East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 09, 1903, Image 3

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u The Peoples ure atest umimers
Iowa Man Resided Here During the
Sixties Going on Visit to Tennes.
see Mrs. Pruett and Family Will
Reside at McMlnnvllle Visitors
Return to Nebraska.
UR annual School Sale of boy's
Suits Shoes, Caps and all the
fixings necessary to put thom
in shape for hard wear of the school
days. Take advantage of this op
portunity its a money maker.
" yJtt" 1 lit MM I .A I a I II 1 a imvrarUafifBL.) UKJ v
Umatilla. Made at Home. A. RHODE, Maker.
t .1. .t. J. -- J.-T-.T T. JW- .....T.....T....J..I..T...T..T..T.T..T..T.......T.. T..T..T 1 .
a. T - jJ r
The Unsurpassed
The Always Satisfactory
only by us. 'Joal stoves raninne in price from
i tr. . lT" fi a i. r
ii in ."Ti''ii i mi h 1 1 1 v i's nil" imw r.nriY' inr rn r
621 Main St. Headquarters for fishing supplies
H"l"H"t lHJ,4l fM5 4
Joseph's Academy:
Pendleton, Oregon.
For Boarding and Day Students. Conducted by
the Sislers of St. Frances of Philadelphia.
Classes will be resumed September 7th.
ms, etc., Apply to
Package GOLD LEAF Coffee
Athena, Sept. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Alf.
uoppock, of Pullman, Wash., wore
called to tho bedside of Mr. Cbppock's
mother, who died a few days ago of
dropsy. Mr. and Mrs. Coppock re
turned homo Friday, accompanied by
Mrs. Coppock's sister, Mrs. Curtis, of
mis city, who will spend a few days
visiting her sister and father.
Mrs. Areta Plamondon stumbled on
a splintered board in tho sidewalk,
running a largo splinter Into her foot.
She was unable to walk for several
Daniel Gholson and dauKhter. of
Albla, Iowa, have been visiting at tho
home or Mr. Gholson's brother. Wil
liam Gholson, of this city, for soveral
days. Mr. Gholson Is one among the
few men who lived on tho coast In
early times and returned East to
live. In tho early '60s ho freighted
out of Walla Walla.
Harvey McDonald. Mrs. H. O.
Worthington's brother. Is critically 111
with typhoid fever In Walla Wulli.
Ills condition is reported oxfumoly
Ex-Senator A. H. Price and wife
and daughters, Mlsse3 Maggie and
Lucy, formerly .of this city, but now
of Pullman, Wash., spent a few days
in Athena and the neighborhood vis
iting old friends and relatives. They
are well contented in their new home,
as they have a fine farm which pro
duces good crops.
Mrs. Charles Nelson visited her pa
rents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Heck, from
her home near Havana.
Mrs. MeEwen and children will
leave soon for a visit with frlonds
in Tennessee.
Mrs. W. J. Wilkinson and daughter,
Miss Velma, returned homo last week
from a visit to friends In Klickitat
county, Washington. Thoy hunted
Indian relics near the Columbia.
Mrs. E. U Darnott left Tuesday for
a visit to Corvallis. where her sons
will probably attend school this win
ter. Mr. and Mrs. John Ilaligus and L.
Hallgus left Sunday morning for Liv
ingston, whore they will remain n
week or ten days.
Mrs. George Foster was called to
Daker City to attend the sickbed (
her niece, who has since died. Mrs.
Foster has not returned homo yet.
Miss Mary Slas, slBter of Hov. C.
1. Slas, tho former paBtor of the
Christian church, returned last week
from a visit to Salem and other
places in the Wlllametto vnllcy.
After visiting a few days with her
brother's familj. Miss Slas left again
Tuesday for her homo In Nebraska.
Uncommonly Fine Wheat.
David Taylor, who for years has
been engaged In tho wheat business
In this city, says the heaviest wheat
ho has over handled is
this year A few
The Smooth Smoke
The Cream 4
ihe Islands
The Largest Selling Brand of Cigars
in the World
Tio Band la tho Smoker u Protection
out 154 pounds to tho sack for tho
410 sacks. Mr Taylor drew a check
for ?735.55. It tested C7 pounds to
tho bushel and ono draft of five sacks
weighed 794 pounds, an average of
about 153 pounds to the sack.
Will Reside at McMlnnvllle.
Mrs. W. II. Pruett, widow of tho
late Kov. Pruett, Is making prepara
tions to go to McMlnnvllle to reside,
and send her bon and daughter to
the McMlnnvIllo colloge.
Ninth Annual Session Has Met, at
South Bend.
South I3eiid. Iud Sept. 0. For the
first time In its history tho Indiana
Hankers' Association, organized In
1895, Is holding Its annual meeting
outsldo of Indianapolis. Representa
tive bankers and financiers from
every section of tho stato filled tho
banqueting room of the Hotel Oliver
this morninc ut 10 o'clock when the
coralnc in 1 convention was called to order by
davB aco Arthur 1 the president. It. L. O'Halr. of Green-
Scott sold and delivered to Mr Tay-1 castle,
lor -110 sacks of wheat that weighed I After the visitors had been wel-
! coined bv Muvor Focnrtv llin rnnvnn.
