East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 07, 1903, Image 7

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Mercerized Waistings and
Fleece-Back Fancies : : :
Are the popular cotton fabrics for Fall.
Our line of Foreign and Domestic Novelties
is complete 5n every detail, and comprises
the latest designs in white, black, cream and
figured fancies. Prices from
J2ic to $1
Per Yard.
"Would be glad to show you our new Fall Goods
Comer Main and Alta
City Brevities
See Sharp for paper bauglng.
Fresh fruit dally at Martin's.
Best shoe work at Teutsch's.
Smokeis' supplies at Neuman's.
For the best bread, Eet Rohrman's.
FresU fish, game and poultry. Cas
tle's Refrigerated meats. Scbwartz &
Greullcb Co,
Call up 'Phone Main 1SS1 when you
want pure Ice.
Buy a fountain pen this week at balf
price at Frazlcr's.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candies and fruits.
Received daily, fresh tamales,
crabs and crawfish at Oratz's.
New four-ln-hands, midgets and as
ot ties at The Peoples Warehouse.
Don't let cigars get tho best of you
get the best of cigars. Hanlon's.
All kinds of imported and domestic
lunches and clam chowder at Gratz's.
We have fruit Jars and fruit jar
extras rubbers, covers, etc. H. Rohr
uian See Charles Lane about your paint
ing and paper hanging; 80" Vincent
New line of fall street hats on dis
play Monday. Tuesday and Wednes
day at Mrs. Campbell's.
Estimates given on short notice on
Ijaintlug and paper banging. Charles
Lane the pioneer painter, SO" Vln
ent street.
I get the price right before I list
property That is why I sell so mucn
of It I have some bargains In both
pity and country property that can
not be eQualcd. E. T. Wade fc'Son.
The Bright New Ideas
of the day.
Latest Creations of the
Jewelers Art.
You can always depend
on what you get at our
We never misrepresent.
Next door to K. Alcxnudcr
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Ladies' half soles 40c. Teutsch's.
If you want a cab, call up Main
Get your clothes cleaned at Jocr
gor's. For Rent A piano. Apply at this
New books arriving dally at Fra
tier's book store.
First-class waitress wanted at
Hotel Pendleton.
For prompt service, call up the Mc
Kay Cab Co., "phone Main 1C1.
Ml Preferlda, the best cigar made,
it Rees' cigar store, Court street.
Get your ascot at Tho Peoples
Warehouse, now ones Just received.
Goods that are right at prices that
ire right at Rador's furniture store.
Have your buggies painted by
Wilson & Carmine. 'Phone Black
For Rent Two small houses, three
blocks east of Main street. Apply
at E. O. office.
Are you going camping? U C Ra
der's camp stools, folding tables and
camp supplies.
To pianos, slightly used. Great
bargains. Cu.r.o nulck. Inland Em
pire Piano House, near bridge.
Estimates given on house painting.
Work strictly first-class. Wilson &
Carmine, next door to Neagla Bios.
Pure crystal Ice don't cost any
more than inferior ice, and is so
much cleaner and more healthful.
Phono Main 1881
I Masquerade ball this evening at
I tent on Island. Gentlemen, 50 cents,
I Indies and spectators free. Grand
march begins at 9 o'clock.
I I am prepared to give instructions
i in tapestry, oil painting, water color,
I pastel, and china decorating. Mrs.
Molile Hamilton, 609 Court street.
! The H. S. & M. clothing for this
fall has arrived. Did you ever wear
a Hart.. Schneffer & Marx suit? If
j not, did you ever examine or try one
on? The Peoples Warehouse would
be more than pleased to have you
come in and see them.
! The Modern School of Commerce,
! successor to the Pendleton Business
College, opens Monday, September 7.
Bookkeeping, stenography and pen
manship courses are taught. For fur
ther information, address Modern
School of Commerce, Pendleton, Or
egon, or La Grande, Oregon.
Second District Fair, The Dalles, Ore.,
September 28th to October 3rd, 1903.
For the above occasion the O. It.
