East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 11, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight niul Sntunlfly Ihrcnt
enlng with occasional rain. .
. n in o:
' 5c A WEEK.
. - -
MO. 4 8-12.
1 "" 4
mnmm b uT5
i ii i
mrnuM- 1 1 n n m in rut;
. .i r J I
unri ii ir inn rp.nmHi
nu '"'J1
Arc Charged With Setting
thc Interests of the Company
cavers Is Under $500,000 Ball.
I.I....I..., On, 11 nMi.v iinmim
ncrsons indicted Tuesday ny
I . Tl - Ktnnlwm
amos vv. r.nvm wi uuun iuulj
on a conspiracy 10 commit nri
scheduled for decision tonight before
tho Pastlmo Athletic Cluh, Is at
tracting much attention In sporting
circles. Tho articles of agrcfimont
call for n 20-round contost nt 128
pounds. Horiora, lias shown great
Improvement In the last year and Is
expected to put up u good tight to
win tho decision over the Pittsburg
hoy. lloth men appear to hp In good
condition for tho go.
It is Believed He Will Settle the Magelssen Case Satisfac
torily to the United Slates.
She lo the Star Actress In "The Light
That Failed."
London. Sept. 11. Among tho
nlayers of note departing this week
for tho Unltod States, nro Gertrude
Elliott, the beautiful sister of Max-
Ino Elliott, and her husbnnd, Forbes
Hobortson. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson j Chekib Bey, Turkish Minister at Washington, Tells cf the Massacre of
nave nrrungou wwi muitua n,
tho American manager, for a tour or
the United States this fall and win
ter. They will he soon In "The Light
That Failed," the superb production
which met with such success in Lon
don Inst senHon. The opening of their Washington. Sept. ll.Ckoklb llev.
tour In America is scheduled to take the Turkish minister to tho United
pluco In Buffalo three weekH hence, ; StatoB, called at the stato department
j this morning utid presented a dls-
GIBBONS IS COMING. , patch which he had received from h.s
, government concerning last Sunday's
It Is Expected That He Will Sail for riot nt Beirut, which says that eight
Last Sunday He Says it Was Greatly Exaggerated In Reports Sent
Out Turkey Is Still Fortifying Frttntler Points.
America Todr.y.
Baltimore, Sept. 11. Trom advices
received here It Is expected Cardinal
Olbbons, who went to Homo to nttond
the conclave which elected the new
popo, will sail for home today. Ills
emliionce was In poor health prior
to his departure from Baltimore, and
civilians, and SO injured
The dispatch coDtinueti that the In
cident had no other bad reanlUs.
f.Inny persons, who at tho. time (led
flora Lebanon, ale returning. Confi
dence Is being established.
Slaughtering Exaggerated.
The H-oubleB were urcatlv ex-ncarnr-
w,.l.t n-nlnot Mneli.m for lie-' " " """."'.". '""D.' " "uv U,:, M 11 " 'ii..rmniroi. irora some
bribes I "cnoiiciai to ins ncnmi. or the panic-stricken people, and vhv
u . . . 1 i hhi I ii ir. iiif.ii vnvnrnin.mtL wi.nriiTt
Imletinfint. ugainsi iVincnen, . . , A , i -;
rcaa-l Erwln alleges in sub- State Diplomas Granted. confirmation.
.thai the Postal Dovlco Im- ouiuni, oupi. ii. hip stare noaru , '"j' nm, suvor
States government. Beirut Is quiet
and business Is Improving, Confi
dence Is Increasing."
State Hostilities Expe'cted".
Vienna, Sept. 11. It is the general
opinion hero that even If Bulgaria
dees not declare war that stato hos-
was u soldier and the othors were . Minus will actually exist, as ronorts
. 'intinue to snow thai there is sym
pathy for the Bulgarians of Macedo
nia., The dispatches from Constanti
nople continue to minimize the suffer
lrg of the Christians at Monastlr.
persons were killed, one of whom
Is Expected That Large Crowds Wl
Be In Attendance at Ceremonies.
Newport News, Vn., Sept. 11.-
Evcrythlng is In readiness at the
ynrds of the Newport Nowa Shin
building nnd Dry Dock Company for
tho munching tomorrow ot tho 15,000
tou armored cruiser Maryland. 1
will bo n gala day nt the ynrds ant
a lnrge nttondaneo of visitors Is ox
peeled from Baltimore and other
Maryland points nnd also n delega
tlon of public men from Washington
The christening ceremony is to be
performed by Miss Jennie Scott
Waters, daughter of General and Mrs,
Francis 12. Witters, of Baltimore.
