"1 f - .-44 DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OBEOON. MONDAV, SEPTEMBER 7 1903. 111 Hi 8Si 1 f 'hi H if- j I Nothing I Better.. In Men's shoes than ROCK OAK SOLE $4 a pair Box Calf Vfci, Valour, Cor dovan and Calf. All the new shapes Dindingcr, Wtf son & Company 'Phone, Main uSi GOOD SHOES CHEAP. SITE FOR NEW SCHOOL HOUSE. City Has an Option on a Portion of Old Poor Farm. The school board of the city schools has secured an option from the coun ty court on the northwest corner of the old county poor farm grounds. The tract consists of six lots front ing on Webb street, and for them the county court askes the tidy sum of 52.000. This is thought to be too much for the lots, as there are sev eral sites offered to the board at a lower figure, that are more centrally located than those of the county. The option holds until Monday, when the matter will be decided. , The people of that part of the city are a long way irom the nearest school building, and for some time they have been asking the board to take some measures to remedy the defect. As the board now has funds sufficient to at least partly pay for tne land, it Is thought best to make the purchase at this time. If the county will sell at a reasonable figure. TO STATE UNIVER8ITY. Four Graduates of Pendleton High School Will Go to Eugene This Year. Four of the five scholars who grad uated from the Pendleton high school last year, will attend the State University at Eugene, the com ing year. llobort Cronln. Olln Arnsplger, Iter Noll and Mary Rothrock. of the grad uating class, will pursue their studies at Oregon's estimnblo university, and will leave for Eugene some time next week. The graduating class all made good records in school work In the public school of this city, and these members will take a finishing course for the purpose of beginning a special professional course later. It Is nulte likely that Mae Fercuson the other member of the graduating Class, win attend the high school hero again this winter, as there nre special studies in the high school which may be taken after graduation In the regular course. LABOR DAY IN PENDLETON (Concluded.) Preached on Labor Issues. Rev. Jonathan Edwards, the pastor or the Congregational church, preach ed a Bcrmon In harmony with the labor situation yostorday evening In his church. He discussed the ques tion In all of Its bearings, and told of the good that would come from the united stand of the worklngmen. A largo number of the laborlngmen of the city attended the meeting. Bishop O'Reilly Located. Is not nllve, but only thinks (tint lie' The effort to make Pendleton the 'same courteous treatment as horeto-i is. a vigorous Idea would scare him permanent residence of Itlshnn fore. to death. Ho cowers under tne fear O'llellly bns proved unavailing, as he PERRY HOUSER, or public opinion, and Is afraid to has been permanently located In Ha- A. D. AUGUSTAVO nave a mind of 'his own. It Is bet- l;er City, and as the residence or the ter to be a man with an Independent bishop is fixed at Home. It would bo mind than to live In Cleveland with necessary to go through a great millions and millions and have the amount of tedious details to secure gout and tho dyspepsia on top of It. n change. Notice to Patrons. Having rented the retail depart ment of my butcher business to Mr. A. D. Augustavn, an experienced butcher of Walla Walla, I myself will conduct the wholesale part of Bald business, and all persons knowing themselves Indebted to me will pleaso call at the market and Hottlo their ac counts. Mr. Augustavo also desires to announce that the business will be conducted as It has been, and all nat- rone of the market will receive the' PRIME CATTLE SCARCE. Buyers Have Combined to Fix Prices to Suit Themselves. Andy Murdoch has been in Al'ur.u several days this week looking for beet cattle. He Informs us that so far he has mado but few purchases, the farmers and ranchmen holding their cattle too high, and that the market will not justify the rates asked. In our opinion the trouble rests with tho buyers who, we aro in formed, have effected a combine and have fixed prices to suit themselves. The field is divided between the buy ers, and each fixes the rates he wnl pay. It is idle talk about a surplus or beer cattle. Everywhere the range Is short and prime cattle are scarce. But whether the cattlemen