DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 1903. Mercerized Waistings and Fleece-Back Fancies : : : Are the popular cotton fabrics for Fall. Our line of Foreign and Domestic Novelties is complete in every detail, and comprises the latest designs in white, black, cream and figured fancies. Prices from ir2c to $f Per Yard. Would be glad to show you our now Fall Goods TEUTSCH'S ' BIG DEPARTMENT STORE Corner Main and Alta City Brevities ,,h ' U C Under? s. p Sharp for paper hanging. v u trult dally nt Martin's, -us .l.trs suppliea at Neumuu'a. 1 jr tl best bread, got ttohrniau's. !i flsh. game and poultry. Cas- shoes repaired at meats. Schwartz & ':.f vntir cut.P( h' hon. (-'-rated ,r M' h Co. m. ,ii Phone Main 1SS1 when you t.ani pure Ice. Uny a fountain pen tills week at half 'inrt at Frazlor's. rv the Palm, 2L'l Court street, (.-. i" ' candles aud fruits. "ed dally, fresh tamales, .ii) au, erawllsh at Gratz's. lei cigars gut the best of you in- best of cigars. Haulon's. I. 1 ...1. I el a,1 nf.il flr.t.inatln vll i..UU.-i UL ...... .......ww... un tie ulid clam chowder at Gratz's. tt'r h. ve fruit Jars and fruit jar extra1 "-uiibers, covers, etc. It. Itohr mat S t 'ha' lei- Lane about your paint ii , ,.piT hanging; 807 Vincent otreet Now line ol fall street hats on dis pia Monday. Tuosilny and Wodnes jaj at Mrs Campbell's, estimates given on short notice on oalr n and paper hanging. Charles i.au- in pioneer painter, SO" Vln eit 'reet Four hundred acres 30-bushcl wheat land, S miles out. Level, deup oll, IjIe spring runlng water. Price 14,500 K t Wade & Son. ! Jewelry I'tie Dnglu New Ideas "( the da) . Latest Creations of the Jewelers Art. on can always depend on what you get at our store i nt. never nusrepres HUNZIKER Trig PROGRESSIVE JtWELiiR Next door to K Alexander ' U C Under, M. A. Ladles' half soles 40c. Tcutsch's. Bost shoe work at Teutsch'a. If you want a cab. call up Main I 101. I Got your clothes cleaned at .Tocr ! gor's. I For Hunt A piano. Apply at this j office. I New books arriving dally at Fra ider's book store. Wauled Salesman and collector. Call nt this ofllce. New carpets and linoleums at Ita der's furniture store. For prompt service, call up the Mc Kay Cab Co., "phone Main 1C1. All Preferlda, the best cigar made. tt Keen' cigar store. Court street. Goods that are right at prices that ire right at Ilader's furniture store. Toilet and manicure sots, albums, i glovo and handkerchief boxes. Nolf's. j Have your buggies painted by Wilson & Carmine. 'Phono Ulacl: 1043. For Rent Two small houses, three blocks east or Main street. Apply ut E. O. ofllce. See Wilson & Curnlno about paint ing your buggies. Cottonwood street, next door to Neagle Bros. Two planus, slightly used. Great bargains. Come quick. Inland Em pire Piano House, near bridge. Estimates given on house painting. Work strictly llrst-class. Wilson & Carmine, next door to Ncagle llros. ' Look over your house furniture. I We can rednlsii It like new. Wilson I & Carnlne, 'phone main black 1043. i Furnished room for gentleman in private family. Uath and telephone. I Terms very reasonable, Enquire this . ofllce. I For Hunt Four desirable furnish ed rooms. $C per month each. Apply 118 Alta street, opposite Episcopal J church. ! Pure crystal ice don't cost auy I more than inferior Ice, aud is so much cleaner and more healthful. ! 'Phone Main 1881. Don't undo the good your vacation i luiB dono you by drinking poor water 1 or putting Inferior ice Into the boil ed water. Ten cents worth of ice per day will supply an ordinary family with plenty of drinking water. Be sure, though, thut you got good Call up 'phone Main 1881 and pure distilled water Ice from Itoss Ice Plant, PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Josle Lee, of Cottage Grove, Is visiting friends In the city. C. W. Avery, of Bingham Springs, was In the city yesterday .or a short visit. Miss Emma Miller, of Athena, was the guest of friends In the city yes. terday. Mrs. M. E. Terry, or Baker City, is the guest of Pendleton friends for a day. Mr. and Mrs. c. Carr, of Helix, were in the city visiting friends yes terday. W. H. Russel