DAILY EA8T OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1903. ' Mercerized Waistings and i fleece-Back Fancies : : : Arc the popular cotton fabrics for Fall. Our line of Foreign and Domestic Novelties is complete in every detail, and comprises the latest designs in white, black, cream and figured fancies. Prices from 2c to$I Per Yard. Would be glad to show you our new Fall Goods TEUTSCH'S BIG DEPARTMENT Comer Main and Alta Gity Brevities clln I' C Uador? i Sharp for paper hanging .-h fruit dally at Martin's. Ast bIioo work at Teutsch's. i-iolcers' supplloB at Nouniun'B. r Sharp's artistic wall paper. t 01 the host bread, get Ilohrman's. i i-i .1 tlsh. game and poultry. Cas- Urn. genu m1 meats. Schwartz & , . ult-ii Co. ' . II up Phone Main 18S1 when you want pure ice. .iisy n fountain pen thin week at half ( nt Frazlcr's the Palm, 2L'l Court street, fi i,r. candles and fruits. nved dally, fresh tamale3, und cruwtlsh at Oratz's. ' ai'f let cigars get the best of you , -t the best of cigars. Iluulon'n. 1 1 kinds of Imported and domestic iu's- utid elam chowdor at Gratz's. ' 1 have fruit jars and fruit jar r, rubbers, covers, otc. It. Ilohr- liarlos Lane about your paint- tu , und paper hanging; 807 Vincent s'repf New line ot fall street hats on dis play Monday Tuesday and Wednes day at Mrs Campbell's. MmutCM given on short notico on , ...i.tinir and paper hanging. Charles Lane thr pioneer painter, 807 Vin cent street Kimr hundred aeros 30-bushul wheat land. S miles out. Level, deop i will big spring riming water. Prlco WM M t Wade & Son. ! Jewelry 1 lie Uright New Ideas of the la . Latest Creations of the Jewelers Art. 011 can always depend on what you get at our store Wi nr misreprup THE PROGRESSIVE JEWELER N xliloortoK Alt-winder IT C Under, M. A. if you want a cab, call up Main 101. Got your clothes cleaned at Joer ger's. For Kent A piano. Apply at this office. Have your shoos repaired at Teutsch's. New books arriving dally at Fra-zio.-'s book- store. Wautod Salesman and collector. Call nt this ofllco. New carpets and linoleums at Ka der's furuittiro store. For prompt service, call up the Mc Kay Cab Co., 'phone- Main 1C1. Ml Preferlda, the best cigar made, it Heos' cigar store, Court street. Goods that are rlglit at prices that ire right at Itador's furniture store. Drawing books, crayons, chalk. pencils, tablets, pun holders, school goods. Nolf's, For Kent Two small houses, three blocks oust of Main street. Apply at K. O. office. See Wilson & Carnino about paint ing your buggies. Cottonwood street, next door to Noagle Bros. Two pianos, slightly used. Great bargains. Come quick. Inland Em niro Piano House, near bridge. Look over your bouse furultuio. Wo can roflnliili It like now, Wilson & Carnino, 'phone main black 1043. Furnished room for gentleman In private family. Path nnd telephone. Terms very reasonable. Enquire this office. For Kent Four desirable furnish ed rooms, $0 per month each. Apply LMK Alio streot, opposite Episcopal church. Puro crystal loo don't cost any more than Infeilor lee, and Is so much cleaner and more healthful. 'Phone Main 1881. Sweet potatoes, live and dressed poultry, fruits, homo-crown water melons and all kinds of fresh vegeta bles ut Demott & Co.'s. For Henl Two furnished rooms; also neatly furnished housekeeping rooms; very desirable. Hefereuces required; II VI South Main street, Uon't undo tho good your vacatlou has done you by drinking poor water or putting lnforlor Ico Into tho boil ed wnter. Ten cents worth of ice per day will supply an ordinary family with plenty of drinking water. Be sure, though, that you get good Ice. Cull up 'phono Main 1881 and get pure, distilled wnter Ico from the Rosa Ico Plant. PERSONAL MENTION. Acjent for "The Burgomaster." T. M. I.onry, advance agent for "The liurgomastur," which will ap pear ut the Franer on September 21, Is in the city today. Mr. Leary Is an old friend of Manager Nixon's and was surprised to find him In this elty. Mr. Leary was formerly agent for Mrs. Bruhne who Is now playing in Loudon, FEATHER DUSTERS New Shipment of Tutkey and Ostrich Dusters 10 inch Turkey, too feathers