East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 09, 1903, Image 8

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. !
niuuu fill Li v u it li .. ffis.-s" ri . .t o
js? s ;s?s st sum. ,F
Radium for Blindness.
Pay as
for an inferior bt ?
Scblia beer com twice
wlut comirion beer costs
in the brewing. One-bilf
payj for the product; the
other half for itt purity.
One-hi!f is spent in
cleiniinesj, in filtering even
the air that touchej it, in
filtering the beer, in ster
ilizing every bottle. And
it pavs the cost of aging
the beer for months before
we deliver it.
If you ask for Schlitz
you get purity and age,
you pay no mere than
beer costs without them.
Att Mike
Etrsaj Bitlltns
Phone 51 Main,
H Kopitthe
507 Main St., Pendleton
Is to love children, and nS5
home can be completely
happ3' -without them, yet the
ordeal through which the ex
pectant other must pass usually is
so full oi suffering, danger and fear
that she looks forward to the critical
hour with apprehension and dread.
DllUir UUST vJ w i .... .
..... iwi ----- -- . ,Mil ffi GAP KIK1I i
AND MOVED TO ptNULL i un. ,.ejlit or jicKen; man peupiu . " , fh street
nlll tt T T Tlnm. HlOlin fill S II an1 -" -
' t ttio ! ncr 1111. IV . n 1 u - M - - . . . . . . .1 1.1..... . a
can uicui . -.i io nhiorts Riiph us Eirrei chic .a . r-I-J U.. iff nTirfr!JtlTlfT .ma SOOUUUy urousiTipc
cT "iU-jS ns, sicK in r The ttm-tu - t nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and
etc. Bob Jiooro. Jaiayeue, rauu i-,v J- . r it..
.11 others srlpe and sicken, he worked wi u n orccs ... SQ pnspares tllC system ior uk:
IVitt's Utile Early R! nothing of a . 5 cars ago even a A , cs trough
The Threshing Generally la a' an
End Sellino Dressed Veal n Pen-; headache, etc
ri.nn& Nir. Rain Pell and More ' lid
Needed Beef Cattle for Sale-
while DcW
rtn their work well and easy.
Crops AM Fine, Especially Wheat. bJ. Tauman & Co.
gll.nt In nwe o'f greater wonders to evcnt safely and with but
..' . ,! In. 1 a.--i..'.3 H enlri
enriw ninjD es. ence as wen u - ua. - i."- -i
has Bol.l hl farm ftdache. etc.. we would recommend dustry .New iork ooum.,.. .......
It .'? P"rt 6 H. C. Wright. whOj J, you are troubled with Impure
a l.tf, po?tmastPi at ;c for . blood, indicated by
-'iirf t.i J B. Stanton. Mr. and Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell
' Manton will make their home nder a noslt've guarantee. It will
-a, i n;ai"-' and conduct the store ' aivravs cure scrofulous or s:
i i.-tofflrr Mr. and Mrs). Wright m)ions and all blood diaeas
n tn Pendleton, wherp Mrs. ctg nll(j ji.oo. f. W Schmidt
- -h' under the ear of a doctor. , druggists.
Kniwl! has about nnisneu
rnTnoTst'fbeVor ? "le suffe nng , . numbers
nave icsiiiitu iiiu i.
worth its wcicrht in gold." $i.oo per
... m thp ice business Wtle of drtifrcists. Book containing'-
in Alkali, which will finish.
Mrs P. O. McBroom. of
ip;r visiting old friends
. .. around Ourdane last
"i'mteal BnlHhed threshing
a -nil last week, ai Gurdane
v.- W.'iittaker made a trip to
T . to see after his property ; 'f
" " ''v last week. j '
I; H'os. and H. W Wliitta
),,r 'iv ring their calves niii'
.- 1 1 . m to Pendleton am! !!
" r r fair margin
na : a nice rain here aliout
2 v.hiih did much good to
v i: stopped too soon We ,
, i.:m little shower lat night '
i. --.oris for more, which ".on1:
in. ' greatly by ali ; -opie
.r If nf Pilot Rod, had their
urmi-ei! last Tuesday even
nig a larg meteor fall
Tier has just returned ,
' ' :t. where he had 'Men vit ,
and trtenda for a fw
' . f the city and romit-y
It- busy soring whea: i
-ilh. from fear of n rai n
w- flnr wheal plump ami
o' r.
vphllltlc'in Pendleton three years and lias al- valuaye information mailed f-ce
1 Co" Vnt. t'ilen1 "xoe 'favorlles THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta.
treat all customers alike"
SW7 Indiana Avenue.
CntrAoo. III.. Sept. 27. 1902.
