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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1903)
DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 190,3. &8 6i PublUhcJ crerr afternoon (exeent Sunday ( EAST at lVnuleton. Oregon, by th OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. 'ttKD. Mala 11. Sl'USClUlTtOX UATCS. Dllr nne year br mall Dully, all mouths by mall ....... Dally, three months by mail Dullr, one montb by mall Oallj. per month by carrier Weekly, cue year by mall Wwkly. six months by mall Weekly, four months by mall .. nno vrar hr mall . Seml-Werkly, six months by mall .. l.(H Seml-WeetlT. three months by mall .. .50 ..5.00 .. i0 l. . . .50 . . . .03 .. 1..10 . . .73 . . .50 :.iw ... i i . . t - . i i. l Lit t.nst w i v.; u n i J ii is uu eaic ilk - Klch's News Stamls at Hotel Portland and liniei rerKlus. ijruauu, usvuu. Xews Asjocla Menilcr Scrlojw Mettue tics. St IraneIeo ltareau. 40S Fourth St. Ohtesso llureau. 000 Seeurlty llulUUnp Wmhlugton. I). C. llureau. 501 Uth St, .N. W. Htiteml at IVndleton-poatoflre as seccond class matter t J When you're feelln' klnu o blue And I nlsh tho road for the experiment. One mile of good road on 'the ground. Is worth a hundred miles on paper. The socialists ot Anaconda, lon-j tana, carried the city election last spring, and took tho offices occupied formerly- by their employers. There vnm jwAtitnata nvor anmn nf the nfftpoR and the employes of tho smelterswere arrayed asralnst their employers and won the cases agnlnst them, and are now running the aliy government. There hare- been some radical changes In tho mode of conducting municipal nffatrs, and the smelter and mining men are dlssntls&cd with the rule of the worklngmen, uud now in order to bring about a change, havo declared that active socialists will not tie employed in the works, hoping by this means to drive them out'of the city. The country has reached a great crisis in industrial progress, if a man must pass a satis factory political examination before he can got a job. No wonder socialism is jprowlng. The way to make it suc cessful. Is to employ just such meth ods, wherever a socialist is found in office. There Is a growing sentiment In 'he West in favor of the repeal of all the land laws, except the straight home stead law.' The abuse of the timber and stone net. and the vast tracts ac quired by corporations, under the va rious laws that have aided in dimin ishing the public domain, havo forc ed the people to demand protection for the remaining nrea of public land. The actual homesteader has need of the remaining land, and it seems that title should be confined to the one law, in order to insure a settler for every future filing. It is quite important that the coming ir rigation congress take action on this subject, and petition the national congress to repeal the timber and rmtutuvtv " j stone, ana tne aesert rana ncs. auk the appointment of Davis, to be rog- gc'iao,,, period has almost strlp ister of tho La Grande land office, j ,he mry of good iand, and and try to lay it on the president, i th remnant of the once magniH- account of tho arbitrary dealings of the trust, which controls both ends of the road the live animal and the meat on the block. th1 world seems down on you. Don't lose hope and ease your grip Rnt voitr henla Kn thev won t slin. i Sot your heels and toar a smile j And keep shovin" all tho whll. ' rnnn nn ahrw.n' till Villi lOSQ i All th' symptoms of the bluo. Will V.aupln.. ! The Athena Press pertinently re marks that the next great strike will not bo for an increase in wages, but to prevent a reduction of wages. The limit has been reached and tho em ployer will now have to strike, in or der to keep the great industries mov ing, i THE POPE'S DOMINION. Th iinun Is nn Inniriir as vna ovim Leo when crowned, the accepted head of a majority of Christendom. His flock of 230,000.000 Is outnumbered by the total ot Greek and Protestant, 246.000,000. In Europe 160,000.000 look to him. and 170.000.000 to divided shepherds. When Plus IX was crown ed, his '.lock in European lands was 1 linn fWm nnA Ihnao wlthnut hlR fold in European lands but 50,000,000. When Plus VII took his troumea scat a century ago, tho proportion was nnnfltr f finr In nno It WHS nparlv eight to one when nn Albanl. as Clem ent XI. by the great bull, unigenitus. began modern ultra-montanlsm. In 200 years, this assertion ot the power of the pope has seen him pass from the head of all but a ninth of Christendom to the head of less than half. In another century. Protestant ism alone will equal Roman Catholi cism. But tho