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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1903)
DAILY EAST OBEOWIAN. PEWDLETOH. WIESOW. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER : J " IRRIGATED "CROPS;? sSndaVaV 1" 1908. ff I Hi ' -E 1 1PA w OVER $3,000 IN PRIZES OF FERED FOR PRODUCTS. Four Staple Crops of the Wet compete for Prizes at Ogden Irri gation Congress Barley, Hops, Fruit and Sugar Beets to Enter Contest. Young rirls at this period of life. or their mothers, are earnestly in vited to write Mrs. Pmkham for advice; all such letters are strictly confidential ; she has guided in a motherly way hundreds of young women ; tad her advice is freely and cheerfully given. School days are danger days for American girls. r.Hn J1115"?1311 collapse follows, and it takes years to recover the kmc Tltauty. Sometimes it is never recovered. Perhaps thoy are not over-careful about keeping their feet dry; brough carelessness in tliis respect the monthlr sickness is usually rendered very severe. J.nen uegm ailments which should be removed at once, or they will dure rvi:wt"Mif cnfFurinrr ttv.orloi.l.rf fn:.n-nnn i:i.i- i: The tanners of Oregon are In a liosttion to carry oft several vnluaulo prizes .from the irrigation congress, which is to meet In Ogden on Sep tember 16. Senator AV. A. Clark, of Montana has offered a prize of $500 for the best general collection of fmlts, and Jlavemeyer. of tho Amur. lean Sugar Company, a similar prize! fOr tho llOHt OThthlt of tuinno !. I First Christian Church Sunday school, 10 , m.. W. W Ttnirtov 011. poriutendent; preaching 11 a, m.,'and to''-"" v- n. Alien wiison, tbe great utdusviisi, wni BpeaK both morning, and evening. Prayer -meeting Wed nesday evening at 7:30. Christian Endeavor and choir practice Friday, 7:30 p. m. Tho public is cordially in vited to all these services. N, H. Brooks, pastor. M. E. Church, South (Tho lastj Sunday of the conference year:) I Sunday son-ices as follows: 10 a. m., Sunday school, I. E. Earl, superinten dent; 11 a. m., preaching by pastor; 7 p. m.. Epworth League, leader, ' This H. JicDroom, subject, "Tho A1-, 1 1 111 CnwmC ' t nlnhlnnn.nnB.Hi O prcacning uy m nrnnphlnn tit nnoln. !.... .. 1 i tnw V, 1 . " , , " ' I ' " t'J iwoiwi. i IUJVI I u. 01 sugar ueets. meeting on Thursday at 8 p. -awn Kk tne back and louis, irregularity, loss of Bleep and appetite, a tenclencv to Avnirl thi Krvmfi- nf nflmr-e o eir.fni 11 : 11. ui iij uipwuia uu lllulUUkUJ 1-Uilb IVUIUIU1S rrfunomv i nf: Wnml iydia T,. Pinkhaui's Vegetable Cnmpound has helped many a jwmg ffirl over this critical period. "With it they have gone through tbcir trials: with courage nnd safety. With its projxjr use the voting prl is safe from the peculiar dangers of 6ehool years and prepared for hearty womanhood. A Young: Chicago Girl " Studied Too Hard." "Dear 31ns. PixKnAji: I Kish to thank ypu for tlie help and ben b I have received through tho use of Lydla E. Pinkliain's Vege table Compound and Liver Pills. When I was about seventeen years old I suddenly seemed to lose mv usual good ucuiui uuu tiiiiui. a'uuier baiu 1 scuuieu too Hard, but tne doctoi thought different and prescribed tonics, which I took by tho quart without relief. Reading one day in the paper of Sirs. Pinkham's great cures, and finding the symptoms described an swered mine, I decided I would rive Ivdia . Plukliam's Vegetable Compound a triaL I did not say a word to tho doctor; I bought it myself, and took it according to directions regularly for two months, and I found that I gradually improved, and that all pains left me, and I was my old self once more. Liixis E. Sinclair, 17 E. 22d.St, Chicago IlL" "Miss Pratt Unable to Attend School." Dear Mna. Pdjkiiam: I feel it my duty to tell all young women ' much Lydia E. Plnkliam's wonderful Vegetable Compound has b for me. I was completely run down, unable to attend school, and 4id not care for any kind of society, but now I feel like a new person, and hare gained seven pounds of flesh hi three months. "I recommend it to all young women who puft'er from female weak wn' Miss Alma Peatt, Holly, Mich. Xydia E. Pinklintu's Vegetable Compound is the one sure rcm- ' to do roueu upon at tins important period 111 n young girrs me. FORFEIT If we cannrtt forthwith prnt!nr lhnr3mll letters azul lljputore at AOuTa lMiunnmaif, wjuen win luri Atwniau tnci:xrr. I.yilla H j'lnKHam .U4i!!.