East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 09, 1903, Image 2

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During This
Wo will, give a
20 por cent on
T 729 Main St,
Marconi hat secured a concession
of 25.1)00 square feet of space at tho
St. I.ouls Fair for the demonstration
of wireless telosraphy.
Tho United Cereal Company, cap I-
llrj1 nf tl'r. OAAnnn lma irnnn I
tallied at $125,000,000. has gono
bankrupt nnd a receiver been ap
pointed to manage Its affairs.
Tho democrats of New York nomi
nated Dennis O'Drleu to succeed him
self as Judge In tho court of appeals.
Yesterday the republican state com
mittee indorsed him.
The A. T. & S. V. railway an
nounces a raise in the wages of all
jn uic nas ui ....
boilonuakers. machinists and black-,
T'feVrper0: U'
The 13 ami tl-yoar-old daughters .
of Peter Malloop, of Tulare, Cal., j
were practically torn to nieces by a
runaway horse dragging them along
a barbed wire fence.
A new Chlno-Americau treaty is
being framed. The Pekin govern
ment Insists upon a clause gagging
all nowspapors published In the
American settlements in China.
There wore 11G births and 105
deaths in tho city .of Portland during
the month of August.
Earl WUoughby was killed In a
sawmill accident at Cambridge. 20
miles north of Wolser, Idaho. Tues
day. Heavy rains in the Willamette val
ley aro causing hop fields to mould
and great loss is being suffered In
ranny localities.
Frank Mulkoy was stabbed to death
at Junction City, Or., Tuesday, by
Jonathan J. Ilutler. Trouble has
been browinir between the men for
some time. '
Tho Southern Paclllc Company is
contemplating tho construction of a
h,-,i, ii.. int.. Tinmiiniiit pmintv.
California, to tap tho great timber
belt of that district.
Ono of the novel entertainments at
Butte on Labor Day was a drilling
contest between two blind miners.
One drilled nine inches and tho other
3 3-1C Inches In 20 minutes.
School B
Will Soon Ring
Get your books and supp ies ol us We are the
recognized headquarters tor school supplies ol :lll
kinds and have a stock unequaled in Eastern
O.egon. Al' books in use in the public
and parochial schools and the ncadfsmy.
Largest, most beautifully coveted tablets with
best paper, in Pendleton for the money. Parents,
let us furnish your boys and girls with needed
supplies to commence school Come with them
or let them come alone. We give children the
same attention as prown people We will save
you mqney.
Our motto
discount of
Boys School Suits J
Boys Knee Pnpt- 2 piece
, suits $1.50 to $2 00
li s Knee rants 2 piece
suits $2 25 to $2 75 ,
Boys Kneo Pants 2 piece
suits 3 to $ 1.00
Boys Knee Pants 3 piece
suits $2.50 to $3 00
Bovs Knee Pants 3 niece
suits . $3 25 to $4.25 '
Young Men's Long rants
$3.75 to $4 25 -
Young Men's Long Pants
$4.50 to $5 50
Young Men's Long Pauls
$G to $10
Dnker & Folsom Will Soon Have One
of the Most Artistic in the State.
Halter & Folsom, the undertakers,
wll! In tlin rnnrso nf rt fnw ilnvs.
,)laco ln service their remodeled ami
. . i 1 -
beautiful vehicle, and one i.iat would
he a credit to a city many times as
largo as Pendleton, lloth tho firm
and tho city have just causo to be
proud of this elegant car, as it Is safo
to say thero Is not such another In
tho state, outsldo of Portland.
It is finished artistically ln white
and gold, tho body and running gear
. . ,,. ,,, ,i,, - nffcot
" fa "bonl er of ' gold around tho
The Interior of the car Is covered
with a rich, whlto satin, which is
soft and delicate as down. Tho cur-
tains which cover tho glass sides arc
fringed with cold, and tno fixtures
aro convenient and up-to-date. The
design of tho car Is tho very latest
and Its arrangement the most im
proved. The work of remodeling and
painting tho car was done by C. C.
Sharp and much credit Is due him
and his skilled workmen who per
formed this excellent lob.
Baker & Folsom also have their
magnificent now black, rubbor-tlred
hearse In uso and are prepared to
give best service at funerals.
The Modern School of Commerce,
successor to tho Pendleton Business
College, opens Monday, September 7.