Two Indictments woro against t,1(l nonp ,B ROlloI.ai,y expressed that !
; tMiwuii- .tun .utiuiiui. j...
y and defraud and consp:
p miume mill .iiiiuiiuii jm ..wit- . ai., ni,nnn,i MfnM,iA.i ...in.
llraCy j u-,,1.,, mmitnl Biivlptv niul tttiltiniiR
DTOii rut tiuumi mm-iMjii .
Company, of San Francis-
elly tho Mantoguo Indicator
.fltto' Hoi. floninanv. by resolti-
ti1 lMph.irilann npi'fimn.'inletl hi-
jno j Va:hfrwlutf. :HKrf,-iti
len nostoiiice i is iccior nnti nie.
stal ernnloves of thu far West
S IS Annln eforc Courts on
Serious Indictment.
York, Sept 11 Beavers, for-
at Brooklyn in July on tho
nl brlbory in connection with
s nc uostnl iin sunn ok t Ii I k
ir nnnn.i.l l.i.n n I.
r. muijluii.I1 IIU1IJ1C VjUIIUI11-
Hitchcock to answer to a now
I'm rnnrcim. inn. ...iti. ..n...
which was handed down bv
ieral grand Jury nt WaBhlng-
the amount of $500,000, to ap-
turn rnmni uo niw. Tilt .. i. .... I .
inrUctmcnt charsus that Iloav-
tor prnposa s. mid at hiirhnr
accompanied by counsel.
oied himself to the United
marshal ami
heforc llltchcnck, whore ho
dl without delay Brown, of
n I'nrk vjhn ,.-.,t i, ,.ii ..
. ' n..u ,v:ill. HUH .111
"klyn Indictment. Is ngatn go
his bonds,
HOCK 1(11 I en urn
ne S. Doycsen Cannot Stand
Uoyesen, the Chicago woman
wrongly accused of stonllnir
nm n ... 1 . . "
vii.-iiuiii in ixortn
sn.ncl.. She Imd i)Porl mif.
. j'wiij iiii ii ill nornii n.
-no!, ii . WP1U 10 AS 10-
pek relief i,.,st .,, ,,
' wuui. Snrlnira wlinn
- -V"IIVU, 'I'tlfllllinli f
a iartments wen, HnnrM,n,i
Scaffold Falln RPvt
. aajui Death.
it . i
i'-- -riVA nir.,1
iit-m,i ... " coiinnse
'Mil arc ir n 8 ,uot
,'. " H. ?esou, William
nt' i,'-....! . -iiiiii.jaii-
ii-i.ii. fir a i
--- Jiailiailll,
0 FIGHT t,
and McClelland win
L,vely Go at nav
AllX iTr, " 'Tll,, llt
of education, in session yesterday nor-gonoral at Beirut, Id an exoptlon-
nftomoon, granted stnle certificates nHJ' capable oflleial. He was for sav
and diplomas to the following appli- ul years chief of police ot Constnn
cauta: J. H. Orcutt. of Drain, state Unople.
diploma, ujion Iowa papers; Grace A.I T'lp minister knoWs him psrsonal
Gllllam. Pilot Hock, diploma, gradu-1 ' a"d cxinessos the greatest conti-
atlon from Portland University; j dence In IiIb ability to maintain order
KJBtjjiie Pattorson:,'B'iceiie..J (Unlo- ip hqiul ino AingiuBKiin eaBe aat-
ma. graduation from State UnMirsTfv hW&ctortir'lo'tnrTotttrWttmnt. -
at Eugene; Elluheth GUI, of Quini- The New Official,
by. la., certificate upon Iowa papers,
and Belle B. .Joseph, of Portland, dl
plomn. upon graduation from tne
Drain Normal.
Washington, Sept. 11. The navy
department received the following
cablegram from Admiral Cotton, at
Beirut Ihis morning:
"Governor-general of Damascus has
niP llinTnnV mn Till" ininil 1 lllt'" llolnled as acting governor- fearing that eventnnllties may lead
fi 111 V III III Mm fir II nnlKt'ntMUI 111 liolrm m, "as expressed to sorlous trouble, has ordered one
w - tne iiosiie to settle the Alagelessen battleship and two cruisers to inline
case Kiillslnctorlly to the United dlntely depart for Turkish waters.
Captured by Turks.
