East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 05, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
delivered at tout residence
be ol bunluen by carrier fct
Tonight ond Sunday, showers
ami thunderstorms; cooler
J 5c A WEEK.
I 1G.
In a Number of Deaths
Long List of Seri-
Inj tired.
leoplc Severely Hurt by
(are and Hose Cart Collid-
En Laborer Has a Prescn
at Is Fulfilled Two Ac
ere Work Train Collls-
Work Train Crashes Into a Sidetrack
Containing Several Outfit Cars.
La Grande, Sept. 6. Yesterday
evonlng as a work train was coming
Into the yards at Telocaset, a helper
station 25 miles cast of hero, some
ono turned a switch wrong, and the
trr.ln crashed Into a string of outfit
cars, badly wrecking them, and ditch
ing several flat cars of the work
There were about 20 flat cars In
the work train, which was backing
into tho sidetrack, and ono of the
flat cars was thrown completely over
tho engine, another stood on end be
hind the tender and the fireman In
jumping, was badly bruised. Tho ten
der was thrown over on Its side, and
the cab was damaged by tho car
which went over tho engine. No one
was seriously hurt, although there
wore several people In tho outfit cars
at the time.
Vancouver Man Claims to Have Dis
covered a New Force.
Vancouver I). C, Sept. 5. Captain
Russian Emissary of the Reb
els Has Been Arrested in
London Press Warns Greece About
an Alliance With Turkey German
Liner in the Black Sea Blown Up
by Bombs Insurrectionists Blow
Up a Turkish Train.
Frye-Bruhne Company Locate
8000 Head on the Pastures
of Kodiak Island.
Mis, Sept. 5. A switch
morning wrecked a work
ards of the Pennsylvania
killed Today Leon and
dfigB'Othcrs, one fatally. All
nnMnrltv nf tills illKnntor was
a minute.
whrihnrto hlr. fam'lv cood-bvo . Engineers hero say
lorning, saying to them that ho
Expected to return. Ho did
em-'tohavn a direct prcsonti
of death! l,llt- onIv that lie would
Powers claims to have discovered a
. ...1 It 1 .Illt.r i
now power m nyurm.ma h . E g 5.-The Tageblatt to-
water rushing t hroug ;h B pipe extend- '
Ing lengthwise through tho hull of n '
a Macedonian
Kodiak Is a Precipitous Mountain
Island Summer Range Is Excel
lent, Water Abundant, But Country
Is Very Rough Only Three Horses
and Three White Women There.
steamer wnun u. In the Black Sea by
t on. i is V"" lan ir bomb. She carried a crow of 23 men
tUUUUllVUI IIUlwui ....,-, w. ,i .... j
foot steamer was driven ahead at a Arrived at Beirut.
speed of llvo Knots uy a wnrci piacou Washington. Sept. 5.
"lio resistance to tho occupation of the
land, by white men, It Is llkoly that
stockgrowlng In the far north will he
come a flourishing Industry.
Charles Jenkins, of Hoppncr, who
left Pendleton with tho shipment,
will remain on tho Island this win
tor, to assist In caring for tho stock,
which aro In charge of William Horn
pie, of Seattle.
Tho Island Is n lonely place to live,
as the only white families there arc
two wives of cannery men, nml the
family of Mr. Homple. Many of the
natives are nearly white, however,
as they have married Russians and
show very llttTe of tho Indian anoes-try.
ork Train Accident.
N. Y., Sopt. G. A trol-
la work tram on tno
ratlwny tills morning,
ally Injuring ono inl
and seriously Injuring
pr anil slightly Iujurlng
luslde tho pipe and revolving 25 times
that Powers
must yet prove that his appliance of
fers no resistance to the steamer's
((folding Falls.
Sopt fi. Three paint'
Hold, John Honley and a
Shooting at Seattle.
Seattle, Sept. G. Borsner, a Brem
erton teamster, caught his daughter
sitting on the lap of Thomas Maho
ney, a Seattle morning paper solici
tor. He grabbed a revolver and
chased Mahoney out of the house and
down the street, firing as ho ran. Ma
honey was winged in the arm and
will lose It.
Fight On at Seattle.
