East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 05, 1903, Image 10

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V Nothing j
In Men's shoes
I; $4 a pair
, ?Box Calf Vfci, Valour, Cor
dovan and Calf. AH
'' the new shapes
Movement on Foot to Have the Coun
ty Properly Represented Mayor
Halley Has Been Appointed as a
Delegate by Governor .Chamberlain
The County's Quota is Not Yet
Dindiogcr, Wil
son & Company
'Phone, Main
City Will Invest In One and System
' . Ie the Street Cleaning.
f 11 ,s 0,0 intention of the city gov
L ernment to put a city dump cart Into
in aerrlce In the necr tuturc as a meas
ure of economy. All this summer it
, has cost the city near the ?100 mark
to keep the dirt off the streets with
tne means that have been employed.
At the last session of the council a
measure was introduced providing
for the furnlshment of a cart, and it
was referred to the street committee
4 for a week's consideration. As i:
will be possible to set n man to take
the cart and make it his business to
m 8e that the stretes are kept clean
for about J60 a month, it will be
s.7. plainly seen that the measure will
redound to the benefit of the city
It Is expected that the ne session
of the council will authorize the pur
chase of the cart, and as soon as It
Is possible to get the vehicle the
work will be started and will be kept
going all the year.
II. C. Judson. the Industrial agent
of the O. It. & N., was in the city to
day for a few minutes while waiting
for a change of trains. Mr. Judson
is now traveling in the Interest of the
fmit exhibit of the state, for the Na
tional Irrigation Congress to be held
in Ogden soon.
Thero are several cups and medals
to be given to the best exhibits, and
it is the wish of the gentleman that
Umatilla county have a chance at
them, along with the rest of the coun
try. There is one cup in particular
that the people of this county should
get after, and that is the $500 loving
enp to be given by Senator W. A.
Clark for the best county exhibit of
fruits grown on irrigated lands. If
the fruit raisers of the county would
make an effort to get an exhibit to
gether it would be sure to take the
cup, for there Is not another county
in any of the irrigated districts where
such a variety of fruit can be raised.
Another thing is the individual
medals offered by the managers of
the exhibit for the best display of
certain fruit, such as apples, pears,
or peaches grown by the aid of irri
gation. If the men of the county
along Butter creek and around Mil
ton would take an interest in the mat
ter they would be sure to have the
best of the bargain, for there is no
other district that can grow the
fruit that is grown in the orchards
of that section.
While in the city Mr. Judson bad a
talk with T. G. Halley and C. B. Wade
and it is his wish that the Commer
cial Association take hold of the mat
ter at once and see that the fanners
of the county are Interested in the
exhibit and that they take the time
and the trouble to nut samples of
I their fruits in the hands of the asso
j elation for transportation to Ogdeb
J and exhibition at that place.
Mr. Halley will take the matter up
I and will also see that the things are
wen piacea wneii iut?j are l -u"'
business coming bororo the courts at t
The governor expresses tho; highest
concern, as' to the outcome and tho .
importance of the Irrigation question,
and thinks that In time It will be the;
means of transforming the eastern , VARIEGATED LIST
part oi urcgon into a, Becuouor coun
try 'entirely different from what is
now found here.
Postoffice Will Be Open One Hour
Some Business Houses Will Close..
The postofllce will lie closed on
Monday all day, with the exception
of one hour from 9 to 10 a. m.
It Is the general intention of the
stores of the city to close from the
hours of 9 In the morning until 1 in
the afternoon.
8elllng Whiskey to the Indians, Drunk
and' Disorderly and Larceny Among
the Charges Which Were Answer
ed to Some Fines and Some Jail
Deputy United States Marshal P.
A. Worthlngton, of Portland, came
up frum that city this morning, hav
ing in his custody Edward K. Brown,
who was arrested here some time ngo
for selling whiskey to tho Indians,
and was taken to Portland to have
his hearing before the federal court.
He was found guilty by that court
and sentenced to 90 days in the
'two lines nf march on Main street 'TP? '
runy I
Real Estate Transfers.