Constantinople, Sept. 11. An offic
ial dispatch announces the capture by
Turkish troous. of Vnfillko.
To Guard Servian Frontier.
Sttlom'ea, Sept. 11. Instructions to
loieiully guard the Servian frontier
have been sent to Villi of Korrovo,
the Turk'sh nuthorltleB having re
ceived the information tn the offoet
that the Servla revolutionary com
mittee has become active In organiz
ing bands for the purpose of distrib
uting bombs.
Three Hundred Massacred.
11 ut n n t Iminlf. Qtint- 11 A rnnn...
nlternoon. states that 300 Insurgents
of Zedenots were recently massacred
utter they had suriendered to the
Turkish troops,
French Are In It Too.
Paris. Sept. 11. The government
Government of That Country
Into a New Industry.
City of Mexico. Sept. 11. The Alex
lean government has gone Into tho
oil producing business In connection
with the operntlon of the Natlona
Tohuuntepec Hnilrond. It Is ilevel
oping a new oil field on the Isthmus
of Tehauutepec. Two good produc
ing wells have been bored, and tho
locomotives on tho Natlonnl Tehaun
tepee road nro using that product for
fuel. Other wells nro to bo bored
nnd tho production entered Into on
a largo scale.
Burglars Use Horrible Method to Get
Cattle Money.
Wnbash, Intl., Sept. II. Burglars
Inst night chloroformed the entire
fnmlly or Chris llariilsh. n limner
They secured a considerable sum of
money, just realized from tho sale or
cnttlo. As a result of chloroforming.
J-olo. n young girl, Is In a critical
condition. All are more or less 111.
Coal Strike Growing.
Fort Worth. Sept. 11. The coal
miners' strike at Strawn is increas
ing. Fifteen hundred are now out
TI10 governor hns ordered the Texas
rangers on tho scene to preserve older.
wasiungion, sept. Jl. Tlio comp
I roller of currency this morning Is
sued a call for the reports on tho
conditions of the banks nt (he elos
of Wednesday's .business.
On Account of Rain,
Will Be Given at Frazer Theater.
Tin' utleudunce at the haloids'
Park poiTormanco which was given
at Frnzor's theater last night, was
Indianapolis, Sept. 1 1. -Federal ' K00!1- . 1 '"mbe s were all
Judge Baker this forenoon handed re,1?" ",,d .h" .,,1?tro,,f ol
down a decision In the celebrated rk ,lu, "ovo"-v ,,r Ht'ol"
kill- HI 11,1 111(1 (lit 111 11CIV Bill 1 llllllll
He Cannot Be Taken to New York to
Bo Tried An Endeavor will Be
Made to Send Him Back to Ireland
to Complete Term in Prison.
Lynchehauii extradition cases, hold-
I .... .P....I..1. w..l'n..... til
ing that he cannot taken to New - - - '
Jvr tlle''oellevo'-' r;
States. Ho will now bo taken before
tho commissioner of this city upon
whoso decision deponds whether he
will ho taken buck to Ireland to turn
ploto the sentence In prison.
Lynelielinuii, who was convicted In
Ireland on the charge of criminal its
sault, Hoven years ago. escaped from
prison a year ngo and came to Indi
anapolis, where he was joined by his
Ho Hiiccoodetl in convincing prom
inent Amorlcan Irishmen that he
was Innocent. A largo sum of monoy
for his dofenso wns donated by some
of the Irish societies in America.
o the O. H. & N., at the request of
rendleton citizens. He is an expert
Performance . fruit man und has Bolocled nothing
but the most perfect speclment for
the exhibits. The lritit is now pack
ed and will be shipped by express to
ugden. wheie It will be placed on ox
hlbitlon to the gest advantage by tho
umntllla county delegation.
The exhibit consists of winter ap
ples, pears, silver prunes. German
prunes and peaches, and while It is
not as large us It should be, It is
made up of elegant specimens, Tho
fruit In the exhibit proparetl hero,
conies from Echo anil Milton.
pnnion pictures that go as one prize,
nu elegant rug, a work basket and
an oil painting. These prizes may
lie Mien al Bailer's furnlturo storo at
any time. The drawing takes plnce
tomorrow night.
Hood River Expert Preparing Uma
tilla County Fruit for Shipment.
C. H. Caatner, or Hood Hlver. Is
in the elty today preparing the Uma
tilla county fruit exhibit for ship
ment to the Ogden Irrigation Con-gross.
Mr. Cast nor wns sent here for this
Returned From Outing.