-!ijt t;o, xornn. The Pnbst Brewin;: Comnanv. of Mil waukee. offers a prize of JS00 for the best barley exhibit, and the Anheus- er-uuscn company a like -amount for tne best exhibit of hops ! Alt .1 1 . ' . I " prizes sliould come to , uresun, 11 me right kind of energy . S l! I ! 11 1 H .1 H 1 1 . I L11 1. H ' ,u cuiieciiDg me ex hibits from this state. Every one of : uitrse products are grown to nerfec ttion in this state. The Willamette valley is entitled to the hop prize j without any doubt, but will sho bring i ii uump.- xo oinor country in the , esc can produce the article grown jin mat magnificent region. It is the uuiutui uume 01 mis plant, and no other district on the entire Pacific coast can come anywhere near her in this respect, Umatilla county could capture the fmlt and barley nrlzea without a struggle, if they were gath- ereu up anu snipped to Ogden nnd en tcrod in tho contest. Tue Milton nr. iiiuius are emiuea 10 mis-premium, j The quality of Irrigated fruit rrown j In that district cannot be surpassed I In the arid region. It should stimu j late the orchardlsts of mis county to collect a magnificent exhibit, to send to this congress. I Grand Rondo valley can bring home 1 the sugar beet prize. If she goes after it. The Utah valleys cannot excel the ' plants grown under the shadow of ! ML Emily, but will the Grande Ronde iteople muster up the courage to compete for these valuable prizes? j This congress is to be a national j affair, and the winning of even one of these prizes would auvertise the winner to all points of the country, ' and would be a splendid stimulant for Oregon immigration. 1 The task of collecting and shinning these exhibits Is so Insignificant, that it should not stand in the way of such n triumph. The products are here. The quality of the Oregon fruits, grains and vegetables cannot be sur passed. None of the states can carry ! off more prizes than Oregon. Her ! rich will and congenial climate ren I tier her the most natural candidate for all these honors. It is now time ! to be getting the exhibition reauy. Everybody cordially invited to attend any or nil of these services. E. B. ' 1 First Presbyterian Church l6 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., sermon by the pastor. "The Divinely Appoint-, " ed Way to Acceptable nnd Efficient j Service"; CMS p. m.. Christian En-1 deavor; 7:30 p. m., sermon. All ' strangers In the city and ' residents j without a church home are most cor dially Invited to these services. Rob-1 ert J. Dtven, pastor. There is no beverage more healthful than the right kind of beer. Barley malt and hops a food and a tonic. Only 3J per cent of alcohol just enough to aid digestion. But get the right beer, for some beer is not healthful. SchEtz is the pure beer, the clean beer, the filtered snd sterilized beer. No bacilli in it nothing but health. And Schlitz is the aged beer that never causes biliousness. Call fir tht Brewery Bulling. Tfca Br taof madm Milwaukee fammus. Phone 51 Main, H. Kopittke, 507 Main St, Pendleton. Church of the Redeemer Divine service tomorrow at hours as fol lows: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; ser mon and celebration of the holy com munion at 11 a. m.; evening prayer and address at 7:30 o'clock. Congregational Church Services on Sunday as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; morning worship and preaching at 11, subject, "The Cause and Cure of Despondency"; evening service at 7:30. Praise and prayer service on Thursday evening. A cor dial welcome to all. J. Edwards, pastor. Succeeds Rev. Levi Johnson. Rev. Robert L. Alter, who 13 to take up the work formerly in charge of Rev. Levi Johnson, arrived in the city today nnd will preach in the South Juniper church tomorrow. September C, at 3 p. m. There will be no changes in the time or order nf the services, and Rev. Alter will preach at the Temple at 11 o'clock a. m., on the second and fourth Sun days of each month, and at Pleannt View schoolhouse at 3 p. m., of the same days. On the first and third Sundays of each month he will preach in South Juniper church at 3 p. m. Tacoma millers are paying 85 cents for bluestcm wheat, in order to se cure enough (o make the season's run on next year. You May Be Cured SAi Ciarlit'M Avenue, I . w'.Ts l inrAiio, Jix., ()ctoler9. 