Bookkeeping, stenography and pen.
maushin courses nro taught. For fur
thpr Information, address Modern
School of Commerce, Pendleton, Or
egon. or ha Grande, Oregon.
Pendleton neonle aro loyal .o Pen
dleton's business enterprises. That
Is tho reason the lloss Ico & Cold
Storago Company linvo hud to put on
two wagons and thon can scarcely
handle tno iraue.
Glvo us your or
1 .t Mn.i will fnlm rnro nf it if
uuis miu vj ..... -.. --
wo have to put on four times iwo
wagons. 'Phone llain 1881
Have your
shoes repaired at
Book Store
Kamela Woodmen Have Large
Amounts on Hand Ready for Ship,
ment to This City Cars Scarce
During the Wheat Rush Teams
Now Busy Hauling Wood to Track.
Wood will not ho as scarco in the
market this winter as tho present
situation in this city would lead to
H. It. Collins, ono of llio most
prominent wood dealers of Kumola,
was In the city yesterday evening,
nnd says that ho has had four and
flvo men cutting wood all summer,
and that other woodmen of that vi
cinity have been getting out the usual
amount all season.
Just at present not very much wood
Is being shipped to tho market, on ac
count of tho cars being busy handl
ing tho wheat crop, but ntter tho
temporary harvest rush Is over, wood
will begin to move and will bo Just
as plentiful as ovor.
Tho only drawback to tho wood sit
uation ln the mountains Is tho fact
that it must bo hauled farther, as
tho good timber near the track Is all
cut out.
Tho price for cutting wood has in
creased ln tho past year, from 90
cents a cord to $1.25 a cord now.
Otherwise thu cost of production Is
no greater than It wns flvo years ago,
In fact. It Is less In somo respects,
as the haulers have built excellent
roads and have prepared convenien
ces for handling wood on the dump,
at tho track, which they did not have
flvo years ago, thus lessening the
cost of handling It.
The cost of producing it has In
creased about 35 cents per cord.
while the cost to tho consumer has
increased from $1.75 to $2 per cord.
Tho dumps at Kamela are now full
of good wood, as usual, nnd there Is
no shortage In sight. As soon as cars
can be procured wood will begin to
move the same as usual.
Exposition by Manufacturers and
Merchants of Portland, September
15 to 18, Under Auspices of Mult
nomah Athletic Club.
For tho above occasion tho O. It. &
N. makes a rate of $10 90 for tho
round trip. Dates of sale, September
15, 18. 22. 23. 1903. Ticket Jimtted
to continuous passago and final re
turning limit seven days from dato Qt
sale. The ticket will also have one
coupon good for ono admission to the
carnival exposition. For further par
ticulars, cal Ion or address F. F
Wunisley, agent.
West Virginia Editors.
Charleston, W. Va., Sept, U. The
annual meeting or tho West Vlrglula
Editorial Association, which opened
here today. Is the largest In point
of attendance ovor held by the asso
ciation. The sessions nro to continue
until Saturday and will be dovoted to
a discussion of the numerous mat
ters of Interest to the makers of
nowspapers. At the conclusion of
tho convention tho editors and their
wives and families will tako a jaunt
to Norfolk nnd up along the Atlantic
Static or ohxo crrr onoLirxii
Vr,CA9 Cousty. t
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he It the
senior partner ol the firm ol F.J. Cheney A Co .
doluit business In the city of Toledo, connty
and state aforesaid, and that said firm will par
,,. Burn nirinn Hundred Dollars for each and
every caseof Catarrh that cannot be cored by
tho use of Hall's Catarrh Cure,
bworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this 6th day of Derember, A-
UL . A. W. OI.KA80N.
' Notary IMbllc.
iiaii'a Prtirph (!iirn Is taken Internal! v and
sets directly on the blood and muc.ius surfaces
Oitnesystem. iwiin ir nnumuiiiniB,.i.
F. J. CHKNF.Y & CO., Yoledo. Ohio.
Bold bydruexIstr.'Sc.
Hall's Family Fills are thn best.
Annual Convention Concatenated Or
der Hoc- Hoo, Portland, Ore., Sep
tember 6. 1903.