can break the combine remains to be seen, and they, themselves must be their own judges. Alturas Plaindealer. in conclusion, I think that the unions snould begin at tho bottom in their struggle, it Is not the man who ' puts his rortuno In a place ror the Visitors From Points East. This morning's train brought In n large delegation of visitors to tho betterment of the place, with which celebration from La Grande and way the unions have strife, for i.e is the points. Quite a number of union men friend of tho worklngman. But it is from tho former place came in. ami me corporation who promises much with them a number of ladles. Per anu gives nothing, all the time tak- haps ino Ing from the place, that is the Too train. or tho union man. The land syndl- j cate which owns the land and tho . Death of a Child, water and the source of supply Is ! Daisy Koontz, tho 9-year-old dough the one that Is to be combated, and ter of .Mr. and Mrs. C. P Koontz or the way to remedy It to tax the land Little McKay creek, died at the fam n proportion to Its value. They can lly home Saturday evening or cholera hold land If It pnys them, but not Infantum. The funeral services were f It does not give returns for their held from the home yesterdav after- Weathers-G rider. Yesterday at the Episcopal rectory Rev. W. E. Potwlno united In mar riage, Mrs. Joseph Wentbers and Wil liam Grlder, both of La Grande. The contracting parties nre pioneers of Grande Ronde valley, and. have the' best wishes of ninny friends In this , city. They left on the evening train for their home. I In the Sick Root I have used Llfcbuov work, and can thoroughly rccntnmtZl it as the best antiseptic soap I have useu in tne sick room. Ajocm MAKRS, Trained Nurse, Spring ; An Experienced Norse I can testify from experience of efficiency of Lifebuoy Soap as an anil septic, and recommend it as n soap thi should be used in every household Mrs. V. IHrrTRRSS, Nurse. 6S ConcorJ St. , Boston, Mass. toncor,i The next Intnrnnf innnt persons In all got off the I actuaries will bo held In l!lu4 In Per-1 'in. FOR SALE BY OWL TEA HOUSE DONT FORGET LABOR DaY Investment. In the education of the masses and In the downfall of the trusts Is the settlement of tho question." noon, and the burial was had at Pilot Hock. Real E3tate Transfers. COSTLY LAW SUIT. Through the real estate agency of I tlhorn & Swnggart, Mrs. Sarah Du-j ! rnt utilil l lq t.. I.tnl. o ... I Itlhorn ' prnt sold lot 12 In block S. Ruth Strahon. for $2,500. to Mrs. Excerpts From Mr. Stlllman. Following the remarks of .Mr. Ho ran, A. D. Stlllman, of this city, was Introduced. Mr. Stlllman -would not take the time to speak at all. In view' , of the excellent orations that had I Lieutenant Murdered, preceded him, if It were not ror his I Manila. Sept. 7. While attempting wish to voice his appreciation or the to nrrest a policeman for dlsobedl- honor given him In inviting him to ence a few days ago, Lieutenant Slit- ST. JOE STORE BigSpecialSalelTTSX1!'- ember Sth, 9th and XOth. address the people on this occasion. But It was meet that the first cele bration of Labor Day hold In Pendle ton, where all of tho men had stnrt- ed In by drawing their dally wage. ' and who still labored -with thei rest ion, or tne constabulary, was mur dered by the mini's friends. Two have been nrrested. We shall make some very low prices on all Roods men tioned above In fact we propose to make attractive prices all through our store during this sale Remember the dates. Union County Fruit Crop. Horticultural Commissioner Judd Geer, of the Eastern Oregon district, estimates the Union county fruit crop at 150 carloads this year. The prune crop Is excellent, and most or It has been sold to local driers at from $10 to $12 per ton. In the or chard. The fruit is all healthful and not a Union county consignment has yet been condemned by the commis sioner on account of any or the usual fruit pests. The Merchants' Cafe. Keeps constantly on hand lu rt ed lleberwnrst, Frankfortors. im burg eels, crawfish, crabs, oy ,ters, all kinds of cheese. Hot merchants' lunch dally from 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. ni. Wouldn't Pay 25 Cents Storage and Now Has $H0 Judgment Over His Head. Attorney H. F. Connor of the O. R. &.. S. Company, was in the city yesterday and attended the sale of I the contents of the valise of the Rev. Joseph