RnntMft Rout R Thn Ktnt.i nrirnn.
amo Is not known, havo l lzcr of tjie international Team Driv
njured by n tailing seaf- . Association. Is forming a hack
Ity Institute for tho In-1 Hrlvern' union to holn the teamsters'
ds Island. Field """ strike. The transfer companies are
nearly every bone in , ,1Ilvin i. ni.imimi mf.n mnro than
ibrokon. Tho men wore orUio
platform CO l'eot abovo , '
hen ono of the hooks 1 rw.iini. Arehhlshonrlc
o walls above, became I , . ,.
end fell, and for a' ,aTV. ' .r.'.V.:..V...
on clunir to the nalnt- u" mo" "1B. "'
ioaSls. Thoy could not bo- f1 tlic Ausu-n.ia post, ye
ldra,p, however, and slid ls no.w ,a ty at sta e Mo-
Pmnfcaown man had his lees ,a. ,"u'" uu lo lu
.'hnbnn o.i nt. c.,ot,,i,i i his advanced nge.
the, -a
is which will he fatal.
ere unable, to restore
Ctiuis to consciousness.
his many bono frac
eck was broken.
nd Cart Collide.
opt. 5. In a collision
etwoen' a trolloy car
t, nine firemen and
oro severely injured.
fiamaj' Convicts Shot After
Dynamiting an Exit.
jghaaJjtAla., Sept. 5. A gang
Hsnwided by Tom Fay, the
li'urdcrer. attempted to dy.
jjglri-way to liberty last night.
urea on uy mo guarns
two fatally. Among
9 Fay. One man only
e been saving up the
onths. About mid
out ono ond of tho
a dash. Tho guards
ous positions and
Winchesters, drop-
pping what might
salo dolivery.
i Bi
a a w
ir Arrwted as He 8tepped
n After Serving a Year.
nils, Sept. G. As S. Car-
8ent up from Kinc coun-
Jugo for lmrglary, was ro-
ifitlie prison at noon yes
twos arrested by ueputy
(..Marshal Pugh, of Spo
of tampering with
atcs mall. Carter Is nl-
ttaken money from a
w, tho property of an-
roprlating it. He will
okano to appear for
; session of tho United
is said to bo mixed
r which occurred over
ousand Laid Off.
ass., Sopt. G. Twelve
1 nnorntlvos will ha
next week owing to
tho Industry.
Withdraws IU Boycott Against Re
calcitrant Retailers, Ordering Its
Agents to Sell to All Who Have the
Chicago, Sopt. G. Threatened with
prosecution under an Injunction oh
tallied by the federal government,
tho Chicago packing concerns this
morning Issued orders to their agents
through tho country to withdraw the
boycott on union meat shops and soil
to everybody who has the money.
Tho action Is primarily due to
complaints made by tho Rochester
Butchers' Union, but similar com
plaints have been received from a
number of Pacific Coast points. The
Injunction against the packers strict
ly prohibits pooling and discrimina
tion in selling,
In tho Rochester case as in others
complained obout, the packers refus
ed to sell meat to retailers who rofus
ed to sign tho union scale. This is
the first violation of the Injunction.
Is a Dead Game Sport.
Now York, Sept. 6. Sir Upton na!d
today ho is willing to make another
try for tho cup If ho can find material
on which ho can depend for a chanco
of winning. Ho says Tift did his
best, so he must look for another designer.
Want Republican Convention,
Pittsburg, Sopt, G. The morchants
and leading business men are mak
ing plans to actively hid for the na
tional republican convention of 1U01.
The Hanna people especially favor
tho movemont.
The egg crop of tho United States
Is worth S115.O0O.O0O and the poultry
worth $139,000,000. To haul to ma
ket tho eggs that tho hens lay every
yoar would take a train of cars SCO
miles long.
Cotton today ofilclally reported the
arrival of tho cruisers San Francis
cp and Brooklyn at Beirut yesterday.
May Bombard Constantinople.
Sofia, Sept. 5. A member of the
Macedonian committee today says
the organization Is arranging to bom
bard Constantinople with a tramp
steamer nrmod with six-Inch guns,
which will enter the harbor and open
fire on the Ylldlx kiosk when the plan
Unholy Alliance.
