. 'it si- 5 DAILY CAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER , 1964. Mercerized Waistings and i Fleece-Back Fancies : : : T ... L ............... . j PEflsnim BEiTim, Arc the popular cotton fabrics for Fall. Our line of Foreign and Domestic Novelties is complete in every detail, and, comprises the latest designs in white, black, cream and figured fancies. Prices from J2'c to $1 Per Yard. Would be glad 'to show you our new Fall Goods TEUTSCH'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE Corner Main and Alta City Brevities Hello1 U C Radur? Se Sharp for paior hanging. Fr ill fruit ilally at Martlu's. Smokers' supplies at Neuman'a. For the best bread, get Rourman's. fresh fish, game anil poultry. Casus- Ueirlgerated meats. Schwartz & tiroultch Co. Call up 'Phone Main 1881 when you wan' pure ice. Buy o fountain pen this week at half price at Frazler's. Try tho Palm, 221 Court street, tor nuts, candies and frultB. Received dally, fresh tatuales, crabs and crawfish at Gratz's. Men' four-in-hands, raldgots and as o ties at Tho Peoples Warehouse. Don'' let cigars get tho best of you get the best of cigars. Hanlon's. All kinds of Imported and domestic iunrhes and clam chowder at Gratz's. We have fruit jars and fruit Jar txtras rubbers, covers, otc. R. Rohr man See Charles Lane about your paint ing and paper hanging; 807 Vincent street New lino of fall street hats on dis play Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day at .Mrs. Campbell's. Estimates given on short notice) on painting and paper hanging. Charles l.ane this pioneer painter, 807 Vin cent street I get the price right beforo I list property. That Is why I soli so raucn of It I havo some bargains in both city and country property that can Jot bo equaled. E. T. Wade & Son. Jewelry 1 he Bright New Ideas of the day. Latest Creations of the Jewelers Art. You can always depend on what you get at our store. We never misrepresent. HUNZIKER THE PROGRESSIVE JEWELER -Vettdoor to K. Alexander U C Rader, M. A. Lndlos" half solos 40c. Teutsch's, nest shoo work at Teutsch's. If you want a cab, call up Main liil. Got your clothes cleaned at Joer-ger's. For Hont A piano. Apply at this ; oirtcc. New books arriving dally at Fro- ' Tlnf'ti l.niil ntn-n Wanted Salesman and collector. Call at tills olncc. Now carpets" and linoleums at Rn der's furniture store. For prompt scrvlco, call up tho Mc Kay Cab Co., 'phono Main 1C1. Ml Preforlda, the best cigar made. it Ilees" cigar store. Court street. Get your nscot at Tho Peoples Warehouse new ones Just received. Goods that nro right at prices that ire right at Ilader's furnlturo store. "Poacoful Henry." "A Slow Drag," that's the latest hit, only 2rc. Nolfs. Havo your buggies painted by Wilson & Carmine. 'Phono Black 1043. For Ilont Two small houses, three blocks enst of Main street. Apply at K, O, office. Two pianos, slightly used. Great bargains. Como quick. Inland Em pire Piano House, near bridge. Estimates given on house painting. Work strictly first-class. Wilson & Carmine, next door to Neaglo Bios. For Rout Four desirable furnish ed rooms, JC per month each. Apply 218 Alta Btreet, opposite Episcopal church. Puro crystal Ice don't cost any moro than inferior ice, and is so much cleanor and more healthful. Phono Main 1881. Tho II. S. & M. clothing for this fall has arrived. Did you over wear a Hart, Schnoffor & Marx suit? If not, did you over examine or try one on? Tho Peoples Warehouse would bo moro than pleased to havo you como lu and sco them. On Missionary Work. Rev. B. F. Harper, of Pendleton who Is Sunday school missionary for the Presbyterian church In Eastern Oregon, passed through the city last evening en routo home from Elgin, where ho has been working along the line of the Sunday school work. La Grande Observer. Mrs. Dutton, Sr., Improving. C. R. Dutton, of Lehman Springs hus returned to his home after a visit at tho bedside of ills mother, who Is 111. His brother, Dr. E. E. Dutton, of Caldwell, Idaho, also roturnod to his homo. Mrs. Dutton having improved and now being considered convales cent Goal operators in Pennsylvania, claim an overproduction of anthra cite threatens, and hnvo begun to re strict