East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 09, 1903, Image 10

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    ! Nothing
In Men's shoes
$4 a pair
Box Calf Vfci, Valour, Cor
dovan and Calf. All
the new shapes
Dindineer, Wil
son & Company
Phone, M.aiv i I'M
Paper That Is Read Wherever the
English Language is Spoken.
The Thrlce-a-Week World was a
brilliant success In the beginning,
nnd has been steadily growing evor
since. Time is the test of an tilings,
nnd has set Its seal of approval on
the Thrlce-a-Week World.
ZnoJr AH events "of hnportaner.
no matter where they happen, are re-'
ported accurately and promptly. ,
The subscrioer. lor on. one ,
i.v,r pt .h. nanen every week :
year, gets three papers every weeK ,
and more news and general reading ,
than most great dailies can furnish '
at five or six times the price.
Thn Thrlrn-a-Week World is abso-,
ti.t,.lv fair In Its nolltlcal news par-.
ilsan bias !" IM to aHect
ii. pnlnmns and democrat and'
republican alike ran obtain m Its ' committee the , m'",! supposed to have had with him some-
pages truthful accounts of all the , and the show will be al ow ed to cime i h) kp tl3rt wnch naB neVer been
great pollaical campaigns. into the city frw ol ' dut The jho f
In addition to nil the news, the! company was granted the u of thr j
Thrlce-a-Week World furnishes the intersections of Main and Court e w Seattle-
best serial fiction, elaborate market ; streets, subject to the approval of , h b f .be
.ports and other features of Inte, street cmUt -nderjn- V&JS
ST.,e Thr.r-Week World's reg, j adjoumed. ST-U"
lar subscription price l oil !W j , fc Tne ule are ,)rmlgn,
per year and this pajs for 50 pa- ice TO WALLA WALLA. , werp tnered
pers. Wo offer this uneaualed news- vallev
paper and the Weekly East Oregon.an Ross Ice and Cold Storage ComvMM&Tnyit
t0ft'her of! Sh"Jpi"9 0ut a Carl03d 3 D3y- ill? and are In fine fix for the, market.
thp two nanera is I 50 I
tne l0 papers IS .OU.
. . ,.. , , t ., 1
tveeps consiaiuiy un iiiinu imijun-1
. i.-,i.fr(nrC iinm. ,
burg eels, crawfish, crabs, oysters, the product at Walla Walla, in ad
'all kinds ot cheese. Hot merchants' I dltion to the home trade .s keeping
lunch dally from 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. Hie force busy
. 3lnr flip aMMtilv U'hipli tllp O II
.f , . 1
Who Is lt that does not ap
ireclato a sweet, delicate odor,
especially or tuo aainty, last
ing kind? We have the largest
llnn nf Imnnrted nml rinmestie
nprfumpq In Pnstprn flrpirnn.
A few of our leading imported t
odors are; ,
Azurea, La Trefle, X 1
Peau d' Espagne, ? !
Violette de Parme, T
Indian Hav. ,
And many more of the same
quality In b'llk as well as In '
fancy packages. 4
t .
J ,
I.eiKllnj.' DriiKKists i
They Lead the Procession
The popularity of Swift s i roiliin. among all classes is very
largely due to the aosulutel clean and hgienlc conditions un
der which each carcass is di eased, and the meat and the food pro
ducts prepared and Insist,- t'his Is particularly true of Swift's
Premium Ham a . Imui. "roni the sleok, euro-fed hogs In the
pens, the carefully selected mi .h,.! a on In the smokehouse,
the final oxpert Inspection bv the V. S government, and, lastly,
tho dnlntv wranrlnc in narrhmcui i.,rv i. iJ, ,..
- . . - .
nwii ui iiii-M- iiuiiuiuus aim i
ip '
that tlicy will aiw.u, please
. . tin inr turn.
i iiiMMiimitini i iv ii itun IRfiMNauw -.!.
. rr-in. itVfJ far Pri
Tate P Pos Lcvee Will Be .ilghtiV br.n, out some excel
5, Bcfuse-No License - X n.
Will Be Charged tne Arngiu
val Company,
The council met last evening but
. hns ues outside
of the Anting at - ,nlon to the j
biwlnw men of the city .to noiu we
i otr-Pi- thnt wasdoDe.
Lai ii i n i in Dt.w-w--..
from the tire chief recommending to ,
nt 1 i nn feet
w i
of new fire hose, soron gongs to We j
n UnaA finrtR In OrnOT ID ill
n. aiicio in nranr iiiti (.
hf nponle will not !e run down by
the swiftly moving vehicles when
ii. n - Am nml ntlP 1
the swlltiy moving " ,
. 11.. tn a flro nml one 1
ine arc ihtvu,ub
; dozen torches for the use 01 me ur-
1 ...,. .hon (i i ilnrk. After con-
partment when it Is darK. Alter cou-
sldcratlon. the recorder was instruct-,
ed to advertise for bids for the ma- j
terlal. which will be opened 011 the ,
ill Dl 1 uvdud; J w
Georne Sutherland asked the per
mission of the city to use the fire
engine in the construction of the
boiler house at the Pendleton Hotel.