Loudon, Sopt. 5. The pre3s, com
menting on the stiltna's attempt to
obtain the active co-operation of
Greece, warns the Athens govern
ment that if she allies herself with
Turkey she will earn the lasting en
mity of England.
Instructions for Leishman.
Washington, Sept. G. This morning
Assistant Secretary Adec, of. tho state
department, put in four hours today
constructing a dispatch which it Is
believed contained detailed instruc
tions for Minister l.elshman, as to
the representations he Is to make to
Turkey to permit tho uste of the gun
boat Mnchlas as tho American lega
tion's boat, and the arguments he is
to employ with other signatory pow
ers to secure consent to patrol Con
stantinople's water front. The de
partment lias evidently decided on
an effective, though conservative plan
of action.
JDragoman Arrested.
Vienna, Sept. 5. A Constantinople
dispatch says a dragoman connected
with the Russian embassy, was ar
rested on tho street yesterday under
the assumption lie had gravely com
promised himself with tho insurrec
tionists. It Is possible his action may
involve Russia.
Wrecked a Train.
Sofia, Sept, G. The revolutionists
blew up a Turkish troop train 25
miles from Uskub yesterday. Many
aro reported killed.
War With Bulgaria.
Berlin, Sopt. G. A Constantinople
dispatch says war with Bulgaria ls in
sight. Turkish troops are reported
to have crossed Into Bulgaria. A
Turkish council of war after an all
night session, decided to send an Im
mcdiato ultimatum to Bulgaria, but
the sultan decided to wult, Tho Turk.
Ish press Is printing Inflammatory
articles against Bulgaria.
I. C5, Bogard, who has worked for
William Slushor In this county .or
the past 1-1 years, returned this morn
ing from Kodiak Island, Alaska,
wllpl-rt !m hnlroil .lnllv-nl- n cMnninnf
of 8,000 sheep for tho Frye-Bruhno "ssiuie aiwougii no purcuasors win
company of Seattle, last Juno. o oarrcd. Two million of the stock
About 2,300 of these sheep wore i wln b Issued at first,
bought in this county, and the re. I'ormorly it was part of the p an
First Step In Co-operative Packing
Trust Taken at Kansas City.
Kansas City, Sopt. 5. Twenty-five
stockmen from different parts of mo
Western grass country met hero yes
terday and arranged to perfect tho
organization of a packing company to
compote with tho packers' trust.
The now company was named tho
Independent Packing Company. It
will havo a capital stock of JG.000,000
and will bo Incorporated In Ailonn.
Of the capitalization, Gl per cent, will
be held In escrow by the directors.
This will assure stockmen that tho
company will always ho controlled
by stock Interests. The rest of the
stock will he sold to stockmen, if
malndor came from the Willamette
Valley and The Dalles, anil wero nil
coarse wool stock sheep, of tho
Shropshire, Cotswold and
to Include tho United States Packing
Company of Pueblo, Col., In tho
scheme. Now It Ih predicted on good
Oxford ! authority that the Pueblo plant will
i never uo mini, nut us ciipuuiizauuii
Mr. Bogard says the slice) lost
Fomo flesh In tho voyage of five days
from Seattle, but soon fleshed- up
again on the luxuriant grass of the
Inland. Asldo from three pack
horses and about 100 milk cows,
these sheep and 250 head of 2-year-old
holfers, Included In the Frye
Brulino shipment aro the only domes
tic animals on tho Island. Tho milk
cows are used by the residents of tho
small fishing towns for milk and but
ter making, and the pack horses aro
used In the little town of Kodiak by
white men engaged In the fish can
nery business.
Kodiak Island Is a rocky, precipi
tous tract of mountain land, about
100 miles In length and 40 miles wide.
On the lower altitudes the mountains
of more than $1,500,000 will cither ho
transferred to tho Independent Pack
lug Company or bo allowed to rovert
bark to the stockmen who subscribed
It. Charles F. Mnrtln, secretary of
the National Livestock Association,
one of the promoters of the United
States Packing Company and a stock
holder, Is promoting tho organization
of the Independent Packing Company.
Will Be Voted tho Finest Spec
tacular Affair Ever Pulled
Off in Pendleton.