& N. makes a rate of $5.75 for the
round trip. Tickets on salo Sept. 2S,
30, and Oct. 1. Return limit Oct. 4,
1&03. For further particulars call
on or address F. F. Wamsley, agent
O. R & N. Co,
C. K G. Billings has bought Lou
Dillon, the two-minute trotter, for
New Shipment of Turkey
and Ostrich Dusters
to inch Turkey, ioo feathers special 35c. 14 inch Tur
key, 100 feathers special 50c. 12 inch carriage duster 120 tail
leathers, special 75c. 8 inch parlor duster (Ostrich,) special
$'.25. Sisil duster for removing dirt from furniture special 50c.
Our Ice Cream will please you. If you ever had any
better ours wont cost you a cent. W't will let you be the judge.
OB ateiM from Main 8tret toward the Court 1Ioum
W. U Wright, of Helix, Is In the
city today for a short visit.
Miss Anna Rush, of Athena, is in
tho city today visiting friends.
Mrs. Mollie Buck, of Ij Grande, Is
visiting friends in the city today.
Mrs. J. McLofflln. of La Grande, is
in the city today the guest of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Bruce, of Wes
ton, are the guests of Pendleton
B. F. Mansfield, of Athena, Is in tho
city for a short visit on pleasuro and
Hubert Stanfleld, of Echo, Is In tho
city for a short visit on business and
Albert Cole, of Portland, Is In tho
city, the guest of his brothor. Dr. W.
G. Colo.
Mrs. William Baker and children,
of Adams, are in the city the guests
of friends.
Mrs. F. E. Simpson, of Athena is
In tho city tho guest of friends for a
short visit.
Mrs. J. D. Weathers, of La Grande,
is in the city tho guest of friends for
a short visit.
Miss May White, of La Grand?, is
in the city, the guest of friends for
the celebration.
Mrs. W. E. Brock left this morning
for a visit with friends In Portland
and Vancouver.
Miss Maude Crawford has returned
from n visit at lying Beach and with
friends at Portland.
Miss Maude Catching has returned
from a visit with relatives and
friends In Portland.
Mrs. George Perringer has return
ed from an extended visit at the sea
side at Long Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nelson, of
Athena, are in tho city today to nt
tend the celebration.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bateman, of
Union, are the guests of friends in
the city for a few days.
Mrs. Krebs, of Adams, is visiting
friends today and attending the
pleasures of the celebration.
Seth Catlin, one of Portland's
prominent young business men, Is in
the city the guest of friends.
Mrs. Victor Hunzlker, of Walla
Walla, is in the city, the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Louis Hunzlker.
W. E. Potwlne left this noralng
for Heppner, where he will be the
guest of Rev. John Warren for a time.
John Hailey, Jr., returned this
morning from La Grande, whew he
has been for a few days on business.
R. N. Stanfleld, of Echo, returned
to the city last night from a visit to
Portland, where he has been on busl-
George Grout, of La Grande, spent
yesterday with friends In the city,
and remained over for the Labor Day
Mr. and Mrs. Dar Phelps returned
last evening from a tour of the west
ern part of the state. Including the
coast resorts.
A. H. Todd, who has been at
Mcacham all summer with his cattle,
came down yesterday to arrange for
winter pasture and feed.
Julius Roesch and wife, of La
Grande, passed through yesterday
evening en route home from a visit
lo Walla Walla and Dayton.
Mrs. M. J. Marsh, of Walla Walla,
accompanied by Mrs. Jane Hartman,
lett this morning for Hood River for
a visit at the home of relatives.
Mrs. Mary Simmons, of Spokane,
was the guest of the Hotel Pendle
ton yesterday and left this morning
lor Uklah, where she has a timber
Mrs. Wulter Pierce returned this
morning from an extended visit at
Hot Lake, where sho has been with
her family during the heated season
of the summer.
W. L. Taylor, of Spokane, the gen
eral agent of the Deere Plow Com
pany, accompanied by H. J. Seller, of
Springfield, O., Is In the city In the
interest of the company.
Miss Mary RItner has returned
from a summer's visit at Long Beach.
She was accompanied homo by ber
mother, Mrs. J. I. RItner, who Iiaj
been with her at the bearh.
Mrs. Rose Campbell returned last
evening from a visit In the valley
and several Washington cities. While
a,way she was the guest of friends and
relatives In Portland, Seattle, Taco
ma and at the seaside.
The World's Greatest Cure for the
Liquor and Tobacco Habit.
