DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1903. Business Cards and Societies I PROFESSIONS AND TRADES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. 1 PHYSICIANS. DB. W 0. COt.R. OFFICII IN JJDD Ijulldlnir. Office boms, 10 to 12 a. m.,, ia 0 p. tn. lciepuone reu on J L. MILW-Jlt. SI. U., DKSPAIN 15 LOCK, trenta nntl corrects eye troubles, catar rhal conditions slid Impaired hearing. Glasies correctly fitted for refractive er rort. Tcleplioue main 1131. DBsTfiMlTff T"niNOO, OFFICII OVEIt tlio l'endleton Havucs ltnnk. Telephone realdence telephone main 301. H sTciAItriKLD, M. D., UOMKOfATniC nb,yi!kian and surgeon. Office In Judd aulltllns. Telephone, office, tilnck id: rc Ideace, black. 24. Ill t) J. MeFAULL. IIOOM 17 ASOCIA tlon block Telephou? main 031 ; reil dence, black 101. oiT. V 5rnr.NDirii!SON, physician ud anreeou, Office In Snvlopi Hank build tnfr, a join office phono Mulii Mil, res. MHln DU 1ANS K IlI,AKnSW:E, CHKONIC and nervowi dlseanes and dlieiuta of wnmeti Judd building, corner Main and Court St Office 'pliune main 721 ; re liltu. e red 273. lit I...NA ALI.r.NII00.NE"0STE()l'ATn if e 813 Thompson street. House pho - lied 303, and office 'phone lllack 1021 DR f .. KIRUV, 1'IIYSK'IAN AND H"K aum, ')fllci In Judd lltilldliir; lloom 18, OlIIoo Hioni-iti-d 1211, Keildenco l'nono Matu 1421, Pendleton Oroitnii. OENTISTS. e VAt'OHAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN Judd bullillus 'I'hone, red 71. K A .MANN DENTIST, OFFICE IN AS wlstlon block, over Hchuildfu new druc vore Phono, rt'd 271 BANKS AND BROKERS. FII1KT NATIONAL HANK OP ATHENA, Oregon. Capital, 5iMi0; surplus and nroUto, $U.Mou, Interest on time deposits. Deal's In foreign nnd domestic exchange, collections promptly uttended to, Henry i Adams, president) T J Kirk, vice-president I' S. LeOrow, cashier; I. II. Kemp, trt -ashler i(II l'AHMnitS' HANK OF WESTON, Weston Oregon. Does n general bank ing liu?lne.s Dxchniige bought and Hold. Colleetious promptly attended to. IS. Jam rami, piesldeut; Uenrge . Proebstel, fp n-preshleut ; J. It. KIlRorc, cashier! rHtoi8, O A Hnrtmnn. M. M. Johns. T. J I'rbe G I) Urnw. J. F. Kllgore, Hob trt JameBon, . W. Proebstel. THL PENDLETON SAVINGS HANK, Pendleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, 18SU Cnpltnl, JKIO.OUO; surilus. li)0, 100 Interest allowed on nil time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all principal points. Special attention given to col iKtlous J Furnish, president ; J. N. Seal, vlee president ; T. J. Morris, cashier; J Y Mnlouey. asslstnnt cashier r'USST NATIONAL HANK OF I'ENDI.E tou Cnpltnl, f "(i.noo; Hiirplue, li.j,0(i) ; rrausacts a general banking business. Ex elmng and telegraphic transfers sold on Chluigo, San Francisco, New York and principal points In the Northwest. DrnftB drawn on China, Japan und Europe. Makes collections on i-eusoniible terms Levi An keny, president ; V. F Matlock, vice-president I H. YVnde, cashier; II. F. Johnson, isslstant cashier. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. C t HOW A 111), AUL'IIITKCT AND SU perlntendent ; makes complete nnd reli able plans for bulldliips In the city or coun try llooni 17 Judd building. HI1RKK 1 COM!, CONTUACT011S AND biiilikre ICHtlnmtes (urnlahed on ahort aotlce. Job work a specialty. Prompt errlre. Shop on Ulult street near Main H A. MAY. CONTKACTOlt AND IiUII.D er. Dstlllinti'S tiirnlHlied nil nil Linda of Masonry, cement milks, stone walls, etc. Leave orders at Cimt Oresmilnii office. c r i not tm.n Aiit'iirn'.ci' and Superintendent lloom 7 over lioaton More egiKjiatou, Oi-egou r m i;i:t.u:it. I'lastiikinc and ce- uicu Inn . cement wnlks n upeciulty Ila tlina a (uruluhed free. Work guaranteed. Leave orders at Dudley & Zehner'a clear tore Main atreot. I'. O. box 10 1 SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V STUOItLi:. DHAIiKIt IN SKCO.iD hand cooda. It there Ih unytlilng you need In new nnd second hand furniture, tovea. grnnlte wore nnd crockery, call and vet 111" prices. No. 212 Oiurt street. N BV "and Sr.COND HAND GOODS bought nnd sold ; pawn broker ; money dvar.ced on all kinds of articles. W'ntert Sherry, props. 732 Cottonwood reet. TONSORIAL PARLORS. HILLY KIEAHSIO. UAltlinit BH01 AND' tlnth rooms. Main street, three doors nnrtb of Hotel Ht, George. Klrst-claai nervlce. I'ATTON'S SANlTAItY IIAUUIHt SUOP, , I lea pa In block, Court Btreet ; best work manship ; all the modem Improvements ; ll tools sterilized ; bath rooms In con nection, BOARD AND LODGING. MRU. H, U. IllINTINOTON HAS I'lTKOII ABKD .the Lodging House at OiO tiardon Street, whs thv, will be glad (o eo her friends and . patrons ALTA, COItNEIt ALTA AND Mill streets. Hoard by tbe day or week. Oiiod table sot. Kates 3.7i and I Jl..j per weak, Pendleton IVnl YuiU in connection. B, Uoinpton, Prop. 1 WI1U.N YOU GO TO 1'ILOT UOCK STOP nt the City Hotel. Oood meals and tlrst clnbs rooms. Hpeclal attention Riven to, commercial travolei-s. Mra. C. H. Ble lel, Pilot Itock, Ore. ATIIKNA HorHL. LEADINIi HOTKL IN THE 1 city l,00 to ll, to per day. 11,1" MUlen, proprietor. ' I WHKM YOUK UU8INE89 TAKES YOU TO Hollx.slopat tho Hotel Helix Good meals and Hood tcrvlc-. B: II. Itlchards, proprietor FRATERNAL ORDERS. I DAMON LODOi:, NO. 4, JIKCTS EVOUY Monday evening In Secret Society hall, LaDow block, nt l'endleton. Ore. It. W. Fletcher. K. It. S,; W. J. Keyes. C. C. CADS AND CARRIAGES ! CITY CAD LINE, KUWIN IIAKHIt, PIIOP. Telephone main 71)1. Office and wnltlni; room. Altft street, next to Savings Hank building. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT COMPANY MaKEs rellablH abstracts ol title to nil lands In Uma tlllacjunty Loans on city and farm prop erty. Buysnnd fell' all kinds of real -state. Does a general brokerage business. Pays tax es and makes Investments for nonresidents. Helercnce, anv bank In Pendleton. O. A. HAKTMAN, Pres. U W. HKI.D.Scc. G. A. HAKTMAN Jr., Vice Pres. It. S. 1USYSON, ATTOItNEY AT LAW! Collections aid Itsurnnce. Office In E. 0. building. J. M. ItENTI.KY KEPKKSENTS THE OLDEST and most reliable llro and accident Insurance companies, otiiro with Hartmau Abstract Co. JOHN HAILEY, JR., TJ. S. LAND COM mlssloner Specialty made of land filings nnd proof: Insurance nnd collections. Of lice In .ludd bidding, room 10. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE CITY LIVEltY IIOAltD AND SALE Stable. M. J. Carney, proprietor, for ano turnouts Block boar.ied at rcansble rates, Stable 118 Alia Street. 