and wife, of Elgin, aro in the city the guests of friends for a short time. Miss Olive Jones returned tnis morning from Union, where she has been the guest of friends for some time. James Hnckett returned this morn ing from Arlington, where he has been for several days attending his sheep. Miss Violn Howard, of Walla Walla, has returned to her home, aHor a visit In Pendleton with friends. Miss Grey, of Weston, left this morning for Woodstock, a suburb of Portland, where she will teach in the public schools for the coming year. Mrs. James Crawford left this morning for Henrdon, Wash., whore she will bo the guest of her daugh ters. Mrs. II. G. Burns and Mrs. Will McCoy. Mrs. .1. H. Allen, of Walla Walla, who has been the guest of Miss Edna McGinn, has returned to her home, after a very pleasant visit in tills city. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chapman and lamlly have returned from an extend ed visit In Portland and at Long Beach, where they have been spend ing the summer, the guests of Mrs. Chapman's brother. Ed Campbell. : It Pays to Trade at THE QUAKERS WILL COME. ouncll Met In Special Session and Decided to License the Aggrega tion. Yesterday tilt irnoori at 5 o'clock the council mot in special session for the consideration of the case of the Quaker doctors from Baker City. A roselution was Introduced by Alder man W. J, Sewell, providing that Dr. Berry could bring in his show and his nostrums for the small sum of $10 for each and every day for the period or 30 days or loss, and at the expiration of that time the license would be extended at the rate ol' $10 per day provided the simoieons were paid in advance. 11 further and separately stipulated that the license to the extent of ?200 should bo paid in advance before the license would be granted by Iho city. There were present at the meeting and voting in the affirmative, Messrs. Cloptou, llartmnn, Sewell, Switzler, Johnson, Dickson nnd Howard. May or Halley and Alderman Sommor villi" weio absent. It Is understood that Mr. Sommerville thinks that it Is mi Injury to the city to have the doctors come Into the city and draw down so much of the city's money in leturn for the medicines they ped dle, and that he will do all in his power to have the sale of their medi cines and the exhibition of their shows stopped. What the outcome will bo Is tho question, nnd the citizens will bo able to gather around the booths with a vague expectant feeling that something Is nbout to happen when the doctors come to town. t i. t t- t- f i 9 The Peoples' Warehouse We're Here With the Goods tlartSchaffncr 6? Marx Hand Tailored If you havo worn a Hartehaflnerit Marx nut you'll want an other. Good as thoy wero last season, they ue hotter for THIS bWLL. Thoy hojun a' $J5 aud better ones if you want them. 1'hero is no so-called made to order suit for which your measure U taken that HKG1NS t he as HANDSOME n d STYLISHLY out as the 1 la S 0 flo such You won't find el-. this Ob these where else in ind wo'll bo as glad to show them to you whether 3011 come lo look or to buy w Hart SchalTncr Tailar Cfa dc Clofhes T Is Leading Clotliies FINE CATTLE TO FAIR. Ice. get the Nell Why was thoir engagement broken olT! Belle Ho told her ho was unworthy of her. Nell Oh, they all say thnt. Belle Yes, but she took him at his word. Philadelphia Hocord. "Tills is a now recipe I am using, George. How do you like the pie?" "You greatly relieve me, dear. I wasn'l quite sure." "Sure of what?" "That II was a pie "- Cleveland Plain Dealer FEATHER DUSTERS New Shipment of Turkey and Ostrich Dasters 1 10 "'cl' Turkey, ioo feathers special 35c 14 inch Tur fnaVi 100 'eatl,ers special 50c. 12 incli carriage duster 120 tail i "" 5- b men panur Cluster lusiricn,; special r,"2ri. Sisil rlnct.,.. : 1 1 :. :i Our Ice Cream will please you. If you ever hail any liett ours wont cost you a cent. We will let jou be the judge KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE "ftfctfiMrViiiiMntiiStret toward tlio Court House C. B. Wade Ships Two Carloads From Hot Lake to State Fair at Salem. Two carloads of blooded stock, be longing to C. B. Wnde, passed down