Mark Pattern, accompunled by his
family, have returned from Kent,
Wash., whore Mrs. Patton und tho
children have been spending tno
summer. Mr. Patton went to Kent
several days ago to escort uis fam
ily home.
O, R. &. N. Assessment Raised.
Oregon Will Have Strongest Delega
tlon at Irrigation Congress in the
History of the State Train Leaves
Pendleton Monday Morning.
Quotations Furnlohcd by Coe Commis
sion Company B. E. Kennedy, Lo
cal Manager.
Chicago, Sopt. 11. Thore has been
an Imtncnso trade In corn today, but
It is hard to follow. Tho government
crop bulletin places tho condition or
wlntor and spring wheat ns follows:
Whoat, 74.1 per cont of a crop; corn.
S0.1; oats, 75.1; Imrloy. 82.1; rye.
81.1. General nvorage for August,
lBOa. 7S.7 per cent; general average)
August, 1U02, 84.3. TIlil average uir
tho past 10 years Is 75.1! per cent
nient of the properly or the O. H. &
N. company In Wasco county Is 55,
1)01 greater than tho assessment last
year. The total valuation put on tho
company's property by Assessor
purpose by the Industrial department Woodcock this year Is $U8G.G01.
Tho irrigation delegation from Ore
gon continues lo swell, and the spec
ial car generously provided by the
O. H. & N. will he filled to overflow
ing, before the Idaho lino Ik reached.
Already .10 delegates hnvo signified
their Intention to go, and It Is likely
that 111010 will be ready to Join the
excursion by next Monday morning.
The complete list of delegates from
tho stalo, so for reported to A. 1,.
Craig, passengur agent of the O. It.
& N.. who Is iislng every means lo
seeuio a large n! tendance. Is as follows:
CongiosMiinu .1, N. Williamson, A.
II. Dovers, prosldent of tho Oregon
Ii ligation Association; Frank Daven-
nort W A I nlilliiiv A irliiir Wllvnti
The Dalles, Sept. 11. The assess- j. riiornburn Boss, F. C. Bryant, U'S
110 nutier, is,
It Will Furnish Music tor the
Five Days of the Big Carni
val Show.
Tickets Will Be Sold at Five Cents
Each Ballot Boxco to Be Placed
In Different Business Places About
the City Arnold Will Give $100 to
Wheat Opening. Close.
Doc 81 8H4
May 83 83 V4
May ..' 50 V
Wheat Oponing.
Minneapolis. Sept. 11.
Doe. ..j,. 80
May ..' 82
Liverpool, Sopt. 11.
Whcnt Opening.
C,h 7,d
Chicago Wheat.
Chicago, Sopt. U. Wheat
oil, 81; closed, 81 U.
6 Gtl
Portland. Sept 1 1 --Special to East Governor Chamhc rluiu will proba
Oregonian.) A great blunder hat; bly be obliged to call a special sos
boen discovered in the stale tax law p sion tn the legislature, ut, without an
which changed the tlmo for the levy I immediate act of tho legislature,
fioin January to September. 1 there can be no collection of the
The legislature failed to provide for j state, county, elly or town or the
the levy of the taxes assessed In 1803 school district (axes for this year
Eldorado. Kan.. Sept. 11. A enr- .Fatally Injure 1 nro: A. II. Alor
loatl of powder on the 'Frisco siding, prel orr.
near Beaumont, last night got ho- i ., , . .
yond coutrol and iin ueveml ralh ! TI,e nwfl11 llm tore up the
toward Winfleld, cgUidiug with a ' Vttll8 '' track and dimnontlctd the
train which hud left the station a locomotive. Tho towns for miles
short time before, and exploded. around were terror-Mtrleken, hollev-
The killed are: Milton Pennerook. Jng that an earthquake hod occur
fireman; Jamos Holt, braUeman. rod,
h. Smith, it. Wlnrnis,
antl 12. N. Illytlio, of Western Oregon;
T. O. Hailoy, G. A. Hiirlmun. Walter
M. Plorco, Judge W. It. Ellis, E. P.
Dodil, I). C. Browmtll, It. C. blanllold,
F. B. llolbroo.k W. T. Shaw and Bert
Huffman, of Umutllln county; I). 11.
Thomas, of Arlington; J. M. Church
and E. O. Corbln, of La Grande; E.
P. McDanielH, Sam While und J. W.
Patterson, of Hakor City; .1. M.