0. IC. TEED YAKD, lil!) Aura street. It. II. j I anon ,v mm, rropi L.tirge.coiniuriuuie i'i, plenty nl feed and proper attcnt on given hnre.. Tolephouo lied 1.161. LIvory in con uuctlon. MISCELLANEOUS. VETEULVAUY BUIIOEON -Dr. D. C. McNabb, graduated! Unlvcridty ol IVnn. Veterinary of Spokane for 1(1 year. OIIloo at Tallman's Drug Hturo, Pcudlet ju, Oro., Phono Main 1 171 . MEN'S KESOuT, YOO are Invited. Free reading room. n)iu join nun jivi , no u.i vantage ol free bath, nsii ot pun.'lilng bag uud tK.nnlltu l,l1 llllltllT Ml.Turt- llllll IKUll. lugrooni Terms, .1.0u to join und nuc a moutii dues. rOlTsALE I10ILER AND 4-HOnsK I'OA Elt vertical high speed engine Also a 10 1 1 cli I Generator incliiuiiig all switch board itistru nionts For particulars, call on pi address I'kkI) ICiNR, HotSTU, Pendleton, Oro VM. F. YOIINKA ILL PAY PIMIMPT AT tentinu to al sale and posting bills Cur. respoudciicosoUclted, Commission reasonable P. ii. llox a6. Pendleton DIVOR. K LAVVrJ -PETKR WEST . ADVHE free; fees, tonus to suit; 2.1 yeurB' experience Oirii'0608 Garden St., Pendleton, Oregon. IN POlJN!:-UUAl- MAliK, Eli.llT !HKI pouudi, branded on right hip and on 1 it, (Indian Mark,) In years old Hay yearling branded 7-1 eonnect"d, weight VOtpounas. Gray hoiso, 10 yean old, branded "N P " left shoulder, 12uu pounds. If said inlmnls nre not claimed by the tinners or those e' titled to tho possession, costs and expenses against them paid, and then taken nway within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock i, m of the t eighth day of September, PRij, tho Mtid . nnlninls will be sold to the highest bidder, I nt public miction for ensh, at ths city I pcund, on the corner of Cottonwood and i Webb streets, In the City of l'endleton, the I proceeds ot such sale to bo applied to I he j payment of such costs and expenses of mak ing sale, i limed August 2'J, 1'JO.l. W.M. BCIIEIli:. City Marshal LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Coil panies we represent. Out compariie stand first in the world. Axitetb Hartford Fire liiburuuue C"o.Jia,259,07t Alllanee AsHtiranee Co. . . 9,0:i9.!WS Loudon & LiUK'iwhlre Fire Insurance Jo 2,544,KSH Nortlt British & Mercantile Co ... 19,G()5,H7') Iioyal Inmirunof Co. . 22,8l",16n FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT S00 MAIN STREET The Columbia Lodging House 1 Newly Furnished. Bar in connecti Bet. Alta & VVehb bts. In Center of Block. F. X. Schempp Proprietor -.- -t J- ---.-. -f . .t - - - - tttttttttttttttttttttttt I Insurance at Cost $13,456,960.00 Of Insurance In force OREGON FIRE RELIEF AS SOCIATION. M. H. Agent lor RICE, Freewater, Umatilla County. f J, P. WALKER, city agent for J Pendleton, 1 ............ . , ,r-,T T , . , TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I Tho Oregon Daily Journal can bo found on sale at Frazlor's book store. Ask Your Doctor He will tell you That barley -malt is a half-digested food, as good as food can be. That hops are an ex cellent tonic. That the little alcohol in beer only 3j4 per cent is an aid to digestion. But Purity is Essentia But he will tell you that beer must be protected from germs, and brewed in absolute cleanliness. He'll say, too, that ages is important, for age brings! perfect fermentation. Without it, beer ferments on the stomach, causing biliousness. Schlitz beer is brewed with all precautions. It is the recog nized standard an the wouu over, because of its purity. Ask far the Brtwery Bottlinc. Phone SI Main, H Kopittke, 507 Main St., l'endleton- THE BEER THAT MADE MILWAUKEE FAMOUS DESPAIN 4 CLARK CONSUMERS WHOLE SALE GROCERY AND WHOLESALE COMMIS SION MERCHANTS 514-514 MAIN STREET Phone Main 1741 DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure dyspepsia and nil disorders arls np; from Indigestion. Endorsed by jliyslclans everywhere. Sold by all druggists. No cure, no pay. 25 cents. Trial package free by writing to "W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. T. F. W. Schmidt & Co. ONE WAY OUT. A Resident of