Itonian pontiff remains for all these changes, which have seen the great growth of modern popula tion flow In Greek and Protestant channels, the august head of a majes tic communion In whose many-chnpel- ed shrine all lands ana an men worship. THE WAY TO SHADOWTOWN. i Sway to and fro In the twilight gray, Thts is tho ferry to Shadowtown, It nlwayB sails at the end ot the day, Just as the darkness closes down. Heat, little head, on my shoulder so; A sleepy kiss Is the only fare. Drifting away from the world we go. Baby and I, In the rocking chair. firelogs glow and the Shadow- See. NERVOUS PROSTRATION CURED BY PE-RIMU. Hitchcock need not be ashamed of Davis is a good man and win be an honor to the office and to the man who Is responsible for his appointment. Russia is determined to prevent popular education among tho masses. A. Polish priest who had in charge six young girls bound for America, where the children w.?r? to be placed in school, has been arrested on the frontier of Poland, and hold on charge of kidnaping. The object of the Rus sian government is - to enforce the doctrine "once a Russian, always a Russian." There is cause for Pendleton to be nappy ana in me mooa to lowson Development Labor Day. Four excellent brick I . . buildings, and about 20 handsome dwellings have been completed this season, and foundations for one of the finest lodging houses in Eastern Oregon are now being laid. If pros perity and abundance of work are causes for celebration, Pendleton has a yell coming. Justice is swift in Oregon. A negro who sandbagged a Portland merchant this week, was located, arrested, tried, convicted, sentenced and lodged in the penitentiary for six years. In less than 48 hours after committing the erime. This is a serious check o.. the hold-up business in Portland. A lit tle more of this swift brand of Jus tice will stop robberies, on Front street, in daylight at least. rent domain should be reserved lor actual settlement. It Is as neeessary to save the desert to the people as it is to save the forests and streams for them. whore the snnrk. Glitter the lights of land. The raining drops on the window hark! Are ripples lapping upori its strand. There, where the mirror is glancing dim. A lake lies shimmering, cool and ctlll- Blossoms are wavering o'er Its brim Tnose over mere on me winuuw m. j Hock slow, more slow In the dusky ( ni,i0r -rkmartmont oifin-.r nnchor down. ! P"oor h"d Promotion of National Dear little passenger, say "Good , Export 1 .... . ' m t r.nt.. n rt n 1 I We've reached the harbor of snau-, ac ruu , . - owtown Gentlemen: "Toward tho latter part j Ttts2A&y22tej Eugene Field. , d August I found myself in a very i , much iun-lowa condition. I suffered I A PRICE OF CIVILIZATION. llB. D. BOTH ,s niA si'f-i-rrJmrm. InitiliMifc in tho fit . I Safest Investeil I in Heal Esta'e ! 9-room house with bath ro and electric lights. Lot Vhia t feet Three hlockB from Mh 1 street,, 3,650. w T S-room house, bath room lots, good barn. North Si& J3.000. Two 5-room houses, two loti T barn, six blocks from ji streot, 3,000. 19-room house on Main strwt. corner lot, S2.C50. ;i,ooo cul balnnco on easy terms. 5-room house and comer ca nurin oiut.-, fi,juu l-room house, good lot, jgjj, Uniinn nnrl Int (onn a. cash, balnnco $10 iter raonttl House Is new I i Ritiorn k Swa:p1 ivooui 10 over laylot Hardware Store. nn ' - - l t - nnrl w-nrrlniDIlt lnCIUellt to UlO 6X . It Is a weird tiling mat. -mo cuiei ; ' , magistrate of the most nearly free piottoaon 01 ErB .-,- ; Tn !. mnii nn earth do so many of .,. ,ilnf r elated must bo siUon. What late distressed ineand I . earth's souls turn for comfort, com- guarded with extreme care from as- would lie awake at night ' threshing t sassins. But it is a necessity we 5Vcr,' K 1 mar use mat expression, mo j . r.m't nriiu (mm nnd the exnlaua- iraT.1 nf tlip nroVious day. 1 -1 ,t.n 1. .rnntni 1HH . .... r If.. I, . . 7 r-n !,T t h li ' IIOI1 13 8IU1II IMrti " .i ;..