In making the excavation the water
from the river flows In faster than
It can he pumped out by band, and
the company doing the work asked
for the use of the engine. The mat
tor was left to the discretion of the
fire chief.
The recorder was instructed to or
The last and the Palpal K f
the evening was the
ore fc
- -lham tn
that permission be granted them to,
. ." " rt""i ito Arnold
enter Into a contract with tne Arnoia ,
shows f''r folding a carnival here on j
the streets for five days, commencing ,
the fitb of the coming month. The
details of the contract were snown m1.
the city and permission was granted.
In this case, at the request o, tut- .
uuao lit' CC uiu aiuiOKr
i iKiny Is now shipping about a car of i
The Ross Ice & Cold Storage Com-
ice a (lay to waua waua. iiunug me
frntf ti.-term
- ........ .......
at full canncltv and this demand lor
Tne pinnt is running i
& X. had stored for the purpose of
Tinning ine reingenuur iruii ci is
J , exhausted, the Hots ice people are
furnishing the company with about
J ! 12.HH0 pounds ier day for the cars
X , ordered for the Milton fruit crop.
The O. It. & N. company has suf
J ficient on hand to supply all the pas
? senger and dining cars, but the sup
J ply for refrigerator cars wbb ox
i hausted several days ago. The Mil-
' ton fruit rush will continue for sev-
erai weess yet, nna me ice piani win
enjoy a brisk demand outside of the
clu lor Its product,
Mananer Nelson Fills in the Vacancy
Caused bv the Absene of the
.,,. cl,.
ThomPsn Slstsrs.
The Shields' Park program did not
suffer an last night by the accident
" th- tral whch prevented the
Thompson sisters from arriving,
Manager Nelson hlniielf, an old ao-
un, iwiitu a iwvm wiiicii wb re-
reived with hearty
applause, and
limb luuuvrifii tup
program more
and Harvey, the comic
in. ra artiste and scarecrow shadow
.'!,' at thelt be3t and gave
,ui 'm client performance. John Co-
1 1
i u... n,,i itl T.,U(U
tl--!i! ;; products i a guarantee
-'ftrtflWar nil
burn the black face banjo artist
whoso troupe of twined pigeon. -Is a
olt In the vaudeville line n a
favorite and Ills songs and Jokes ellc
l:P1; round of nppiause
Tuxel we new and refresb.n. It,
s me of the vory beat program.
that has been presented and with the ,
i long looked for Thompson sisters.
dward Antone Has
,Tne """"" ul ... i
Arrived From cau.orn.a ;
Mrg johana Jloe. of i.on& ueacu.
i -t tii Mntnl Pendleton ana
1 - ' - ,
i nurp in rcuiiu u tut . ... ,
h ?on T,no cnme to this count j
i aaA unm
Two yPnrs ago last July -Mrs. Moei
a nn, fiiworn aniline. ii
j 1,-- enn
Edward Antone.
ntone, a
v un mnn of lived in
n Moe rjeei(ieri to
i ...
Mrs. Atoe aeciaen io uiu..-
n i i r.t.n.l tn nmilp to
m..a (n T nn,
neaeu ami r.uaiu " -
Ii anil t-.nwaru was i" .
thls mrt of the country anu
.,.., ei, minor whpn he also
(lurlng thP summer, when ue aiso .
wouW Rn tQ Cnuf0rnla and make his ,
hom? wlth nls mother. He came here
am) onp( or twlce ns mother heard
trom mm. ine nisi ...o.
received told of the Illness or the,
i.nv an,i snirl that as soon as he was
woli be would co to work In the liar-
n.,u Thnt ii'ii the last ever!
heard of the lad. and repeated In-
nutria,. nf tho nnsininrp ncre uiicucu
.. in,.moinn ihe lnttpr.? never lie-1
lng answered.
ered. . .
lt was known that the boy worked
with a harvest crew In this county,
but where he died or where he was
R'as 1
hnripii pannot be learned by the,1
mother It is thought that he was
in the neighborhood of Athona or He
lix, but of this nothing definite is
Mrs Moe will be In the city for
some little time, and will be grateful
for anv information that would lead
to the iocatlon of the grave of her
son She has placed her case In the
hands of M. A. Itader, and any in
formation on the subject can be
Edwar() Antone Moe waR R young
d habtg and wag well
,ked a wno knew hlm , Port
. ,0 tlme a clerk
. . , ellwood and for a vear
JZTl Portland
h h ,vhen he Ue0 he i8
' " M. ...... i -
shipped to the Portland market
iney win oe loaaeo at mis pmce aim
),lnIUIj , ,h ln,,lnn mnrltut
Meiurnca 10 roruanu,
J. W Morrow and A. S. Watt, ol
,l,o AT? X- V rnrnrtinrf tn Pnrl
land this morning, after having spent
thp ilftv thp sniPfltR nf thp f-nlintV
court. The case of the tax reduction
lor tne company will be brought be'
fore the court on the 23d of this J
month, when that body meets In ad-, -Journed
session. , J
Guest of Mrs. Fred Lockley.