For the above occasion O. H, & N.
makes a ono antl oiie-tlilrii faro rato
tn Portland on tho certificate plan,
Tickets on sale tlireo days prior to
opening day. For fttrtner panicu
lars call on or address V. V Wains
loy. afsent O. It, & N.
Sick Headache absolutely and per
raancntly cured by using Mokl Tea
A pleasant herb drink. Cures Constl
nation and Indigestion, makos you
p.it aleon. work nnd hanpy. Satlafae
(Ion minrnnteed or money back. 25
rta nnd CO cts. Wrlto to W. H. Hoolc
er & Co.. Buffalo. IT. Y for a free
sample. F. W. Schmidt & Co., drug'
Vaudeville at La Grande.
Sims, tho cartoonist, thp Harrl
soiib and tho Lcons who have appear
ed recently on tho programs In
Shields' Park. In this city, liavo
mado contracts with tho Stewart
opera houso In La Grande, to glvo a
week's vaudeville performance in
that city.
Sirs. Ida' ItecUsteln, of Chicago,
rushed In front of Rudolph Hoppo,
who had shot twice at her usband
without lilttlnrr him. Tho third Shot
struck and killed her. Hoppo, who
Is a saloonkeeper, was beatou nearly
to doath by a gang of laborers nearby
lrnr lin could be roscued by the
Dltcuss Rates n Southwest,
fit. Louis, Sept. 8. Tho most im
portant matter before tho meeting
here today of the general freight
agents of tho Southwest tariff com
mittee is the question of through
rates and divisions thereof. Tho re
cent advance ln freight rates an
nounced by Mexican lines makes nec
essary somo Important changes In
the present agreements existing be
tween tho Mexican and Toxas lines
regarding divisions of rates.
Schooner Foundered,
Providence. Sept. 8, A Block
Island dispatch says a largo four
masted schooner foundered this
morning near Southeast Lighthouse.
No traco of the crow could be found.
It is believed sho ran Into nn old
sttnkun hulk during tho fog.
Sham Battle.
Fort Leavenworth, Sept. S. Two
thousand troops stationed here are
engaged In n sham battle today, pre
liminary to the maneuvers at Fort
No Dessert
More Attractive
Why uso golaliuo ami
Jirodueei belter results in two minutes? j
'Iverythlugiu th pnckiige. Simply add hot
water nnd set to cool. It'apeifeetion. Afcur- !
prise to tho ltnu. wife. Nu trouble, les ex
pense. Trv It trMl.iv. In Four Fruit l''lrw I
voia: Lemon, OrtuiRo. Strawberry, ltusp- 1
berry. At grocers, ldc. j
For Bilious and Netvous Dtcorders, such aa
Wind nnd Polu In the Stom-ich, Sick Head
ache, Giddiness, I'ulncss and Bwelllnjr after
meals, DUzines and Drowsiness, Colu Chill
Mushing! of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Short
ness of Ureath, Costtveness. niotclies on the
Skin. Disturbed Sleep, l'rlahtful Dreams
and nil Nervonsand Trembling Renwilions.
TWEtlT?MllJJTES. Thf. is no fiction.
J'.vcry sufferer it earnestly Invited to try oue
llox of these Pills, and tlicv will ln itcli
iiowIvUiicdtohe WITI.CuT A RIVAL.
mniCHA.Ttl'SlMIjI.v taken os direc
ted, will quickly restore I'tmiks tocomplete
health. They promptly remove any obstruc
tion or Irregularity of the system, Ifora
Vlfeak Stomach,
Impaired Digestion,
Disordered Liver,
theyact like manlc-a few doses wilt work
WOnaers upon mc VIUI UIKainj ouuiKiusw
inn the muscular System, restoring the long,
lost Complexion, btinpins bait the keen
edge of appetite, nnd arousing with the
Ilooobtitl or llcnltli tlio whole l'li-
Icul enorsy of the human frame. Thesa
are "facts" admitted by thousands, in all
classes of society, and one of the best guar
antees to the Nervous mid Debilitated is
that UEECHAM'S PILLS hnvotho
Largest Sale of any Potent
Medicines in the World.
lleecliniii'n I'ltN Itnvo liecu before
(lie public lor- liiill u s'Ollllirj,
and uro tlio nioKt populur liiiull)
inctllcliio. ,NoleNlliiioiilitlHnripul
llslictl, iih llevcluilll'H I'IIIm
Prepared only by Thomas Doechnm
St. Holons, England.