Pendleton Shows the Way. Only oiii- way to cure a had back. Unimeuta and plasters may relieve it. They won't euro It, Backache menus sick kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kidney Ills. Pendleton iieople prove this. Ilend a case of It: Mrs. J. Urynk, who lives on Star street, says: "Dean's Kidney Pills aro n grand medicine, as I know from experience, and I have no hesitation In saying Unit any sufforer from liackaclio or oilier kidney troublcc who will give them a fair trial, will be mora than well satisfied with the results, I suffered for three or four years with sharp pains In my back which became acute when I attempt ed to bend over, or to lift anything. Ilesldes, 1 had rheumatism or lumbago in my lett arm so bad that I could not raise it above my shoulder with out aslstance from my left hand. I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised and got a box at tho Brock & McCo mas .Co. drug storo. When I hod used three boxes tho backache had vanished and with It the rhdumatle pains through my arm." For salo by all dealers, Price 00 cents por box. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buftalo, N. Y., wile agents fi r tho Unltod States. Itememhor tho name DOAN'S and tako no other. AN IRRIGATED FARM iOGDEN WILL HAVE A MODEL FOR THE DELEGATES, Irrigation Congress to Prepare a Tract of Land for the Delectation of Visit ors Irrigation Machinery of Many Designs Will Be in Use. A model irrigated farm, practically an Ideally Illustrating hitcnslvu cul tivation, Is being put into perfect con dition by the Nntlonal irrigation Con gress, so that the delegates who at tend the congress at Ogtlen, Septem ber 15th, may have a visual demon stration of the most approved and tip- j to;date methods of agriculture nnd 1 horticulture under Irrigation, j Tho plans of this exhibit aro being ! made by a special committee appoint I ed by tho congress, which has given scientific attention to the work, under I the able direction of State Kngiueer Doremus of Utah, This model farm is laid out on land belonging to a stato Institution, where about 20 aeros are used for the purpose of this illustration. Methods ot tahlng wntor from tho river, canal and laterals will bo shown in a com ilk t territory. Modern dovices for measuring and apportioning water will be shown, as "well as the different methods of irri gation, by furrows. Hood or check. Losses in transporting water will bo measured. This usage of the water will be practically demonstrated with various kinds of growing crops, in vluding grains and vegetables, lus cious apples and late peaches. Practical inigators will accompany i he delegates over the ground, ex ilalnlng now inventions; various methods of spraying treos; of destroy inn orchard pests; and now methods of cultivation. A "current motor" will be in operation on the grounds and other Itrigalion machinery will be exhibited. It is thought that this 'uocb l tarin exhibit will lie of Interest to all the delegates, and especially Id those who heretofore have had but a theoretical understanding of the 1 . in. iples of Irrigation. WILL AWARD PRIZES. Colonel H. E. Dosch Will Be One of the General Committee. Colonel Henry Dosch has been Ap pointed a member of the committer winch will nwnrd the four $500 lov ing pups. 17 gold medals anil numer ous cash prizes at tho National Irri gation Congress, which meets in Og den September 15 to 18, inclusive, says the Oregon Dally Journal. The other members who will act as judges