special 35c 14 incli Tur feat'i l0 'eal'lers special 50c. 12 inch carriage duster 120 tail -atners, special 75c. 8 inch parlor duster (Ostrich,) special 25- Sistl duster for removing dirt from furniture special 50c hut Ur lcL' Crea' will please you If you ever had any " r ours wont cost you a cent. VVh will let you he the judge. KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE 'IS him tVoni Main street totvnrd the Court IIouhh A. P. Cyler, ot La Grande, is In the city today. W. E. Osborne, of Baker City, was a Pendleton visitor yesterday, J. W. Sawyer, ot Walla Walla, Is In the city for a couple ot dnys. Hugh Walker, of Helix, Is In the city for a short visit on business. M. J. Guthrie, ot Baker City, spent yesterday in tho city on business. Miss Mary KIttrldge, of Baker City, Is here for a short visit with friends. Mrs. A. J. Wright, of Pilot Hock, was In tho city yesterday the guest of friends. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Condra. of Sumpter, arc In tho city for n short visit with friends. Will Moore loft for Yoakum this morning for a short visit In the Inter est of tho warehouse. Jnines Leslie, representing the Richmond Paper Company, of Scat tlo, is In tho city today, Sam Peiser, of the Alexander IV partnient Store, is home from a visit In Portland and at the coast. Joseph N. Scott, of Athena, was In Pendleton yesterday for a short visit In the Interest or his business. Mrs. James Crawford Icrt this morning for Spokane, whore she goes to visit relatives for a short time. Mrs. Harry Fowler and family have returned from an extended visit at Long Beach, Portland anil The Dalles. David Cooper, local representative ol' the Oregon Dally Journal at La Grande, passed through this morning en route to Spokane. Charles Marple, who lives about 15 miles down the river Is In the city for a short visit with friends nnd to transact business. There will be an informal two step given In the Music Hall tomor row night. Saturday, September 12. commencing at S:I!0 o'clock. liobert Wllner, the well known ball player. Is In the city, having come in yesterday from the coast, where he has been working during the sum mer. I)r. and Mrs. Park Willis, of Spo kane, who have boon the guests ol' Mr. and Mrs. Lee Moorhouse for a few days, returned to their home this morning. .1. W. Jenkins, the pastor of the Christian church of Hood Bivor, left tor his home this morning, after a short visit with Hev. N. II. Brooks, or this city. C. D, Gabrilson, of Salem, Is In the city Tor a short visit in the Interest of his business. Mr. Gabrlulson is the general manager of a lire Insur ance company. Miss Eva Froome has returned from her summer vacation at Long Beach and other coast and valley points and will resume her work hero in the public schools. Airs. Pearl Hinearson, of Pilot Itock, has been elected to a position In tho public schools of the city and will lie hero permanently in a few days to begin her work. Alma D. ICutz, of Boise, is ut tho Pendleton for a short visit in the city on business. Mr. Katz has charge of the western territory of the Now York Life Insurance Com pany. Mr, Al Wattle, who has been em ployed In tho clothing department of j tho Boston Store lor a number ol years, leaves Monday for Portland to pursue u course In tho Portland Medi cal College. Mrs. N. A. Jacobs, or Walla Walla, Is in tlie city tho guest of her grand daughter, Mrs. John Kecs. Mrs, Jo cobs Is one of the oldest women in the state, and Is a survivor of the Whitman massacre. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Smith left this morning for Portland after u short visit in Pendleton on business Mr. Smith Is the manager of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, and was here In the Interests ol' bis house. John O'Shea. of the Union .Meat Company, of Portland, was lu the city yesterday looking to the ship, ment of beef cattle over the O. It. & N., which took place yesterday. Mr. O'Shea left this morning for Port land. A B. Galloway, representing I ho Blnko-McFaull Paper Company, of Portland, arrived this morning from Baker City. Mrs. Galloway Is slill In tho mountains of Grant county, and will not return to the city for some time. Miss Jesslo Shophard, who taught lu the Pendleton schools last year, and who has been visiting ut her old homo In tho East, is expected to reach tho city the last of tills week to tnko her old place again for the coming year. E. M Lyons left this morning for Walla Walla for a short busliioss visit with W. P. Hooper, of that place, who is an old employe of Mr, Lyons, and at the present time the manager and part owner of one of tho largest businesses In Walla Walla. Mlss l.oretta Starr, of Salem, who came to Pondleton n few days ago to propuro for the opening of tho schools, was called to her home this morning by n telegram announcing tho soriouB Illness of her father, who Is n lesldeut of the capital city. Miss Starr left on the early morning tram The It Pays to Trade at Peoples Warehouse i We're Here With the Goods lUrtSchiffhcr 6 Mine llind Tailored If you havo worn it H art,Schafl ner & Marx uih you'll want an other Good as thoy wero last season, Ihov 110 butter for THIS VMAj. Thoy bo in af $J5 and hotter ones if you want tlu in. I Ikmo is no so-onllop1' made to ordor suit, for uhii'h your measU'O is taken that MSG INS t he as HANDSOME Mid STYLISHLY cut as the H.S.&M Crniv. Bulb, Bw, saAh.i Um, Yi u won't lind such cl tlus ah these any where else in town ind we'll he as glad to show them to you whether you como to look or to buy A s 1 Hart Schalrhcr TcTilor Wade do flics MtlilllN.l(i Leading Clothiers 5- 4' $ and It is not known when slit- will bi able to return. 1 Miss Allhea Lee, ol Salem, ac companied by Mrs. William Harold, of IJlleusburg, was at the Pendleton yesterday. Miss Lee Is the daugh ter of ex-Superhltendeut J. I). Lee, of the penitentiary, and has been visiting relatives und friends ot North Yakima during the summer. Kuruest Johnson, of the Ptarmigan mines ut Wllmor, B. 0 was overcome by gas inid died, Thursday uiuinlng, before his companions could rescue him. i & A BIG SALE i THE ELITE I of SCHOOL BOOKS t and SCHOOL SUPPLIES What Kind of Feet Have You If they are narrow or low Instep, or high Instep or wide and short, Hat and bioad, or If you have corns or bunions or ingrowing too nulls, or toe in or toe out, why to bo properly shod you must certainly con duit tho doctor of shoos lu the shoo parlor of the Boston Store Hero will be told to you all the truths about good bIioos. How to buy tho eusy feeling, good wearing, (lno apearhig, and purse oponlng shoes, lie member that our shoes save in slocking wear. When we tell you we have the largest stock of shoes to sell men and women at .r0 to $3,00, we are stutlng a fact easy to prove. That's why It pays to inspect our shoe department when lu need of shoes for any of tho family BOSTON '3) Hlnte IViioIIh ft" 'J IfottlrH llent. Illk fill I dozen pencils 6c Large line ('oinpiwitlon book' fi, 10, 15 and iWe The Oregon Ktuto (J.ipy books here ut Nolf'h onlv He Large, wldu Ulilutb-100 hheelH, only . ... fin Kaucy pen holder and pen leelc. Wo pay lilidit-ht on-ill price for nil kinds of old ccborjl books. Full line of Kt. Joseph and Pendleton Ac.idcuiy hooks, und Public HcIh ol books at lowest pile 8. Kuutu Chun Heuilipiuiters, I STORE 1 THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this hi mind when you need poultry nnd stock supplies and ask for tho International Poultry und Stock Kood. Use Kow Kuro for your cow trou- ! 1 t bios J C. P. Golesworthy 127-129 nasi Alia ai Ageiit for Leo's Lice Killer FISH AND POULTRY MARKET Cur M ist Mt.iSt- I'll Klliull I'mp Our specialties are finest Irush and salt water fish of all desirable varitics, crahs, lobsters, ckiius and water dclacacics. Olym pia and eastern oysters We will servo you with tho finest oyster cocktail. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Prompt service and best satisfaction a C A Trial Order is Solicited i i- Rigby-Clove Mfgj uumrnn Manufacturers of the 1A1RYESTE1 i Repairs for all kinds ofj Farm Machinery; Foundry Work a Speoialty Uasn paiti lor old castings Oregon? Tho Oregon Dally Journal can be found 011 sale at Frazler's book stor. (Pendleton, i l t 1