1802 Aftrr doctorinp lor eleen niontb and tnkinc forly-tlirce linulra of mrdicine and lindmp unrt'iri for lenitiTThaa rosulims from irritation of a fallen womb I took Wine of Cardui and fourteen lolCs cunil iu. This si-emu strange l.ut it if the sinmir truth. Wine of Cardui helpiil mr from the t tne I V lB'c:mtakiniritaiHlliavinfliraTil itvim -.1 s.0 hichly by friendii who had trie il it I felt g sntiafied that it would belli me, and it iliu urarm me. iook every uu ot acnr pain and headache, cramp and dracpinp down fns..!oii awa.v till 1 felt voiine, strono and happy once moip. it is a wonderful medicine and a true friend to women! When I look hack on the months of torture 1 liaU it teems like a hideous nicutmare. Wino of (.ariiu. cure any woman I believe. I have more faith in it than pll ntlivr medicines combined. ;V!C-I1i., t'hiC3Ri ninlairiral I'luU Ilow can you refuse relief when tn know you are cruwing worse dar al ter day r fchootinp pains, irregularity, inflammation nnd bearing dowrrpahu make thousands of women miserable. Why drag throuieh life never enjoy ing anything? Wine of Cardui bus made over 1,500.000 weak and nufferinc j women wen and strong. e sk oulogo to your dnigist today and secnre a $1.00 bottie of Wine of Cardui auu bejrin to tuke it at once. l)o tbat ana wr- urajiu .urs. c mi' , i nes nooui win vwn ee j ours, n you uusr iwe la! directions are needed in your case, address, giving symptoms, Uaii Auvuory ueitartmcnt, 1 he iJhatianot ;r .Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Teaii, ! I mm Missionary Convocation. Hoise. Idaho. Sent. &. Delegates and visitors are arriving for the mis sionary convocation for the Idaho diocese, which will convene tomorrow for a session of three days. The serv ices will be held In St. Michael's ca thedral, and a splendid program has been arranged. Many prominent churchmen and mission workers will take part. $5000 LEGAL BLANKS of them. Write the East Ore ctmian for a free cat- A foU strpply always kept hi stock. Salmon Will Be Scarce. Portland. Ore.. Sept. 4. Revised figures based on nearly definite re-i ports from all Pacific coast districts,' Including Alaska, 3how tbat tho sal-i mon pack of this year will be 1,000, 000 cases smaller than tbat of last year, and 1,750,000 cases smaller than the pack of the provious year. A gen eral advance in prices appears to bo inevitable. I O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA, BAKING POWDEn FUW0RMG EXTRACTS; UmMcMty. Finesrflavor, (hwrfrfSrrwisfh.Otasoniikfrices. CL0SSET&DEVER5 PORTLAND, OREGON. On Its Merit Has the large demand (or Byers' Best Flout Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in to Byers Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by tbe PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. Have Yotsr Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at One Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Plumber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnmmmmnmmmmmm I SHIELD'S PM RK SVLE We have Secured for Next Week Some MDTO HTTEHTI COMEDY WEEK This Week will be comedy week at Shield's Park. We have a splendid list of attractions a partial list of which is as follows: THE HARRISONS, Comedy Sketch Artists of Unexcelled Merit THE LEONS, Hfcn Trapeze Artists There will be Several Other Features of Especial Merit. The Moving Pictures will all be new as well as the Illustrated Songs. 2 r3 3 3 Remember Thursday will be Amateur Night and some excellent Home Talent will be brought out. Bring your wife and the little folks and enjoy Two Solid Hours of Good, Clean, Wholesome Fun. XKr.