are Hon. Frederick YV. Taylor, chair man chief department of agilculture of the St. Louis World's Fair, Hon. A. McPherson. fruit inspector of Idaho and the agricultural editor of the Chicago Tribune. The colonel has also received an Invitation to lecture before the con gress on the subject, "Fungus (irowths of Fruit Trees," and In all probability will do so. The Indica tions aro that the eleventh congress will he tlie moat successful ever at tempted and all of the 18 arid or seml-arld stales will send delegates. President Iloosevell has signified his willingness to attend and lias also promised that the leaning scientists and experts of the government wm attend. Meeting for Good Roads. New Albany, Ind.. Sent. I. The dis trict horticultural and good roads in-j stltuto under the tliiectlou of Pur duo University School of Agriculture, uogan Here today and will continue through tomorrow. This was "horti cultural day" and tho program in cludes u number of addresses on ' "Conditions of Success with Small , Fruits." Tomorrow, which will bo "good roads day," tho principal speaner will bo W. 11. Moore, of SI ' I omIs, president of (lie National flood Himds Association. Where King and Emperor Meet, Berlin, Sept. 1. Tho Chateau of Wllhelmseho, near Cassel, wheio King Udward pays his present visit to Umperor William, Is tho old seat of electors of Hesse, and is renowned for Its picturesque park and Its beau tlful gardens, witli their famous foun tains, which rival those at llerren hauser, the royal domain near Hano ver,' l.ouis Napoleon leslded at Wll holmsche, as a slate prisoner, from September, 1S70, until February 1871. Lecturers to Organize. Chicago, III., Sopt, 4. Tho leading lecturers, entertainers nnd concert people of the country uio holding a convention In Slelnwny Hall, the ob ject being to form a national orgpnl nation. It is the first assembly of Un kind ever held In this country Bucklen's Arnica Salve, Has a world-wide famo for marvel ous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for cuts, corns, burns, boils, sores, fel. ons, ulcers, totter, salt rheum, fover sores. chapjKid hands, skin eruptions; Infallible for plies. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cents ut Tallman & Co.'s, druggists. Ho&s lias been In tho ice business In Pendleton throe years and has al ways sold the best In the Ice lino. Ills motto lias been "No favorites, treat all customers alike." TRANSPORTATION LINES. fjP Snojgr Lute Union Pacific AND Two Trains to tho East Dally Through I'ullmmi rtandard audTourltt sleep Ing earn dally to Omslm, Chicago; tourlii sleeping cur dally to Kahtaa Cliyi thrount I'nllnum tourist leeplng car peimnRlly con ducted) weekly to Chicago, Kn City, rc I'llnlng elialT enrw ftpn fr o. to the KM dally nsrJRt rot Time. Soboilulo Vroin l'onilleton AKRIVt KKUM Portland 8 :10 a m Portland Special No. I The Kail K:Wa 111. Chicago 5 ISO pm Chicago Special No 2 rortlam' 6:10 P ui Portland Mall and Kxprcs N'o.ft The Ka. l:ii n- The ljut t :." 0 a m Mall and Frpren No.fi rortlard 4 !I5 a in Pendlctim 1'annger Ppokanr 5:1.1 p a ro, Spokane ,s:15 a m Ppokaim I'.ideiiKer No. a Pendu Ion Branch MUcd Train No. II I JX) p ii Walla Wnllitllranch Mixed Train No. i Bsi p m Ocean and River Schedule. KKOM PORTLAND. All railing dalen .tub. Jecl to rhanee . , ,. , For Pan Frnnclco ' m hall every S days. ' so p. m. Dally except Hun nay I 8:oop m. I Saturday 10 MO p in. I Columbia Hirer To Antnrla and Way l.lnllliB. 