the O. It. & N. today en route to the state fair at Salem, where they will lompoto for prizes. After the Ore gon state fair they will go to the Washington state lair at North Yak ima, and to tho Spokane fair later. Tho stock were loaded at Hot Lake and wuhs In chargo of N. C. Morris. The Shorthorns In the shipment were as follows: Crimson Pearl, I'-year-old heller, weight 1,500 pounds; Klgltha, cow holding the Northwest championship for tho past two years; English Lady, cow, Hlllcrest Hero, bull, weight 2, 200 pounds; Lily of Athelstane. year ling heifer; Sen-Son, 2-year-old heifer. Heret'ords Bright Hope, yearling heifer; I'endlotonlan, bull. 1 year old; Jim Henry, bull calf; Muld of Dixie, heifer calf; Songbird, yearling henfor, and Westover, yearling bull. The cattle aro In prime condition und are prl.e-wlnnors, nil thiough, Bright Hopo and Songbird took tho (Irst and second premiums last year, on Hereford bolter calves, and Klgl tha, tho beautiful Shorthorn cow. has held the championship of tho North wosl for the past two years. Fearful Odds Against Him. Bed-rlddeii, alone and destitute . Such in brief was the condition oflj: an old soldier by name of J. J, Huv-i ens, Versailles, O. For years ho ; was troubled with kidney disease and ?J neither doctors nor medicines gave -v him relief. At length ho tried KIcc-, J; trie Bitters. It put him on his foot ; ; in short order and now ho testifies. "I'm on the road to complete recov- -cry." Best on earth for liver mid kidney troubles and all forms of stomach and bowel complaints On ly COc. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co., druggists. Glassware ft 1 x A WM-I Sale Thi- bcauti uliiss pitcher only 25c Other fine values lo and .S cents See Sharp's artistic wall paper. "lirldget, can I trust you with tho china?" "Sure, ye can, mn'nm. 0111 save every piece." Lift, "I came near marrying thnt girl once." "Did her parents object?" "No; she did." Now York Journal. Josh They say he's tho logical candidate. Kllus Shucks! There's half a dozen of 'em kin nrgy as good as lie kin! Puck. What Kind of Feet Rave You If they aie narrow or low Instep, or high instep or wide und short. Hat and bioail. or If you have corns or bunions or ingrowing too nails, or too In or toe out, why to be properly shod you must corlulnly con sult the doctor of shoes In the shoo parlor of tho Boston Store. Here will be told to you all the truths about good shoes. How to buy the easy feeling, good wearing, fine apiR'arlng, and purse opening shoes. Itc membcr that our shoes save in stocking wear. When we tell you we have tho largest stock of shoes to sell men und women at to ?3.50, wo aro stating a fact easy to prove. That's why It pays to inspect our shoe department when In need of shoes lor any of the family BOSTON STORE (htSS Sets CotiidntiUK of cov ered butter llh, Mnmr bowl nnd creamer, three line vulues, IS, Ofi and 05o. Not the elaap, trashy wute, out heavy, tervlceable Klas-iware. ''tlier Item, sucli us Nuiiplcs, I'riilt I'ltlii'i, Celery lr.)F. to.trom . In 1.1c " i.oi.i.s' vNi) DOM, ii i'a'iis '3E 1 tji 1 2.45 All Imtutumliu ol DiiIJf tlmulreili 11 Stylo ut lOAust rncc. THENOLFSTOR - THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this In wind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for tho Intei national Poultry and Stock Food. Use Kow Kure for your cow troubles. 1 i I C. F. Golesworthy I27-12Q East Alta St. j Agout for Lee's Lice Killer j THE ELITE PISH AND POULTRY MARKET lur Minn it MI.iSIh I'd I'lbotl Crop 4 Our specialties are hnest fresh anil salt water fish ', of all desirable verities. ; crabs, lolisters.clamsand water delacacies. Oljin I pia and eastern oysters ; We will serve you with i the finest oyster cocktail, ', Goods delivered to any ; part of thecity. Prompt I service and best satis ! faction ; A Trial Order is Solicited H"H-"H"H--W Rigby-Clove Mfg. COMPANlf Manufacturers of the IRigby-CIove Combined HARVESTER Repairs for all kinds of Farm Machinery pouuury woi-k a aDeoiaiiv p,.c,i. ....1,1 rn ,,1.1 nntn.. I'enuieton, - Uregonl The Oregon Dally Journal cau he found 011 sale at Frazlor's book store. 7l-