I tlon listened to the annual address
' of President O'Halr, which dealt In
an interesting and exnaustlvo way
with manv of tho leadinir flnnnrlnl
'questions of tho present day. Other
addresses of tho session wero deliv
ered by S. It. Flynn, president of the
National Livestock Board; by W. W.
Hart, of Indianapolis, on "The Rela
tion of the Commonwealth to Stato
Financial Institutions," and by J. A.
L. Pollard, of Fort Madison, la., on
"Rubber Currency." Tho session to
morrow promises to bo a most inter
esting one. Tho scheduled speakers
Include United States Senator Uever-
Idge, of Indiana, and Congressman
Fowler, of New Jersey.
j ....ncio livcrv Dackaoe of (in I.i.af Hntln Rirn
and Gold Leaf Java & Mocha
Coffee contains one ticket.
These goods are the best ever
placed on the market for the
money. Try a package and if
not satisfactory, return it to
aim ni ,:n i
iiii ici him ui r innnpu.
irv r?ni.i t , . . . . . .
i,. u ueal brand spices, teas, extracts and baking
1 ey are the best. Once tried always used.
LAND COFFcr m. cpmr
1 BL&fJ
Marble and Cranite
J e no our own work und guarantee the'mmoat
loweu price. Eulmatea uivan on all xlndi of Cut
Btoae, Webiuealargettock and would bs pleai
oa to have jou eiamlne U.
Main Street Pendleton, Orogon
Near O. H, N. Depot
unANon.aaop at HEPPNKn, ore.
liB lt is Cream Ml
J H that makes tho coffee appetlzlne. Poor H i
T cream has spoiled many a breakfast.
T 1 The ceuulne
1 Economy li
I I Brand I
I I Evaporated
j HI bears the above cao label. Ask HI
f your erocer for the rl2ht kind, BJ
which Is the most satisfactory Bj I
T kind. Never sours, cuaranteea BBJ
T 1 absolutely puro cow's milk, most BB
f I nutritious and appetizing. Try BBJ
faai It in your coiiso-it ceau au BVV
others. tffl
A? UiglundIllhioljHH
. ..(... ..j...
Our stock In all linns Is filling up
with nice now fall goods, and is al
most cofpleto in every part of the
store. This week wo will make a dis
play of the nicest walstlngs and dress
goods wo have ever carried. (II vo us
a call and look through our linos.
Fine French llannel wnlHliiigs. all
colors. 50c yard.
Fine wool Clialllos with satin
stripes, all colors, 75c yard.
White mercerized cheviot waist
lugs, 25c yard.
White mercerized walstlngs, noel
l pattornw, 60e yard.
White woolon walstlngs, novelty de
signs and weaves, 50c ynrd.
Now styles white goodr, In wool
with dots and figures, 50c yard.
EtamlncH In soveral colors and
welghtB. GOr, COc and $1.
KlbcIlncK In all colors and quali
ties, 50c, (10c, i)0c up to 175 yard.
All tho now stuff is found here, and
our prices nro the lowest.
Call nt the store to He out H ATI) 11
to Provont Pneumonia and Consump
tion is to euro your cold when It
first appears. Acker's English Rem
edy will stop the cough In a night,
and drive tho cold out of your system.
Always a quick and auro euro for
Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat
and lung troubles. If it does not sat
isfy you tho druggist will refund your
monoyt Write to us for free sample,
W. 11. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
F. W. Schmidt & Co., drugSl&U.
Do You Enjoy What You Eat?
If you don't, your food does not do
you much good, Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure is tho remedy that every ono
should take when thero is any tu.ng
wrong with tho stomach. Thero is
no way to maintain the health and
strength of mind and body except by
nourishment. Thero Is no way to
nourish except through the stomach.
Tho stomach must bo kept healthy,
puro and sweet or tho strength will
lot down and disease will set up. No
appetite, loss of strength, nervous
ness, headache, constipation, bad
breath, sour risings, rifting, indiges
tion, dyspopsla and ail stomach trou
bles aro quickly cured by the ubo of
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Sold by
Tallmon & Co.
Second District Fair, The Dalles, Ore.,
September 28th to October 3rd, 1903.
For tho above occasion tho O. It.
& N. makes a rata of I5.7C for the
round trip. Tickets on sale Sept. 2S,
30, and Oct. 1. Return, limit Oct.. 4,
1003. For further particulars call
on or address F, F, Wamslcy, agent
O, R. & N. Co. ' J
Do You Want a Cabf
When you want prompt and relia
ble service call ud 'phone Main 16,
The McKay. Cab Co.
Trlb, tho world's groatost cure for
the liquor and tobacco habt.
Price per treatment 112.60. For
sale by all druggists, t
The Place to Save Money f
Shields' Park
Provides an evening of rare enjoyment 1
Good, clean, wholesome fun. Not a
dull minute.
Near O. R. & N. Depot
Admission, 20c
Children, 10c
alogoe of them. A foil supply always kept la stock,