Schell. attached to satisfy a judgment for $154.30 in favor of H. H. Hallock. savs tho Baker Citv Ileni- ocrat. The public is familiar with istence in 1770 and 1S12. and recelv the circumstances In the rase, the ed Its last blow In '63. when the last action of .Mr. Schell acalnst :!ip rail- menace to organized labor was swept road company having been the out- awa' ,n tne South by the free labor growth of a 25 cent charge for stor- f the North age on tho valise. Mr. Connor, "It should be the duty of all par inrough an agent mu in the contents ties anil creeds to lead labor to In or the satchel ror $10. The articles ' dependence, so that when a man had eold included medicine, toilet artl- ' striven ror his bread by the sweat or cles, a pair or soiled socks, a bottle his brow ror 20 years ho could look or smelling salts and an ear trumpet, j forward to the time when he would Mr. Connor now owns the collection, j have a home and a fireside and i j would be nble to help those who came after him. To the time when 1 The governor general of Canada has presented to Miss Gcorglana tnougli they were not able, some or J ope tne royal red cross In recognl- them, to give employment to others t'n or her nursing services In South not yet old in opportunity to achieve Africa. She is the first woman in that success. Canada to, become the recipient of "The old Idea of the right or the thlg '"'"" row to rule, was shattered when the Mayflower landed on the eastern coast. And it was driven out of ex- aVory Truly Yoursa I LYONS MERCANTILE CO. - -4'lI''4,t"l,,-t',,f-t-t-,i,H HOsrerrEujt a criFnniTrn CELESRATLO tHfllltl I I 1 1 I I III H H- Gibson-Duprat. At the residenco of Mr. Arthur J. Gibson, on Mario street at 7 p. m September C, Arthur J. Gibson and Miss Sarah Dupratt were united In the holy bonds or matrimony. Rev. E. B. Jones, pastor of the M. E. Church, South, officiating. The wed-1 ding was very quiet and Informal, Toilet Daintiness Who is it that does not ap preciate a sweet, delicate odor, especially of the dainty, last ing kind? We have the largest line of Imported and domestic perfumes in Eastern Oregon. A few of our leading Imported odors are: Azurea, La Trefle, Peau d' Espagne, Violette de Parme, Indian Hay. And many more of the same quality in bulk as well as In fancy packages. every man and woman who tolls 1 would be a mighty unit in the force ' or man's humanity to man." I Quotations From Senator Pierce. Walter M. Pierce was the last speaker, but owing to the time that had been tnken up by those preced- i,. r. , "H. "- mane inn a very snon au- o-N STOMACH Sick Headache, flatulence, ltelchin. Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia end Constipation Are all ciuied by the ilomach be coming weak Htreneihen It with tbe miter and be ruml ut Slhrie ailment!. It ncter HIU )(He ,urc lo try Secure Your Next Overcoats trading parties, Mr. Gibson, Sr.. the I father of the groom. Mr. T those speaking berore. "me trouble Swear- una ucuu m uuauu Ul j. , i .! ...i, .. ,, t.v, ,.... '""" K"'" ie cunirui 01 man. how mgvu anu wilt; auu u 1 1 1 . o. i iiu unuv i . , . , , , , T I was verv boenmlnelv nttlrpd whllp ' ono combination holds the timber .."" ve becomlnglj attired, while h . . . anothr ,hp une groom was aresseu in the conven-i . ltlon.il black Tho crnom hai i hpnii. I ul ""wi'urimiuii, aim u is nec- ' Iru. VotonTMar?e srreirandbThe I 1 "J?"ne t1 tlm- lhe. young couple start out upon tne mat rimonial sea with bright prospects for a long and happy voyage. The best wishes of all their many friends ! go with them. TALLMAN & CO, T w v t.... V Loading JruiHts Crank fffJAustralia. Melbourne ept. 7. A man believ ed to be a ctJnk, wns arrested today while trying to gain admittance to Governor-General Tennlson. Ho had a loaded revolver and resisted arrest. He will be examined as to his sanity. Negroes RevolL London, Sept. 7. A dispatch re ceived by the government from East Arrica states the negroes of tho Boer district have revolted as a result of the cruelty of the white settlers. O. E. S. Meeting. Regular meeting Ousheo Chapter No. 19. Tuesday, September S. 7:30. tH'H"llll'H"M:fM lll 1 I I I'1 All members requested to attond. NOT GOOD, NOT HERE They Lead the Procession The popularity of Swift's products among all classes is very largely due to tho absolutely clean and hygienic conditions un der which