DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 190S. -ceo mid .alntiiil ts lood e. bt lend )ur ,nort lless and ette' ( ,111 eott' one rc LESS he cau s, out 1 am A wort' 1 m 'e bare X bt( 01 1 tie reppicsmfc'"'"- mu.w.i.j MMENCING MONDAY OUR nnnual School Sale of boy's Suits Shoe, Caps and all the fixings necessary to put thein in shape for hard wear of the school days. Take advantage of this op portunity its a money maker. iXANDER DEPT. STORE MORMONS' POWER HIS SUCCESS IS DUE TO HOME-MAKING. Conquest of the Soil, Irrigation and Co-Operatlon Has Made Utah and Will Make Other States Average Farm In Utah Is 27 Acres, Yet Mor mons Are All Rich. ENJOY A GOOD SMOKE? Try Pendleton Boquet and Pride Umatilla. Made at Home. A. RHODE, Maker. M'T '1 I' 'I" V '' '' 'II I'T T 'r T'l" IT'ITT'I'I 'ITTTTTTTTTTTTITTW Leaders fhe Unsurpassed The Always Satisfactory Wilson coal and wood Heaters. Handled by us. Coal stoves ranging in price from 20. Wood stoves ranging in price from ,$20. Our stoves are now ready for your 0 IMPSON HARDWARE Co. J tl Main St. Headquarters for fishing supplies I I r'l 1 'I' TTtTVM'T I I VTH'tI'T I I "I I I 1 I " I " " ttt'W"i'M mi iii miiiii nil 1 1 in i imm ackage GOLD LEAF Coffee FREE I tickets Every package of Gold Loaf Costa Rica j and Gold Leaf Java & Mocha j Coffee contains one ticket, i These goods are the best ever j placed on the market for the money. Try a package and if j not satisfactory, return it to A land he will refund your money. j Gold Leaf brand spices, teas, extracts and baking j piey are the best. Once tried always used. f ND COFFEE & SPICE Co., S8 i " 1 1 n-H 1 1 1 1 1 n m i i i L i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MONTERASTELLl BROS. Marble and Cranite Works MONUMENTS, HKAnSTONK'. COP INUS AND BUILD1MU fcTONK Weuooorown work and guarantee the'samoat lowe.t jirlce. Eilimalei eiiea on all klndi ol Cut Htone. We nave a large tock and wouia lie pleai ctt to bave you examine II. : : : : I : ' : ! Main Street Pendleton, Oregon Near O. R. 1 N. Depot BKANCHlSdOi' AT JIEWNKK, OKK. ' Joseph's Academy J -'illeton, Oregon. CONDON SOCIETY ITEM. trrlinn n .1 . fler; n7 c ay btudents. Conducted by 'illl,nL F'ances of Philadelphia. ' be resumed Sememhnrn, etc., Apply to SISTER SUPERIOR The coming National Irrigation Congress at Osdon, Utah, September 15-18, directs attention to the re markable system of Irrigation and community building found today In Utah. The bountifully yielding small Irrigated farms of that state have fur nished a theme for many Interesting articles. In fact, tho Mormon people have supplied a perennial topic of dis cussion since they first came into prominence, half a century ago. Vol umes might be filled with tho maga zine and newspaper articles wmch have been published on tho same sub ject. And yet of all that has been said the smallest possible proportion has touched the real secret of their power. It does not lie In their peculiar re ligious doctrine and practice, nor Is It explained by tho perfection of their organization or the dominance of the ocracy in secular affairs, except as these have been incidental to the realization of another and much more substantial fact. The Mormons owe their success, their constant growth ana enduring hold upon their people In a single word, their power to the fact that they are deeply rooted in the soil. From the moment that the first small party of pioneers lighted the first camp-fire by the banks of City Creek. I July 27th, 184H. their policy has been to get possession of the lanu and to make that land yield up to them, In dividual!) and collectively, a living and a competence. True Home-Builders, Brlgham Young nnd his successors down to the present hour have been guided by the true Instinct of empire- builders. They grasped at the begin nlng, and have held throughout their history, the great truth that lae earth Is tho source of all wealth and that neither man nor communities can bo poor or helpless so long as they have firm foothold on the soil. But this was only part of their wis dom. The other part was the fact that they divided the land among a multitude of small proprietors. Ac cording to the census returns, the av erage farm In Utah is 27 acres. As many large ranches were included tho average, it ts obvious that there must have been many which were of even smaller dimensions, and this is tho fact. It Is common to find people living comfortably on two or three acres, while some of the most famous families, like the Woodruffs, have lived for nearly two generations on a 20-acre place. Mormon Power Impregnable. Those who have been alarmed at the growth and persistence of the Mormon power, and have sought to curb It. apparently have no apprecia tlon of the everlasting rock upon which it is built. Tho Mormon church has been from tho first, a great scheme of co-opera tive colonization. It has taken poor men and made them prosperous converted tenants Into proprietors, tramps into taxpayers, hired men in' to employers, and made the outcast a partner in store, factory and bank And how nas it done an tnisv t-'irsi, bv knowing the value of our great public domain and proceeding to help Itself to the wealth thereof, in strict accordance with tho letter and spirit of tho law. Then, by dividing tho land among those who use It and seeing that the land owner is also the owner of the water and all of tho facilities of its distribution. Fortunately for them, the pioneers and those who followed them were poor. No man was rich enough to ex ploit the mass. The work to be done was bovond tho reach of Individuals, and tho only capital available was tho brains and muscle of leaaers ana ioi lowers. This capital was organized and employed In co-operation. It was tho only way. And It won. National irrigation, growtn ot co operation, repeal of the land laws by means of which tho public domain Is being absorbed by s-aiculators tnis is the solution of many social and economic