaram for the lnth annual convention of the New York Stale Hankers' Association in session here, provides for discussion of a number of matters that just now are regarded as of rpat importance by the banking world. Among other things the convention will discuss plans looking to the doing away of the money order system by the ox press companies and the postofllco department and the taking up of the same by the hanks. In addition to the money order business, the con vention will take up the ijuestlon ot admitting the trust companies to the state association. Jinny men whose names are farnll- Eleventh Annual convention Pacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs, Olympla, Wash., Sept. 22-25, 1903. For tho above occasion a rato of ono and one-third faro Is authorized to Portland and return, and to Seat tle and return under the following conditions: uuiuguiua ui " j lies will purchaso on any three days i prior to September S, regular one- way tickets to Portland, taking ro- j .nn,n tt'iilnii .in tirosenfn. T Ccipi 1U1 oauiv, .....VII, w. i tlon to agent, Union Depot, Portland. togeiner wun tuiuutaio i""i""j signed by H. W. lirlnghurst, secretary 1 of meeting, will entitle the passenger MB"' to return ticket from Portland to starting point at uiie-uinu iait-, iu-j , kaoiwukeii vlded same is presented on or before Ma September 27, 1903. Vor further par- ' eoprmoHTtt tlculars, call on or address v. I-. osnnMooRaca Wamsley, agent O. It. & ff. Co. ,4-ncwyodk. . Ladles and Children Invited. All ladles and children who cannot . stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups, cathartics, etc., are Invited ; t. to trv tho famous Little Early HIa-'j ers They are different from all oth- j er pills. Thoy do not purge tho sys-i.;. 'dm. Even a double doso will not gripe, weaken or sicken; many people f call them tho Easy Pill. W. 1 1. Pow-; ell, Houston. Texas, says nothing bet-, i tor pnn lii iisnil fnr rnnstlnntlnn sink a headache, etc. Hob Moore, Lafayette. Intl., says all others gripe nnd sicken, while DeWitt's Llttlo Early Itlsors do their work well and ca3 Sold by Tallman & Co. OSTERJ&GOR twL-"'-- i v i i v. W " - - BEWARE! ootJr iMirwe ILLUlmATION. TOkCtMMKIO I . MtW YORK Merit and Us dili publicitv. nuiiiiK succt-ss but publieitj with out inerli means disaster nnd fallun- tor tin- iniblic camiot be fool td snitcssfully Thi- Pendleton people aro loyal to Pen dleton's business enterprises. That la tliA i-fificnt. Iltv Uftea Inn P. f.il.l ... iviiaun v.i; llusa W li V.UIU , Storage Company havo had to put on T two wagons and then can scarcely handle tho trade. Glvo us your or- i tiers and we will take- care of It If T wo havo to put on four times two wagons, -mono .Main issi. ' Patent Elastic Felt Silk llcdil.iclie. sa SB ,'i. n,itiilenc. KELHRATtO H lleltliing, loss of Appetite. litcliijoMiwi, ll)spi-psiii itnd Constipiitlun roll rnufM hy thu itomaeh bc I'omlng wtAV. --tronglben It with the Hlt!M iiiiil lt curiil ut ilunu allmenu. It nctvt' Ulh lie pin.' lu try It ef rfgeuated I i M I comfortiibh' root:i from :!' centKu.. pi turnlitaeil throughout. i)uven r.iupltouu' VUUVk,, M. -ltl" All ll'Uy wink hf em. In I oan lit playeil. (Ilva u n 1 1 nil. 'al ers Flouring Mills !apaclty, 150 barrels i .lay Iglour exchanged for wh"i fTlour. Mill Keed rim.,.-.: ,1 1, always on band. Feed, J Schwniz & Grtnlich, l'rops. J -T" t.. l .:i .... j.. If M llin-aiiv .inn rcutll itvuicrs 111 Beef, Pork and Mtittun, Cured ? Meats ami iiiuMgis of all kinds. J 607 Main Httect, l'houc 8i. J THE SURE WY to Prevent Pneumonia and Consump tion Is to euro your cold when It Jirst appears. Acker's English Rem edy will stop the cough In a night, and drive the cold out of your system. Always a qui. k and sure cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. U It doea not sat isfy you the druggist wilt refund your money. Write to us for free sample. W. H. Hooker Co., Buffalo, N. Y. R. W. Schmidt Co., druggists. 1 ''''' : ii''" i' il il' '' '1 ! i I 'i i i i 1 liJ it is a proven succest- nut to Mil.m kiih 1. .lu. m i. inin.i- merit 11- better than hair jn every possllili w softei clrnuer. puror and far more I'lastlc, dust prom verniin pnmf genu )irmil'. nnd no waler proof It will Horn Thebc meritu an- ttiiiluring. It never rt quires remaking, and it, practically mi-wear-oiit-Hblo. Not stuffed like hair, but built of eight airy, interlacing HlieiitF tit billowy, downy, nverliistliiK softness, lmnd-lulil and daintily on closed in tick by hand sewing. Those sheetB are called "Felt" and the nnine "Kelt" Is trade marked and copyrighted by Ostcunoor & Co ; an Ostermtmr Mut trttss, therefore, is the only "Felt" Mattress If It isn't au "Ostonnoor" itv an imitation. Our nnine and truth mnrk label must appear on the end 01 eer genuine "felt' mat tiess. He cnrelul' Don't Ik- fooled! Clsniln. O I 1 r. . win.iuuiu auD. rlliu rrices, teet (, inches wide, 26 lbs, ..$ 8.35 ,i teel wide 311 lbs 10.00 .1 Teet r, inches wide. 35 lbs , . , 11,71) feet wide, to lbs 13,35 i feet ; incheB wide, 45 lbs., . . 16.00 All 6 feet 3 Inches long. In fwi, parts 50e extra. Speelnl slses. 2 pedal prices. Express chnrutts prepaid to any place. THIRTY NIGHTS' FREE TRIAL You can have an Osiernioor Mattress, slet-p 011 (t thirty nights, and f It is not bottur thau unv other Mattress yon have ever used-if It is not all yon ,.vn hoped tor return it at our expense and your money will be immediately refunded without question. What wore cm we t!o t convince yon? The Genuine Ostennoor Mattress is Sold in II .1 . ar . . rencneion txciu&ivtly by LuuL FAILIN uTrT"Vlr' uVm Ulnte! Dl'1 'ou "Il h!ui I was out? ilnlrt-YWm. Ho said he thought you'd bo out; that wm why ho called. i Main Mit'C, Near Biid'. LEGAL BLANKS wfe 'V alogwc of them. Suukui mr a iree cat- a iw supply always kept in stock. 4 t t "irv&i irr-nrnnTtTiiis rr n n. 1 iii -I iiiiifrn,ir-Vii,"iifiiMifi'iiiTiiii:iiiii- . ,r .