A sheriffs deed was today filed,
giving to the Pendleton Savings'
JJank for the sum of SC.CS3.87. the
uue to tne north half of section 3G. county jail ai mis place,
and the west half of section 2C. all in I Richard Ryan, who has been in the
township 4, north of range 31 east, c,ty -1" 'or some time, accused of
and the southwest quarter of sec- assault and bnttory, drunken and dls
tlon 32, in township 3 north of range orderly conduct, and a number of
32 east, being land formerlv the nron- other things, was brought to tho
erty of the Pendleton Implement
Sarah J. McEachern and D. H. Mc
Eachern. her husband, have sold to
Joseph West for $2,000, lot 10, in
block 9. of the town of Milton, and
also lot 9 in block C. of the Hlllsslde
addition to the city of Milton."
Notice to Patrons.
Having rented the retail depart
ment of my butcher business to Mr.
A. D. Augustavo, an experienced
butcher of Walla Walla, I myself will
conduct the wholesale part of said
business, and all persons knowing
themselves indebted to me will please
call at the market and settle their nc-
county jail this morning as an in
formation was filed against, him
In the circuit court charging him with
larceny from the person, which of
fense was committed nt the time of
his last fight In a saloon. At this
time he knocked a man down, and
while the man was down went
through his pockets,
Walter Domson and "Wilson . Chap
man, two Indians, were put in tho
county Jail this morning charged with
assault and battery on the person of
Abraham Lyman. In the norL end of
the city yesterday afternoon. The
men will be held in the county jail
until the return of the Indian com
missioner, John Halley, who has gone
Will Ship Nine Cars Cattle.
J.'C. t-onergan' has asked the W. &
C. R. for- .nine cars to bo ready for ,
"iiu uu niuuuuj, wnon ne win snip i
io umj eaiue marKot a big buy of
cattle ho 'has bought from the farm-
Om II f tho Pnmqff TtMt.tn ......... . Ti mv avnaptnnnn r .
. . j - m i)U yens
and around the Warm Springs. Mr. , of housekeeping I have used
Lonergan is now at Uklah. where he kinilB of Hnnn ,, T !, ,
has lHjen for some days arranging for,?, , f,ap: ?ut ufobuy i tie
the delivery of the cattle. ' k,nE of n"- 1 have nse It for tke
; past four years and would not be
Mrs. Dutton Is Very III. , without It for any price. Throughout
C. E. Dutton, of Colwell, Idaho, is bo house I used nothing else trt
in the city to be at the bedside of . Lifebuoy. I also And that for toll
na?.ed.iin0,.heKr' MiB- Danle" Dutton. ana tan, lt vot bo excelled uiw
who is ill at her home, and whose , , . '
illness, owing to the advanced age ' buoy Soap 18 mTcl7 worth ,u e't
of the sufferer, is serious. "W. R.tln Eld.
fill Vanderbllt Ave., Brooklyn, N. T.
Dutton, of Lehman Springs, is also
In town, brought here by the same
Will Move to La Grande.
A. Saunders whn has ln
firing the ynrd engine here for the
past year, will move his famliv to Iji
Orando soon, whore he has accepted
a position on the main line.
counts. Mr. Augustavo also desires ' uu V'" UT, Bt"rl vl3" WUBn
to announce that the business will be . th5,y 'in be tried ln .h,,s Follrt- ,
conducted as lt has been, and all pat-1, I. Casey was arrested this morning
rons of the market will receive the . 'or 'lrunk and disorderly conduct, and
same courteous treatment aa hereto-. nut UP n cash ball of Jo for nis ap-
pcarance at the court this morning.
He failed to show up at the time ap
pointed, and as a result lost the
Jack Brown was arrested last night
charged with being drunk and disor
derly, and was given Ave days in the
city Jail.
Returned to Portland.
Mrs. James Devlin left this morn
lng, accompanied by her neices. the i press, for it is his intention to attend
Misses Stella and Margaret Snow, for the meeting as an appointee of ihe
urcu uumc in ruriiauu. me young governor, air. naney wisnes
ladies nave been the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Develln for some time past,
and she is accompanying them to
Birthday Party.
Yesterday afternoon Thelnia
Thompson celebrated the fourth anni
versary of her birth at the home of
the parents. Mr. and, Mrs. Sam
friends of the young lady were invit-'
ed to be present, and the afternoon I
was spent in as enjoyable a manner sorry that the day has passed
as such a number of young people quickly.
can usually have. i Line of March.