-'.. w.. 11 ' " . ; Has Real Estate for Salt Since Oregon passed the law ac cepting the provisions of the Carey Act, there have been five reclamation contracts entered Into, aggregating 267.G91 acres of arid land. Appli cations have been made for 47,000 acres, in addftion to these contracts, and several surveys are now pending ..rtdoinn nml onnatilntlim and no jiuaatuu, .. -w - j blessing Is more truly urbl et orbl,; felt by all the world, blessing those who acknowledge him not. For me deeper spiritual influences of life are not to be bounded by creed and con fession, but fall, like the rain, on the just and unjust, tho faithless and be lieving, all alike children ot one Father merciful and foil of mercy. From "The Conclave nnd the Pope," by Talcott Williams, In the American Slonthly Review of Reviews for Sep tember. IS NEW YORK EXTRAVAGANT? Arrivals on late trains who have not taken the precaution to wire ahead for their rooms go from house to house looking for accommodations in the upper part of New York. That certainly does not look like hard times. Nor does the big fleet at the vacht races point to any lack ot funds on the part of the general public. Thousands upon thousnnds of tickets are sold for each day's race for from $3 to 35 apiece, that merely covering the .transportation expense uuu providing for lood or a stateroom So far the big steamers have reaped a rich harvest, even if they have to be kept idle on the off days. had ! t civilization, the more elaborate me ncn ntis prostration and recommended 1 T rjEAL ESTATE of all iron.lnm tii mnro conoral tne euuca- . ...,, r tmtrlu.nlv rrew MWse. r fclnils nnil i,riiii!. tion. the most numerous will be what . .l taj friend whom I had known ln ranglug from a sms'l 1 ijttiu i .i u -j i . , a man irrespons.-ie skepti::ait finally yielded to Ms nd- i J i one element, or part Affer us,ng QDe j .ai . J jf greatness. j b lmproved aad with the litth j cranks of exalted " nnmnMB nCavcn: I am we call "cranks." The crank is bv havtns some of on element of Geniuses are cranks of exalted . . ... ,,. recovery. I am ' VUUIb fcfctiiMw ""-f " f force , In perfect health to-day and owe every i The very greatest men in blbton . P q Punm. t were cranks. Very truly yours, .. "., , ,ih, ' HAL. P. DEXTOW But. if the combination isnt right , TOUdoiiot derive prompt and sati. that Is. If n man has no logic but ' at you nosmu i J , j bumln" resolve or ho is possessed by , uoiory the tTO o genius without knowing Write at onco to Dr. Bartman, giving . . " . " i . Hon. 1 ioi,.iT.nnt nf vonr caso nnd lie nu what he wants, men ue muj uv u uuu- , , gerous crank, whose uselessly seeth-, be pleased to give you his valuable a. J Ine tuougnts prouuee imouhj. mumrs. - In the olden time such unfortunates Address Dr. Hartman, Prcsldout ol were trodden down now we go to j rjje xiartman Sanitarium, Coluaibiu, Utuo. SEE SPOONERiORE THE HUSTLER Theaters and roof gardens are crowded every night. Not content with paying $2. the box-office price to see a poor show at some of the Uiea- . i o.,.- Miens thn nnlv SOOtl lets, i" uj 1 - seats have to be obtained from me sueculators. who do business in iuc enormous pains to preserve and pro tect mem. And so the life of the president ol the United States has to be carefully guarded and we are spared another martyr to civilization. Denver Post- . ZI7i o i,.,. U vou war: :"r he uses rented or Eugene people are icuiJib - , , vest trom the sale ot chittim, or. cos-1 our prop -riy Id cara bark, which Is selling in that , Sl,0OSlMor.( 2,0 t Court locality for 1C cents a pound. J- 31 . -z-o l. rcsioeiice to one of th tnon monerii and beat e'ulped nmnnms with in the limits f the city of Pendleton, ard frornt farm of a few acres of to d alfalfa land U thouanuiU nf acres of wheat land. Call or Address C. D. BOYD. Ill Court dUU acnnwi ...... i w 1 Siretuimwio. vttiv u for further applications. The largest most bare-faced way. All this iayisn I tsiw nmtlsitnirintS T nit L IS contracts made are with tne Pilot Butte Development Company, in Crook county, for S7.707 acres, the Company, in Crook and Klamath counties Xor tS. t91 acres, and the Harney Va'le.v lei provemont Company, for acres The average cost of recinmat'on in these three contracts Is $9.30 er acre, and the average cost o: main taining the works after const rttr.ton, is 73 cents per acre. Thus it is seen that this idle land which Is now prac tically worthless, can be reclaimed at a cost of less than $10 per acre, and as soon as it is reclaimed, it be comes worth from S50 to 5100 per acre, capable of supporting a family on each 10 acres. There Ib no greater question now before the West, than this transformation of the desert mlo gardens and orchaids. The organization of the Independ- 111 u n i i . t. ' ' -- ' - - , expenditure for amusements that is so marked to any observer In Jew York must mean that people are either living far beyond their incomes i ik... rc rpmnrkablv nrospcr- ous times, in spite of the bad slump , in stock and bond prices Boston Herald. I- . - - - I "!rT-rj !irSS "sa ltm',mt 111,1 '' 1 1 ' Ji'JI'"i I Pcre. Palo and SparitSnS- Bottled Only ct the nrewerym St. Louii. g j IL. . ,U1J1 ,. SOL CVEIV'r'yHERE- JP j ."" " ' , ti 1 Madam St. Clair 1 t i ont Pankinir Comoany. at