Miss Ethel Rlgdon, of Salem, is the
guest of Mrs. Fred Lockley for a few
days. Miss Itlgdon has been for sev
eral years one of the teachers in the
L.... Ukt.WV.,, J. .... (.,., UIIC t,u
public schools of the capital city, nnd
liuuiiu 2CUUU1& oi inu capital ciij, uiui
is now on her way to Baker City,
. ,. . . . :
whore she has accepted a position In
me punue scnoots oi tnat city
Operation for Appendicitis. J
Dr. N. .Molltor, of La Grande, loft
this morning for Spokane, after a
short visit here with Dr. C. J. Smith.
The latter gentleman operated on
Mrs. Molltor for appendicitis not long
.iku uitu kiw lULiiij iriejius oi hip uiuy
will be pleased to learn that she re
covered from the shock of the opera
tion and is now on the road to recov
ery. Guests of the Hawleys.
Mr and Mrs. Monroe Millkey. of
Monmouth, were in the city yester
day the gnosis of Messrs. W II and
Luke Hawley, who are relatives of
theirs. Thuy left this morning for
Washington cities, where they visit
for some time before returning to
their borne In the valley
j Farm Sold,
j Isaac L. Mitchell, of Walla Walla,
has sold to D. A. Pinkerton, of Athe
I na for $8,111X1, the southeast quarter
'of section 11, in township I. north of
I range 34 east, containing I611 acres
j or land near the town of Athena.
j Death of a Child,
j Yesterday afternoon Melioa. the
I Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs Cllf
' ford Dupuis. died at the family ioroe.
aed 1 weeks and 2 days. The fun
: rai was hold this afternoon at the
I residence, the services being conduct
ed b Rev. H W. King.
Carload of Hob.
. J 0 Lonergan will ship out a car-
load of hugs to the Seattle market
m.s e vening over the W A C. It.
Th urnob .... - LA..L, - .a" I
T r. . nugg nrotn
era and McElroy. and Is in good con-
I Dillon for the market
Poss,bity of a Primary Grade in
High School Building-Depends on
Number of small un.
0. R. & N.-City Schools Will Open
Next Monday.
- ..
The school board held a meeuuK
,a night, and besides the reftwal
, .., i,i nfrerptl them by the coun -
. fie q( ft gcho(jl b ua.
j nothing of Importance was umn:.
, n!ninn nf thp hoard this tract
iu ur ui'"""" ... - , .
r.. innn vil huh w "r"
mlrpose 0 the school and it was de-
.. . it
The ,)oar(1 ls nt this time making
canvass of the children on the
r,h ,.,,, nf .1,0 railroad track. In
. . ri tint
or,ier to uetcrmiue wircmn
.. . ..nAtA nnniliar nf Rmnll
tnerP s a gnmrieni nuimin ji
mere IS a sunn-itui it,.......
cnI(lren in that part ol tne cuy iu
....... i,i(,,tinn nf n nrlmarv
j1I9tlfy ti,e Institution of a primarj
,,P1Mrtment m the big building on
the nil anQ- lt tnere can he found
,( prmar.. children the room will be
ai,ei to tnose aireany men?,
Jn paF,ging from one side of the
,.., .1.. nthor the children are
nn,miiv nipnaecd by the trains
... i. .,r 11 II .C- N
aml gwucil unfiles v - -
and wne I10thlng has resulted from
.... j i,n-A ic n nhntipp mm
, .... ,..i ., ..iicht i..wnmp
f 1 1.0 mtlo nnrs mleht becomp
pnroless and meet their death on the
. . ,g act ls a COntinua!
annrrp nf wnrrv to the parents, nnd
, 1, i.n- raa'nltpn the enll for the
... . , , ., hih sphonl huild-
A.. ,nnm In thp Ilich SetlOOl hllilcl
ing. Whether or not It will e added
depends entirely on the number of
children In the district smith of the
The schools are now ready tor tne
opening day. and the teachers are
beginning to return from their vaca-
tious, and the new ones to come to '
the city. On Monday next tne 0011s
will ring for the opening sessions ot
the nine months' term
npr a,lm .Mrs. j. a. mm. iu.