Big Special SaleJilH
ember 8th, 9th and J Oth.
Lace Curtains Portiers, Rugs, Bed Spreads, and
Art Squares
We shall make some very low prices on all Roods nn r
tioncd above In fact we p-opoi to make attractive pr
all through our store during this sale Remember the dat
aVery Truly Yours
Prepare to Celebrate
their home.
The Merchants' Cafe.
Keep3 constantly on hand import,
ed Heberwurst. Frankfortcrs, Ham.
burg eels, crawfish, crabs, oysters,
all kinds of cheese. Hot merchants'
lunch dally from 11:20 a. m. to 2 p. m.
for several reasons: one, that bo is , " f " christian
interested in the development of tne h conducted the revl-
country and wishes to do all in his , , ,u
power for the advancement of irri- ,.,,, ,,, ., , ,,.,
gallon: and again ; as im irrigator j he fof Jew days 0 Mond Ight
Rev. Wilson lectures at the Christian
church on the subject: "My Neigh
bor's Curtain." Mr. Wilson is a hlgu-
ly interesting speaker nnd made many
wished to visit the model farm that
is near Ogden, and see now the work
is carried on in a large way. He is
also anxious to see how the alfalfa
Who is lt that does not ap
preciate a sweet, delicate odor,
especially of the dainty, last
ing kind? We have the largest
line of imported and domestic
perfumes in Eastern Oregon.
A tew of our leading Imported
odors are:
Azuraa, La Trefle.
Peau d4 Espagne,
Violett ate Parmc,
Indian Hay.
Aad many more of the same
Utility in bilk as well as in
Jaacy pack.
1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I H 1 1 1 1
fields are arranged in that country
for the betterment of the conditions
on bis own farm here and those of his
. . . neighbors. ,
The delegates of the various organ
it izatlons that have power to appoint
' men to attend the meeting are now
J being considered by the officers of
the orders, and will be appointed ln
T a short time. It is the intention of
X the men interested ln the subject to
: send a strong representation to the
T , convention, and with the delegation
X will lip sent tho finest lot of fruit
1 ! that will be wen in Ogden this or any j
other year. i
Money Backg.gi.-SK
fall to cure Rheumatism. For Sale by
A. C Kocppen & Bros. Agts. for Pendl'n.
warm friends ln Pendletou during
his brief stay here, and will be wel
comed heartily on this return visit
Marriage License Issued.
A marriage license was issued
this morning to George Mortamer
and Mrs. Anna Hevel, both of Eiho.
Mrs. Hevol lost her husband some
years ago by his falling between the
drive wheel of a combined and the
framo work and being crushed to
Owing to the number of the per
sons who have signified their inten
tion to take part in the procession
Monday with floats and other means
of representing their business, and
with a view of making the matter a
success. It has been decided .that It
wouid be necessary? to have a new
line of march in some parttcuIariQsand
the following course has been ' se
lected! The procession will form nt the
Golden Rule hotel and will march
north on Johnson street to Water,
I and west on Water to Main. They
' will then march south on Main to Al- i
ia, east on Alta to Johnson, south on
Johnson .to Railroad, west on nail
road to Main, north on Main to
Court, and east on Court to the court
house, where the literary exercises
of the day will be held,
i In this way tho procession will
September 7
Drees ap, some, &nd get a suit, hat, overcoat, shoes
underwear and nil the rest at
death. The prospective groom is havc . chance to string out. so that
several years the Junior of the lady
ln the case.
there will be but one line on a street
at a time. If the old line bad been I
followed out thero would have been
Writes to Mayor Halley That His Law
Partner Is III.
Some time ago, at the instance of
various men of this part of the stale,
who are interested ln tbe queatiuu of
Irrigation here. Mayor T. G. Halley
addressed a letter to Governor Cham
berlain, calling his atteni.on to the
importance ox the congress to be
held soon at Ogden, and of the pres
tige It would give the Oregon dele
gation to be headed by the governor,
and asking that he find time If possi
ble, to attend tbe meeting.