Johns, of Suinplor, and A. M. Drake,
of Hp;h1, and Malcolm A. Moody, of
The Dalles.
The Portland delegates will start
east on Sunday evening, und the
trnln will reach Pendleton Monday
morning ut 4:16. Tho congrosg will
convene on Tuesday morning, and
end Thursday afternoon.
. ...... ol .li!l..l. '..! T.4.1 ...1.... !. ......
.WCH'IHI lIUIIbllLllll Vflll llll'tl UUVU
lieen arranged by tlujinMtlzon.s of Og
den, andtho trip wlllfbo educational
from every standpoint. An ideal Ir
rigated farm has beon proparuil for
the occasion, and tho tlolegatos will
be permitted to vlow tho groat Sail
I-uke valley, the most perfect Irrl
gated spot in the world.
K. J. Arnold, the carnival mini. Is
In the city today looking nl'ler tho
work of tho carnival. Already many
arrangements fur the opening are be
Ing made antl by the lime .Mr. Arnold
leaves again the tletnll will lie well
under way.
One feature or the affair will lie tho
music lor tho week. Mr. Arnold i
In communication with the Cliemawii
Indian band ami hns about closed
with the aggregation lo come lo tho
city and furnish music for I lie five
days or tho show. Tills band Is tho
best In the western part ol' the stnto.
and Ihcro Is none better on the West
ern coast. They toured tho North-
wost In the first days or their exis
tence us a band, and at Mint tlmo
nmtle a great success, ir they conin
here the people who attend the car
nival will be assured or tho best mu
sic that can bo produced in the West.
Mr. Arnold Is anxious lo gel tho
election of..tliw uuamistnrJttil... for
aflef she lias been elected t win V.ilto
some little time lo got her outlined.
And In order to have the matter
started, llekels will be printed ut
once und voting boxes will lie placed
In all or the slores of I ho elly. Tho
tickets will ho sold at fi cents each.
11 Is the Intention ami promise of
Mr. Arnold that tho tiuccn shall ho
royally outfitted anil luken euro of
during the week. Ho himself will
deposit $10(1 for the purpose of buy
ing the robes. Besides the ouliil, Mr.
Arnold will see that the nuoeii has
a carriage for herself und coiiit dur
ing the entire week, nlways al her
disposal. In fact, everything will bo
done to make her mnjesly one ol' llio
nvleil ladles of tho hind.
John llnlley, Jr., who has charge of
lie slock exhibit, will leave in a
short lime for the Interior of Iho
ounly and will make every effort lo
mouse Interest In tho stock and Irult
ivhlblt. lie will not only advertise
he mailer in tho papers, bill will
make 11 personal canvass aiming tho
glowers, asking them lo bring '"- r
stock here for Iho competition. II Is
lioughl. ami some oiicoiiriigeinent
ins been given, that tho oxhihll will
he a good one ami will bo the slop
ping slone for a county Inlr here In
ho years lo come.
I lie success of tho ciiruivitl is as
sured anil since It will give an added
mpciiih to tho inclination for tho
farmers to count hero, (here Is grout
hope that there will bo a good coun
ty exhibit from all the luiliiHlries of
tho county.
Wenthor predictions for the next
2-4 hours uru stamped on all letters
which pass through tho postofflces
In Mexico. The stamping is done at
the same time that tho postage
stamps on the letters are canceled.
Head Manager Here,
C. A. Koepll, of Seattle, anil tho
county clerk of KlngH county, is In
the elly. Konplll Is the head mana
ger of the Woodman of Hi" World,
and Is on his way lo l.eatlvllle anil
Denver to attend Iho meeting
or Hit managers of the or
der. Ho will ho accompanied from
this city by A. D. Stllliiiun, who is al
so one of Ihn tnnmbura or the board
and who will leave this evening for
Colorado to attend tho meeting.
New Primary Teacher,
MUh Nellie Ewun, of AhIiIiiikI, Is
one of Die new touchers who have
reached tho city to bo roady for tho
opening of tho school tho first of tho
week. Miss Ewun Is to bo tho limit
of the primary department and comes
highly rut'ommendod for tho place,
having made a specialty of thot pint
of the work.
A thief In Chicago stolo a vullse
which ho probably thought contain
od currency, from tho oauhlur of tho
Milwaukee Avenue Statu Dank. It
contained certified and canceled
checks to tho value r K!i,"Q0.
Aftervvurd tho thief left the valise,
with contents Intact, at a restaurunt
and 'phonod to the b'ink where It
could lie found.