tho output. FEATHER DUSTERS New Shipment of Turkey and Ostrich Dusters to inch Turkey, ioo feathers special 35c. 14 inch Tur e)i too feathers special ,50c. 12 inch carriage duster 120 tail gathers, special 75c. s inch parlor duster (Ostrich,) special ''25 Sisil duster for removing dirt from furniture special 50c. Our Ice Cream will please you If you ever had any Getter ours wont cost you a cent. Wj will let you lie the judge, KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE 15 Hterw tVom Main Street toward tho Court llouwi Mr. and Mrs. McRae are visiting menus in tno city. J. Hayes, of Heppnor, Is In tho city on a short business visit. George Peebles, of Weston, was a visitor in the city yesterday. W. H. Ferguson, of Adams, is In mo city for a short business vls'.t. Mrs. J. Stanton, of Athena. Is In tno city the guest of friends hers. J. M. Hayes, of Athena, was a hus Iness visitor In tho city yesterday. Will M. Peterson, the attorney of Aiuena, is tn the city on legal bus iness. - Mrs. L. Swaggart, of Athena, Is in the city the guest of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wood, of Athe na, aro In the city the guests of friends. George H. Sutherland Is in the city to look after the progress of the work on the Bewor. Do Witt Matlock Is In the city vis iting his father, Cass Matlock, of North Pendleton. Mrs. R. N. Stnnfleld returned to ner home In Echo this morning, after a visit with friends hero. Miss Goorgle Lash is in Baker City the guest of her sister and will re mnln there for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoo Oakes return ed to their home In Portland this morning, after a visit In Pendleton. Conductor Charles Brown, of the 0. R. & N., has Just returned from a week's visit at Hot Lake sanitari um. Dan Taylor has returned to his home In Portlaud after a visit In this city with his sister, Mrs. W. F. Ken nedy. Mrs. Walter Wyatt left this morn ing for Portland, where she will Join her husband "and make her future home. 1 ' Mrs. J. U Rowland left this morn ing for Mount Tabor, near Portland, where she was called by tho death of her husband's sister. Miss F. L. Therkelsen. of Spokane. returned to her home this morning, after a visit with her brother, L. E. Thorkelsiin, of this city. William Bracken, of Walla Walla. private secretary to President Mc- Cahe, of tho W. &. C. R.. is in the city the guest of his sister, Airs. C. J. Ferguson. R. A. Maze left this morning for Walla Walla, where he will remain on business for Borne time. Mr Maze Is the organizer of the F'lternal Brotherhood, George Ferguson, of Lee Teutsch's store, Jen this morning for Weston Athena and other small towns of tho vicinity on a business trip In connec tlon with the store. E. B. Penland 1b visiting with IiIb brother, L. E. Penland. He has been looking after his farming interests in Eastern Oregon. He leaves tonight for his homo In Albany. Or. Jake Bourne, one of the lnrge cat tlemen of Camas Prairie, was In the city yesterday to close up a deal with J. C. Lonergan on the sale of a lot of cattle shipped ont Monday night Rev. Bleakney. who has been pas tor of the Presbyterian church at Elgin, will leave In n few days to take charge of the Presbyterian Academy at Pendleton. La Grande Observer. Mrs. Georgo Carnilchael, of Wes ton, returned to her home this morn lug nftcr a short visit In this city with friends. Mrs. Carnilchael Is en route homo from a month spent with her daughter at Olney. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Anderson, of Philadelphia, accompanied by Geo. Ladd Munn, of Seattle, returned to Walla Walla this morning, after hav ing completed tho purchaso of the Pendleton electric plant. Joo Gill, of Portland, reached the city last night, nccompanled by Miss Helen Cranston, who has been visit ing In that place for some time. Mr. Gill will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C K. Cranston for a week or 10 days. Miss Eva Wood, of Weston, tho sister of Clark Wood, of that city, is In the city the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. W. Sullivan. Miss Wood will remain In the city during the winter, having been elocted to teach In tho schools here. It Pays to