A fow of the professional people
who indorse Trib:
Dr. L. E. Bullnger, of San Fran
cisco, the grand old doctor.
Rev. J. R. N. Bell, the oldest living
chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Ma
sons, and Pastor of the Presbyterian
church, of Baker City, Oregon.
Dr. H. B, Stevens, Physician and
Surgean, of Spokane. Wash.
Dr. James G, Garfield, Victoria, B.
Dr. D. C. Butler, Oakland, Cal.
We could fill this paper with the
indorsements of tho profession alone,
but the ones given are sufficiently
well known to alt to convince the
most skeptical.
Price per treatment, $12.00, For
sale by all druggists.
It Pays to Trade at
The Peoples' Warehouse
Great attention has been paid towards securing
the goods for our fall trade and you can come to our store
with absolute RELIANCE that the goods offered for your
inspection are the newest and most modern to be had.
Dress Goods
Zibclincs In Stripes, Checks, Plaids and
plain colors.
Etamines Voiles, London Twine, Shark
Skin, and numerous other fabrics for
the Fashionable Fall Dresser.
Entirely new ideas in Drops, Spangles,
Cluny Laces, unusually popular for
their handsome effects.
Mercerized Fall Waistings
Every Novelty in colored and black
Effects to be lound on our counters.
Ladies Kid Gloves
Latest shades in colors and sizes. Fall
Introductory Price (JSC'
26 in. Paregon Frame, Gloria or Victoria
covering, Pearl, Oxydi.ed Silver or
Gold Handles, Fall Introductory price
The Peoples' Warehouse
Outfitters for Women and Men.
. .A I I LO. .J..-.. .a... A. . a. . a & . a
Salem, Ore., September 14 to 20. 1903,
For the above occasion, tho O. R. &
N. makes a rate of $11.35 for the
round trip. Dates of sale, September
11th, 14th and 17th. Limit tickets
sold, September 11th to oxplro Sep
tember lCth. Those sold September
1 1 tli to expire September lOtli, and
those sold September 17th to expire
September 22d, 1903. For further
particulars, call on or address F. F.
Wamsley, agent O. R. & N. Co.
1 ni n 1
uiassware aaie
i A
1 Sly
Tents, camp stoves, camp stools,
etc., at Rader's Furnlturo store.
What Kind of
Feet Have You
If they are narrow or low
Instep, or high Instep or wldo
and short, Hat and broad, or if
you have corns or bunions or
Ingrowing too nntls, or toe In
or toe out, why to be properly
shod you must certainty con
sult tho doctor of shoes In the
shoe parlor of tho Hoston Store.
Here will bo told to you all
the truths about good shoes.
How to huy tho easy feeling,
good wearing, fine appearing,
and purso opening shoes. Re
member that our shoes save In
stocking wear.
When wo tell you wo have
the largest stock of shoos to
sell men and women at J.50 to
13.50, we are stating a fact easy
lo prove. That's why it paya to
inspect our shoo department
when In need of shoes for any
of (lie family.
Thin bcauli
Khiss pitcher
only 35c
Other fine
15 and Vi
(jlaSS Sets CoimlHtlnir of eov
ered butter dlh, Uigur howl unci
creamer, three fine vhIiich, 48, oT,
anil 05c. Not the chtup, traxliy
ware, nut heavy, vurvlcvulile
other Iteim, micli si Napplci, fruit
DUIiei, Cikrr trnji, etc , (ruin 11 to lv
All Iinmentelot o( llulln - iliiuilieilt u
HijleiHt Lowest I'rlcti.
5) -
Rear this In mind when you
need ooultrj- and stock supplies
and ask for the International t
I'oultry and Stock Food, Use J
C. F. Goleswortliy
127.129 Hast Alta St.
Agent for Lee's Lice Killer
4. Cor Mulll K. AlUMt. I'D Hlllult I'rop
Our specialties arc finest
(rush and salt water fish
nf all desirable varitius.
crabs, lobsters, clams and
water delacacjes, Olyni
pia and eastern oysters.
We will serve yon with
the finest oyster cocktail.
Goods delivered to any
part of the city. Prompt
service and best satisfaction.
r 1 r 1 tir
Manufacturers of the
Repairs for all (cinrfg
T7 K M t t
Tho Oregon Dally Journal can'
found on sale at Frazlcr's book el