T have been a sufferer with almmt every kind
of female trouble for years, but as lone as I
could pet around ... do my work I would not
try patent medicines as I bad no faith in them.
About eight months ago I bad to take to
my bed. suffering with prolapsus of the uterus,
with bearing down pains and intense pains
1(r' . . in the baci. ay aum.wno came 10 ik u.
i. d meoi Wine of Cardui and tent for a bot-
.. , . .... .1.. f. tnit
tie. i am inueeu yiau uiav .
fint Wttle started me on the road to recov
ery. In a few weeks 1 wa out of bed and in three months I was
in better health and stam
per than I bad been ii.
years. I taken dose now .
occasionally, of Wine of
Tardui aria ani kept m
perfect health.
Sec'y- V.'owiman's Circle Xo. 70.
klIolli my uiic mitl tii)elf Iinvr been
nitnu l AS' A
metlu 'f id T' f
twot!a"s slj i"
aod l r r I V' - -ImmnlUtAI
V c
J'lttaburg Ssle & u. ,x i. V un ir. P.
i. ar- lb' bn
1 I' I I m Ijii
I 1 .v'H.I- tO'
. -I At.fcTS.
" . : j most
Welch, of Sacramento
home last wpek from
i' ' where she had been ip
Iln' v Whittemore. who has
r n oi. her homestead near
! - ire i,.r a while, returned to
r- '.Ieton last neek.
Beeves for Sale,
'lhert are a number of i,.-o- n.
i - and Ciiirdane vicinities for sai--owned
hy R. F. Ogle, the Itust Ilros
J A Owings and sons Fletcher
. llros.. James Hall and C II. Catc
Wine of Canlni brine? certain relief to women sufferinp any vtnp
tom of female weaknMs and pert." 'I runilates tin aienstrual How. ii;o
of Caruui stops hoarinc down ram- by - rinjner,:iy relieving the irritation
which weakeiu the iipan.entj l.yi line the womb m pl.i.e. You need not
niffer everv n.onth if iu Mix- tu.s r-edi-me. Ill" v-r'Kin-al ilifcharge
will l p.unle.- and b.ii;hy r-.te c-ntinual w..iKenme othih. Wine
cC Tartiui will r.ike jrur uealu: ';en: ..i i ;.oa ci r. tr ,r mir-elf privately
in your own heme. Svuti a. 1 1 u buttle of Wme ' 1 'arau. frwiu your
a f cowghtic v--i,"?5" i' 1. V - - ' -isV cc?vnremts t
4. , -ft , fi Vk - -rr jV BY J,
;t "gp
ffl m,,,. .ui. ii- dm p'lhioii- ncini- hu ci
W .j. out men- nv in dia-Jt..- an.) tuilii" "r fh
ffl j ei' stK'0-.-stiilir Tin
i i
's but jmbln it with
publif i-anr.ot bi fool
stermoor S
Patent Elastic Felt
PItMtnl I'lliu' ' I" i i Ijilr Oeal. IM
Gwi, N.er M' ke Wf.. - -i. t
trHto, .,..,. (Ht 'l..,,,. Ti, 5,j
TO. Gin y: ':' ?'
" ...is . io ina.ee iianit
Eleventh Annual Convention Pacific
Coast Association of Fire Chiefs,
Olympia, Wash., Sept. 22-25, 1903.
For the above occasion a rate of
Din and one-thinl fare is authorized
to Portland and return, and to Seat
tle and return under the following
conditions: Delegates or their fami
lies will purchase on any three days
prior to September S. regular one
way tickets to Portland, taking re
ceipt for same, which, on preiienta
, Hon to agent. Union Depot. Portland,
i toetlier with certificate properly
( signed by H. W. Uringhurst. kecretary .
, of meeting-, will entitle the passenper
; to -return ticket from Portland to 1
j starting point at one-third fare, pro
vided same Is presented on or before
September 27 1903. For further par-'
tieulars, call on or address F. F.
Wamsley. agent O II. & X. Co 1
Phone Alain 1741
Kodol Gives Strength.
You arc Taking no Chances When You Use
1 II
Water Ice
It is manufactured and sold bv the Ro?s Tee k. Cold
Storage Company. No other distilled water ice sold
in the citv. Be sure you cali up Phone Main 1881
when vou want
' 1 .
a pniMi, miiioh mio to publii Mnn'.lnlp ie KetiUUK merit It
is better than hair in ovory possible wa hoftci cleaner purer and
far more i.lnstic. dust proof, vermin proof germ proof nud no
water proof it will float. These merits are etidiiriiiF it livf r re-iiuirt'i-
remaking, and Is practically un-wear-out-able
Not stuffed like hair, but built of elitlit airy, lnterlaelnt. hbiMiU
of blllonj downy, e.vorlastlnp softiieHs hand-laid and daintily d
elosed in tick by band sowing.
