East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 05, 1903, Image 4

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    PttbllsbeJ every stternoon rent Sooiav)
at IVudleton. tHrgon. by the
"ttioav. Halo It.
Dailr one yrar by mall
bally, six months br mall
Dally, tun- months by mall
Dally, oue month bj mall
Dally, per month by carrier
Weekly, one year by mall
Weeklj. six months by malt
Weekly, four months by mall . .
iirnI."Hr rn Vfar hr m&ll .
. .r.o
SemUWeeklT. six months by mall .. 1
Semi-Weekly, three months by mall ..
The Hast Oreonlan Is oj sale at ft. It.
Itlfh'a News stands at Hotel I'ortland and
Hotel IVrklns. I'ortland. Orcson.
MraW Serlpns-Mcllae New Associa
ties. San rranelsco Hurean. 4S Foiirth St.
Ohla; Hurra a. 009 Security BuIIdlnr.
Washtaston. D. C. llareao. 001 14th St,
.N. TV.
niitMl at l'coillttnn- rxMrtoSre as seccond
rlas matter
' "When you're feelln" Wnu o' bine
And' th' world seems down on
Don't lose hope and ease your
Sot your heels so thoy won t slip.
Set your heels and wear a smile
And keep shorin' all the white.
Keep on shovin' till you lose
All th' symptoms of the blue.
Will Maupin.
The Atbena Prose pertinently re
marks that the nest great strike will
not be for an increase la wages, but j
to prevent a reduction of wages. The
limit has been reached and tho employes-
will now have to strike, in or
der to keep the great Industrie mov
ing, i
Hitchcock need not be ashamed of;
the appointment of Deris, to be reg-j
ister of the La Grand land oface. i
and try to lay it on the president.
Davis is a good man and wiu be an
honor to the oSce and to the man
who is responsible for his appoint
ment. Russia is determined to prevent
popster education among the masses.
A Polish priest who had in charge
six young girls bound for America,
where the children w.?re to be placed
in school, has been arrested on the
frontier of Poland, and held on charge
of. kidnaping. The object of the Rus
sian government Is to enforce the
doctrine "once a Russian, always a
There is cause for Pendleton to 1
happy and in the mood to celebrate
Labor Day. Four excellent brick
buildings, and about 20 handsome
dwellings have been completed this
season, and foundations for one of
the finest lodging houses in Eastern
Oregon are now being laid. If pros
perity and abundance of work are
causes for celebration, Pendleton has
a yell coming.
Justice is swift in Oregon. A negro
who sandbagged a Portland merchant
this week, was located, arrested, tried,
convicted, sentenced and lodged in
the penitentiary for six years, in less
than -IS hours after committing the
crime. This is a serious check o 1 the
hold-up business in Portland. A lit
tle more of this swift brand or Jus
tice will stop robberies, on Front
street, in daylight at least.
The Clark silver cup. offered for the
best, fruit exhibit at the Ogden lrri- i
gatlon Congress, belongs by right of
merit, to Umatilla county. Will it
be brought home, or will Utah cap-i
ture It? The effort required to get it
Is so Insignificant, that It should not
be a barrier. Where are those en
thusiastic Milton irrlgatlonlsts who
are so proud or the fruit records of
their locality? Here is an opportuni
ty to score a point against all the
West. Send for that cup.
Harvest being over und the seaem'-i
hauling practically done, the periodi
cal Good Roads agitation 1b again af
flicting the Oregon farmer. It the
government would build some good
roads in some of the Western Mates,
as a nucleus for a general good road
movement, it would be much more ap
propriate, than to pay out so much
money for agents, whose only service
consists in traveling over the countT
using space in me pin:
-no practical work. If the government
will put some of these "experts" to
work, on selections of bad roads, for
the purpose of demonstrating their
Antmn will nrfimlfi to fur
nlsh the road for the experiment.
One mile of good road on the ground,
is worth a hundred miles on paper.
The socialists of Anaconda, Mon
tana, carried the city election last
spring, and took the offices occupied
formerly hr their employers. There
were contests over some of the offices
and the employes or tho smelters tsero
arrayed apalnst their employers and
won the cases against them, and are
now running the eiiy government.