problems, including the Mormon question. The ntiestlon beloro tno country is this: Will tho American people wake up before It Is too late, or will they procrastinate until the enterprising speculator holds all me siraiegic points along tho pathway of tho home seeker? William E, Smytho. Interior Town Furnlthes Amusement for Visiting Neighbors. An alleged sporty sport struck Condon not long since, who wanted to "butt In" to a poker game so bad that he didn't know what to do, says the Condon Globo. It made his mouth water to look at a broken winto chip and when he thought of a full uand or a fat Jackpot ho almost had fits. His condition became so alarming that somo thing had to bo done. Of course, none ot the Condon boys know much about poker, but finally ono man was found who once had an uncle who knew a man whoso brother was reputed to bo tho best soven-up player in his neighborhood, another citizen showed up whoso father's sec ond cousin had once plnyed a game of pedro with a man who know a real Mississippi river steamboat poker player. The sporty sport ho camo here from Athena, so it is alleged had money and big drafts to burn and tho Condon men, being of accommodating natures, decided to "sot In" and try to make it pleasant for tho vis'tlnj brother who was sure that ho was a dead game sport and tho real thing as a gambler to boot. It was different in tho morning, though. At daylight the Condon men who don't know the game very well hnd all tho sporty sport's cash and $500 worth of drafts which lie had packed hero from Athena. Then lie left town and In a few days back camo word that the fellow had stop ped payment on tho drafts. It was a little different that morning, but tho Condonites are not much of kickers. They are sure of one thing though, and that is that the sporty sport is not so sporty after all. They consider him a rather cheap skate. Ladles and Children Invited. Tn ladles and children who cannot stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups, cathartics, etc., are invited to try the famous Littlo Early Ris ers. They are different from all oth er pills. They do not purge the sys tem. Even a double dose will not gripe, weaken or sicken; many people call them the Easy Pill. W. H. Pow oil, Houston, Texas, says nothing bet ter can be usod for constipation, sick headacbo, etc. Bob Mooro, Lafayette, Ind., says all others gripo and Blcken, while DoWitt'8 Littlo Early IUsers do their work well and easy. Sold by Tollman & Co. Notice. The partnership heretofoie exist ing between John W. Crow nnd Claud D. .Crow, in the farming and stock business has been dissolved by mu tual consent of the partners; John W. Crow assumes the payment of debts owing to the partnership, and will collect all debts owing to It. August 2Cth, 1903. Do You Want a Cab? When you want prompt and relia ble service call up 'phone Main 1C1. Tho McKay Cab Co. What Shafi We Have for Dessert? This question nrsra in tbc fnnulx every day. Let uc answer it to-day. Trj . Pre ft delicious and healthful dessert, pared in two minutes, No boiling I no baking) add boiling water and set to eook Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Itasp berry and Strawberry. Get a package mt your grocers to-day. jo cts. W14LTH0ID Malthoid Roofing. Fire resisting. Will thoroughly protect all buildings covered with it. A better roof ing for less cost than any other roofing made. Quickly laid and lasts for years. Scad fir beklct. I The Para f fine Paint Co. San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Lai Anjcltt Denver, Colorado. T. C. TAYLOR, Agent s ST STA STAN STAND STANDA STANDAR STANDARD STANDARD CROCERY Co We are the standard for quality in groceries and fruits of all kinds. Prices such as will hold your trade. None better at any price, Mouopolu Grocer Court Bird I NEW FALL GOODS Our stock In all lines Is tilling up with nlc now fall goods, and is al most cofplcto In every part of the store. This week we will make a ills play of tho nicest walstlngu nnd dress goods wc bavo ever carrlod, Olvo us a call nnd look through our lines. Waistinss Ktno French tlaiine! wnlstlngs, all colors, 50c yard. Fine wool Challlea with satin Ktrlpes, all colors, 76c yard. White mercerized cheviot waist lugs, 26c yard. White mercerised walstlngs, novel ty patterns, B0c yard. Whlto woolen walstlngs, novelty de signs nnd weaves, 50c yard. Dress Goods New styles whlto goods In wool with dots and figures, 50c yard. Etamlnes lu several colors nnd weights, 60c, COc and $1. Zlliollnos In all colors nnd nurill tics. 60c, f0c, 90c up to $1.76 yard. All tho now stuff Is found heio, nnd our prices aro tho lowest. Cnll at tho store to so our SATUR DAY SPECIALS. ST H E FAIR The Place to Save Money '.-4'''' You are Taking no Chances When You Use Pure; Distilled Water Ice L It is manufactured and sold by tho Rosh Ico A Cold ', Storage Company. No othor distilled water ico sold J, in the city. Be 6ure you call up Phono Main 1881 i, when you (ant PURE ICE I Visitors Always Welcome at the Plant Ross ICS ; & Cold Storage Company ' Storage Phone Main 1781 Ice Office Phone Main 18H1 THEY USE THE UNDERWOOD F II. Clopton. S. A. Newberry, K, V. McCoiuuh. Itlgby-Clovo Mfg. Co., Younger & Son, MIbb Bheek, Umatilla Indian Agency, Leo Teutsch, Kast Orcgonlan Pub Co., M. K. Hhutnim. Tho only V1HI UL.R Typewilter thnt has all tho good fcaturm of othor lypowritors and none of the bad ones, it itlxo lias a tabulator which Is n part of tho machine. Call and see machine. I can coiivliii'i you thnt it has 10 points that are superior to other makes, JOHN S. KEES, Agent 741 Miiiii Street On Its Merit Mas the large demand (or Byers' Best Flour Been built up. Only the choicubt wheat that grows enters in to Byers Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made hy the PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Ouce Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Plumber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel t t 6AOLE