There Will Be Beautiful and Novel
Floats, Sports and Games, a Ball
and Balloon Ascensions, and Ad
dresses by Able Men Also Dele
gations From Other Towns,
The incn In charge of tho. Labor
U.ty celebration, and llio merchants
uf tho city aro now hard at work
making arrangements and putting on
the finishing touches to the details of
the pnrado airangeinents, All of the
labor organizations of the city will
have a part. In the celebration of the
day nml will all be represented In tho
parade, which will ho the longest and
liest that the city has ever soon, if
Claims Germany Owes Him $18,000
for Confiscated Business.
New York, Sept. G. Francis nun-qui-,
a photographer, was arraigned
this morning charged with Bending
threatening letters to Secretary of
trntn Tint- Tin iirnu Finn! In tlolIoV'lin
! are covered with a heavy growth of (0 bo examined as to ills sanity, Ho
The Principals From Roseburg and
Fossil, Respectively.
Last evening at tho homo of W. IS.
Hoso, 800 Colloge street, at 8:30
o'clock, the marriage of Miss Leila
Zachory and O, W, Thompson, of
Roseburg, was solemnized by Rev.
R. W. King, of tho Baptist church.
Tho ceremony was very quiet, only
tho Intimate friends of tho principals
being In attendance,
Tho groom Is a fireman on the
Southern Pacific, and runs out of
Rosoburg, while the brldo ls a native
of Fossil, but has for some time boon
at Roseburg, whore sho met tho
Mr. and Mrs, Thompson loft this
morning for Rosoburg, where they
will mako tholr future home.
A lot of typewritten matter was
stored in a slightly damp vault for
six months. On removal tho paper
aud gall Ink signatures woro in tho
host of condition, but all traco of
typewriting hnd disappeared.
wild red top grass, ferns and scrub
quaking asp brush, so thick In places
that it is impossible to travel
through it. On tho higher altitudes Is
found a thick coating of moss all
I over the land, and in places the on
. tiro surface of mountain ls a shell
rock formation, with nothing growing
i upon it, and a very dangorous and
difficult region to travel over.
There Is an nbundance of grass for
feed ou the lower coast regions, and
the only difficulty Is tho very rough
character of tho country. There are
no valleys on the entire Island. Tho
mountain runs down to tho very sea
coast, everywhere, except some very
small ravines down which thousands
of mountain streams How into tho
ocean. Tho land is nil unsurvoyed,
and the only title to land Is tho
squatter right.
The natives arc Russian and Kodl
ak Indian mixed, and are a very in
telligent class of people. Thoy llvr
altogether by fishing and spend half
of their lives In boats. Trails or
roads arc unknown on tho island, tho
natives making all their Journeys in
boats. It Is impossible to go on
horseback any distance, on account
of the underbrush, and tho sheep aro
not horded, but aro' allowed to mako
their way from place to place at
their leisure, the herders simply fol
lowing them.
There are no wild animals on tho
Island except a very largo species of
black bear and a harmless fox, Tho
country ls well watered and tho sum
mer cllmato very mild and snliibrlouH,
but the continual heavy rains in
winter mako tho country rather un
pleasant in that season.
Tho Fryo-Bruhno Company expects
to make a success of the sheep and
cattle raising on tho Island, in order
to have a supply available for their
Alaskan trauo, and if this first veil
turo proves profitable, they will put
u large number of sheep and cattle
there noxt year. Tho great difficul
ty at present Is a lack of winter
feed, and It Is not safe to attempt to
pass through tho winter without feed.
If tho company can get some land
cleared up, thoy will ralso hay next
year, A location was purchased
from an old native "squattor" near
Kodiak City, for their headquarters.
and 90,000 foot of lumber was ship
ped In with tho stock, for the purposo
of building sheds and a dwelling
house for those In charge of tho
There nio dozens of other small
Islands near Kodiak, which aro avail
oblo for stock raising, should It prove
profitable, and as the natives offer
claims tho Oorman govornmoiil drovo
"im out of Humbiirg and that it owes
him $18,000 becauso It practically
'""flseatod h's business. He wanted
Hay to collect It, nnd made threats
ii ho diii not comply.
non suicide in baker
Indications Are That It Was Homi
cide for Robbery Met His Death
Since 8 O'clock This Morning In'
quest Is- In Progress,
Baker City, Sopt. G. Harry Lock
wood was found dead under the Con
ter tit reel bridge tills afternoon at
3:30. It was btipposed that tho man
was murdered and his body thrown
under the bridge, as thoro has not
been enough wator in Powder river
In three weeks to drown a man.