Thcre have been some radical
changes in the mode of conducting
municipal affairs, and the smelter
and mining men are dissatisfied wltt
the rule of the worklngmen, and now
in order to bring about a change,
have declared that active socialists
will not be employed in the works,
hoping by this means to drive them
out'of the city. The country has
reached a great crisis in industrial
progress, if a man must pass a satis
factory political examination before
he can get a job. No wonder socialism
is arrowing. The way to make it suc
cessful. Is to employ just Euch meth
ods, wherever a socialist ts found in
There is a growing sentiment in 'he
West in favor of the repeal of all the
land laws, except the straight home
stead law. The abuse of the timber
and stone act. and the vast tracts ac
quired by corporations, under the va
rious tews that have aided in dimin
ishing the public domain, have forc
ed the people to demand protection
for the remaining area of public
land. The actual homesteader has
dmWI of the remaiains land, and it
?oems that title should be confined
to the one law, in order to insure a
settler for every future filing. It Is
quite important that the coming ir
rigation congress take action on this
subject, and petition the national
congress to repeal the timber and
stone, and the desert land acts. The
speculative period has almost strip
ped the country of good land, and
now the remnant of the once magnifi
cent domain should be reserved tor
actual settlement. It Is as necessary
to save the desert to the people -K
it is to save the forests and streams
for them.
Since Oregon passed the law ac
cepting the provisions of the Carey
Act, there have been five reclamation
contracts entered into, aggregating
267.CM acres of arid land. Appli
cations have !een made for -17,01)0
acres, in addition to these contracts,
and several surveys are now pending
" " - - - " 1
for further applications. The largest J
contracts mado are with tne Pilot
Butte Development Company, in
Crook county, for 87,707 acres, the
Oregon Development Company. In
Crook and Klamath counties for .!.
""91 acres, and the Harney Va'Icy Im
provement Company, for 0S.K34 acres
The average cost of rec'iamafon iu
these three contracts iu J9.30 er t
acre, and the average cost o. main
talning the works after construi sen, '
is 73 cents per acre. Thus it is seen 1
that this Idle land which Is now prac-1
tically worthless, can be reclaimed j
at a cost of less than $10 per acre,
and as ioon is it is reclaimed. It 1k
coroes worth from JS0 to $100 per
acre, capable of supitorting a ramlly
on each 10 acres. There is no greater
question now before the West, than
this transformation of the desert .nto
gardens and orchaids.
The organization or the Independ
ent Packing Company, at Kansas City
on September 1, is hailed as the fore
runner of the final destruction of the
Beet Trust. The Independent com
pany is composed of bona fide stock
men, who are now In the clutches pt
the trust, and who will begin the con
struction of a line of packing houses
to reach from Chicago to San Fran
cisco, to comjiete with the meat trust,
for the livestock and meat trade of
the West The new company Is to be
dominated br actual ztotkinen, to
prevent the trust from obtaining con
trol, through tho purchase or stock,
and all the stock shipments from the
West are to be bandied by the mem
bers of tho new organization, who are
to reap a double profit from their
stock one from the range article and
one from the finished, or manufac
tured article in the packing bouses.
This is the only logical manner in
which to oppose the trusL If the
Western stockman will back the new
concern and make it a success, it will
be the salvation or the livestock in
dustry of the country, for it has now
reached the point where it is impos
sible for the grower to receive a rea
sonable return on his Investment, on
account of the nrbltrary dealings of
tne trust, which controls both ends
of the road tho live animal and the
meat on the block.
ft... ........ t r- n Innmi. ie -n.ua .k.'.i.l
l lit; jivfjw uJ , . " . - --
"Leo when crowned, the accepted head
of a majority or unnsienaom. ms
Cock or Z3ti,U0t).tKiu is outnuniDereu
by the total of Greek and Protestant,
246.000.000. In Europe 100,000.000
look to him. and 170.000.000 to divided
shepherds. "When Plus IX was crown
ed, his flock in European lands was
1:5,000.000, and those without his
fold in European lands but 50,000,000.
When Pius VII took his troubled seat
a century ago, the proportion was
nearly four to one. It was nearly
eight to one when an Albanl. as Clem
ent XI. by the great bull. TJnlgonitus.
began modern ultrn-tnontanism.
In 200 years, this assertion of the
power of the pope has seen him pass
from the head of all but a ninth of
Christendom to the head of less than
half. In another century. Protestant
Ism alone will equal Roman Catholi
cism. But the Roman pont'ff remains
for all these changes, which have seen
the great growth of modern popula
tion flow In Greek and Protestant
chancels, the august head of a majes
tic communion in whose many-chapel-ed
shrine all lands and all men wor
To no man on earth do sn matiy of
earth's souls turn for comfort, com
passion, and consolation and no
blesnlng Is more truly nrbl et orbl,
felt by all the world, blessing those
who acknowledge him not. For toe
deeper spiritual influences of life are
not to be bounded by creed and con
fession, but fall, like the rain, on tho
just and unjust, the faithless and be
lieving, all alike children of one
Father, merciful nnd full of mercy.