4 :pi) p. m. huuda) Wllliunotto UIv-r. Ho I p lcinvo Portland dally, f xcept BundM lguoI wRlor porinlttlni;) for Wllliinicttn aie Yiitnlitll Klver polntt. Leave ; ltlpsrla Snake Itlvcr 4.1Vi n, in. I Itlpnrla to Lowlnlon Leave I.IWltllP 7 aw ;i in Duiir Eirpt Mm Kxcpl Mon! puny F. V WAM8I.KY. Airont, I'i'ndloVm WASHINGTON COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Take this route for Chicago, St Patil, St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Oinahn and All Points Cast and South Portland and points on tho Sound TIMK CAUII Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1,45 p. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, 11.45 a, m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. rnr I.eavu Walla Walla dully, uant bound. II :00 p in Arrlvu W'nlla SVaH(lully,'vet bound, 10 : 14 a. in For Information rt'Kiirdliif; latca and ncioin. iiiiidatlnnK, i'ii 1 1 on ormPlrtus W, AI1AMS, Agent PiMidletnii, Oregon S II CAMII'.ltllKAl), 0 PA, Wallu Walla, WiuhlUKtiiii. 'IllllVIl '"'I'll IINllIU I'tM t II ll'I'Mlll' lii omnia. ii nittt i ii;iw limi unili'Ud for J (IT tHI'lliy l .1: 111 I ( II 1,111 Hint ( UMUIUIH ' aw iflit'ii mi' itinro it r tliiiuui'yiittirr rcini: Jv I linvo i en ii'ii I Iiuiii i' i tuuily rciiini uiund tliem to my fncniN u Ih iiik nil thi'V lire rpru-seiHiMl Tin ( ii I Aim I ii!inf 111. Pluamnt. 1'tilaiuble, Potent, '1'aaln UuoJ. Do llno.1 Nuvi'r Hlrkrh. Wi'.Uen, or fltlpe lim, Ix.'. WW. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SurllMf llrm.df imof, I I.U, UNrrl, h,i,T.a. ?I6 ynTO.Rin siiun,i nini'i'.i i,r uiiiiru Ref Agetated I Meat j Scliwaiz & Grenlicli, lJroj)s. W'hulcbalc and retail dealers in J liccf, Pork and Mutton. Cured J Meats and Sausages of all kinds. J 607 Main Street, Phone 181. Th a Oregon Dally Journal can be found on sate at Frazler's bock store. i M tJ K O P. H H ilUI!Mi)IA iiiuumiun M CATHARTIC a jja. tnaoi maun niaiariaio HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as good ns any. mm i" rnH ra; mm MfflBBtm Tlu Ho 1 I 1'in rit"! Ii,ih just been nfittiil ami r. furnished mrougliout I'll'1 . ami fire alarm connections v, nh ill rooms. 13,-itbs 111 suites ami m . ( roc. its Hoadquartors for Travpllng Men Commodious Samplu Rooms, Rates $2 & $2.50 tipeelnl rates by week or mouth Kxcelluiit Cuisine. Prompt Dliilngroom service, Bur ami billiard room in conncotion Only Throe Blocks from Depot GOLDEN" RULE HOTEL Comer Court nnd ,lolinon Slrvcln, IVndlolon, Oregon. M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. IIErtTED ItY STD.AAI LIGHTED UY El-ECTIHCITY Ainoi'lenii I '1 1111 , ruit'H f 1 to 9'J.IHl pin- ilnv. IClll'iipenil I'liin. fide, 7f,c, 1,00. Special in ten liy week or month. Free 'bus meets nil trains' Commercial trade solicited PI ue sample room Special Attention (liven Country Trade MOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB 8TS. GEO. DARVEAU. Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated liuropean Plan, Mock ami a half from depot. Sample room In connection) ROOM RATE 6O0, 75o, $1.0f THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON American run, f per day nd upwtut Headquarter! for touriU ud commercial lia clera. Hprclal ratca luudc to famlllei and alnila (cntlemcu The inaiiajjcmeiit will Ix pleated at all timet to ahow looma and glrc pucet. A modern Turkish tialhratablUiiuieiitin the htM. II C nOWtiKK.Manasti, Conrad Platzoeder All kinds nf Fresh Meats always oil hand, Fine Bacon, Hams and .Sausage. f Prices as low as the lowest