Trade at I The Peoples' Warehouse We're Here With the Goods Divorce Granted. In the circuit court today a decree of divorce was granted tu Mrs. Maude Johnson, of Athena, from her husband, Albert S. Johnson. The parties wore residents of Athena, and the husband deserted tho wife and has slnco continued to llvo separate and apart from her. The court granted the plaintiff the right to as Biime once more her maiden name of Maude Yusburg. Will M. Peterson was the attorney for tho plaintiff Industrial School Fire, Whlttier, Cal., Sept. 8. Fire 111 the state industrial school this morning destroyed the stage scenery and fix tures, Tho boys. Inmates of the school, did splendid work fighting the fire and it Is due to their efforts that tho school was not destroyed. Ioss, ,$3,000. Germany will begin the work of Installing a magnificent exhibit at St, Louis by transferring bodily the Dres don municipal exhibit. HutSchaffncr G? Marx HandTailored If you havo worn a Hart,Schaftiierifc Marx vuit you'll want an other. Good as they wero )ast season, thev .110 butter for THIS PALL. They bfin at $15 and better oues if you want them. Thoro is no so-callod made to order Fiiit for which your measure is taken that it KG INS to bo a HANDSOME and STYLISHLY out as tho n. S. b M. You won't find such clothes as these any where else in town and we'll bo as glad to show them to you whether you come to look or to buy S 1 Hart Schaffiier CrMarji 'J a tlor Wade Clofhes The Peoples Warehouse Leading Clothiers -----I'---44 ---- - ---..... Fearful Odds Against Him. Bed-ridden, nluno and destitute. Such In brief was tho condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Hav ens, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gavo hlin relief. At length ho tried Elec tric Bitters. It put him on his feet in short order and now he tostlfles: "I'm on tho road to complete recov ery." Best on earth for liver and kidney troubles and all forms of stomach and bowel complaints, On ly 50e. Guaranteed by Tollman & Co., druggists, A Glassware Sale 1 See Sharp's artistic wall paper. What Kind of Feet Have You If they are narrow or low Instep, or high instep or wide and short. Hat and broad, or If you havo corns or bunions or Ingrowing too nails, or toe In or too out, why to bo properly shod you must certainly con sult the doctor of shoes in the shoo parlor of tho Boston Store. Here will bo told to you all tho truths about good shoes. How to buy tho easy feeling, good wearing, fine appearing, and purso opening shoes. Re member that our shoes save in stocking wear. When we tell you wo have the largest stock of shoes to sell men and women at .G0 to $3.50, we are staling a fact easy to prove. That's why it pays to inspect our shoe department when in need of shoes for any of the family BOSTON STORE Thi beauti Hl.is.it pitcher only 25c Other fiuc valuta IS Hinl 48 rents Glass Setd Consisting of cov ered butter dn-h, Miiir howl ami creamer, three line value, -18, uT, mid fl5e. Not the cluap, trahy ware, uut heuvy, tervlceablo glutsware. other Itenii. auch Xapplei, Fruit Jllitu'f, Celery triijn, etc , leuin 5 to Ute UOI.I.S AM) 1IOI, I, IIBADS 5c 2.45 An I uineiiw lot ol bulla-Jliunlredi o Mjlet at loweat I'ricn. I THE NOLF STORE THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this iu mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for tho International Poultry and Stock Food. Uh ICow Kure for your cow trou bles, C. F. Golesworthy 127.129 East Alta .St. Agent for Lee's Lice' Killer THE ELITE FISH AND POULTRY MARKET 4. Cor Mum N , II11 I'D 1(1 1 lot I I'mp, Our specialties are finest fresh and salt water fish of all desirable varitics, crabs, lobsters, ciaius anil water delacacies, Olyni pia and eastern oysters. Wo will serve you with the finest oyster cocktail. Goods delivered to any partof the city. Prompt service and best satisfaction. t A Trial Order is Solicited J. f Jul 111 ,J -- - TTVrTTVf I T TTTTTTvTTTTTTtTT Rigby-Clove Mfgj COMPANY j ft Manufacturers of tke Clove Combined HARVESTER r Repairs for all kinds oft Farm Machinery;. Fouudry Work a Specialty Cash paid for old castings J ; 2M The Orogon Pally Journal can be found qn salo at Frazler's book store.v.