Thoro Is a llttlo pool of water that
stands segregated under the left
hand side of tho bridge and on tho
cast side of the river as tho passer
by from town goes ovor. In this mud
pond the body was discovered with
tho faco downward,
There was a bullet hole in the fore
head and several large cuts and
bruises about tho front and back of
his head. It Is undoubtedly a case of
foul play, and tho man was probably
held up, robbed and murdorcd some
time between 8 o'clock this morning
aud 3 o'clock this afternoon. Ho
was seen at tho corner of Fifth and
Tracy streets about 8 o'clock. This
afternoon, or rather shortly after 12
o'clock, ho was talking to a. man In
tho Miner's Cabin. Tho body was
still warm, tho heat being kept In it
probably to sorno extent, by tho warm
water and ncaicu rocks in tho bot
tom of tho river,
Tho body was first discovered by a
number of small boys.
Harry Lockwood was a well known
Woodman lodge organizer in Baker
City. Ho had acquired properly In
town and was earning a comfortable
living for his family, who live on tho
east side. Ho represented an East
ern endowment insuranco company
in tho business of loaning money.
Held for Trial,
San Francisco, Sept, G. Airs, Bow
ers and Mrs. Sutton woro formally
charged with murder this morning.
the plans of those who aro at tho
head of tho movement carry.
A Genuine Novelty Float,
Several of the labor orders of tho
city will not only ho represented in
the parade by the niarcinug of the
members of the union, but thoy will
havo floats as. well. Tho painters
and tho carpenters will havo a float
together and the carpenters will build
a house us the parade is on thu first
lull' ol tho ciiclo, ami on the hist half
of tho Journey thu painters will paint
it, so that by the time the parade Is
ovor a now house, all finished outside
and In, and painted, will stand as the
iosult of the work of the two unions.
Others of the unions will iiIhii bu
represented In tho Riumi way.
Mercantile Displays.
Tho morchants, too, will bo In lino
with iloals representative of thyfr
stocks and wares.
Tho St. .loo Store will havo n beau
tiful and unique display or tho goods
The Boston Store has a surpriiie In
storo for tho people.
The Peoples Warehouse is building
something that will take tho eye of
tho visitors to tho city,
Leo Tcutseli will put a float In tho
lino which will show the goods car
ried by him, and M. A. Itador expects
to beat them all with his display Hint
ho has ready for tho day.
Some of tho other stores of tho
city will doubtless count out at tho
last moment with something, as souio
of them are working very qulotly on
their displays In order to surprise
and surpass the rest.
Tallman & Company will hiiyo
some kind of a unique display, though
what the nature of It Is no ono who
knows will say. It Is possible that
others or the drug stores will bo top
resented, Tho Nolf Store will bo In tho pn
rado with a display that will beat any
thing uvor befoiu seen In tho city In
a book line,
MIKo (iratz Is enthusiastic In tho
matter, and will have a float that will
charm more than one of the senses of
tho human anatomy. Mlko claims the
prlzo already, ond says that ho will
bent tho Northwest record In the
float Hue.
Looking nL the nroupcctH fiom all
of tho points of thu compass thero Is
reason to bo ovo that I no coieiirauon
noxt iiumday will bo one or tho big
gest that has ever boon held In tho
city, ir not tho biggest.
Literary Exercises.
Tho literary nart of the program
Is well In hand, and tho men havtt nil
piomised to bo on hnml with tholr
addresses. As tho speakers aro
known throughout tho state as ublo
mon, it Is assured that those who
hear them will bo treated lo talks of
a high order of oxcelloni'O.
Balloon, Ball and Sports.
In the afternoon tho sports and
tho balloon ascensions will hold the
crowd, and when In the? evening tho
ontertalnment of tho day closes with
a grand ball, It Is tho hope and tho
wish of all those Interested in tno
management of tho day that all of tho
people of the country who have come
hero will go homo satisfied wjth," tho
pleasures of tho day, nnd that all of
tho people of the city who bava had
a part In making tho day a success
will ho pleased with tueir oirnrts ami
(Concluded on page 10.)'