Sold eierjtilirro La lluses 10c. and 23c.
Carryalls for picnic parties. Good
teams with compotenl tirivors ior
commercial men. Speedy horses niul
handsome rigs for ovGiilng and bun-
day drives. Gentle horses for famil
use. Stock boaruea nt reasoname
rates. Best of care given to transient
stock. Opposite Hotel l'emlleiou
Phono Main 161,
not free from truilt should l relieved
of the right strength, lly this means
they ure saved from partial or total
blindness in Inter years.
are made with the aid of modern scien
tific instruments. My prices for Spec
spena nouns so.1Km1jatyc.v,irvi. gi
feweotenlug, llivonug rm -i;5w2s' ! H
ami coloring when TO(feECs '
rwn"7i"iTri..i.f m
Your Eyes
tacles and eyeglasses arc quuemoueratc.
Qlenn Winslow
8iS Muiu
Curtii Jett on Trial.
Cynthia, Kr., Sopt, 8. Tho case
against Curtis Jett, charged With
murdoriug Town Marsha Cockrlll,
wns called today.
Pre, Pale and Sparkling. Bottled
Only at the Brewery la SU Louis.
Off Your
Vacation YHp
People who have been on
t1 eir summer vacations are
beginning to return and
arc bringing back with
thorn some beauti
ful pictures.
Cameras. Films,
Plates, all hinds albums,
printing paper, mounts,
and all kinds of supplies
for amateur photo
graphers at low
We'll Help Yoa with
Yoat Photo Troubles
F. W. Schmidt
The Reliable Druggist
l'ostoftlce nlock. Phone Main 851
1 State Normal School f
Weston, Oregon
Courses of Study
Prepare for best positions in the
public school. Thorough instruc
tion is tlio best methods of teach
ing. Practice teaching in ti well
organized training school. Special
courses in llookkccping, Tyte-
writing, Sloyd, Domestic Science,
The Faoulty
Includes graduates of Harvard, ()
Indiana, Stanford Drake, Willa- S
mitte nnd Cilicagu Universities,
Stute Normal Schools of Jlnssit-
chusetts, Indiana, Pennsylvania
and Iown. ?,
Home Life- -In Carefully Sup-
ervised Dormitories.
Tuition Free
Hoard at Cost fi
Next term open September
Write for catalogue
i Robert C. French,
St. Helen's Hall
(Ust. 18C9 by lit. Hov. U. W. Morris.)
I Will outer Us 31th year September
14, 1803. Number or resident pupils
limited to sixty. Book of Information
sent on application,
Ucfore deciding whore to go to
school, examine a
catalogue tor tho coming year. New
building and equipment. New man
agement, and a faculty of experienc
ed teachers. Special arrangement
for music students and ior the care
ful oversight of all students from out
of town. All grades of public school
work thoroughly done. Our college
preparatory work Is accepted by the,
best colleges East and West Moral
and social advantages tho ,vory best
Term begins Septombor 14, ,1903.
Just call un Mai. ,
ton's Candy store, wi
our wngon around
nilnntltv n, i.
m j . .tB cream jj
uessort can yoa,
satisfactory nnri '
this hot weather, thJ
mu itu cream. Oar
puro, com and dtlfc
you aro down tnm a-
try our hot weatherl
iry our candles, they i
irosn every day.
Artisti-ally appljJ
skilled workmen adJil
to the appearance oil
tenor or exterior 1
home, business
UWILT tiuiiuings. Wtl
.i 1.. -i
only skilled paintersi
only the best nnitti
Our paper hangenl
ports antl our lelsd
paper the newest ,
bright ideas of the t
shown 111 our stock.
Ce C. St
Opera Hon:
Telephone. '.
Let us hllH
Inn with
Keco(;nizeu ;
and most c:oneE
We are prepatej
tract with yoa'
winter's supply-,
liver coal or w
part of the city.
Main Street
Model Light
Ate on show Inoiir Mjffl
tntilty W see ?Mri
n-ss men tfyou don ' jj J
The iMiner Is Vffll
volilclts nora sss
cud hubs. lOater
railest running yr5,n
csrts. pheton snf."
bestmsde. OarprlM"
tires sat on our n 1
the nlil WiiJifail
weeeU. Adopted bj ,