1 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1903. ffhe Peoples Greatest Outfitters j IMENCING MONDAY FACTORY WILL OPEN LA GRANDE SUGAR MILLS TO BEGIN SEPTEMBER 1. UR annual School Sale of boy s Suits blioob, uaps anu uu mo Rvinrts nncessarv to put thorn In shape for hard wear of tho school Hays, Tatfo auvamugu ui 'r lortuinty us a iuuuwy iu,n.... DER BE 4 i v fl'KlDE OF UMATILLA DY A GOOD SMOKE? Try Pendleton Bonnet and Pride lla. Made at Home. . nnuut, Output This Year Will Reach 5,000, 000 of Sugar Beet Crop Liqht, But of Good Quality Per Cent of Sugar Very High Yield Will Probably Be 15 Tons Per Acre. SCHOOL PREPARATION SALE We are making a special effort to supply Pendleton B ys and Girls with their Suits, Shoes, and Dresses, needed for the beginning of the school season, and below list some of the SPECIAL BARGAINS offered fcaders le Unsurpassed The Always Satisfactory ulson coal and wood Beaters. Handled In-us, 'ooai Biovos ranging m pnc irota Wood stoves ntnjnnir in price from 52. Our stoves are now ready for your ( Dam Washed Away. I.u Grande, Sept. 11. The sugar factory's dam, about a mile beyond the Electric Light Company's power ' house, a mile west of heie, washed I out ahout 3:3(i o'clock lai night I The water canie down the river In great tom-nti.. which leads lo the Hiippc' Itloii thai a large quantity of ft a I water bml been turned loose at j'-rry 1PS0N HARDWARE Co. lain St. Headquarters for fibhinc supplies I.a Orando, Sept. 11. The sugar Tactory will start for tho season's run on September 21. A preliminary run Is now being made, to convert tho left-over syrup from last year Into sugar, and to get the machinery In readiness for the regular run. Tlicre Is enough of this syrup on hand to make 50,000 pounds of brown sugar. This syrup Is the residue, left over from the reflulng process of last year, and is a part of the regular output of the factory, and varies with different years, accord ing to the amount of sugar made. The beet crop, while very light In places this year, is over, average in duality, and many of the fields will average over 15 tons of beets per acre, but the valley will probably av erage 15 tons. The tonnage oi beets now In sight will reach 15.000 tons, which should yield between four and five million pounds of refined sugar. The factory will employ about 125 men and boys, and the field belonging to the factory people will employ ,u many as inn people, (luring the heel harvest period. All this labor will Ik local, white labor as far as It Is pos- olu.e io bt.uu ll. me i. white labor Is usually scarce, and to provide for any emergency tho com pany has contracted lor 100 Japanese laborers, In ease the supply of white labor should prove Inadequate. The factory will run night and day and the dally capacity Is from SCO to 100 tons of beets per day. and It will , be crowded to the limit in order to grind up all the crop before the fall rains begin. Last year considerable or the late crop was left out on ac count of the rains. ' The first plowing for the purpose of gathering the crop will be done on the Pith, as the haulers will neces harlly have to start a couple of days before the factory Is ready for the new crop. Boys' Outfits Suils for boys, worth $1.25 and $1 50, for this sale $1.00 Suits for hoys, worth $2.25 and .$2.50, for this sale $2.00 Suits all grades, two and three piece knee pants and long pants, Srcr ial Reduced Pi ices. Underwear, light weight, only 19c per garment. Good, heavy shoes, neat and dressy, Si 35 and $1 6o. Hoys' heavy lion;, 17c value, for this sale, 14c Pair. Hoys' hose, lightweight, 12-ie values, only 10c Pair. Girls' Outfits All styles and prices of Percale and time; ham dresses reduced 20 pur cent fm this sale. Girls' hose, izjc grade, special sale price per pait IOj Girls' hose. 10c graJe, 3 pair for .'25c Girls' fine rihlied hose, double Knee, per pair only 15; Gills' lace hose 25c values, p.iir only. ISc Girls' fins ribbed underwear 30c jiade for this sale 25c Girls' skiits all length and prices. Coni' uud see them. Utbbous and laces and combs, all styles and at prices th.it defy competition. MILLINERY OPENING Saturday , Sept. J 2. FOR THE MOTHERS Goci', large comforts filled white cotton, our tegular Si. 50 comfort, special sale price Cotton blankets, 75c grade, full size, only Outing flannel, 7c grade, limited special 20 yards Bleached muslin, limited 10 yards for All grades Wrappers, Special Reduction of 20 par cent. 1 The Place to Save Money m 1.20 m .. 1.00 j ;?5 j JFl 1 HOTEL ARRIVALS. t'H'H''J-4J'K"!-':-i Joseph's Academy Pendleton, Oregon. fardine and Dav Students. Condneied bv biers of St. Frances of Philadelphia. I w It be resumed September 7th. etc., Apply to SISTER SUPERIOR or soiiH point above. 