N weeha. left this ntomlna to, h.r
Sick lleadaclic.
Loss of
l)spt-'psia find
Are nil ,'rtuied hy
the itonuU I
roruiiiK wtat
Mronglhen It
with the Wt'er
nn tc curtti ot
ihee HlluieiuK
It neicr Iils.
Ik' tun; to uy
Suits to Your
To be smart, stylish and
shape-retaining, clothes mus
be nmilp tn nriler nnd to thp
measurements of the man who
)- , . .u
8 !, aT 1 10ra-, fpen tne
best rendv.niadc clothes never
best ready-made clothes never
tit properly, anil quickly lose
their shape and become baggy
If you want to get away from
the ready-made habit, let us
make your next suit We guar
antee a fit.
Near St f corgc Hotel j
Anv TiasE j
Is a Ooob Tmt
Now is the accepted time ta
have your house painted or pa
pered. A little painting here and
there will help its Iooks wonder
fully. Some nice, bright, new
wall paper will lend a freshness
to any room. Our stock of wall
paper was never ,-nore complete
pattern In endless variety and
every one new and up-to-date In
color design. Better come In and
let us show them to you and tell
you what It will cost for your
whole house or one room.
E. J. Murphy,
111 Court Street.
home. Miss Downey was ; calle home
before her visit was quite ended l
a change In the residence o her pa
.M! ramnvn from IH
iSetS onC' a resort on
the coast near mm uu
, 7T7u cmokane and
Accidents Delay Both Spokane an
Portland O. R. & N. Trains uuc
, " Vrccked freight train.
, - c No 7( tlie Bpoi,aiiu
bm at BMB yesterday eve-
j nlng. did not arc ve '""J
o'clock, and No. -. ' ''.'"".,
i Aw horc at o:w. urn nui T " .
u.30 . m.. having been delaea a
, c inP curve, three miles wtm
Horse Shoe' curve three "Mnnw":
of Darnhart. by a bnrsted flue on en
Conductor aihpu". " --, ,,
this city on a hand car and not
. .11 hnr nf thp accident.
to mis i. hj un u i. t . . ,
. . .... .11 ,hr nf thp accident
neu in ui3mivmvi .
and the helper which was ylng at
Dlncham Springs waiting to help tht
trnln up the mountain was run o
this city, turned nround. and sun
after the crippled train. Knglne -101
is here In charge of Foreman F
Rounds, where It will be repaired.
nf tor tn
. .
Big Special Sale JnWdC STharSay?sS?
emter 8th, 9th and J 0th.
Lace Curtains Porticrs, Rags, Bed Spreads, and
Art Squares
We s an iiiak. tut t low prices on ai. Koocls nu
tion.-i ..Don. It. fact wt jroio. to m.ie attractivr pr (
ai! throucl. our ston .luring this sa.t. Remember tin iljt
EaEKHMESiaSiaaiVery Truly YoursiSSBS2533S2!sa
I 11
The Boston Store
Get your guns .mil Aiuiiiiiimi.n. trm ... ma,, ,D the uun busmest- A full Mt
carried bv
Renm-U; of all Kind- Satisfaction Guaranteed
ELATJRITE lsMlneral Rubber
VOr MAY INM'KMt lll l 1,111 SO ' "
" ' " iiHoeiry to ltEI'L VtE A, WullX-OUT UOdK
ikeg th . place of shingles, tin. iron, tar and Bravni on,i nil ronnr
, ."
. ,. 7, u """-p
teod it will ClV-, Ile"1ona"le m cost. Sold 'on merit. Ouarai).
leoa. n will pay to ask tor prlcesand information.
Worcester Building.
Have Your Water PipesExattined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class worl guaranteed bv
BECK, the Reliable Pfcmber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
Used For Pst
Two Years
It Is with lentire J recopmieud
- t ifoY.nrn- Snnn for nil
ues where a pood disinfeetnut ani
needed. In my opinion J
j(o uni( ,d hnve med It f ir tbe
JnI7 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia.
A ..
m I llnd Lifebuoy bonp tqiml in,U yn
claim for It, ami elieerrully recommend
,per!or disinfectant fr
..,,,. i,i imrno". It Is mim.iii.
imu-ehol'd inirpcHes. It ls especially
ip f)f gipkness from iW-
r !...., ,iijU,i4.h.h p. ntitiitc ti.
ct, " l v'i u"u J,e"otit Htn..
$, ,;,,, jas.
S2c ECT3 fpft, PTSi RCT
Your Nest
Einy as the st;ab(jr
and the coats aU ht-rc
are showing nn r
i or
overcoats than ever ltl u
and should be plensed t
convinci; )u that wt 1
the prettiest line to sue '
from in Eastern Oregon
u. ana gravel, and nil nreparec
gutierb, valloyB, etc. Easy to lay