From "The Conclave nnd the Pope,"
by Talcott Williams, in the American
Monthly Review of Reviews for Sep
Arrivals on late trains who have
not taken the precaution to wire
ahead for their rooms go from house
to house looking for accommodations
in the upper part of rew lorn. iu
certalnlv does not look rise hard
times. Nor does the big fleet at the
racht races point to any lack of funds
"on the part of the general public
Thousands upon thousands of tickets
are sold for each day's race for from
$3 to $5 apiece, that merely covering
the .transportation expense and not
providing for lood or a staieroom. So
far the big steamers have reaped a
rich harvest, even If they have to be
kept Idle on the off days.
Theaters and roof gardens are
crowded every night. Not content
with paying $2. the box-office price, to
see a poor show at some of the tbea
. - mnn. ..(Afl tli o nnlv cood
lettt, 111 -' . - - - .
seats have to lie obtained from the
simulators, who do business In the
njlciuiAiUtD, " . w
most bare-faced way. All this lavish
., n...An,.ne that 1r
ujusi uois-ii"- .
expenditure for amusements that is
so marked to any ouserver m i
York must mean that people are
either living far beyond their incomes
or else these are remarkably prosper
ous times, in spite ot the bad slump
In stock and bond prices Boston
Sickness steals more savings than the
tmrjjiar. Siowly, coin by coin, the
money that has been so hardly earned
vs paid out for drugs aud doctors.
Sickness is the worst enemy of the work
ing man, and the common cause of the
working man's sickness is disease of the
stomach often involving the heart, lungs,
liver, or kidneys.
The use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Di&coverr will stop the stealing of
the savings by sitkness.- It cures dis
eases of the stomach and other organs of
digestion and nutrition. It cures dis
eases of heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc.,
when these disease are caused by the
diseased condition of the stomach and
its allied organs.
" About l years agol brcsa to have tn
with mr stotsach," wntts win. Connolly .j
Walnut S'jtrt. Lorain. Ohio. Jt p
bad to lay off qcltf often two and tlirte do -s In
-r-k:. in. tomarb wmtid Woat. and 1 wouW
be Icn up gas. aua ra iu asrml uutrc ac ucn
times. I hate employed and been treated by
tte best doctors in the city bat got no help
wnilereT. By some way or other t happened to
set bold of a vial of toot Pelletsand I thoueht
fney helped me. if was tben I wrote to yon lor
.adrift. You told me that by my symptoms yon
thought 1 bad liver complaint, and aovued the
tue of your Golden Medical Discovery' end
Keasaat pellets' in connection. These medi
cines 1 bare taken as directed, end em very
happy to state that 1 commenced to get oeUer
from the start and have uot lost a day this
summer on account of my stomach. I leel up
top, end better than I have lor ten years."
Accept no substitute for "Golden Med
ical Discovery." Nothing else is "just
as good."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
the bowels.
Waler's Flouring Mills
Capacity, 160 barrels a day.
Hour exchanged for wheat
Klour, Mill Feed, Chopped Jeed,
etc, always on band.
Sway to and fro In the twilight gray.
This Is the ferry to Shadowtown,
It always sails at the end of the day,
Just as the darkness closes down.
Rest, little head, on my shoulder
A sleepy kiss Is the only fare.
Drifting away from the world we go.
Baby and I, In the rocking chair
See. where the flrelogs glow and
Glitter the lights or the Shadow
land. The raining drops on the window
Are ripples lapping upon" Its strand.
There, where the mirror is glancing
lake lies shimmering, cool and
Blossoms are wavering o'er Its brim
Those over there on the window sill.
Rock slow, more slow in the dusky
Silently lower the anchor down.
Dear little passenger, say "Good
night!" ,
We've reached the harbor of Shad
owtown, Eugene Field.
It is a weird thing that the chief
magistrate of the most nearly free
country that ever existed must be
guarded with extreme care from as
sassins. But It Is a necessity we
can't escape from, nnd the explana
tion Is simply that the greater tne
civilization, ' the more elaborate the
freedom, tho more general the educa
tion, the most numerous will be what
we call "cranks."