4 4. h: fcage GOLD LEAF Coffee I FREE Fkets Every package of Gold Leaf Costa Kica and Gold Leaf Java & Mocha Coffee contains one ticket. ; These goods are the best ever placed on the market for the money. Try a package and if ; tint t icf H rri-r rrnrt. It t rv i 1 w""t,v'(J 1 11,1.11111 II IW will refund vnnr mn.,.. : pld Leaf brand spices, teas, extracts and baking ; "iBDest. Once tried always used. ; COFFEE & SPBGE Co,, Siiffif" : MONTERASTELLI BROS. Marble and Crantte Works KfJNUMBNTS, HKUiSrONU", COP 1MIH AND 11UILDINU STONE '0 no our own wn-t. ...- t JUL flit ...i, K"mm-" oniun mi Sloiin 1 u- '"liuntcs tivon 011 all Itlnds nf Cut 1 tn . ,vo larK0 "tocK una would ha pleas t(' 10 liavo you cMuulue It. ::::::' t : Ask Your Doctor He will tell you That bailey - malt is a half-digested food.ns good as food can be. That hops are an ex cellent tonic. That the little alcohol in beer only 3 per cent is nn aid to digestion. But Purity is Essential But he will tell you that beer must be protected 1 from germs, and brewed J in absolute cleanliness. He'll say, too, that agef is important, for age brings! perfect f e r m e n t a t i o n. Without it, beer ferments on the stomach, causing biliousness. Schlitz beer is brewed with all precautious. It is the Mob ilized standard all the worm over, because of its purity. AslortUt Brtwtry Battling. Phone St Main, H. Konittke. 507 Mam St., Pendleton Hotel Pendleton. II. W. Lovelancl, Portland. A, Nylanrter, rortland. S. A. Howard. Spokane. MIbs Starr, elty. V. II. Hingham, Seattle. Mary Kittrldgc, Baker City. 1". 13. Vorman, Ilutte. (J. 11. Galloway. Portland. William Ilaymond. San Kraneiseo. AI. .1. Monteith, New York. 0. M. HollinKSworth, Portland. K. H. Poster, Poise. Will (Jibsoii. Portland. A. ,r. Kreese, Review, IS. H. Clarke, city. Miss Nellie Kwan, Ashland. W II. Olendonlns, I'ortlnnd. A. D. Chase, Portland. Sam Pelser, Portland. 51. .1. Davis, Portland. Otto W. Spellng, Spokane. Jacob Schubert. Walla Walk. S P. Young, Walla Walla. Ram Prlnser. Kansas City. Alma D. Katz. noise. Mim. William Harold, Ellenslmrg. Mthea E. I.ee. Salem. 1. P. Knight, Minneapolis. I Salmger, Duluth. J P Hlckey, Denver. .1 W Sawyer, Walla Walla. John W Rurke, Denver. P P. Uleo. Morris. K V Sanders, Seattle. William R. Cross, Athena. Joseph M. Scott, Athena, Otto H. Reeds, Athena. h, J. Dunnagan, Chicago. C H Hacker. San Francisco. Golden Rule Hotel R. V Condra and wife, Sampler. Rmina Olds, Elgin. Mrs May Simmons, Spokane. (Jus Storm, Spokane. S. S (5111, Spokano. V J Moore, Spokane. Mrs. A. J. Wright. Pilot Rock. II A Wright. Port Towusend. J Clark, Spokane. C H Hacker, San Francisco. William Rudolph, Sibley Ford. W Paring, Sibley Ford. I? W Helm. Portland. C Al Hooker, Portland. W II Illoaklng, city. ,1 II. Metcalf. city. J O. Perkins, city. M J (iuthrlo, Uakor City. John S. Kelly. Miner. W E Osborne, Raker City. SPOKANE, OCTOBER 5 to 1 3 TKNTM ANNITAI INTERSTATE FAIR MORE THAN S30.000 IN PREMIUMS Greatest Attractions and Biggest Amusement Features Ever Secured AGRICULTURAL KPH11HT STOCK .SHOW l-'IHHT KAIII MINING DKPARTiMKNT KINU ART DISPLAY EIGHT DAYS RACING OVKI! ;) HOHHKS HN'I'KRKD Hid KV13NT KACH DAY $10,000 IN PURSES Down Town Slrett Carnival Every Night, Vaudeville &r,iaif3 and High Class Circus Features SPECIAL LOW RATES ON ALL RAILROADS Concdslonl'rl vizi's furb'alr Write for I'lcuinm 1.1m. 11.0 6'MMMH.tci AM, "" a'fot I'oatlleton, Oreijon Near O. K. 4N. Dejiot IIUANCJIISdOI' AT HUI'i'NKH, OliK. 4 !! Fearful Odds Against Him. Red-ridden, alono and destltuto. Suelivln brief was the condition of n.i old soldier by namo of J. J. Hav c Verpalllos. O. For years he w :. troubled with kidney dlseaso and i ill her doctors nor medicines gave , ira relief. At length he tried Elec trl Bitters. It put him on his feet In short order and now ho toatlfles: I'm on the road to comploto recov . ry " Best on earth for liver and Mdnoy troubles and all forms of .-.lomach and bowel complaints. On lv GOr Guaranteed by Tollman & O' druggists. Do You Want a Cab? When you want prompt and rella Mi service call up 'phone Main 161. Ti I- McKay Cab Co. TUB BEEH THAT MADE MILWAUKEE FAMOUS Ross has beou In tho Ico business in Pendleton thrco years and has al ways sold the best In tho Icp lino. His motto has been "No favorites, I treat nil customers alike." ' Get your guns and Amiiiunitiou from a nuu in the gun business A full stovlt carried by H. J, STILLMAN, Jf.AiMSK Shields1" Park A HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE SHOW Provides an evening of rare enjoyment Good, clean, wholesome fun. Not a dull minute. MAIN STREET Near O. R. 8c N. Depot Admission, 20c Children, 10c Repnln'ng of all Kinds. Satisfaction Ouurunteed i t t i t t t 4 1