The mayor has received a letter
from the governor In which he re
grets in sincere terms that it will be
impossible for him to attend the con
gress as desired by the people of
tbU part of tbe state, owing to the
serious Illness of his law partner at
this time, and the consequent fact
that he will have to attend to the
They Lead the Ptocessicn
The popularity of Swift's products among all classes Is, very
largely due to the absolutely clean and hygienic conditions un
der which each carcass Is dressedand the meat and the food .pro
ducts prepared and Inspected. This Is particularly true of Swift's
Premium Ham and Bacon. From the sleek, corn-fed, hogs in the
pens, the carefully selected hams and bacon Jn the .smokehouse,
'the final export Inspection by the U. E. government, and, lastly,
the dainty wrapping in parchment paper, each step In the evolu
tion of these nutritious and appetizing products Is a guarantee
that they will always please.
Will Move to Washington.
L. M. Smith of Helix, Is in the city t . . . . t t a,.
today on a business visit. Mr. bmiir-. .
Is settling up his Interests here, prep- J
aratory to leaving for Franklin conn-, J
ty. Wash., where he has bought hlra j
n mnfti nnrl where lift Will make his 't
home In the future. Mr. Smith will J
move his family to his new home in '
a couple of weeks.
614 Main Street?
"Hoodoo" Is Being Overhauled.
Engine 300. the freight compound,
which the three engineers were pull
ed off for refusing to run, at La
Grande, has been placed In the .shops
at that place for thorough repairs.
The engine is one of the monster
compounds and will be ln excellent
condition when the force turns her
out from this general overhauling
Tomorrow at the Baptist Church. I
Services at tbe First Baptist church
tomorrow as follows: Sunday school
at 10 o'clock. Preaching at 11. No
son-Ice in the evening. Rev. Mr.
Dleakney, principal of the Academy,
will preach for tbe paotor In the
morning, and those who come will
hear a good sermon. A business
meeting of great Importance .will be
called after the services, and It Is
urgently requested that all members
of the church who can, will be pres
eqt. R. W. King, pastor. I
After School Privl lenes.
Don't Forget this Location
when Seeking Men's
It's time you was looking for
heavier underwear. This Is
where we shine. All sizes anu
colors from 60c a garment to
J5 a garment .Also a ueau.ul
line of neckwear. Only two
ties of each pattern. Tho best
grade of corduroy pants, $2 a
pair. Suspenders, shirts, night
robes, collars, sox, dress gloves,
umbrellas, handkerchiefs, anu
all kinds of furnishings. Come
and see .our little store. Every
thing is new and up-to-date.
ve are agents for the best
tailoring establishment in Chi
cago. Come and seo our sam
ples. Hore's where Si got
Near St. Ceorge Hotel
OH and Swppf Snirit nf Fden
A. Zeuske, of Helix, has moved Into Are Kuarantecd tocurenny coseofRhcn
the city and will occupy his new res!
dence on Jackson street, xr. Zeus
ke has for many years been -one of
tbe large wheat raisers of the Helix
country, and has now come into tbe
city in order to give his children tho
advantages of the city schools.
Miss Starr Arrived.
m.if iAtn Monev back if thev fall
A C. Kocppen X Bros., Agts. for Pendleton
the most dreaded and deadly of all
! diseases, as well as pneumonia, and
(II Lune Troubles are relieved at
Miss Starr, of Salem, and one of tho onco and cured by Acker's English
teachers who have been .elected to Jicmcay -tne King or an uougn uurcs.
tbo Pendleton schools for tho com- Jure coughs and colds In a day. 25
Ing year. Is at tho Hotel Pendleton, cents. Your money back If dissatis
having reached the city this morning led. Writ for frea sample. W. JH.
to mako arrngomonls for her winter's Jookor & Co.. Buffalo, N. T. V. w.
Many People
Are about as progressive as a sky rocket turned
upside down. Its a hard thing to say but we
think that expression fits the housekeeper who
sticks to the old, rusty tinware or cheap enam
eled ware -instead of saving money by buying
Four coated, seamless, all steel
kitchen ware.
W. J. CLARKE & Cq. 2ii Court Street
St - Joseph's - Academy:
- Pendleton, Oregon.
For Boarding and Day Students. Conducted by
the Sislcrs of St. Frances of Philadelphia.
Classtswill be resumed September 7th. -
For Terms, etc., Apply to
stay here. jtumiuiw w