The crank Is a man irrespons.-ie
by having some one element, or part
of an element of greatness.
Geniuses are cranks of exalted
The very greatest men In history
were cranks.
But. If the combination isnt right:
that is. If a man has no logic but
burning resolve, or he Is possessed by
the unrest of genius without knowing
what he wants, tben he may be a dan
gerous crank, whose uselessly seeth
ing thoughts produce insanity.
In the olden time such unfortunates
were trodden down now we go to
enormous pains to preserve and pro
tect them.
And so the life of the president of
the United States has to be carefully
guarded and we are spared another
martyr to civilization. Denver Post.
Eugene people are leaping a har
vest from the sale of chlttim. or. cas
cara bark, which is selling In that
locality for 1C cents a pound.
1 w
I 1 rr- vy.
B Pw,PalaaadSctrkrins- BofJcd
LCrj lj posl. Fir w Rjrricir
.11.1 - - ... r . j . nn nr m aasm fa . . to m n uw
I Madam St. Clair I!
' tl
The Greatest Wonder of
the Age
Has come to Pendleton to
reside. You will find her at the
Strahon Parlors n and 12, where
she will be pleased to meet sll
who are suffering, mentally or
physically. Her wonderful
Magnetic Healing Power
tor Kneumatism
Has never been excelled. Her
slightest touch is to relieve you
of pain or worry. You will never
regret meeting her. '
Call at Once
Consultation Free
Office Hours
1 to 5 p. m.
Mr. HaL P. Denton, Chief Department
Publicity and Promotion of National
Export Exposition, wrl tes :
Philadelphia, Dec 3), IS09.
The Pcrmia Medlcino Co., Columbus, O,
Gentlemen: "Toward the latter part
Df Anght I found myself in a very
much run-down condition. I suffered
particularly from catarrhof tho stomach,
aggravated no doubt by tho responsibil
ities and worriracnt incident to the ex
ploitation of a great international expo
sition. What I ato distressed me and I
would lio awake at Eight ' threshing
Dvcr,' if 1 may use that expression, the
sXaira of the previous day.
'My family physician said I had
crn ons prostration znd recommended
fca voyage. lgmduaiiy grew M-orse.
1 A. Usd friend whom hsd known in
1 Ohio recommended Penina. Though
, skeptical, 1 finally yielded to his ad.
vice. After using one bottle I was
I much improved and with the filth
i battle came complete recovery- I m
is perfect health to-day and owe ever'
j thing to Peruna. ' '
Very truly yours,
i li yon do not derive prompt and .ati--factory
results from the -use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
1 full statement of your case and he will
I be pleased to give yoahis valuable ad-
I vice free,
Tr. Hartman. President oi
the Hartman. Sanitarium, Columbus,
H you V3' - '.:r he uses rented or
I your prop -rts iu
J. C Si'Oost.iioi-f . 220 K Court
Only ct the Brewery in St. LouK
to 11 a. m. and
Safest InvBstftiiti
in Heal tsfa'i
ft-room hnnH nttt. v..
and electric lights. Ut
u-. uam tons, J
lots, cood barn. v..tT '1
C.-.r.m .... . ..
rr f - .
j wo 3-ruum nouses tsm w I
bam. six block ri
street. $3,000.
vui u.ia
19-room house on Main st.
corner lot, J2.C50. JLOOo S
balance on easy terras. I
5-room house ana corocr J
North Side, 1,300.
i-room house, good Jot je, 1
House and lot, J800. k.1
Rihorn & Swarga
Room io over Tayin'f
Hardware Store.
Has Real Estate for Stvj
kinds aud dterip'jxi
ringing from a t3it
residence to one of ta
most modern aid fa
equipped mansions va
in the limits if the tts
o Pendleton, ardfirai
farm cf a fewacrail
t;o-d alfalla hod tl
thousand of Kmil
wheat land CiUor
C. D. BOYD. Ill Cos
Come and Bring Totr
dry work really meaa
Domestic Laundry vill i'
and to demonstrate w
work Is superior 10 iuj
arl lanm nno rfiTI &di '
cfcuu iiun vv.
heated term by b"i.
linen laundered propeil
Court and Thu:i-)i;i
The rrei
Be--t 25 cent ?fleaH''
Private Dining j
Furnished i
633 Main St""!
1 Insurance i
Of Insurance "I
M. H.
Agent lor
Till HIM
t firgaBrrrrriS' suhdw