fach carcass Is dressed, and tho meat and tho food pro ducts prepared and Inspected. This Is particularly true of Swift's Premium Ham and Bacon. From tho sleek, corn-fed hogs In the pens, the carefully selected haras and bacon In the amokehouso, the final expert Inspection by the U. S. government, and, lastly, tho dainty wrapping In parchment paper, each step In tho evolu tion of these nutritious and appetizing products Is a guarantee that they will always please. F. S. YOUNGER & SON NOT GOOD, NOT HERE small merchants are the ones that come between the forces of labor and capital. He was not pessimistic, but optimistic, for now the worklngmen are bettor housed and clothed and fed than over before; but thoy must In their prosperity be careful and considerate. Their advancement had been gradual, and It will take time to gain their ends, and a fnlso step might send them backward Instead of forward. Tho day Is coming when the voters of the country will support men, not for reasons of party, but for tho qual ity of tho man. They will elect men to the law-making bodies who havo been tried In tho furnace, and on whom dependency may bo placed. Legislators will be chosen for their deeds, and not for their party. When that times comos the laborlngmen will have a chanco in tho halls of con gress, and their wrongs will be right ed. To that end all men must work, and tho sooner it Is brought about the sooner will the forces of labor and capital bo at peace." Suits to Your Measure To be smart, stylish and shape-retaining, clothes must bo made to order and to the measurements of tho man who Is to wear them. Even tho best ready-made clothes novor fit properly, and quickly lose their shape and become baggy. If you want to get away from the ready-made habit, let us make your next suit. We' guar antee a fit. AT SHIELDS' PARK. Despite the Rain, a Large Crowd Witnessed the Prize Drawing Last Saturday Night, Despite tho unfavorable weather, a largo crowd witnessed the prize draw ing at Shields' Park last Saturday evening, and tho following numbers wcro tho lucky ones: First prize, 1, 323. center table, M. W. Raho; sec ond, 2.555. rocker, Mrs. M. Stott; third, 336, rug, J. G. Hlbbard; fourth, 3,030, ladles' work basket, Nettin Folsom, fifth, 475, picture, Nat Kim ball. Thoro will be an entire change of program this evening to continue during tho week, as usual. Tho prize drawing will also take place next Saturday night, and as soon ns the weather becomes too bad for out door performances, tho park attrac tions will bo Uansferred to a build lug, and continue for the winter. SULLIVAN & BOND Near St Ceorgc Hotel i Early as. .the season is on and the coats all here We are showing more new overcoats than ever before and should be pleased to convince ycu that we have the prettiebt line to select from in Eastern Oregon. armaria cmst iuwaicm-"f The Boston Store OVERCOATS I.IIEQUKKN HOT1SL Clean comfortable roomi from 'X cents up. Nevflr fnnillbeil throughout. Queen Obop Hon In connection. Meals m all boon. Only white help en plojeil. Olvcus a trial THE SURE WAY to Prevent Pneumonia and Consump tion Is to cure your cold when It first appears. Acker's English Rem edy will stop tho cough In a night, and drive tho cold out of your system. Always a quick nnd sure cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. If It does not sat isfy you the druggist will refund your money. Write to us for free sample. W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F. W. Schmidt & Co,, druggists. 5 Many People Are about as progressive as a sky rocket turned upside down. Its a hard thing to say but we think that expression fits the housekeeper who sticks to the old, rusty tinware or cheap enam eled ware inslead of saving money by buying STRANSKY Four coated, seamless, all steel kitchen ware. W. J. CLARKE & Co, 211 Court Street J a- 1, ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber. VOtT MAVIS fKNl) lllTIf.UINQ or nn I It uoooitary to KKPLACE A WORK-OUT HOOK ELATERITE ROOFING Takes ill, place of shingles, tin, Iron, tar and gravol, and all prepareo roofings. For flat and stoep surfaces, gutters, valleys, etc. Easy to Temperc . for all cllmatos. Reasonablo In coat. Sold on morlt. Guaran teed. It will pay to ask lor prlcesauu mtormation. THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. .. . Worcester Building. powanu.