Kansas City The Clark silver cup, offered for the j on September 1, Is hailed as the fore best, fruit exhibit at the Ogden Irr'-jrunner of the final destruction of the gation Congress, belongs by right of Beef Trust The Independent corn merit, to Umatilla covmty. Will it j J)anjr ,s colrtuosed of bona fide stock be brought home, or will Utah cap- ( men whl are now ln the clutches pf ture it? The effort requireu to get. u the tnwtf and wno will begin mo con Is so Insignificant, that It should not be a barrier. Where are moso cu thuslastle MHton irrigationlsts who are so proud or the fruit records of their locality: Here Is an opportuni ty to score a point against all the West. Send for that cup. Harvest being over and the seat-in- hauling practically done, the periodi cal Good Roads agitation Is again af flicting tho Oregon farmer. If the government would build some good roads In some of the Western f.tatea, as a nucleus for a general good road movement. It would bo much more ap propriate, than to pay out so much money for agents, whose only service consists in traveling over the countT using space in the papers and iIo!ng no practical work. If tho government wUl put some of these "experts" to work, on selections of bad roads, for the purpose of demonstrating their structlon of a line of packing houses to reach from Chicago to ban iron Cisco, to compete with the meat trust, for the livestock and meat trade of the West The new company is to be 'i.v fiptnil stockmen, to prevent the trust from obtaining cou iml through tho purchase ot stock. and all the stock shipments from the West are to bo handled by the mem bers of tho new organization, who ore to reap a "double profit from their stock one from the range article and one from the finished, or manufac tured article In the packing houses. This is the only logical manner in which to oppose the trust. If the Western stockman will back the new concern and make It a success. It will bo tho salvation of the livestock In dustry of the country, for It has now reached tho point where It is Impos sible lor the grower to receive a rea sonable return on his Inrestmeut, on St&cess steals more savings than the Tjtuvlar. S.owly, coin by com. the money that has teen no hardly earned is paid out for drugs and doctors. SicUnean is the-worst enemy of the work ing man, and the common cause of the working man's sickness is disease of the stomach often involving the heart, lungs, liver, or kidneys. The use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discoverv will stop the stealing of t)ie savings by sickness. It cures d:s Ciics of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It cures dis eases of heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc., when these diseases are caue by the diseased condition of the stomach and its allied organs. About leu yer KO X Uz to have Ir. with uh.'miiWin.Coon)llr w, ;lf lud tolar effqnit often td lW " 1ESe S2.ploy.rt beet '""'Jl .ft tSTbeit doctor! in the eity but got no hs p S,S?r. nVScne way or other I happened to KtboUoravUloijfi toer helped roe. It' j. .' . t.-lA mm TcaLi 'lKt la ccanectwa. TJ raU- h.ppj to tute that X "oineneed to et' froei the .urt nd bare i J W J .omtner on tccoont ot ray toeh. II Teet Op top, and better than I bare for ten yeatv Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." Nothing ehe Is "just MDrTpicrce's Pleasant Pellets regulate the bowels. The Greatest Wonder of ! the Age thn I wrote to TOO lot me that by my ymptocis yea 4- e t Has come to Pendleton to reside. You will find her at the Strahon Parlors n and 12, where she will be pleased to meet all who are suffering, mentally or Her wonderful Magnetic Healing Power I for Rheumatism 4 t Come and Bring Yonr Show them what gooJl rlrv work- reallv mead Domestic Laundry will wavs nleased to snow k and to demonstrate wtfj work is superior to an nnil hnw nnt ran &dd ' personal comfort durintj lion form hv haViU ' linen laundered properly. LAUfil DOMESTIC Court and Thoui-on Waler's flouring Mills Capacity. 150 barrels & (lay. Hour exchanged for wheat Klour, Mill Feed, Chopped etc., always on hand. peed Has never bien excelled. Her slightest touch is to relieve you of pain or worry. You will never regret meeting her. t Call at Once I Consultation rree i Office Hours 1 to 5 p. m. 4- 9 to ii a. m. and The Frei Restaura Be--t 25 centTdeal inti Private Dining J r.Want Pnrnished Connection GU5 LaFOISTAlNE, 633 Main Strt' HHt'llHtlHI Insurance, at J13,456,96O00 Of Insurance lo .r- net OREGON rini. v- (1 S0CIATI0N. Uraau'1 Agent for J. P. WALKER, cltr rendleton. ,1 will promise to iur-