East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 08, 1903, Image 4

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I'ubllthed every afternoon (except Bundajr)
at I'emUeton, Oregon, by tlie
'l'hone, Slain 11.
suiisciiirriox uatt.s.
'tallv, one year by mall $3.00
Dally, six months by mall 1!.!SU
Dally, three months by mall
Dally, one month by mall no
Dally, per month by carrier M
Weekly, otic year by mall l.r.O
Weekly, six month by mall 7fl
.Weekly, four months by mail r.u
Semi-Weekly, one year by mall .... 2.00
Semi-Weekly, six mouths by mall .'. l.on
Semi-Weekly, thtve months by mall .. .00
The Ilnat Oregonlan U on sale at If. It.
Itlth'H News Stnnils nt Hotel l'ortlaml and
.llotel Perkins, l'ortlaml, Oregon.
MimWr SerlppvMcliae
News Assoela-
San Vrartelseo lluremi, I0S rourth St.
"hlenyo llurean, bOO Security llullillnK.
Washington. P. C. lluresiu. ."01 Htu St.,
S. V.
Kuteretl nr t'enilleton pultufflce as seeeonrt
elass matter.
Tin; Republic spells more
than a partnership In porl; nnd
leather, else He within hor no
seeils of permanency. TIo n
people together by tholr pock
ets that fabric of union will
tear easily. Tie their heart
cords together no blaile has
yet been tempered that could
sunder such a bond. Itourk
Pendleton's Labor Day
was a success, now for
nnts' Carnival.
the llcrch-
The conventions billed for Portland
In 1SU5 will make the city hum, be
side the crowd that will come with
out credentials.
If the Merchants' Carnival Is not
made tho means of bringing outside
visitors to Pendleton, It will not
serve the purpose Intended.
Portland has Just appointed -iu
extra policemen. There I3 no money
loft In the county to guard, now.
Illngllngs and Jabour have both pass
ed through.
An exchange made a mistake when
It said that the "home-coming of Sir
Thomas Lipton was 3ad. Indeed, und
his cup of bitterness full to the
brim." He had no cup with him.
No opposition has yet been made
to the establishment of the Pulitzer
school of journalism, in Columbia
College. Everybody admits 'hat 'he
newspaper man needs education.
That Haker City clergyman who
refused to pay a 25-cent storage bill
on a valise, and as a result of a trial
had a Judgment of $H0 lodgc
against him, will probably learn to
leave lawyers alone.
The Baker City papers proudly
point to the fact that there has not
been a case of gout in that city this
year. In the same proud tone, Pen
dleton announces that there has not
been an automobile accident in this
city this season.
Panama nuw talks of weeding
from Colombia, as a result 01 the
defeat of the canal treaty. Of course
something will have to be done to
keep tho revolution moving in South
America. This excuse will probably
he suDlcient to furnish n year's
fighting on the Isthmus.
Tho La fjrando boy who made his
way through an Eastern conservatory
of music by selling pigs' feet nnd
sausages on tho street corners, Is not
the only I.n Grande man who has
attained prominence In the musical
world. Ktuiwles can play necoml fid
dle. Of course. It Is rather humiliating
lo the owner of a thousand-acre
wheat farm to milk cows for proflL
The Union county farmers thought
tho' same way until they began to
fuel their pockutbooks swelling with
creamery profits. Milk money ( Is
easy money. Your wife and tno boys
do nil tho work.
Holse City and Spokane both wont
wnolnn mills. Prosser and borth
Yakima want beet sugar factories
and Ijx Qrnndo wants a packing plant.
There is only one way to get these
things, and It Is to go after them
Business Is a shy creaturo, and
won't forco herself upon a communis
ty. But she comes upon the slight
est invitation.
Eastern Oregon Is left In tho cold,
n, imI T1 fltnr,, Mlntnir Assoc
ntlon was made up of Portland busi
ness men, only ono EaBtern Oregon
mining man being given on office.
Tho trouble with Eastom Oregon )s,
that she does nil the work and furn
ishes all the money, and the other
fellow holds all the ofllces nnd draws
the Income.