Thesi HheetB are called "Felt." and the name "Felt" is trade
marked and copyrighted by Ostermonr & Co an Ostormoor Mat
tress therefore, is the only "Felt" Mattress.
If it isn't an "Ostermoor" ii 's-an imitation Our name and trade
mark label must appear on the end o1 evory ixenuliu "MV mat
tro He careful' Don't Ih fooled'
I H enabline the digestive organs to
dinest. assimilate and transfurm ALL I J.
1 of the wholosome food that may be j T
' eaten Into the kind of blood that l
nourishes the nerves, feeds tho tls
j sues, hardens the muscles and recup
'erates the organs of tho entire body.
Kodol Dysiiepsia Cure cure indiges
tion dyspepsia, catarrh of the stom
ach and all stomach disorders Sol.
; bv Tallman & Co.
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
Notice to Patrons.
Having rented the retail depart '
I went of my butcher business to Sir.
, A I). Augustavo, an experienced
j butcher of Walla Walla. I myself will
conduct the wholesale nart of said
I businesa, and all persons knnwinz
themselves Indebted to me will please 1
call at the market and settle their ac-!
.counts. Mr Auguatavo also desires
to announce that the business will be
conducted as It has been, and all Dat-
rona of the market will receive the
same courteous treatment as hereto-
Visitors Always Welcome at the Plant
We Don't Keep Everything
But we do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic and Flnlih.
In all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber. In
cluding Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes Is complete, and any
one In need of Lumbtr will
not be wrong in placing
their order with the : ;
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp, W; & C. H. Depot
A Serious Mistake.
B. C. DeWHt & Co. Is the name of
the Arm who make the genuine Witch
Hazel Salve. DeWltt's li. the Win
Haaol Salve, that heals without leav
ing a acar. It u a serious mistak. to
ue any other. DeWltt's Witch Ha
el Salve enroa blind, bleeding itc.
In and protruding plies burns
bruises, edema and all skin ilisi-a.es
Sold hy Tallman ft Co. 1
it Boss E
t tomna nw h
t i Jf 11 ijCOO
t Storage Phone Mum ! , f,ilu.e Phonc Ma,n ,W J j. . 1 V V
B; ' ' V mr ;
Standard Sizes and Prices.
feet r, inches wide sr. 11k .$ h.Zh
:t feel wide 3d lbs 10.00
:t feet r, Inches wide, Hf. lbs. . 11.70
I feet wide, 40 lbs 13.35
I feel fi inches wide, 45 lbs. . . 15.00
All fi feet 3 inches long
In iwo parts 50i- extra. Special sixes
special prices.
Express charges prepaid to any place.
The partnership hnretofore exist
ing betwean John W. Crow and Claud
U Crow, in the farming and stock
nuatnaas has been dissolved by mu
tual consent of the partners: John
,ilL. w. Muni payment or ,
dsbu owlr- to tho partnership, and
will colbci an .,bta owin , u ;
B riopton s. A ewlwn-"
Co Younger Snr. t.Bt ck'
Teutacb. East OreL-oiii .ir Pit,
E W McComas nigby-Clove
Imatllla Indian Agency, u.je
VA.K Typewriter that lia, nl ,. V? "u,fu"f VISI-
and none of the ha.i . " , 01 ub0T Vl-ewrj! rs
the machine.
Call and seo mncMno ..
t also has a tabulator which ,s a par! of
that are suiierlor to other makes.
741 Jlain Street
3 :
You can have ttn Ostermoor Ma"te hlcep on it thirt)
nights und 11 it is not better than an other MattreuB jou
have ever iisi-d-ir it I- not all v,,u , Ven hoped for-return U
at our expend ami voir money v. iii le immediately refundod
T.ihnuf qh. Kfc.i. wiiut more can we dn t,. convince yon'
The Genuine Oftermoor Mattress is Sold
Pendleton Exclusively bv
Main Blret-t, Near liiidge.
in ;
L.1 I V ?
! Many People
Aie a.out as progressive as a skv rocket turnueJ
,uhp,ni e(hd7 Its-a h;ird thin10 "y ut wc
M.r-bc ,1 exl,,rfM,on fi,s te housekeeper who
s tichi to the o,d, rusty tinware or cheap enam-
led ware instead of saving money by buying
Four coated,
kitchen ware.
all atfjel
" l.E
W. J. CLARKE & Co,
uBMi .oin, r 13.
:ii Court Street