It Is h pleasure for Willamette
valley papers to build railroads witu
editorial pencils. Somo optimistic
editor makes a swipe ncross the map
and lo. Salt Lake City, Snlom nnd
Cuos Day nrc Instantaneously con
nected by rail. At odd times, be
tween hopjerops, nil that several of
the enterprising vnlley papers do is
to cut Imaginary passes through tho
Cascades nnd conjure up visions of
excursion trains.
if the O. It. & N. makes a success
ot the scheme of planting grass on
the right of way. to prevent sand
from drifting upon tho track, it will
be a lesson In railroading which old
er systems could Imitate with profit.
If grass will prevent sand from
blowing, It will also prevent dust
from Hying, and those roads which
hayo been sprinkling roadbeds with
crude oil, to prevent dust, can spend
tholr money for grass seed, Instead
of oil. It Is worth watching. All
tho agricultural experts are not on
The effort to make the coming mu
nicipal campaign a partisan fight
seems to have gained no headway.
The people want deeds, not creeds,
in the management ot the city. No
matter what the politics of the city
government. If It gives the ieopIe a
clean, and business-like administra
tion. Its political color will not bo
questioned. Adherence to party does
not always cut down expenses nor
give the best public service in local
affairs. Who cares "what tho poli
tics of the council may he, just so It
performs Its duty toward overy citi
zen alike, and administers tho city
government with justice and econo
my? It mny seem strange and unac
countable that whllo England Is tak
ing steps to destroy land monopoly
and restore the land to the people of
Ireland, the United States, the boast
ed land of the free, Is encouraging
the creation of land monopoly; but
this Is nevertheless true, says Max
well's Talisman. By retaining upon
the statute books the desert land act,
the timber and stone act, and tho
commutation clause of the homestead
law, our government is erm!ttlng
millions of acres of the public do
main, which ought to be reserved for
home-builders, to pass Into the hands
of speculators and land-grabbers. No
more Important question faces tho
people of America today than this
monopolizing of the remnlning public
lands, and the peoplo should bo
aroused to see tho necessity for tho
future welfare of our country to have
these vicious land laws repealed.
Whenover tho people will arise In
their might to demand a repeal, con
gress will act; but tins uemanu
should bo made before it is too late.
or It will avail nothing. If these per
nicious land acts are permitted to
remain laws a few years longer, the
entire area of government land worth
taking will have been acquired by tho
land-grabbers. Now Is the time to
act, and stop the looting of the public
The most Important work being
done In this state nt present Is tho
cleaning up and rehabilitation of the
Oregon stato prison.
With tho old out-of-date prison
building It Is !miosslb!o lo get the
most satisfactory results.
But great Improvements have been
made In tho buildings, in the commis
sary and beat of all. In the humane
treatment of prisoners.
Governor Chamberlain has taken
n deep personal interest in these mat
ters and deserves great credit for his
;or-rmatorv labors
The partisan press of tho state has
begun an attack on him nnd The
Journal takes pleasure in showing
somo of tho good things ho has done,
A state prison is a difficult place to
bring about reforms through news
paper agitation without doing more
harm than good.
But whun real Improvements are
being niado It should be a pleasure on
the part of tho press to notlco them.
Tho Bible enjoins all men to visit
those who are In prison and It Is
nrobahly ono ot tho most neglected
Christian duties.
Tho reforms nt the state prison aro
tho result of direct personal Interest
In the condition of tho prisoners und
of their welfare. Salem Journal.
Improvements lo cost $500,000 are
now being made to the Vancouver
Internal commerce conditions In
the United States are qttlto sntsflc
tory. Receipts nt five markets this
year to the end of July amounted to
17,734,847 head. Last year 17,232,004
head wore reported to the correspond
ing date, nnd 18,590,383 hena In 1801.
In 1901 a total of 374.97C cars ot stock
arrived at tho same five markets, 30B,
419 cars in 1902 nnd 341,o02 cars In
1903. Tho total receipts of the stock
for this year woro divided as follows:
Chicago, 8,577,847 head in 170,rC5
Kansas City, 2,030,33" head in 51,
210 cars.
Omaha, 2,831,458 head In 40,225
St. Louis, 2,001,945 head In 37.773
St. Jnsoph, 1.773.2C0 head In 30,029
Tho state of tho provision market
as indicated by stockB on hand nt tho
five cities on July 31, Is significant of
lowering prices. On that date In 1901
there woro 297,S01,345 pounds of cut
meats reported on hand. In 1802 the
resorvo was 20fl,8S9,0S7 pounds, com
pared with 2C2,438,440 pounds in
Backwardness of tho season Is re
flected In tho figures ot wheat re
ceipts during July, the first month of
the now crop year. At the four win
ter wheat markets of Knnsas City,
St. Louis, Toledo and Detroit. 11.314.
168 bushels were received In July,
1901, as compared with ll,u...
bushels In July, 1903. Livestock
The attempt to carry out tho recent
decision of tho American Federation
ni I.alior to organize tho unskilled
negro laborers of tho South Into
labor unions Is encountering a great
deal of resistance on tho part of tho
white race In Mississippi ami Louisi
ana. Organizer Leonard has been driven
out ot Vlcksbttrg and It la reported
that the federation will appeal to
President Itoosovelt to Interpose and
assure to him protection In thnt town.
Tho Now Orleans States, which has
been a strong sympathizer with union
labor, declares thct the organization
of negroes into labor unions ought
not to be tolerated by the whites.
It predicts that persistency on the
part of vhlto unions In encouraging
such organizations will bring about
the ruin of labor unionism in the
Southern states. It expresses tho
conviction that the moat Insidious
and dangerous movement made to
ward the amalgamation of the white
and black races In this country is the
disposition of the Fedoratton of Ijx
hor to organlzo negro unions.
There is, in the judgment of tho
New Orleans States, but a step be
tween Industrial fraternity and soclnl
equality, nnd n very short stop at
It denounces the experiment under
taken by tho federation as not only
a roollsh, but a perilous one. Har
per's Weekly.
A history he wrote for us.
A wondrous book 'twas, truly
He gave no little jim crow war
A prominence unduly.
But bis great duty to fulfill
He wrote till It was done
Six hundred pages on San Juan Hill
And ono on Lexington.
Hood Ulver will sond a large col
lection of fruits to the National Irri
gation Association.
& Nervous Woman
Will often feci compelled to stop the
clock whose ticking seems unbearable to
her. In such a nervous condition the
woman needs a building up of the entire
system. It is useless to attempt the cure
01 1 11c nerves
rOV while the cause
of the nervous
ness remains un
cured. A very
common cause
of nervousness
in women is a
diseased condi
nf the delicate
womanly organism.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription cures
womanly diseases and
the nervousness which
they cause. It changes
irregularity to regular
ity, dries the drains
wfileh u-ciketi women.
1 . 1 :Hnm..ntlrti '1111 1 1 1 r-..T"l 1 1 ( Ul flflft
11,113 IUUMUMIIUIW), uuu ... -- "
aires female weakness. It is a perfect
tonic and nervine, traiinuiliziug the
ntrfn. TirnnictiiH' the nrmctite and In
ducing refreshing sleep.
When I first wrote you I hail been to three
different doctors ami two of them said I would
never set better without gotntf to the hospital
for sn operaUon." writes Mrs. 6lma Kricksoti,
of 49S Klce Street. 8U Paul. Minn. Va not
able to do anything. If I would t up and walk
to the kitchen and baclc I would hare to lie in
bed for a day or sometimes two days. Now X
have used six bottlesof Dr. Pierce's Farorlte Pre
scription and six of the Golden Medical Discov
ery.'aud the result U Just wonderful. I was o
nervous I had to hare some one by my tide all
the time even In day time, and I could hardly
eat anything. I took treatment from a doctor
twice a week, and every time I would go there I
felt to sick, but tlace fault all the doctors and
began taking your medicines I calued. rifrnt
alone I weighed us pouuds, when I began
taklnsr your medicines (In August) and now
I am un to my usual weisht i6j. I am as well
and feel as good as erer."
Frre. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Atlviaer is sent free on receipt
of stamps to pay expense of mailing only.
Send ai one-cent stamps for the book in
paper covers, or 31 ttatups for cloth
bound volume. Address Dr. R.V. Puree,
Buffalo, N. Y.
WKy. VKUiiS Hon
frights Disease
led Diabetes
Announcement of the Dlncovcry
o! tlio Cure.
The stockholders of tho Jno. J. miton Co.
of Hub Fruuclsco, announce to tho world the
curability ot Cnronlo Ilrlgbt'a Dlmaso and
Dlabott based on hundreds of cures nnd tno
years ot datnonatratlon disclosing about 6:;,'
of recoveries. In attestation of theso momen
tous facts wo present tho names ot somo ot tho
ctockholders, buslnoss and professional menot
this city, ovory nnoot whom hnd to havo pre
Tloui opinions reversed nndbosallMlcdor tho
genuineness of tho discovery before Investing In
this corporation, vln Hon. Uarclay Henley,
Atlornoy and ex-member of Congress) Tho.
lllrkpatrlcU, capitalist Hnu. I), M, l'urus,
President Candalarla Mining Co.; A n. Saat
tuck. I'residont l'aelllo States Typo laundry;
Edward Mills, President llulloch JoncaCo.t
Capt. Koucrts, President Sacramento Trans
portation Co.; D. E. Deader, capitalist; Wm.
Sharp, capitalists W. U. llradford, Alaska
l'aokers Assn.j O V. Clark, capitalist! (Sacra
mento)! W.C. Prico, capitalist (P.nadeua)! (J.
11. Hates, Attorney! K, O. Miller, Attorney;
Chss. MoLano, Agency Director N, Y. LUo
Ins. Co.; It 1). Sessions, Attornoy R6. IMo. It.
11. Co. ! Judge lltgolow, cx-Suprcmo Judgo Stato
cf Nevada; Col. 1). II. Fairbanks, Cashtcr leta
lumu Savings Hank; and many others.
Tho list of tho cured runs into hundreds and
Includes druggists and physicians. Tho M'i
cf failures -.vas largely among cases thai vera
at death's door nnd many such recovered.
T'io Specifics that have ut last conquered
theso dread diseases aro known as tho rulton
Compounds. Tho Itcnal Compound for Ilrlghfs
and Kidney Dlseaso la CI; tho Dlahntra Com
pound is J1.CO WohuveestiillllHli- ' .1 ney
In your city a id you will Und juupuluu und
CstarounJ at
F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy.
What Do You Eal?
Tell us what you eat and
we will tell yuli what
you are.
Wholesome, palaialilc,
npputiicing, high yratlo
pucencs ia what yntt
wiil find in our store at
j)r.ce that on wiil find
hard to heat.
i HAWLEY Bios.
Provides an evening of rare enjoyment
Good, clean, wholesome fun. Not a
dull minute.
Near O. R. & N. Depot
t Admission, 20c
Cliieuijo. New York and Minneapolis quotations received direct at the
I'eutUeton office over the best extensive private wire system in the world-
RtllSlNCtl ISO National and State UaaU
lacludlog. Pendleton Savlaga Uaak
Have Yotir Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed bj
BECK, tte Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rtile Hotel
7vcpirf7 in mcntzrg i
For all climates; heat, cold,
rain, gases, fumes and tire do
not aftcct it. Comes in
rolls ready for laying. Low
freight charges. Inexpen
sive to apply, cheap in the
first place and lasts for
8en4 for booklet. s
The Paraffinc Paint Co.
San Francisco, Seattle,
'""vN Pnrllnnrl. I n AnDrlr
-.'.urrilfYfCH ana Denver, v-uiorauu.
. - r. r I I-
T. C. TAYLOR, A"nt
AiHalurc Purity, Finesr f;r :r,
Grcatcsr 5rrer$h, Peas oik. V :
I iiimfortablo rooms from 'is
' lentsiu. Nwly furnished
throughout Queen i.'hnp Home
In lonne'tl 11. Meals at nil
I oum Only white help cm
piiiod. filvu us n trial. - '.
Children, 10c
120 Court Street
fit -1.